Good thing for them that Mayorkas is the big boss. For a little while longer, anyway. When it comes to flat denials made in the face of all evidence to the contrary, he's the undisputed master.

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I would never have imagined the depravity, lies, treason and destruction our own citizens would wield on others.

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These are criminals and traitors. This behavior permeates too many departments of the federal government for it not to be coordinated. The should all be prosecuted and convicted. I was only following orders has already been established as an inadequate defense.

The whole federal bureaucracy needs to be abolished and only the minimum necessary rebuilt. And each and every department needs to be housed outside of Washington, and moved every 10 maybe 5 years to minimize the acculturation of the community to depending upon federal pork, and to have the federal workers have some regular contact with regular citizens. My dad worked for a large corporation and it was assumed that he would be moving every several years; it was the price the job and the salary. He and we survived it, they should be able to as well.

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Right on the money, Roger!

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Sounds like they fired a worker or two for damage control purposes. No doubt orders came from above. Despicable. CNN always carries the water of the Democrat party.

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It was Ed Dowd who made the statement that he assumed all of our news organizations were run by our intelligence agencies.

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They had to fire this woman because the people working under her documented what she had said.

I won't be surprised if more shoes drop.

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However that employee has a defence for following orders from who? There must be a quote - telephone conversation or email that shows when this was communicated?

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I've watched a lot of Mayorkas at several House/Senate committee hearings. Here are the stock phrases I anticipate from him at a prospective hearing on FEMA performance:

1) "Your assertion that FEMA underperformed, neglected its duties, or turned away private efforts, is categorically false, and I'm personally offended by such accusations."

2) "I'm enormously proud to have worked with dedicated FEMA professionals who performed exceptionally in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene."

3) "The individual to whom partisan motivations were attributed has been counseled privately. Beyond that, I will not discuss personnel matters at this hearing."

4) "Any insinuation that DHS funding for refugees subtracted from aid and rescue efforts in these disaster zones is categorically false."

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The guy is an absolute snake.

An Evil creature.

Hopefully justice finds him for the treason against your people.


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One of the many Zionists in the Biden regime. They do not serve the American people.

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The fired employees will likely be rewarded. If people continue to be fired and not investigated and prosecuted nothing will get better. Tens of millions of dollars from FEMA has been supporting the illegals in Chicago alone. The corrupt Chicago (Obama/Soros) political system that Susie Wiles is tied to is not a good sign for the incoming administration.

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Agree. Simply firing is not enough. Investigation with prosecution is in order, each and every time, no matter the degree of wrong-doing.

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Jail time at the very least.

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I'm amazed at how we are already seeing the same thing that happened in 2016... replacing the current swamp monsters with different swamp monsters. Ms Wiles needs to explain her lobbying activities. She's been in bed with pretty much everything we've been screaming about over the last 5 years!

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Ask me if I am surprised. (not)

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CNN has no integrity--too bad, so sad, frankly anyone in their right<get it right? mind listens to this garbage. I guess they know what's coming down the pike...

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Another example of your loving government in action. This is exactly why government is a gigantic failure. For the people? That's the biggest joke cause you ain't the right people.

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Agreed! Government is the WORST invention of humanity ever... which is precisely why it must be kept as small as possible.

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It's frustrating that there are still way too many people who believe that the government is coming to save them from literally everything. I see who is going to save me when I look in the mirror, or when I enjoy the company of a neighbor. "They" have sure done a bang up job of convincing a majority of the population that a huge, evil, war-mongering, thieving, corrupt, immoral government is their savior. Um... no thanks.

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I would think she wasn’t alone in this. However you would think there would be other complaints if other teams were told the same. We’ll see if more comes out.

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The FEMA,spokesperson is a bald faced liar and needs to be fired with MANY others.

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I don't think she was fired. Removed from her position.

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Here, in rural Kentucky (KY received the highest number of deadly doses from the injections, too), we had a blackout from 1 PM to 5:30 PM on (s)election day. Does it matter? Obviously, Trump has been selected, but the question is why:


Boarding a FEMA bus is something everyone must (re)consider, which has been clear at least for two years:


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If the victims would have had a rainbow flag hanging they would have received a bonus... After all, the weather is political now right? Good grief. Disgusting.

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The rank and file of any organization takes its orders from the top. All they have to do is mirror the attitudes and behaviors of the top brass, and they will be heralded as ‘thinking outside the box’ for their above and beyond written guidelines to subvert those guidelines. Nothing in the public FEMA statements can override the attitude of their political handlers. FEMA says that employee had no authority and that the employee was fired. Follow that statement. Usually those people are moved somewhere in an agency until the scrutiny dies down, or they get a cushy job offer from an operative organization. Wouldn’t want to dishearten the troops with actual punishment, eh?

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