
Even IF some sheeple are given ‘informed consent,’ some are just sloooow learners.

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I have never seen such slow thinking in all my life. I know someone who's has had repeated covid injections but because he has not had "side effects" he thinks he has escaped and will continue to take the injections. What he does not see is his declining health over the past three years, there is no lateral thinking of his present health problems and there is no logical reasoning just blind faith.

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My mom is in a freefall. Her own brother couldn’t walk for 2 months after his kool aid. Yet she proudly declares- “I don’t know a single person who has had an issue”. She compared the jabs to the polio shot. That’s when I knew she was gone forever.

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I'm sorry to hear that. It's painful to watch those close to us decline, or die, from this poison which seems so common-sense to the rest of us to avoid at all costs. I've known two people to die outright within days of the first injection, one of them my ex-husband (with whom I'd remained on friendly terms); my husband's health is visibly declining, along with his general lack of taking care of himself, and an alcohol problem; a few other people I know have died "suddenly," "mysteriously" in these last three years. We have to just breathe, trust our own knowledge, and carry on.

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The population has been thoroughly brainwashed and trusts the "authorities." By lining up and taking the voluntary injections we see how well the brainwashing has worked.

Few people question the authorities.

20% of the people can think.

30% can think when shown.

50% would rather die than think.

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"The population has been thoroughly brainwashed and trusts the "authorities."

I was brainwashed before the Rona vaccines because I thought they really worked and I trusted the health agencies. I think many people still do and if they haven’t seem anyone harmed by them they will still trust the government to keep them safe.

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Also look how people attack anyone who says that vaccines cause autism. Rates are sky high, but they still defend vaccines.

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I look at peoples kids and I can see with my own eyes if they are "injured". If ya say anything theyll take drastic measures, even end friendships (to keep from having to blame themselves maybe?). Its hard to watch...

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Ralph unfortunately and sadly you are a million % correct. Like Chiadrum said...they always use the polio vax as a reference. I always say I'll print you off everything on that and it'll blow your mind! The polio vax saved NO ONE either! Then I add you realize AIDS was a scamdemic too right?! However, like everyone says...they go line up anyway! So I always say...can't fix stupid but you can vaccinate it! Sad, but true!

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Yeah, from everything Ive read the Polio vaccine is what caused all the "Polio" deaths. People just dont read I guess.

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Fact! Alot of people still don't know AIDS was a plandemic too! I've said many times if I hear...thank God for the polio vaccine! My father-in-law said that to us after we scolded them for getting the vaccine! He ended up double vax'd and allocated boosters and dead from turbo Mesothelioma. BTW there's nothing turbo about Mesothelioma! It's a slow irritating cancer!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

I 100% agree with you on the HIV scam. My sister was diagnosed in the early 90s. She wasnt a very responsible or disciplined person and I believe it saved her life. She didnt take their drugs and she never got sick. Its a shame because I was afraid of her for many years and here she was perfectly healthy all along. I also have a girlfriend who I see a few times a year who takes their current drugs for the scam and shes always sick, had Bels Palsy a few months ago...believes it came out of nowhere. I dont. So sad. But what can I do? She literally believes she is sick. I follow holistic doctors and I no longer believe the cholesterol myth either. Americas Frontline doctors are starting to talk about it now. They (big pharma) are convincing everyone their cholesterol levels are gonna kill them to get them on statins that come with their own risks and side effects? No thanks.

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Jamie those drugs and probably constant flu vaccines are making her sick!!! Cholesterol SUCH A SCAM and helps with all this rona BS!!!

I haven't watched this video, but I had it saved in Bitchute now it's not there. Might be interesting and comments certainly are! Sometimes you learn more from those! I'll add...if they can create a drug that makes you undetectable...they can darn sure cure it! But as we know with big harma there's no money in cures!!!


My mother-in-law had a macular degeneration shot yesterday. It's always a THREE PLUS hour visit because they schedule 300+ patients a day! Their workers always look 12 to me! LOL We had this one guy thick, over 6ft tall giving her the dye to take photos of her eyes. I said it's crazy they schedule 300 people! He said oh that's a slow day then paused and said but we have to... I said oh yes because the clot shots created an onslaught of new patients! He said YES IT DID!!! I wanted to say HA SEE MOM I TOLD YOU AND HE SEES THIS CRAP EVERY DAY!!! It's like she knows her husband died from them, but still doesn't quite believe! However, she knows her son will pitch a fit from hell if she gets another!!! And he's totally calm, quiet, doesn't say much ever, but he yelled at her over these shots! Mom I said STOP GETTING THEM! I'm telling you he never tells his mom what to do nor yells! I definitely need to be more like him! 🤭😜

I've also read the clot shots are causing AIDS too.


Bottom line what everything has in common is they are auto immune diseases! My understanding vax's are supposed to teach your body to attack Z if it ever comes in contact with it again, but they honestly just teach your body to attack itself! You know what teaches your body to attack Z??? GETTING Z!!! God already gave is an immune system! Between us eating/drinking garbage, not exercising, and vaccines THAT'S what causes God's perfect creation to fail! And then all we need to do is change US! But nobody's giving up cigarettes, soda pops, or McDonald's! God forbid we do that! Now add Chemtrails, preservatives in food, plastics and Lord only knows what else in food, fake meat, GMO vegetables with pesticides all over them, fruit with pesticides and wax (whatever that is!), water is contaminated, etc! They honestly have us by the throat at this point! Like you I'm more holistic, but unless you find an inhabited part of the world they can't find/contaminant...we can only at least NOT FUND their death vax's and say NO!!! Stop vacationing in blue cities that hate you! When you boycott something...do it until they apologize OPENLY or put them out of business! WHY IS DISNEY AND TARGET STILL OPEN??? WHY ARE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVES SPENDING THEIR HARD EARNED GOD GIVEN MONEY THERE??? I seriously do not understand! Why are Christian conservatives on fascistbook??? Why would you fund Zuckerprick??? We've been off since Nov '20 and it was the best decision EVER!!!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Yes!!! She gets the flu shot every year!!! lol You guessed it! She wont go near the Covid vax tho and thinks shes safe! Oh my! Im seeing commercials on streaming services constantly about drugs that make you undetectable for HIV. OMG I cant believe people are buying that. If theyre not detecting a virus, its because they dont have one!! Its quite unbelievable. The "undetectable" is the same to me as "asymptomatic". They mean youre not sick lol. But wow, you are a breath of fresh air. Almost everyone is brainwashed. So thank you for the links! By the way, one last thing.....I was watching Days of Our Lives last night (I know I know its straight up propaganda but I was watching long before I "woke up" and I am invested in all of the characters! lol) Anyway....one of them just had a miscarriage and the doctor says "Its very common, 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage". I was like wtf? Since when? I had my kids in the 90s and I was NEVER informed by any doctor during either of my pregnancies that I had that much of a chance of my babies just dying for no reason. But wow...how much are they being paid to push that cover-up ya know???

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An early bird brained christmas gift from the land of Santa to its citizens. Looks like their government has found a way to reduce their hefty social security burden.

It doesn't look like Finland‘s heavily touted educational system has equipped anyone in their Ministry of Health with the eagle eyes necessary to see through the BS of a bird flu viroliegy paper. Some ruff Tweet-ment in store for its citizens with yet more toxic shots for viruses that don't exist. Madness!!

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Reducing the social security burden occurred to me as well at the beginning of this con.

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Part of the long game of culling the human herd down to 500 000 000 in the Great Re-serf of developed nations.

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Would you mind if I used your “Great Re-Serf” term at my next staff meeting verbally? It is shocking enough. Also, you might consider having that printed on t-shirts or something. I would certainly buy one and wear it. Or stickers. I would put that somewhere where everyone could see it.

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Thank you! That is straight up brilliance! It is just shocking enough. I have a plethora of t-shirts that are meant to be shocking at this point.

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I had 2 T-Shirts printed up.

Front: Red Pill Team

Back: Image of syringe with a line through it.

Front: Truth Is Not Your Enemy

Back: Don't Ask Me About Truth superimposed over an image of cascading red pills.

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Agreed, it's a perfect term!!

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OMG! The Great-Serf? That is amazing! I have Behind the Green Mask and Klaus Schwab’s insane books as well as The Going Direct Reset wrap-up by Catherine Austin-Fitts. I suspected depopulation or reducing of life expectancy at the onset but people said I was “crazy”. I am a nerd and I read a lot….I do not have the heart to say, “I told you so” because this is all too sad. I heard James Bullard talk about “Immunity Badges” in April of 2020….major red flag. Obviously we have too many parasitic “people” in positions of power.

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You're definitely not crazy. There's a long history of elite figures openly discussing how to cull the human herd of its poor and "unfit." Thomas Malthus was the British East India company‘s chief economist in the 18th century and advocated for the worsening of the poor‘s living conditions to hasten their demise.

H.G. Well‘s works are all about culling the herd through war, disease and famine - the golden triangle of death. The solution was always one world government. He predicted the atomic bomb 30 years before the Manhattan Project and saw its killing potential as necessary. The MP s chief architects were all Well‘s disciples.

Then of course the Rockefellers and Wall street financed Hitlers eugenics. This is an abbreviated list.

Keep reading!! It seems to be working!! 👍👍

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Thank you so much for recommendations on what and who to read about. I did not know about Thomas Malthus and have not read H.G. Wells in decades. I appreciate the information. I’ve read about eugenics quite a bit and the various players involved. I will definitely keep reading. I have a lot of relearning to do! My roommate gave me a coffee mug for Christmas that has “Yes, I really DO need another book” printed on it- LOL!

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For those eugenic minded morons who insist the world is overpopulated I provide the following analysis.

For those who claim depopulation is needed so we can manage to feed the population I point out that the Dutch can already feed 10 times as many people per acre of land than most of the rest of the world. Adopting their techniques will ensure that the world's population will not go hungry in spite of the forecasted increases (assuming WEF style plots do not intervene). Projections show the world population will slowly increase until appx. 2065 whereupon it will start to decrease as people have become more educated and want smaller families more like in the developed counties, many of which are now already below replacement. World population peak estimates vary but do not exceed 12 billion (compared to today's 8 billion, not much of an increase).

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I am not a mental health professional, unqualified to diagnose but Bill Gates could be one. John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute wrote that Washington DC has a high concentration of psychopaths. It appears to me that he is right about that.

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I learned about psychopathy. I’m wondering how many of those who favor eugenics are psychopaths. Their brains are different than normal people’s and they have no consciences. I have a friend who has an absolute angel of a daughter with Druvet’s Syndrome. The daughter would not meet whatever wacko criteria eugenicists deem acceptable to continue to live but I assure you the world would be a bleaker place without this particular young lady. It might not be that eugenicists are morons. There really are some tremendously horrendous beings that look human but there is something essential missing inside of them. If they are psychopaths, they cannot be rehabilitated.

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Very interesting about the Dutch agricultural systems; is this why the Netherlands has been ground zero for the "climate" regulations that are strangling farmers?

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an aspect- for sure, as when FDR implemented SS 'they' (the actuaries) were betting on people dying within a short time after receiving their first check...

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My roommate’s super healthy parents were both dead within 6 months of the jabs so I would not doubt it. They were lovely people, too.

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Well, I am horrified but I would now bet you are correct.

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And medicare and pensions etc....Seems theres a great incentive to cull the senior population.

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Ode to the Hoax of “Bird Flu“

In the land of tweets and Substacks grand,

A plague was said to sweep the land.

"The Feather Flu," the headlines screamed,

Into Pharma‘s coffers, the money teemed.

"Birdemic strikes!" some bloggers squawked,

Scared parrots fainted, and chickens balked.

“Fowl play!” team No virus cried with glee,

A cluckin' menace, Meryl don‘t wanna see!”

The doves declared, "It's all a hoax!"

But among gullible, the virus lie did coax.

"The end is near," some bloggers did flap,

Not ashamed to peddle, repeat germ theory crap.

The news was bought, the bird flu lie sold,

To bring Big Pharma, heaps of gold.

"A real hawk-tastrophe!" headlines say,

While fat execs cashed in, and made hay.

"Chickens purged!" the banners blared,

Easy to avicide, when people are scared.

One bird “positive,“ with a fake PCR test,

Gave fools reason, to murder the rest.

More are wise, to all viroliegy‘s tricks,

We know how to out, online bait clicks.

"A flap over nothing," from the Germ Theory creep,

"This bird-brained scare, by “science“done cheap!"

So when you hear of birdy bugaboo,

Remember, friends, it’s just cuckoo.

Don't fall for the lie, don't be a tit,

Vioroliegists methods, are FULL OF SHIT!!

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Viroliegy- awesomeness

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CHEERS!! APPRECIATE THE POSTIVE FEEDBACK!! 👍👍 viro LIE gy aptly describes that BS paradigm 💥👊

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Factsinatir - Did you write this?

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Hello. Ode to the Hoax of Bird Flu?? Yes, I'm guilty of butchering the English language. 😀😀

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I'll never take another vaccine as long as I live. This has been the absolute worse thing I have ever lived through, hoping there are no takers.

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Amen Dee Dee. I am still shocked at the amount of people who choose fear of being ill over freedom to eat, travel, have fun with family and friends. I'll never get over it.

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I'm sorry, but this is an IQ test at this point. We barely made it past a massive democide attempt that is ongoing and yet there are people dum enough to fall for this twice back to back?

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Lol 😀It would appear so

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Wondering what my “science teacher” sister will do if a “cure” is offered. She will probably get her dogs jabbed too

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There is a cure: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8916211B2/en

EGCG (green tea)and/or theaflavin (black tea) block the virus from infecting cells in all animals... there is a plethora of medical literature on this... ignored of course. and the cool thing about taking EGCG/thefavin is ther are medicinal foods and can be taken everyday to protect not just treat, but you want to start them ASAP if symptoms develop not 3 days into the illness.

THe drug Alinia if started ASAP will truncated the course of the illness. Keeping ones VIt D levels high important as well.

They just need to give these herbs out and not cull al these animals but you do understand the agenda is to cause a food shortage.

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Sorry. The only acceptable cures are trillion dollar Harma poison. Everything else is voodoo

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Especially after the last 5 years, if you still agree to be injected with mRNA poisons, or any vaccine for that matter, you have sealed your fate. Trust none of these vaccines, ever again.

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Wow..dear Meryl...thank you. Are they really that insane, drunk with some sort of “we must win” thing...or is this another test to see who they can STILL capture. Its beyond bizarre. Go TERRAIN theory

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Considering that billions now have brain damage from spike toxin, there is no limit to nonsensical bull turds the pandemic hoaxes in the making can contain, and still be obediently implemented.

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They found out from "covid" that people are more than happy to be lab rats as long as they are fearful of a scary, scary "virus". The people happily lined up. There are things much worse than dying. Living in a world where corporations and governments pull a new "virus" out of their hat every few months or years and can coerce (and eventually force) people to take a shiny new experimental "vaccine" is not a world in which anyone should wish to live. Go out and buy meat, poultry, and dairy like crazy. Let's not let them do this to us again. Please people. Do we really want to live like this? Our world wasn't perfect pre "covid", but didn't you at least kind of like your lives? Didn't you like just being able to go places, eat the food you wanted, go to sporting events and concerts, travel, and commune with your fellow humans without paranoia and fear? The way I see it... until I literally see people dropping dead in the streets and until I *see* *lots* of people really dying from something (and not just hear from a friend of a friend that they know someone in their 90s who died from something like during "covid"), I REFUSE to be fearful. Fear and paranoia are more dangerous than any illness. And governments and corporations who can control what food you eat, where you can go, what medicine you *have* to take... well, that is MUCH scarier than any illness I can think of. PLEASE SAY NO THIS TIME!! To all of it. NO mask. NO social distance. NO testing. NO NO NO.

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I read the Zoonotic Influenza Vaccine fact sheet insert linked above. It is scary to read the list of ingredients and side effects. The bird flu would be nothing to worry about. It the vaccine that is worrying.

Here is what the authorities would love to do. Vaccinate every poultry bird and cow they can get their hands on Worldwide. Then vaccinate every person on the planet especially in the Western world.

And because of a "new strain", they will still have to kill billions of poultry and million of cattle. All because the bird flu kills scores of birds and gives some humans Conjunctivitis.

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Question the Plant Based narrative. So transparently obvious. Kill the living mammals to save them from a faux viral fate. Forget all human care and world health to make $$$$ with this whipped up scare. GAH

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Not again. When will this madness stop

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When we all stop complying. We could have done that at the onset and it would have toppled like a house of cards.

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Agree, been working for 4 years to wake people up. My sister’s death from a booster did make some take notice.

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I am so sorry you lost your sister. I used to determine the overhead rate for federally-sponsored research and am familiar with the BS involved. I was suited up like an astronaut, in and out of BSL labs so I had a feeling from the beginning that something was very wrong. Despite doling books out like candy on vaccine fraud, etc., hardly anyone read or listened. I am witnessing the fallout of further fraud on a daily basis. So I hear you on attempting to warn people. I finally resorted to getting t-shirts that read, “I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit”, “Still Complying? They’re Coming For Your Bank Account Next”, another in Vaccine Passports, “Democide” with the definition printed underneath, “Non-Compliant”…so on and so forth. I am accustomed to the weird looks I receive…but people are dying/injured so what the hell have I got to lose? Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Man, I cannot tell you how trite it feels to type that. I really am sorry, though. Hang in there.

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Thank you

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when we all wake up to the fraud that is 'virology'...

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Your “handle” is pure genius. Just saying.

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Yep. I am awake to the fraud that is “sponsored research”, that’s for sure.

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this goes way beyond sponsorship, all the way to authorship...

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Indeed. I am just rather disgusted by the fact I did not question literally everything I thought I knew decades ago. I do mean everything.

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A toast to that, sir.

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Yet another IQ test....during an election year....go figure.

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Thank you, Dr. Nass! I have Craig Paardekooper's pdfs on this issue from last week, and earlier this week on Tg. Alarming! I am very glad you went into everything! I am passing both on everywhere and to everyone I can.

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Novavax used the H1N1 formula, as did the vaccines after WW1 (1918) for Spanish Flu - everyone who had the Spanish Flu vaccines later died. Those who refused the vaccines lived. Interesting don't you think?

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Breaking news! Cat-astrophe strikes as a novel coronacatter virus pounces on cat populations globally. Health officials from the (C) at (D) isease (C) ontrol held a feather-ruffling press conference early this morning. In a preliminary statement Anthony Meowci indicated a novel bug has migrated from birds to cats. Reference for this fur-rightening claim was made to the initial sequencing of a tin of cat food. A small piece of feather from the Chinese, Red-crowned crane was found in a can of Friskies Prime Filets and Giblets in Gravy, inducing fears of more CCP fowl play.

Doubters of this narrative peddled by the puppet parrots of the bird-brained MSM aren’t purr-suaded. They believe Anthony Meowci is winging it again! H-owl-ever he displayed his trademark nimbleness at dodging hawk-ward questions on the origin story with his customary word salad responses that led journalists on a wild goose chase. At times it seemed like his patchy statements were held together by nothing more than vel-crow. You could tell the press corps were hoping for a Crane to remove him from the podium. Such levels of obfuscation merit the sleuth skills of Sherlock Holmes to quack the case.

Officials at Cat Disease Control have christened the bug behind the catdemic “Avi-Purr 20.” Symptoms include whisker wobbles, claw-some cravings, and tailspin tantrums.

Felines suffering from Long Avi-Purr (LA-P) are documented to suffer from kitty kleptomania – the habit of stealing shiny objects and hoarding them in their litter boxes. In addition to thievery long Avi-Purr includes Paws-itively Puppish Syndrome (PPS) – here cats start performing dog-like tricks like fetching sticks or rolling over for belly rubs. Other notable downsides of (LA-P) include litter box lamentations – here our furry friends refuse to use their litter boxes, preferring to relieve themselves in the most inconvenient places. Perhaps most distressing of all for cat owners are naptime nightmares – cats experience vivid dreams of chasing birds, resulting in startled wakeups, confused expressions, and repeated “cock-a-doodle-doos,” even when dawn has long since passed.

Many in the health freedom meowment worry that this new outbreak provides fat cats in Big Furma with the purr-fect opportunity to line their nest with fur-real earnings. The paws-ibility of litterbox lockdowns and cage man-drakes is all to real, or “fur-real” as Ali G would say. Fur-tunately many have woken up to the viroliegy scam thanks to the purr-severance of Team No Virus. Mankind is fur-ever in their debt.

Stay tuned as the story unfolds with (C) at (N) ews (N) etwork! “The most trusted name in Mews.”

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