FOIAed email from FDA's #2 vaccine regulator to the FDA Commissioner reiterates that the Commissioner (and/or the #1 vax regulator) believed mandates of EUA vaccines were illegal
This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation
The email is from Marion Gruber PhD to Janet Woodcock, MD the acting FDA Commissioner and Peter Marks MD, PhD (Director of FDA’s vaccine center CBER) on July 21, 2021. She was explaining why issuing a license was not possible, no way, in August. But the powers that be wanted August mandates, probably to force them on colleges and the military. She resigned (or was more likely fired) the last week of August 2021, immediately after the license was issued for Comirnaty on August 23, 2021. This is the most critical sentence in what she wrote to acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock, MD and FDA Center for Biologics director Peter Marks:
"You expressed concern about the rising Covid cases in the US and globally, largely caused by the delta variant and stated your opinion that, absent a license, states cannot require mandatory vaccination and that people hesitant to get an EUA authorized vaccine would be more inclined to get immunized when the product is licensed.”
Gruber makes very clear that FDA could not perform a normal evaluation in the compressed time period desired. The license was improperly issued for the primary purpose of imposing a mandate, with the intent to only provide Americans with EUA vaccine, which had a bulletproof liability waiver through the PREP Act that licensed vaccine did not have.
But after licensure only EUA vaccine was offered to Americans. This was an illegal bait and switch pulled on the American people by their government to force more vaccinations for a vaccine that had been shown to NOT stop infection or transmission only days earlier. Therefore there was no public health reason to require it. Bobby Kennedy and I broke this story on Aug 23-24, 2021 and now we have the proof that everything we said then was correct.
I wrote several followup pieces including Aug 30, fwiw. CHD filed suit against the FDA over this, but our suit was thrown out, as was the appeal.
The FDA & CDC have lost all credibility & should be defunded & dismantled. They are not just useless, they are dangerous to the health of the American people.
Yes I remember those articles. They brought hope at a time we needed it! That was the height of trying to figure out how to not be forced by employers to get the vax! Such a scary time! Ignoring religious exemptions and doctors were threatened to not write exemptions! Liberal news all came out with...vaccines just got approval...which we know was a lie! Thank you both for exposing that!!! 🙏