The food industry mostly thinks about cost and not nutrition! So very sad!

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Excellent research. I'm sure the genetics thing is similar in fryers. I hate the new chickens with the huge breasts and small legs. "who take the girl with the skinny legs?" Joe Tex

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Agree re the huge breasted chickens. I have stopped purchasing those. Local farmer attempted growing them - after one attempt he ethically wouldn't do it anymore - said they had a horrible life eating and pooping in the same spot all day because they couldn't move. This farmer raises pastured chickens - yes they produce smaller breasts but have a much better life.

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I've read both now, 2 things missing, the Flu jab requires nearly 2 million fertilized eggs yearly now Do any other JABS require fertilized eggs?. And the Cruel and abusive destruction of hens, broilers, and day old Roosters. It is all INTENTIONAL when you put this together with what I learned about Cal Maine.

We know FDR CULLED PIGS AND MORE DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION. Learning from Previous Crises: The Great Depression



The porcine slaughter of the innocents https://www.minneapolisfed.org/article/1999/the-porcine-slaughter-of-the-innocents


American History Central https://www.americanhistorycentral.com/entries/progressive-era-great-depression-and-new-deal/


F.D.R.’s Disastrous Experiment https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2010/11/21/do-farm-subsidies-protect-national-security/fdrs-disastrous-experiment


FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression https://fee.org/articles/fdrs-folly-how-roosevelt-and-his-new-deal-prolonged-the-great-depression/


President Roosevelt’s New Deal https://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/eras/great-depression/the-new-deal/


Culling The Herds https://livinghistoryfarm.org/farming-in-the-1930s/crops/culling-the-herds/

During the early years of the Depression, livestock prices dropped disastrously. Officials with the New Deal believed prices were down because farmers were still producing too many commodities like hogs and cotton. The solution proposed in the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to reduce the supply.

Exactly what Biden did. Used Covid lockdowns/essential workers only as an excuse.


The more I dig the worse it gets, and it follows the Covid pattern, now we can add Measles. Fear Mongering or is gov't secretly spraying our air again? https://gailhonadle.substack.com/p/chicken-abuse-birdflu-and-greed-by

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It’s called Crony Capitalism a cousin to Fascism.

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"Monopoly capitalism" is a fancy phrase for "capitalism", the economic system that has us in its grasp. The system that supports pharma in its efforts to make yet another profit from our ill health. It is worth knowing how chickens have been turned into units of production. Silly me for thinking they were egg laying machines who became dinner when their egg days were past.

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