See also https://elliottmiddleton.substack.com/p/west-wants-to-destroy-russia-putin

I have been advancing support for the hypothesis that the Great Reset is really WWIII, the Plutocrats vs. the people, beginning as a cooperative "Communist" effort of the WEF and CCP; but the Neocons of the WEF decided to double-cross the CCP and the CCP is not happy about it. Depopulation and reduced fertility were accomplished by the first battle attack, the plandemic.

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Undeniable that we are in world war Three, sadly, or whatever number.

Did it start in 2020,2019,1914, or 9-11-2001, or 7-4-24? The last fourth, bidendiaper is winning, Russia has already lost the war, and skypainting is not depopulation, we can add to war is peace, flowers are terrorists, and ants rule the world

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started right afterwww1-then 2 into 'cold war. no moneyin peace

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The CCP was never an equal partner. It played the game because it was the only game in town. The "pandemic preparedness regime" began in the late 1990s, long before China was a major WHO contributor...but around the same time Bill Gates became one.

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The tables have turned.

The Western oligarchs idolize the Chi-Com system because it created an economic "miracle," and now they want to impose it on what's left of the West.

But they will be under China's thumb in the end.

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Agree with you.

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putinis wefso wheredoes that leaveus?

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Yes, I believe all the major world leaders want the digital currency/social credit system, except for the true populists (and we need to find out who they are).

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Thank you very much Meryl!

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A huge thank you Dr. Nass for sharing David Am Hughe's interview and this FREE pdf download of his new book.

That interview with the Dutch journalist (you posted today 7/6/24, but interview was from May if peole are looking), was so important and will enlighten anyone who isn't already aware of what the "International Deep State" has been doing covertly for so many, far too many, decades to enslave humanity.

First time I heard the term "Technocracy" was from "technocracy.news", (Patrick Wood), which is an incredible source for all things Technocracy, what everything the deep state is up to and so many critical subjects. He's also trying to protect free speech (our 1st Amendment is seriously at risk) through CFFS " "Citizens for free speech".

Thanks for both the interview and the PDF download. I'll share it as well.

God bless you AGAIN Dr. Nass! So grateful for you and all the work you're doing with "Door to Freedom" as well as ALL your Substack and interviews and and and.....

You're amazing and appreciated.

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Patrick Wood has been researching and writing about Technocracy for decades. Has great information on his Substack, website and books.

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Thanks for sharing Meryl ❤️ I would also recommend

Conjuring Hitler : how Britain and America made the Third Reich, by Guido Giacomo Preparata. Available on Internet Archive....quite illuminating why UK is still at the epicentre of driving war in Europe.


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Jonathan, 👍🙏 I’m well familiar with Guido’s work, and have even interviewed him. FYI, there’s a new updated edition of Conjuring Hitler now available. See below for an article I wrote a few years back that might be of interest to you and others herein.

The quote immediately below by Guido Preparata—the author whose book it was that largely inspired this essay—sets the stage for what’s to follow. If this does not resonate with the Zeitgeist, you're not paying attention! Take a dive down the Memory Hole with your humble. I can assure you all, one rarely returns empty handed.

.‘…[In] such trying games of conquest, results can never be expected to take shape quickly…Imperial stratagems are drawn out affairs. The captains of world aggression measure their achievements…on a timescale whose unit is the generation. It’s within such a timeframe that the incubation of Nazism should be gauged: it was a long and elaborate plan to eliminate the possibility of German hegemony over the continent. And the stewards of the empire took their time.’

*ARTICLE: From Great Wars, Come Great Consequences: The Captains of World Aggression, by Greg Maybury.

👀👉. https://gregmaybury.substack.com/p/from-great-wars-come-great-consequences?s=w

[*Inspired by Guido Preparata’s “Conjuring Hitler — How Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Conquered Europe”]

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I'm encouraging commenters to please write in complete and logical sentences so that people like myself can understand what it is they want to say.

Also, another good book to demonstrate the similarities between now and WWII is a book titled The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.

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Operation paperclip showed that we are the Nazis

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that one looks like a winner too. Thanks for the info. Your work for others is so appreciated.

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Martin Armstrong forecasts that the Globalists will fail. Russia is defeating the West. The people don't want war. Propaganda does not work as well as before. Heck, even in primitive Australia people are getting "vaccines hesitancy".

Here, in primitive Egypt, kids are normal and playing in the streets way past midnight. Almost no one has taken the shots. There is plenty of sunshine and almost no depression. Sickcare is largely absent. Many elderly are diabetic because of a bad diet. That is just about it.

Take a look at any videos from Black Africa. The people are strong and healthy. The way things are going, White Europeans are in a death spiral.

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Thanks for the link to the article Greg!

Just to clarifying for others that have no idea what we are banging on about and dont have time to read - Guido's well reasoned and well referenced thesis (often referred to as conspiracy theory, which for this gang is a positive review) is that the AngloAmerican empire sculpted the events of Russian Revolution, WWI and WW2 to prevent Germany and Russia unifying as this would have been a winning combination to dominante the Eurasian landmass. One of the main geopolitical challenges for the West (AngloAmerican empire) as it continues its quest for globalism is to prevent Russia unifying with China as this would be an alliance that would domiate the world's greatest land mass. If AngloAmerican empire can take Russia (as they tried and failure to do when the USSR collapsed) they can control (and profit from) her resources, but importanyly can exert some sort of geopolitical control over the inevitable rise of China as the global superpower and future global bankng centre.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for the PDF download for my massive SSD:-)

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I highly recommend that people also read Peter Levenda’s works, starting with “Unholy Alliance”.

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Thank you. This is an important work.

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Thank you.

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