They can introduce, spread and stimulate all the Poxes they want. Better to die with disease than their Cyber-Digital Slavery. Do all possible to protect from disease and to


The Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits will be eradicated to return to hell with the souls choosing to host them...


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Do you think we are at the time of the End, spoken of in Revelation? Many others think so, but they have been saying that with many false alarms for many years.

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No, it's not the 'End Time' of 'End Times.'

The Temple is not remotely being rebuilt unless it's underground and being excavated secretly beneath the Mosque.

The Mass Conversion of the Jews hasn't taken place.

The signs are not yet aligned...And, 'End Times' began with Resurrection along with The Book of Revelations of St. John or so it's been debated.


Do believe the U.S. has rebelled against consecration to God of the United States by Founding Generation and unless there's a significant change of God's people removing Mortal Sin from being Institutionalized and spread...The population of the U.S. will suffer at the hands of infidels solely secular having no faith in God even as the Jews nor history of faith in our traditional Christian Holy Trinity. MORE MUST PRAY, FAST, FORGIVE, WORSHIP, PRAISE...CHOOSE GOD AND GODLY LIVES.

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Thanks, hang in there, no matter what the reality is we have a long and rocky road ahead!

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No doubt about that 'Rocky Road'.

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True no one knows the day or the hour, but we are instructed to "watch, lest it takes us unawares." Therefore, we CAN know the "signs" give us by Jesus in Matt. 24, and are actually expected to identify them and to warn others of the impending danger to befall the world before the Second Coming.

One thing that few denominations realize is that the Commandments of God are irrefutable and binding for all times, even for eternity. They are a "transcript of His Character." Therefore, to honor Sunday in the place of the Seventh Day Sabbath is breaking His Holy Law. The Main Stream Religious Organizations beside SDA, ALL have fallen into Satan's trap and complied with the Roman System of False Religion.

SDA has her share of breaches, but it was her "gift" from on High, to be given more "light" on matters of Spiritual concern than the others. She was supposed to shine the light of Truth to the world, just exactly how Ancient Israel was supposed to do. But as you can guess, America, like Israel of old, has apostatized and presumptuously assumed her glory and gifts were products of her own doing. God was not glorified, and history records the results.

The ONE book (aside from the Holy Scriptures in the KJV) to get your hands on and read four or five times, is "The Great Controversy." It will answer all your questions.


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Hi Ray

Why do the SDA's keep the Seventh Day sabbath but not the seven annual sabbaths both of which are mentioned in Lev 23.?

Also why do the SDA's keep Xmass and Easter which are not mentioned in scripture. ?

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Martin, Thank you so kindly!

You’ve asked a few basic questions which become my honor and duty to respond to, not for your curiosity alone, but for those who read and share your thoughts as well. It also goes without saying that it is a privilege to address the questions you’ve presented so as to set aside any misunderstandings.

We can assume the reason that the Seventh Day Sabbath is “kept” because it is a Command of God, and cannot therefore be breached with impunity, just as the same remains with respect to the other Nine. The Law is a reflection of God’s Character or a “transcript” thereof. It mustn’t be broken ever. It will remain eternally.

The "ceremonial" laws, all of which prefigured Christ’s Redemption Plan for mankind, were in fact abrogated at the cross. These were written by the hand of Moses, and place OUTSIDE the ark of the Covenant in a pocket there. This is where the notion, “nailed to the cross” came from, but refers ONLY to those ceremonial “types” which had, through the preceding ages, pointed to the Messiah to come. So when that prophesied event took place, (Sacrifice finished) the past religious “system” was altered not to remedy a disfunction, but to proceed on with the understanding that a new dispensation was at hand, symbolized in many ways, but dramatically so by the curtain which separated the Holy from the Most Holy compartments in the Hebrew earthly Sanctuary, then torn by the Hand of God from its top to bottom, giving clear evidence that the old system of "types and shadows" had come to its fulfillment. Christ, was from then on to be recognized and worshiped as the Sovereign God of the Universe, having fulfilled that portion of the pre-arranged Plan of Redemption, and been given all judgement and authority by the Father.

There is a lot of details attached which are ALL important to absorb and contemplate but would consume too much space herein given. Please refer to The Great Controversy for a clear overview of this subject provided us by God’s Servant E.G. White, the end times prophet.

The second question you posed is more perplexing to address. It’s much like “Why do people eat chocolates, pastries, rich oily foods, junk food, packaged snack foods, ice cream, etc…?” The answer is simple: Because they CAN, and they LIKE it! “Reason” takes a distant back seat, until health concerns dictate some necessary changes. So how does that apply to the Q?

The SDA Church has had a phenomenal history. It has been noted that it parallels that of Ancient Israel to a close “T.” God’s “Hand” has been obviated and (at the first) acknowledged by both, having received blessing after blessing, protections galore, and given a position of “light bearer” to the world regarding God’s Requirements for His chosen people while surrounded by the masses of Pagans and direct enemies of God. There is a thread of truth which is woven throughout the Bible, which exemplifies and brings to light this strange thing that people and nations do with such regularity. Their fate is always foreboding.

Imagine a poor or middle-class citizen winning the Super Lotto. She soon forgets her previous life of drudgery, and settles into a life of luxury, playing the part of an “upper class” citizen, and avoids acknowledging her “lucky” fate, as though her actions were credited for it. She looks down on the poor, and bypasses any thought of helpfulness toward that class.

Does that make any sense? No. But it is practically clockwork and expected to occur. This is the same genus of sentiments which seem to pollute the heart of many who put their wants and their comforts ahead of true spiritual duty. God takes note of all this.

Easter is a Pagan holiday, straight and simple. It is the celebration of the goddess of fertility, depicted by a “rabbit” which we know to be prolific in reproduction. The names of the goddess are so many it boggles the mind. But each age and country have their own. The holiday has ZERO to do with anything Christian. In fact it is an abomination, and an offense to God to give any thought of attending its day of public, pagan honoring.

Christmas, (likewise ancient) has its origin rooted deeply in tradition of worship of the Sun god. At the winter solstice, the sun (god) was "threatening" to disappear below the horizon and be gone forever, but through worship and sacrifice, the people and the priests of Paganism, instructed rituals to bring the sun-god back into its regular circuit of rising higher to fulfill its beneficent duty to man’s needs for his food. It is a Pagan ritual, and has ZERO to do with Christianity. God has made that very clear. He will not strive with man for ever!

The Q. then remains, “Why do SDA’s “keep” those traditions as do the world’s inhabitants who know no better, and have believed their priests and pastors?” Answer: Because they like it; they (many) have chosen to follow Satan’s suggestions, which are always sugar-coated, fuzzy and warm-seeming. They invoke feelings of pleasure and goodness, but are based on lies and ultimately the God of Beneficence is stepped over (or on) in the process. And since His retributive Judgement is not immediately felt, they continue on in a stupor of blind defiance.

Well, how’s that for clarity? All this can be verified if doubted. As for the “Church” and its doctrines, there is nothing that allows for Christmas or Easter or any other pagan holiday to be given quarter. However, people therein are free to break God’s directives as they so choose. But Judgement is coming. The “Church” officials have failed at their posts. They are referred to as "wolves in sheep's clothing." Therefore, the TRUE “Church of God” is an accumulation of souls who “Keep the Commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus.”

Enough said. Further clarification: Any of the “Spirit of Prophecy” writings by E.G. White.

Thank you for this opportunity to expound a little on subjects that are so widely misunderstood! I really appreciate the opportunity to spell out a few things I’ve been blessed to learn.

Yours in the Battle for Souls (Armageddon)


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thanks Ray

very interesting

I assume that you don't keep xmass and Easter?

Are you an SDA?

I keep God's annual holy days, which were not nailed to the cross but were kept by Jesus and the church for many years after Christ died.

They were replaced by xmass and easter, as I explain in my posts on this subject:


Have a pleasant Sabbath.


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They are desperate for a plandemonium to coax the governments into the same cage of fear so they keep their IHR agenda alive.

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The rich elites have been and are still heavily investing in MRNA technology and labs. How can it be stopped? They are obsessed with the MRNA platform to keep going.

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There are truly few real villains but many idiots; we either defeat the villains or educate the idiots and one is about as formidable a task as the other.

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." - Morpheus.

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Those are the two possible approaches ... and both are formidable tasks.

It would be easier to expose the crooks and liars, which would provide a jolt to the system for all the people who continue to believe the crooks.

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Yes :) It is a good one :

The Woman in the Red Dress - THE MATRIX 2:28 min


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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Meryl Nass

5 days after DJT’s Sept 19 💉 EO FDA approves monkeypox 💉‬

‪24 Sep 2019‬

‪ FDA approves first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox


Trump’s executive order paving the way for years skipped trials and specifically includes the mRNA shots aka recombinant vaccines.

19 Sep 2019

Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in US to Promote Nat Security & Pub Health


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Thank you! I was wondering why strange vaccines got licensed in 2019. Dengue. MPOX. Ebola too, if memory serves. recombinant vaccines are mentioned (I just read your reference) but they are not mRNA vaccines. At least that is not the use of terminology I know. But they do ask for new platforms and adjuvants.

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I had saved the EO link before I heard Dr David E Martin talk about this EO. He mentioned recumbent was mrna. I have no science background so good to hear your description to clear that up. Maybe he meant that new platform.

I son’t trust any of them. A friend’s healthy and active granny was one who got GBS from the 1970’s flu shots that got pulled. She never walked again after collapsing getting out of the pool after a daily swim.

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It is a well known proven remedy for Dengue Fever: Papaya leaf extract. Nasty bitter, but in three days, symptoms will be on the flee. Early treatment is always a benefit. A shot glass a couple times a day with chaser will do the trick.


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Unfortunately, President Trump was a newbie to Washington and naturally took the advice of Fauci since he was the acknowledged "expect" on all things virus and vaccine, and every one of Trump's advisors led him down what in hindsight was a dangerous path. Trump's focus was on getting the country up and running as fast as possible in an attempt to prevent damage (such as to the economy, education and society as a whole) which we wouldn't be able to come back from (anytime soon). So he listened to Fauci and the worldwide "experts" who told him (and the rest of us) that they could SAFELY rush a vaccine for covid-19. If he's re-elected one of his very first acts will be DESTROYING Fauci.

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If Trump is the dumb to be misled he is too stupid to be POTUS. Trump is one of the best conmen of all time. I am amazed at how many fall for the misled thing.

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RFK is ok with “safe” vaccine mandates

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Ok, what does RFK’s view have to do with this?

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Agree, No President can be an expert in all disciplines. Needs to have honest advise from experts! Fauci was in charge of pushing hidden agendas. Plain and simple!

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Stop with your imbisilic excuses. He's definitly in on all the luciferian deeds, and will be held accountable!

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The first one went to "page not found" The second link works. Thanks for this.

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Good grief, I just checked it and you are correct. Will do a search and see if I can find to correct. When I saved the link it was a good link.

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I expect it is one of many "incriminating" pages that has been deleted or moved to a "less trafficked" area.

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The corporate medicine, man ignores ithe fact that a strong and vibrant immune system will ward off all pathogens! Recognizing this and educating humanity about how to improve the immune system would reduce the profit goals of the medicine, man! Consequently the march to create RNA injections as the new form of treating disease states will be relentless!

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Well written. Carry on, dear soldier. ❣️

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Thanks! Is anyone listening that can stop this crisis?

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If you are not a Sodomite you can not get Monkey Pox... just like there are only 200 women with chronic active Hep B who give birth each year (so only 200 babies might need the Hep B vaccine) you can't make bizillon dollars selling Hep B vaccine to only 200 babies so they made sure it was recommended to everyone.

These people are insanely greedy, corrupt and would sell you to the glue factory if they could.

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Stop futzing around with inconsequential red herrings, which, as horrible as it is, describes the WHO perfectly. Forget WHO. They will keep doing what they get paid to do. The real problem is the master organization which WHO serves: the UN Death Machine.

The only sensible, effective, meaningful, protective action that we have available to us is to get the Hell out of the entire death machine.

And, amazingly, we have the mechanism for the US to do that, which will harm the machine deeply and allow other countries to follow. The mechanism? The Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S: 3428). You can read it and then take action to support it here: https://PreventGenocide2030.org. After you take the Action Items there, share it with everyone you can possibly reach.

NOT doing so says that you really want the Death Machine to prevail. It is binary. Either you want to get the US out of the system that is set up to destroy most of humanity and enslave the rest, or you don't.

I challenge everyone who can even consider the issues to find a valid reason NOT to support this act with life-driven vigor. There is none.

WHO is a pimple on the ass of the Death Machine monsters, nothing more. It is a private, for-profit corporation which, like all the other service corporations of the UN, such as UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO, WIPO, IMF, etc., etc., etc., are all designed to act as implementation organs for the central control system.

And the central control system is getting ready to extend its Agenda 2030 reach much, much further with the ghastly Pact for the Future slated to be adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2024.

I used to think that gradualism was possible and that we could just get out of the WHO first and then pivot to exiting the UN. In time of ordinary political conditions, that makes good sense.

But these are not ordinary times: we are facing the end game of a system of destruction and subjugation that has been preparing for this take over for 140 years.

They have been steadily moving to this moment and we have very little time, a precious few resources, to stop them.

The best hope that we have is to marshal 10,000,000 people to pick up their mouse and tell Congress to pass the Act that disengages the US entirely from the UN.

I do not care what your politics are, if you are not in favor of humanity's destruction, then now is the time to act.

There is not much time left.

September 23 is very nearly here.



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I have no clue what this phrase means, "nonbinary people who have sex with men"

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Me too.

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It means they are denying the reality of who they are so they can become who they are told to become by someone they don't know and can't trust.

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And don’t want to find out either.

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Dr. Meryl, the Sub-Heading in the Article has a funny Typo that I actually think is a disease that applies to the WHO, the UN, WEF etc. ….. MoneyPox……

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Fear mongering is the traditional strategy to disable critical thinking in order to let the victims follow "advice" that otherwise would have been refused. Often described, recent article


Every "scare with virus" attempt would be in vain if medical personnel can provide effective antiviral means, fit for preventive use.

However the racketeers will insist on "safe and effective vaccines" - only "safe and effective" for producers, investors and the depopulation agenda, harmful to lethal for everyone else.

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MonkeyHoax known as MHOAX is one of my favourite “killer diseases”…

99.9% of the infected may get a rash and low grade fever. 0.1% may get scabs…

I just don’t understand why Dr. Tradenose from World Hoax Organization hasn’t called it a pandemic yet to lockdown the entire world for good, including WHO headquarters?

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Astrid called it in 2021, the era of the perpetual pandemic, your worst nightmare.

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Only homosexual MEN who engage in sexual gratification in alimentary canals of other homosexual MEN should be concerned with the homosexual Monkey Pox, NOT CHILDREN.

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Last go ‘round, there was a child who was infected with monkeypox. He’d probably been molested, as he was in close proximity with gay men.

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Moneypox, yes that has a ring to it "ching ching"

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Different strains, eh? Since no one has ever isolated or proven any alleged virus particle to be infective, allegedly identifying different strains of something for which there is no genetic blueprint is outright fraud. As you say, bird flu? Mpox? Dengue? (Don't forget SARS-CoV-2, chicken pox, mumps, measles, poliomyelitis, etc.) But we've already entered the era of pandemics, and those who matter to public opinion and the narrative are ignoring Mark Bailey's excellent 167-page paper _A Farewell to Virology_. THAT is where the conversation needs to start.

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I love the typo in the subheading: Moneypox is far more accurate ;)

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