The old, [non profitable,] "First do no harm" has been replaced by the [more profitable,] "First do harm!" By [at gun point] forcing/ injecting toxic jabs, that will be needing patent remedy's, from the 5 billion in fruad fines/ & *leader in cause death, Big Pharma’s! (*see Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null, documenting Pharma "medicine" has killed 40 million in the last 50 years!) (Not counting 50 the million babies!) IT's all to teach, "Death is the wages of sin, vs. "the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]
I don't really care about profit for the pHARMa killers. I still think do no harm is a better way to be. There's also a great book and video (and once also a cassette tape) Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach.
I loved Dr. Joel Wallach Dead Doctors Don't Lie, he taught me much, as did Dr. Gary Null's Death by Medicine! As in killing more people then ALL the wars USA has ever been in! Check him out, a bit weird, but he's honest!
What? Her license is suspended until a final determination on April 30, 2025. Have these fools never heard that justice delayed is justice denied?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?? They shouldn't suspend any license until the "final determination"
They have forgotten this in almost all areas as well as DO NO HARM!
The old, [non profitable,] "First do no harm" has been replaced by the [more profitable,] "First do harm!" By [at gun point] forcing/ injecting toxic jabs, that will be needing patent remedy's, from the 5 billion in fruad fines/ & *leader in cause death, Big Pharma’s! (*see Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null, documenting Pharma "medicine" has killed 40 million in the last 50 years!) (Not counting 50 the million babies!) IT's all to teach, "Death is the wages of sin, vs. "the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]
I don't really care about profit for the pHARMa killers. I still think do no harm is a better way to be. There's also a great book and video (and once also a cassette tape) Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach.
I loved Dr. Joel Wallach Dead Doctors Don't Lie, he taught me much, as did Dr. Gary Null's Death by Medicine! As in killing more people then ALL the wars USA has ever been in! Check him out, a bit weird, but he's honest!