Good to know there are some decent people in state legislature

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Sorry but… the Legislature here were informed by the public outcry before and during the so-called “process” against Dr Nass. And, as politicians do, they take a whiff of the air and only then they respond, quite after the fact. Just 14 Republican Representatives out of 66 Republicans and 2 Independents responded above for Dr Nass. We have a Legislative total of 151 in the House. Pretty sad, actually. Our Governor using her physician sister as her “covid guide” used her self generating Emergency Powers for 3-1/2 years. Folks through the media only paid attention to California, NY and MI govs and their constant extension of their own powers. But, ours played that party game to the hilt.

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WABI-TV had a poll prior to the state of the state address, and well over half of us gave Mills a failing grade.

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Yes, I saw that yesterday and felt very proud to have caste my F vote too. 👍🏻

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It is wonderful that people of your stature are supporting Meryl. What is desperately needed now is a way for us to come together with strength in numbers and unity. I'd love to offer you a free membership in PeopleUnited.net and interview you on our podcast in the near future. Let me know if you have an interest at healthmedicine@comcast.net.

Founding president of PeopleUnited.net.

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And this is why I voted for a Republican -- Ben Hymes -- in my district. I know I disagree with him on many issues, but he's not a complete tool like my state senator Chip Curry (still sounds to me like something you order at a chip shop in the UK).

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I prefer to see the Maine Board of Medical Licensure brought up on corruption charges. I think whoever bought them off made them criminals. Either way they need to reinstate your license PDQ.

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Well said.

The individuals harassing Dr Nass need to STAND TRIAL.

Their behavior is all documented and can be used in evidence to convict them when the tables turns against medical tyranny.

They have absolutely no right to persecute Dr Nass - this is POLITICAL persecution loud & clear and very publicly visible.

They have absolutely no right to deprive people of a good and caring doctor.

They need to be made aware that they are being scrutinized and many want them brought to justice for their CORRUPT actions.

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They haven't deprived people of just one good and caring doctor. They've sent a message to other good and caring doctors that should you not toe the line, here is what will happen to you. So numerous good and caring doctors are now far less likely to speak up and call out the jabs for what they are, or use helpful and safe medicines instead of dictated protocols which supersede physician judgement and in the case of hospitals and jabs, left a trail of carnage.

We don't need more protocols. We don't need more directives. We don't need large corrupt agencies to tell us how our personal health is to be managed. We need good, caring doctors who are allowed to practice their art of healing without heavy authoritarian interference.

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The message they sent--that the facts don't matter, cross us and forfeit your livelihood--is the real problem. My pilloring was broadcast to perhaps a million doctors globally.

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Yeah, increase the FEARMONGERING, the personification of Evil. Unfortunately an MD in front of their name's doesn't stand for courage many will put their blinders back on, and carry on. Corporate doctors are a serious problem for their patients. Profits over people at all cost. Thank God for the doctors like you and the FLCCC doctors for taking the road less traveled.

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Helping to protect the 5 billion in fruad fines, Big Pharma's & leader in cause of medicine caused death is, is a big job for regulatory bodies!

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Exactly. There needs to be accountability on the part of these state boards; their "authority" rests entirely upon their fiduciary duty to the people.

When this authority is abused, it is simultaneously invalidated.

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deletedFeb 1·edited Feb 1
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Already done. Each of the Board members has been sued in both their individual and their official capacities.

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Meryl, Makes ALL of us happy, I'll bet. Shame on the other legislators who did not stand up and be counted. Big smile on my face!

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So. A few legislators stood up for you. Good.

A few thousand of your colleagues in the medical profession should strap on a pair and stand against the vindictive harassment metered out to you.

The COVID Hoax has been fully exposed for quite some time now.

Time to clear your name.

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Well said. Except Dr Nass doesn’t need to clear her name!

The villains need to be investigated and IMO put on trial - we can’t have bureaucrats running around suspending good doctors because it suits Pfizer’s injection agenda.

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That is good news! Now, if they would only do something to correct it and prevent it ever happening again.

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Bless these representatives who dared to speak out. Hopefully more lives will be saved as a result of this and one more domino will fall to expose the fraud that has taken over the medical system.

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deletedFeb 1·edited Feb 1
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“...the superior authority of the physician-patient relationship....” Well-put. This is paramount.

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It makes one wonder what the mindset of the case "judges" really is. I get the feeling they went in virtually demanding the license of Dr Nass regardless of the legal demands of the case. We've seen this many times with many distinguished clinicians whose names are quick to our tongues. Unless a "judge" is a dirty filthy communist hoping for ill jurisprudence, I can only wonder what the real motivations are. To press for licensure forfeiture early on typifies a non-open minded individual whose mind is already made up. I would hope a nice, fat lawsuit would be directed at these scourges who put Meryl through hell. This is/was outrageous and we can only hope justice can be obtained upon appeal. Meryl, you go, girl......

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Right On! Fight back, Dr.Nass.

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So glad to see some validation for you Dr Nass!

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That was a great point about the opioid prescriptions. But what is up with Maine? A public official kicking Trump off the ballot because she doesn't like him? Matt Taibbi, hardly a right winger, writes about the disenfranchisement of voters by unelected officials. It seems the same formula for medical boards disenfranchising patients of their right to choose a doctor.

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That’s heart warming news that you have some of the State Legislature sticking up for you. Hopefully the tip of the iceberg!

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What? Her license is suspended until a final determination on April 30, 2025. Have these fools never heard that justice delayed is justice denied?

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What happened to innocent until proven guilty?? They shouldn't suspend any license until the "final determination"

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They have forgotten this in almost all areas as well as DO NO HARM!

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The old, [non profitable,] "First do no harm" has been replaced by the [more profitable,] "First do harm!" By [at gun point] forcing/ injecting toxic jabs, that will be needing patent remedy's, from the 5 billion in fruad fines/ & *leader in cause death, Big Pharma’s! (*see Death by Medicine, by Dr. Null, documenting Pharma "medicine" has killed 40 million in the last 50 years!) (Not counting 50 the million babies!) IT's all to teach, "Death is the wages of sin, vs. "the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]

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I don't really care about profit for the pHARMa killers. I still think do no harm is a better way to be. There's also a great book and video (and once also a cassette tape) Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach.

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I loved Dr. Joel Wallach Dead Doctors Don't Lie, he taught me much, as did Dr. Gary Null's Death by Medicine! As in killing more people then ALL the wars USA has ever been in! Check him out, a bit weird, but he's honest!

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Feb 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Meryl, that makes me super happy. Yeah. I hope that the Maine Medical Board can eventually be punished and all their corruption made very public.

I enjoyed your interview with JHK on CHD. ( I am personal friends with JHK and my husband and I are part of the Long Emergency movie... which hasn't yet been released).

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What will be the full title of the movie (on CHD I assume)? Thanks.

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I think the full title is the Long Emergency, but is based on the book, Living in the Long Emergency. This is an indie film and will not be on CHD.... My husband and I personally know JHK and have been corresponding with him for years.. Smart man...

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That’s great!! WE who know the truth, and know you were telling truth, are MANY in numbers!!

Keep up the fantastic work you do every day!! You are keeping us informed and I am so grateful for you!!

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its not simply harrassment. Its retaliatory by its nature. it matters as it likely invokes certain policies around both harrassment and retaliatory actionsm similar to those in or of positions of power in pretty much every social enterprise in North America. i think , despite the actions taken so far against you, in such a light, accusation or harrasement and retaliatory actions can be made

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