Sharing to all now🦋thank you and blessings for all that you do to help us, to protect us , to enlighten us. The WHO cannot be in control that would be a disaster for our Country. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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It's from dumping our [once] Creator inspired nation for a Baby killing neo Sodom Gomorrah, LGBTQIA+ promoting/ Hellbound new world, WHO order! I.e. where Gov. gives orders & you obay, & own nothing just like a slave! AND be happy, they say!

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Will do, but we're heading to a state where people are being forced to believe they are powerless. They need to know they are under NO real obligation to such charlatans and never will be unless they hand over themselves to slavery. They cannot make you be a part of a contract you did not sign. They will pretend they can but they cannot. Legal is not law and conflicts of interest negates their power and that includes any agreement or dictate they pretend gives them power.

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I am confused????? The House is asking the Senate to ratify the Pandemic Treaty?? First, this pandemic accord will NEVER go to the Senate for a vote. It will be passed without the Senate. They just need to do an Executive Agreement and it is a done deal. Second, why is the Republican House buying into this?? Third, we are asking them to leave in those 2 parts but you said they had already decided to vote for the Treaty. Anyone that thinks DC is the answer is not living in the real world. DC is out to destroy us. ALL OF THEM. We better get on our game at the state level and if that doesn't work it will be in the hands of the people. And it won't be pretty.

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added an explanatory addendum

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I am sure that what is meant is that this "treaty" cannot be accepted unless the Senate passes it by at least a 2/3 vote. It is not meant that the House wants the Senate to ratify it, but that it must go through that procedure if it is to be considered a treaty and have the force of law. In other words, a mere "executive agreement" is not a legitimate treaty (although such agreements have often been treated as if they were equal to treaties under the U.S. Constitution).

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I added an explanatory addendum, and yes, you are correct

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The Pandemic Treaty will NEVER go before the Senate for a vote. It will get passed using an Executive Agreement and by-pass the Senate and there is nothing they can do to stop that. This is how they pass controversial treaties without the Senate. The only recourse is to take the fight to the state level. In TN we have legislation that creates 5 pathways in which to invoke Nullification when the federal government goes outside its constitutional lane. AND there is no clause in the Constitution that expands the federal governments authority beyond their 18 enumerated powers in Art. 1 Sec. 8. Anyone that says differently is a constitutional illiterate. And any treaty that is ratified by the Senate if it violates their 18 enumerated powers the states can nullify and refuse to comply.

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Hope your bill can be rewritten and then passes

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It doesn't need to be rewritten and it will pass. We have already moved the needle way ahead of where we were last year. And 2025 will see this legislation get passed.

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I sure wish that Canada was a constitutional republic, like 🇺🇸. We are hugely hindered by our weak sauce constitution.

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Mine is on too of it….great work!

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Done. Thanks!!

I'm still a bit confused, though. You had sent out an article earlier saying that the new (and unconstitutional) mode of operandi for the Senate is to CHOOSE whether they wish to require the 2/3 majority vote to ratify a treaty. If we can't even get a simple majority to choose to take the vote, how corrupt IS our Congress? I'm not seeing much hope if they haven't even brought that up, yet.

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I added an addendum to explain. But to your question: it is sad

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Thanks so much, Dr. Nass!

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Thank you for your steadfast efforts and invaluable work, Dr. Nass! You will go down in history as a phenomenal hero!!

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Even if they do somehow allow it to go through the senate, its controlled by the Democrats, our pa senators just love the WHO. We got no where with representative joyce either who is a Republican and a physician. I don't think most doctors realize that allowing this to pass will mean they will be taking orders from someone who isnt even a medical dr who is mainly funded by a college dropout who got lucky stealing a computer program back in the 80s

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Not sure if this is what folks may be having trouble with, but here's what I did. Did not see a hyperlink so I typed sovereigntycoalition and dot org into search bar and got https://sovereigntycoalition.org *NB it is dot ORG not COM. I scrolled down to "TAKE ACTION" button. This led to https://alignact.com/go/defund-the-who-appropriations-vote-on-march-22 Then I selected "TAKE ACTION NOW". There you can enter your information. It led through 3 action items, first to being able to auto generate emails to representatives, then to a petition, then to a pre-fab X/ Twitter post which links you to X/ Twitter. All went quick! Blessings & strength to all here!!

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But what about any Biden Executive Order or some other sneaky way of doing this?

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That link seems to no longer exist at Sovereignty Coalition.

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Glitch McConnell does not matter. He will agree with whatever his CCP handlers tell him to agree with.

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Treaty power is in Senate anyway. Passing a bill is illogical.

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Can anybody put this mess in simple layman terms????

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Thank you Dr. Nass I was able to write to three of them via their office e-mail lines.

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Did you double check your zip code entry?

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