They are evidently paid off to go after you again!

Stay strong and thank you for being the true hero you are!

You have more guts than anyone in Congress or anyone I know. You and Roguski are true heros.

History will record your name and the truth about you will prevail!

You are on the right side of history because God brought you here to fight❤️❤️

Thank you❤️🙏❤️

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They are the only ones in this case who should be required to take "ethics courses."

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These stooges are under order from the Federation of State Medical Boards, which is itself captured by globalist forces, probably acting through CDC or some other division of HHS. These people are criminals who are trying to keep up the pretense of legality while robbing honest doctors like you blind. You have my great sympathies as I too have been a victim of this criminal purge.

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I was through the same game as well, years before Covid revealed the true colors of these boards as well as many other organizations.. Whenever anyone asked me about the doctors at my board hearing I always answer, there are no doctors on the board. They may have MD degrees, but they are at heart political operatives, not doctors.

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Wow, great response. And so true- they bring such shame to a noble call

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Unbelievable. We were about to move to Maine when the plandemic hit. The squirrelly bs I've seen happen there the last 4 years has taken them off my list permanently.

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But we ALSO have a robust resistance movement in support of Dr. Nass! Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!

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Fair enough! 😀

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Maine is a purple state, with Congressional District 2 (where I live) having given Trump 2 electoral college votes both in 2016 and 2020. (More impressively, Ron Paul won almost all the delegates in Maine in the 2012 republican primary [Of course he got screwed by the party nationally, but that's another story.] Shit-Mitt Romney maybe grabbed just one or two, as I recall.) We can turn it around! Sadly, the Republicans were no better than controlled opposition in the last gubernatorial election, running the fat, out-of-shape, bloviating former champ LePage... who crawled back up--presumably tanned, rested, and ready--from Florida... but who barely campaigned and who was out of touch with the issues / tone-deaf when he did. *sigh* Sea hag Mills whooped his a** during the debates unfortunately.

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With some 40% of us Mainers being Independent of the Uniparty, we need to run strong true independent candidates for governor AND legislature to drive D's and R's into oblivion.

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Maine has been infiltrated by Marxists.

Keep fighting, Dr.

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Agreed. Although Dr. Nass is not alone. Others of us are putting pressure on our sadly largely passive legislature. Speaking for myself, I continue to prepare to fight--via any means necessary. I know where all the local scum, national-level deep staters, and their state puppets (including retirees) live and keep tabs on their movements. I rue the day things amp up into a physical contact "sport," but I prepare nonetheless. In the end, tyrants only understand force, and the much-needed ouster of these types may only be accomplished in such a manner. I do not advocate it, mind, but I recognize the potential necessity. I fear that we will be embroiled in civil war across the nation soon, and Maine will regrettably be like Bleeding Kansas. (Incidentally, the Revolution was essentially a civil war, as most here realize, but instead of the British importing Hessian mercenaries, the Biden administration is importing foreign nationals as an invasion force across our borders. I wonder what is afoot in Maine, being a border state as it is....)

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Nothing at all to do with Marxism. False flag attack. The word you are looking for is fascism.

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The ends of the political spectrum bend upon one another like a horseshoe.

This is still Marxism.

Fascism tolerates religion, these Marxists demand worship.

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The fascists have controlled Marxism from the beginning. Any Marxist leaders of significance have always been backed by globalist bankers. Lenin was a JP Morgan operative; Trotsky was run / $upported by similar elements. Marxism is just another man-made religion which has contributed to far more mass murder than any other (and whose weak-minded followers always enslave themselves to whatever personality cult is fashionable within the Marxist pantheon of dictators and tyrants)... and the elites love it because it is easy to use to destroy cultures, turn the lower classes against each other, and worse.... Just look at BLM, who claimed to be Marxists on their website, which originally included in a list the tenet of eliminating the nuclear family. I saw it with my own eyes early on, when they first got up and running. (It was later scrubbed.)

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This whole thing is a travesty. Shame on Maine government and healthcare. We The People will not forget the genocide they committed on its citizens.

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I’m ashamed to say I live in Maine.

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I never thought I would be embarrassed to live here, but after that piggy creature Bellows threw Trump off the ballot--cynically claiming to be defending democracy, in classic Alinsky-esque fashion--I am now. (I think our tourism prospects have been hurt this season by such cray cray Democrat antics as well.)

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Only if you personally have acted dishonorably should you be ashamed. Let those who EARNED the shame wear it.. Despair is never a winning strategy.

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The legislature should overrule the medical board and end the kangaroo court.

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Have an ethics investigation of this Board of Idiots."

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thank you Dr. Meryl for being a beacon of light and truth in this corrupt world. You have reinforced my trust in HCQ and ivermectin. It saved my life and many of my friends who did not take the poison jab.

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Well, all I can say is you and Paul Marik are both role models for what doctors should be and do!! Thank you!!!

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Despicable Maine Board of Licensure. Prospective new docs should take note. As a former Maine legislator who brought a bill for vaccine transparency repeatedly, I celebrate our present House of Representatives and Senate for honoring you (and themselves with this).

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Long overdue… yes, Dr. Nass should be held in high regard!

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Nass for governor or surgeon general of Maine, once we get past the current WHO crisis.

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Dr Nass IS held in high regard :-D

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Janet Mills really doesn't like you. I really don't like Janet Mills.

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Dr. Nass - That's awesome that there are still some people in office in Maine who aren't Pharma controlled. I'm so glad that they honored you.

Shame on the MBLM! Their actions have caused so much harm.

I'd like to make another contribution to you to support your work. How can I do that?

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It’d be better if the legislators would fight on your behalf with the board rather than giving you a plaque on the back.

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Meryl, we love you and give you our support. You are acting honestly -- and most courageously. We, and God, anyone with a clear conscience, even a touch of integrity, and human soul, are with you. The going may be rough, but we honor, applaud, respect (whole Thesaurus of words here), and love you. You are our hero. If there's anything we can do to show the (idiots -- where's that Thesaurus? -- selling their souls out on this) what support you have, (and how perfidiously they are behaving), please let us know. Shall we write to that board and ask WTH? Thanks for being the amazing woman - and Mensch!! - you are. Maybe there's a reason this happened right around Passover time?

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