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Thank you Meryl. I too find it refreshing to hear someone analyze the "Pandemic" from class analysis. Like Hughes, I'm constantly annoyed by the many covid-19 dissidents that talk about the globalists as "communists" and "Marxists". That's the last orientation they would take. Clearly, *they* are in the position of power that they are in because of a capitalist system. They are trying to protect the wealth, power and privilege they have obtained from that system. That's what's going on.

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More than that, they're looking toward a future of immense wealth, power and privilege that will accrue as technology is able to intrude and expand into our lives. This intrusion and expansion into our lives must be halted, if we wish to become sovereign in our own lives.

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I think you’re falling into a common trap .. it’s common to define capitalism as the opposite of communism, it’s also common to say Nazi are right wing when they are left wing but that’s not the issue.. most communist states are capitalist but they call it government when really behind the charade it’s a cartel of the privileged…they like cartels impose totalitarian rule and that is true be it a king, dictator, ruling class or single party government like china… totalitarianism is at one end of a spectrum where power is centralised to the few who then decide what is right or wrong…

the other is constitutional republic or government where there are very deliberate rules that are based on the knowledge that man is sinful and so aim limit power, eg by agreement to a constitution that should not be changed, has accountability of plural leadership (parliament),house of review, separate judiciary and a free press, divulging power to states and limiting federal powers etc etc as we see in Britain USA etc

The other distinction is that these nations acknowledge that God and His Son Jesus determine right and wrong and we all face judgement..

Communism and Islam are both totalitarian.. ie they claim to know what is right and wrong..

And try to impose that on others..

What we see operating ie with Covid atm is a multi faceted (banks, media, blackrock WEF etc) cartel of criminals who deceive and lie.. but aim to achieve totalitarian rule..they have one thing in common.. they don’t fear God nor his judgement that awaits them…

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You will have nothing and be happy? That isn't communism?

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A very significant aspect of "protecting" elite power / privilege is to propagandize (that is, sanction extremely well-designed material that falsely creates an emotional sense of what is socially needed or correct or acceptable) government-determined taking from everyone to redistribute to others. In true capitalism (not rigged gov-orchestrated corruptly controlled market) these elites would definitely not be able to compete and lrapidly ose power....unless the rest of us fight each other about that small proportion of wealth that is left over - making sure no slave can rise above another .... while elites literally have the power to put an absurd NYT articles on how the founding documents of the USA are "dangerous". That level of imbalance could never be obtained through a real free market (capitalism.)

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When people say Kamala Harris, or Joe Biden is 'Marxist" or even 'left wing...' or insanely, some say 'communist' I just convert all those words into 'autocratic' or authoritarian, or totalitarian.

Remember, Dick and Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala; this means Kamala is in with the deep state plutocracy. But the Donald bested Kamala, so he is in and she is out.

Meanwhile, David Hughes provides a critical voice in the freedom movement from the emerging techno-totalitarianism. His reasoning is top notch; and definitely, supporting his substack is a way to help the movement.

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