I say all this and more in my book "Our Country, Then and Now." Please take a look.


Actually, the "world war" has been going on for 500 years, since the people behind the monetary system based on usury and fractional reserve banking began to take over. The system is Satanic, which is why the Church outlawed usury until around 1500 and why Islam still does.

The gradual effect of this system is to suck up all the wealth in the world, a process which has reached its peak. The power behind this system can be fairly characterized as the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, with the military center being the U.S., who were the people responsible for the COVID "plandemic."

Even though the Russian Revolution of 1917 was financed by the Western bankers, the Soviet Union became the big enemy after WWII. The US tried to take over Ukraine through the coup of 2014, but that failed. Now, the "Global Majority," led by Russia, Iran, and China, have awakened and are opting out of the system.

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Thank you! This all makes sense now!

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If people want to know who really runs the US, they should look at Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock. Another interesting study is the Pritzker family of Chicago. They come from Ukraine a few generations back, now run Illinois, and are close with Fink. They specialize in leverage buyouts and stock buybacks, both illegal until the Reagan Revolution. The beat goes on, and on, and on.....

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Yes I have read that before about BlackRock but (to me anyway) you present the information better or in a way that makes more sense to me. There is a boatload of information on the net and it can really be overwhelming to understand and know who to believe.

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I understand. I believe if you read my book, "Our Country, Then and Now," it may help to see how our beloved nation has been taken over by the forces of global tyranny through the financial system. Also please check out our Three Sages Substack with similar material and background. You can post questions there or write directly at montanarcc@yahoo.com.


Links: https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858



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Thank you so much!

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RemovedJul 7
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There are countless minions of these black ops and rogue operators trying to jump in on the attempt to rule the world and make themselves rich in the process of further stripping us of our freedoms, health, wealth and sanity, both individual and collective. Gangsters all.

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So true.

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Is it in your book that American bankers financed the Nazis and Hitler’s rise to power because they were concerned about their interests in Europe threatened by the Bolsheviks and the increasingly popular movements sponsored by the communist interests?

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I suggest you read Preparata's book Conjuring Hitler.

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Clearly, you have no idea what Zionism actually means.

Here's a clue; it has absolutely nothing to do with the evil you're affiliating it to. It is simply a movement of Jews to return Torah to Israel.

Stop trying to vilify it - you only make yourself and your cause irrelevant.

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Please see Reed's book The Controversy of Zion. They are the ones who made Israel a ghetto instead of a paradise.

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I am Jewish, and I am a Zionist...

The term simply refers to "a return of Torah law to Israel"...nothing more.

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Are you referring to Smotrich and Ben-Gvir?

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It's probably a better book, anyway. I can't believe that Hughes is simply repeating what we already know, written by other authors, while slinging mud on Desmet for having brought the facts of totalitarian operations and operators to the attention of the large "alternative" media world.

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Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Thank you Meryl. I too find it refreshing to hear someone analyze the "Pandemic" from class analysis. Like Hughes, I'm constantly annoyed by the many covid-19 dissidents that talk about the globalists as "communists" and "Marxists". That's the last orientation they would take. Clearly, *they* are in the position of power that they are in because of a capitalist system. They are trying to protect the wealth, power and privilege they have obtained from that system. That's what's going on.

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More than that, they're looking toward a future of immense wealth, power and privilege that will accrue as technology is able to intrude and expand into our lives. This intrusion and expansion into our lives must be halted, if we wish to become sovereign in our own lives.

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I think you’re falling into a common trap .. it’s common to define capitalism as the opposite of communism, it’s also common to say Nazi are right wing when they are left wing but that’s not the issue.. most communist states are capitalist but they call it government when really behind the charade it’s a cartel of the privileged…they like cartels impose totalitarian rule and that is true be it a king, dictator, ruling class or single party government like china… totalitarianism is at one end of a spectrum where power is centralised to the few who then decide what is right or wrong…

the other is constitutional republic or government where there are very deliberate rules that are based on the knowledge that man is sinful and so aim limit power, eg by agreement to a constitution that should not be changed, has accountability of plural leadership (parliament),house of review, separate judiciary and a free press, divulging power to states and limiting federal powers etc etc as we see in Britain USA etc

The other distinction is that these nations acknowledge that God and His Son Jesus determine right and wrong and we all face judgement..

Communism and Islam are both totalitarian.. ie they claim to know what is right and wrong..

And try to impose that on others..

What we see operating ie with Covid atm is a multi faceted (banks, media, blackrock WEF etc) cartel of criminals who deceive and lie.. but aim to achieve totalitarian rule..they have one thing in common.. they don’t fear God nor his judgement that awaits them…

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You will have nothing and be happy? That isn't communism?

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A very significant aspect of "protecting" elite power / privilege is to propagandize (that is, sanction extremely well-designed material that falsely creates an emotional sense of what is socially needed or correct or acceptable) government-determined taking from everyone to redistribute to others. In true capitalism (not rigged gov-orchestrated corruptly controlled market) these elites would definitely not be able to compete and lrapidly ose power....unless the rest of us fight each other about that small proportion of wealth that is left over - making sure no slave can rise above another .... while elites literally have the power to put an absurd NYT articles on how the founding documents of the USA are "dangerous". That level of imbalance could never be obtained through a real free market (capitalism.)

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Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

He was pretty tough on Mattias Desmet.

I also find it interesting how, in the language of political ideology, words such as marxism, fascism, socialism, left, right, etc. are invested with such varieties of meaning by different varieties of people jumping into the fray. It all seems to end up in a mixed up totalitarian soup.

I was once in a discussion group in which I referred to China as a communist country, and was challenged on the point. It provoked thought. I find serious people who assert that China is not so. So what makes China communist? The fact that the party in power is named the CCP? Does their government structure really resemble the proletarian capture of the means of production described in the Manifesto? Was the concept of property abolished there? Was there a bourgeoisie that was vanquished by the proletariat? Perhaps not.

Hughes dismissed the idea that the WEF was marxist. One might be forgiven for thinking of it as such, given marxist notions of internationalism embodied by WEF, as well as phrases such as "You will own nothing, and you will be happy." If the subversive hippies of old grew up, put on suits and ties, and ascended to the levers of power (in a long march through the institutions?), are they acting in a self-appointed way as proxies for the "proletariat?" Incidentally, there are plenty of online photos of Klaus Schwab in his office, from which the observant have pointed out a bust of Lenin in the background.

Perhaps we're dealing with a gain-of-function totalitarianism, in which the most insidious ingredients of historical tyrannies are synthesized with new tech to form a new and improved breed of tyranny.

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Good thoughts. I thought he was very dismissive/critical of Desmet as well. I actually really appreciated Desmet's book. At the same time, I thought it was silly that he (Desmet) discounted a global or nation-wide conspiracy, while at the same time noting some evidence of a conspiracy.

Multiple factors can be at play all at the same time and many of the things Desmet discussed where things that I had been observing. There can be conspiracies afoot that takes advantage of naturally occurring phycological phenomenons.

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havent read either book yet, so take my thought with a grain of salt I suppose-- but it is possible for an author to put just enough satire/untruth in a work, to get it to pass the oppressors. I noted this technique used in a book I read long ago, 'I rode with tucker"; it surprised me very much at the time, to find the

end of the book almost committing betrayal of the rest of it. ...for a video version of the technique you may enjoy a number of the videos at Awaken with JP

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I personally don't think it was a sleight of hand to keep his book from being censored...maybe but I don't think so. There has been a huge ideological battle between the opposing ideas that what we experienced A.) spontaneously arose out of the nature of the human psychological tendencies or B.) was a top-down controlled demolition of free will by bad actors.

I choose to see the wisdom in both ideas and I think they worked together synergistically, but there are many who think it was either one or the other. Some people believe that Desmet wrote the book as a sort of "blame the victim" essay. Again, my personal opinion is that people do need to take responsibility for their critical thinking skills and to try and become less naive to obvious propaganda narratives (siding here with Desmet) and to consider what their actions support down the road (pulling children out of school for two years, taking experimental injections, supporting vaccine passports, etc).

At the same time, I think the people who intentionally perpetrated these harms should be held accountable for their crimes (siding with the global conspiracy theorists - plenty of proof to call them realists at this point). The people at the top knew this was going to result in massive wealth acquisition for them at the expense of the middle class and they also knew it was going to physically and psychologically harm almost all of humanity.

I really enjoy JP. You should consider reading Desmet's book. It was fascinating. I have David's book on my reading list. Great interview. The book is probably also really insightful.

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agreed, mostly:-)

but what about the Constitution?

People were deprived of property (businesses) and not compensated -- the 4th amendment.

depending on what state you were in,

the govt took the attitude that your body is not really yours, the state gets to decide what experiments you are forced into. that's literally communism (think chIna & involuntary organ donation ). similarly, does the State really get to decide what your kids are taught about basic life concepts such as gender? Who owns the kids?

this is every bit as important as the clash of states rights vs individual rights that partly brought on the first "civil" war. I wish our dear leaders would err on the side of liberty & not the side of government.

whether we blame/credit the media, Big Pharma, govt, foreigners, whatever ---- the Constitution was ignored. I loved president Trump but was dismayed that even he, a firm supporter of the Constitution, went along with the "2 weeks to flatten the curve". I'm in minnesota where we literally had people jailed for trying to re--open their own business many months after the '2 weeks". We have several known socialists in office (& yes they cheated to get there). Basically, it is now the People vs Govt..... I am not optimistic about a peaceful resolution

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Bringing up the constitution is basically taking the conversation in a new direction. Desmet's book is describing what was going on psychologically to lead average people to support tyranny, totalitarianism, harm to others, harm to themselves and so on.

If you want to look more at the un-constitutionality of what happened, I have found both Katherine Watt's substack (Bailiwick News?)and Sasha Latypova's substack very helpful. They have both extensively highlighted the laws that have been passed over the last several decades to provide "legal" justification for all the unconstitutional things that occurred. The PREP Act was very instrumental but there is a whole long list of laws enacted that legally protected the bad actors of the last several years.

And on the subject of Trump, he was possibly the most important factor in making everything that happened possible. If not the most important factor, definitely one of the most important. He lead the republicans peacefully to their doom. Republicans would have rebelled if Clinton would have been elected. He was the first to declare "emergency powers" and his administration was the one that first suspended property rights. He gave lip service to conservative ideas and did a lot of things that endeared the republicans to him, but he did the exact opposite of what he was giving lip service to. I.E. he talked about early treatments but he signed Operation Warp Speed, which effectively wiped out any chance of early treatments ever being allowed. He talked against facemarks but then embraced them. He talked against lock downs but then embraced them. He criticized Fauci but met with him daily and followed all his recommendations. (He even gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of his presidency and then pretended like he didn't know who did it.) He talked about his skills with economics but he allowed numerous entire industries to be shut down and he printed massive amounts of money to send to people who weren't working, thus kicking off the rolling inflation that hit a few months later. He still pretends not to know that the vaccines are dangerous. Really?! Don't buy it. He knows. He knew. He is controlled by Pharma.

Anyone supporting Trump is falling for the same kind of psychological manipulation that democrats fall for with their party produced propaganda. It's just a different flavor.

The politicians and law makers are not going to save us. Big money owns and controls them, obviously. We have to learn to be mentally more acute so that we can stand up to tyranny even when it's dressed up as a health emergency, or a war emergency, or a climate emergency, or whatever other emergency they tell us is eminent. If we rely on the politicians, we will be living with social credit scores and digital money very soon, which will ensure our constitutional rights are null and void. That's my guess at where this is going but only time will tell., I'm afraid people did not learn any valuable lessons from the last several years but I hope I am wrong about that. Maybe people did learn something and will resist more in the future.

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interesting points. :-) thank you; I so enjoy intelligent conversation!!! I am largely surrounded by sheep so it's a pleasure to be able to talk with someone. Yes I agree the various legislators have been passing "laws" for decades now, which violated the Constitution. I still stubbornly continue to stubbornly insist that the Constitution IS the Law Of The Land & anything that doesn't comply --- be it judicial

ruling, legislation at ANY level, beaurocratic "policy" /guidelines,fines etc ---- is simply null & void & of no effect and I don't have to comply. (if i choose to voluntarily comply just to avoid painful fallout, that does NOT imply consent; if anything it reveals how evil the system is. Just because an abused girlfriend goes back to the abusive boyfriend again, doesn't mean he's in the right.)

Even our Sheriffs (who know better) don't always know or enforce the Constitution. I & a few friends had to take steps to persuade a local sheriff, in the beginning of covid, to honor the Constitution. (yes, we won.)

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Discouraging to hear 911 was caused by our own people, but have also thought the same when it happened. The terrorists that were blamed help start the war on terrorists that our country has become obsessed over. All war is started at the top of a government for political or monetary gain not for the betterment of its people! Time for people to stand up and say no more.

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Jul 7Liked by Meryl Nass

Absolutely The Best deconstruction of the crime that was 9-1-1 is detailed in Michael C. Ruppert's 2004 Magnum Opus titled Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil. All backed up by footnotes, most of them from mainstream media and government sources, it's a slam dunk of who did what and why. Check it out. A copy can be found in the Harvard Business Library, and probably your own public library. If it's not, ask your librarian to order a copy through Zip books. They should be able to do that.

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I believe 9/11 was enhanced to be sure that it was successful. Gave Bush and his M/I handlers the ability to re-invigorate and control the production of oil in Iraq and etc. Hillary came along to demonstrate her leadership ability and went after Gadhafi.

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He is absolutely right about building 7 which is the Achilles heal of the 9/11 cover story. It’s amazing how people reject the logical conclusion of the video that it had to be a demolition. There is tremendous cognitive resistance to believing that your own government could possibly be involved in a false flag of that nature.

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Sad isn't it. People are not taught to think and evaluate. Growing up, even as a little kid, my Father's favorite word was 'why' over and over. Guess we now call it root cause analysis. Yup, I agree with you 100%. Too, don't forget the time lag news report from the UK describing the collapse when the current time video behind her was being shown of the collapse as it happened.

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I resisted any truther stuff about 9/11 for about 21 years. Then, after the Jan 6th thing, GW Bush said they were "domestic terrorists". That was after years of refusing to rebut anything Obama did ("whadda ya wahnt me tuh be, a puuuundit?"). That snapped it into place - he was just a globalist shill, not someone who was trying to protect our country. Also, once I saw the Covid psyop and why it was deployed, it was easier to see how 9/11 was a useful part of the overall plan.

Of course, there is a lot besides building 7 that makes no sense at all. Dr. Judy Wood's (structural engineer) superb textbook "Where did the towers go?" shows very clearly that a whole bunch of what happened to the twin towers and surrounding area couldn't possibly have been a result of jet fuel burning. There are also a ton problems with the passengers making cell phone calls at peak altitude, and the supposed plane crashes in Shanksville PA and at the Pentagon. James Fetzer has written some good material on it (his conclusion about what brought the towers down does differ somewhat from Dr. Wood's).

There is always the question in my mind: did they pass the Patriot Act with the idea of eventually deploying it to kill and intern US citizens w/o due process, or did the idea of applying it for this purpose come later? I suspect the former.

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Agree there are a lot of suspicious things that happened on 9/11, but the Building 7 problem is so obvious that it's a wonder that people can swallow it. I find in most cases people do not even know the basic facts and assure me that Building 7 was hit by a jet plane too.

Once you accept that Building 7 was deliberately demolished (and understand why!) then your mind should be able to open to other possibilities, including the remarkable coincidence of their being a security drill at that exact same time and the fact that air force jets were never scrambled until it was too late.

As for the Patriot Act it seems clearer as time goes on that it had less to do with protecting the Homeland from terrorists aa it did with protecting the Deep State from real patriots trying to uphold our Constitutional form of government.

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Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Try bthis link to download the book. It worked for me: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-41850-1

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

In the summer of 2021 I went to back down home to New Brunswick for summer vacation, and I was talking to my friend Dave about the Great Reset and such, and was telling him that my biggest fear was that the operation had been carefully carried out so that all important sectors of society, if not overly careful, ended up compromising themselves, so I was telling Dave that I feared that due to this fact, no one would want to know the truth, no one would want to reveal the truth, as the full realization of the truth would expose these people's complicity (whether they'd been totally fooled, or, as most probably did, as they went along to get along, to keep out of trouble, because it was easier to go along).

I've just found a text message I sent to him in 2023, when I found an excellent thread on Twitter, whereby someone by the nick of B33Mello explained what I'd been suggesting sooo much better than I did, do not miss B33Mello's thread, it's brilliant.

Here is that text message, along with the link to the Twitter thread:

"Hello again Dave,

Remember 2 yrs ago we went over to Flying Boats brewery, and on the way out I was saying that what worried me most about all this plandemic crap was the fact that so many high-profile/highly-placed people (politicians/doctors/police/journalists-media/etc.) had compromised themselves over the plandemic period, and that as a result it seemed improbable to me that the truth could ever be admitted 'cause too many people would not allow it, too many would be proven to have cooperated with the "forces of darkness" let's call it... well here's another well-reasoned, well-delineated argument to this same effect... see if that makes any sense to you: https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1641369447754522624"

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Richard, Thank you for the INTERESTING link. Do you (or others) have a link for B33Mello's Substack?

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As I pointed out in my initial comment above, he/she is brilliant, getting right down to the essence of the issues.

So glad you asked about his/her Substack, as I searched, found all these little jems:




And here is his/her Substack, as I was searching, I wasn't finding this, so I thought he/she might not have a Substack: https://mellob33.substack.com/p/restoring-sanity-and-bringing-people

But I see that he/she hasn't posted since Feb. 2022, and his/her last post on X is from Dec. 2023.

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Thank you so much, Meryl, for bringing this important work to our attention. It was heavy, but I am increasingly aware that "Heavy" is what is needed now. We are on the brink of losing our Democratic heritage and sliding seamlessly into a Totalitarian swamp. I just watched two very important documentaries that were also "Heavy." I knew they would be but I also know this is NOT the time for me to be looking for light entertainment--not when our freedom and sovereignty on our home planet is being assailed by beings who have the upper-hand technologically. I have made this point before but I think it is very important to reiterate the great need for humanity to develop greater intelligence. My knowing is that this many decade long plan to take over control of our world is the work of an alien Intervention with great ability to manipulate us in the mental environment--an environment that humanity knows very little about. The names of the two documentaries are "The Silence of Others"--the story of the horrifying years of Franco's totalitarian regime in Spain and the silencing of his victims after his death in 1977 up until now, and "Total Trust"--the story of several people in China who have fought the total smart city control grid that seeks to numb and dumb their lives through total control. I am amazed at Kanopy which is a movie streaming platform available through my library in Boulder, CO. It is so interesting that they are providing such important and timely documentaries. These are so important to planting seeds of "what if I do NOT speak out and stand up for Freedom--Freedom of Speech, of the Press of.... These are stories of what can happen--as in Spain and What is coming, "real time" to America in terms of total control in our these "smart cities" that are being built up all across our country and the "smart technologies" that will be a part of total surveillance in these new prisons. With no fanfare or hype, these documentaries are being made available by some freedom loving people, I am sure.

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I briefly met David via a Signal group, and I think he is a good, very intelligent person. However, he is delusional about Marxism (as is normal among academic intellectuals who have no personal experience with Marxism). This quote: "The WEF is concerned with the coordination of capitalist interests against the working class. They don't do it for the workers.”

I have to just roll my eyes and laugh. As if Marxism was EVER about the interests of workers...

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Thanks, Sasha. I think the same about you, too.

However, I would be interested to know what qualifies you to make bald pronouncements upon Marxism, or to assume that I have no personal experience with Marxism?

If you wish to advance an absurdity such as that Marxism was never about the interests of the working class, you automatically disqualify yourself as a credible commentator on Marxism in my eyes.

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Hi David, with due respect 50% of my life was spent under a Marxist regime, and Marxism was a required curriculum throughout my school and university education. I have first hand experience with it. It is an ideology, a narrative about an underdog (which works every time) designed to capture idealist intellectuals and make them act against their interests and those of the actual working class in order to capture resources for the totalitarian elites (which are indistinguishable from capitalists, fascists, corporatists, etc.) As any communitarian ideology, they all lead to the same place... I don't accept arguments "but Marxism wasn't done correctly..." please...

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We need to differentiate here between a regime espousing Marxist-Leninist ideology and Marxism as a science of social relations.

Twentieth-century "communism" was a hideous perversion of Marxism. One need only look at the history of the Fourth International to see that. Although you may not accept arguments that "Marxism wasn't done correctly," the historical reality is that Stalinism, through the Great Purge, systematically eliminated the rump of the October Revolution and anything resembling Marxism.

So, what you lived under was de facto not a "Marxist" regime, even if it promoted Marxism-Leninism. I get into the "communist" collaboration with capitalism during the Cold War here: https://propagandainfocus.com/wall-street-the-nazis-and-the-crimes-of-the-deep-state/

"Communitarianism" is an ideology that comes much later in time than Marxism and which has been used by conservative commentators to conflate Marxism with a raft of ideologies that have nothing to do with it, when properly understood.

The key point is that a Marxist understanding (scientific, not ideological) is indispensable to making sense of the global class war that is currently unfolding.

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Marxism is not a science, it's an ideology. communitarian ideologies precede Marxism, e.g. tribal redistributionist societies are communitarian, and they are thousands of years old.

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But the thing is, we are in essentially a class war with a tiny group against everyone else, even against many of those who thought they were in the ruling class. The real ruling class turns out to be tiny.

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I very much doubt the group is "tiny".

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I respectfully disagree.

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Marx would not have countenanced Stalin's terror just as Thomas Paine or Benjamin Franklin would not have recognized the genocide that the fascist regime that the United States has become has perpetrated while espousing their principles.

Nor will the writings of Paine or Franklin be fogotten or disparaged because of the evil done by the U.S. regime, any more than the writings of Marx will be forgotten because of Stalin's terror.

If Marx writings' are construed as science then it is an error and he may have been guilty of that himself. Likewise if they are construed as an ideology. Marx was primarily an anthropologist.

Eugene Debs appreciated Marx' views as did the millions who voted for Debs even though Debs was in prison on false charges. That was at a time when it was no contradiction to be an American and believe in socialism.

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political system must be independent of personalities or who is currently president. That's why Marx was a freeloader academic living off his rich wife and writing about social justice, but anyone using this ideology to run a country turns it into a murderous tyranny. That's because there is no other way to implement Marxism in practice (this is confirmed by numerous independent large and long experiments world wide). Ironically, this is similar to mRNA. In theory it's a wonderful cure and we can edit your genes to perfection and cure every disease. In practice it's just a vat full of chemical poison;.

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Marxism was theoretically all about the workers. But, as Hayek pointed out, all collectivism turns into totalitarianism, finally. This is the same point that Arendt made when we focus on the logic of one idea (such as "stay safe") to the exclusion of all others: this infected both Nazism and Stalinism.

I don't think it's really about class struggle as the central point. I think it's about the recognition that there's huge profit and control to be had if rapidly-expanding technology can become part and parcel of people's lives, with the government's blessing and with the moral justification of "staying safe" (from germs, global warming, etc.: manufactured threats.) They want technology to expand into and intrude into our lives, as this is where the money will be made and control will be had.

Imagining how exponentially technology will have grown in a mere 20 years, they have a point.

I believe part of the solution is building legal shields against that intrusion into our lives; this starts with making the individual sovereign in their own lives in a scheme akin to subsidiarity (which can be read as a doctrine of non-interference) with firm shields placed against institutional, government, or G3P interference into affairs they have no business in. Thus informed consent becomes the absolute and irrevocable basis of a world that can counter the desire to monitor and manage the human race.

Technology will advance, yes. But there are great dangers as it intrudes into and becomes merged with our own lives in ways secretive and beyond our consent: such ways should face very heavy penalties. They should be forbidden. We the people need to be able to say "no" without penalty, recognizing our basic right to live our lives as we see fit.

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Should is good. But should is all very well. At present you literally CAN'T say no to the inescapable radiofrequency radiation emitted by cell towers, the neighbours' WiFi etc (well you can try, but by now everyone is so addicted to the technology that you won't get much support -- until the 5G towers suddenly appearing feet from your bedroom make your house uninhabitable and your property value in the tank). And you can't say no to the cloud seeding ("justified" by the "climate crisis"), which sprays toxic chemicals literally all over you, your water and soil. And it's increasingly difficult to say no to a variety of toxic agrichemicals that contaminate your food, or to bureaucrats 'dressed in a little brief authority' who slam you in jail for saying no to a plethora of stupid new rules and regulations .... Yes friends, this really is WWIII.

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I agree.

Individual sovereignty is only a piece of the larger puzzle. Honest science would be another.

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Yes "class struggle" is a rather played out meme loved by academics. I prefer to ditch the complex dialectics in favor of simpler tokens like "mass murder" and "grand theft" to describe the criminal perpetrators at our throats.

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I had the same thought, Sasha.

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Now, if only we could get our democrat loved ones to read this & actually take it in. But alas, all they do is reject any evidence in written form or video, & choose to remain in the dark. Ignorance is bliss whilst telling us we are conspiracy theorists. Then they carry on their merry way, not understanding why so many people are sick and dying all around us. Maddening.

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It's difficult for many to believe that our trusted institutions are completely untrustworthy.

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The current WWIII is a bio and psychological war without a defined frontline! It has been successfully created when the goals of the US war machine became locked in concert with Big Pharma goals, the goals of the eugenicists and the goals of the globalists who see a one world totalitarian government as the solution for creating a utopian world with only the necessary worker bees. Bottom line: The 4 horseman of the Apocalypse are saddled up and ridding like hell to destroy humanity as we know it. They may be side lined if the Ukraine/Russian preplanned war goes nuclear. My view. The question is can it be stopped. With the Control and Power in the hands of a few and with top down psychological control being used daily to manage the direction, I doubt it.

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Do you actually have a clear idea of the eugenicisists and globalists being two different factions?

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No! I think there are a lot of over lapping goals. I bet there is more than one operational plan in writing! Would be great if a whistle blower emerges, but with what they did with JA sends a clear message!

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Very clear, which is what strongly emphasises the urgency and the vital importance of our need to take action, for fear that they may acquire more power and control and subsequently become more oppressive.

What action we can take is the real conundrum that needs to be worked on and solved.

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Thank you Dr Nash. Thank you kindly.

This is so true and so important! The facts are, so many “good and decent” people are speaking out.

We can’t let the “evils” of the world continue their “reign of terror”! For the sake of mankind, we cannot!


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Children, open your hearts to the Truth!

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 KJV

It’s all dribble pointing a finger at one man or another. Understand your enemy is Lucifer, the Serpent, the Beast.


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Oh wow, he says exactly what I’ve been thinking for a few months now. WW3 started with Covid. It’s the ruling class against us.

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Thank you for this! I can’t wait to read the whole book

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Haven’t yet read the entire essay but will note that— not to beat a dead horse— this directly contradicts Desmet’s main thesis that there was no conspiracy during Covid. The correct relationship is: mass formation was deliberately induced during Covid and this was a goal of the operation. Mass formation is thus real; the cause that Desmet ascribes to it is not, and that cause is in fact a red herring.

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