I personally don't think it was a sleight of hand to keep his book from being censored...maybe but I don't think so. There has been a huge ideological battle between the opposing ideas that what we experienced A.) spontaneously arose out of the nature of the human psychological tendencies or B.) was a top-down controlled demolition of fr…
I personally don't think it was a sleight of hand to keep his book from being censored...maybe but I don't think so. There has been a huge ideological battle between the opposing ideas that what we experienced A.) spontaneously arose out of the nature of the human psychological tendencies or B.) was a top-down controlled demolition of free will by bad actors.
I choose to see the wisdom in both ideas and I think they worked together synergistically, but there are many who think it was either one or the other. Some people believe that Desmet wrote the book as a sort of "blame the victim" essay. Again, my personal opinion is that people do need to take responsibility for their critical thinking skills and to try and become less naive to obvious propaganda narratives (siding here with Desmet) and to consider what their actions support down the road (pulling children out of school for two years, taking experimental injections, supporting vaccine passports, etc).
At the same time, I think the people who intentionally perpetrated these harms should be held accountable for their crimes (siding with the global conspiracy theorists - plenty of proof to call them realists at this point). The people at the top knew this was going to result in massive wealth acquisition for them at the expense of the middle class and they also knew it was going to physically and psychologically harm almost all of humanity.
I really enjoy JP. You should consider reading Desmet's book. It was fascinating. I have David's book on my reading list. Great interview. The book is probably also really insightful.
People were deprived of property (businesses) and not compensated -- the 4th amendment.
depending on what state you were in,
the govt took the attitude that your body is not really yours, the state gets to decide what experiments you are forced into. that's literally communism (think chIna & involuntary organ donation ). similarly, does the State really get to decide what your kids are taught about basic life concepts such as gender? Who owns the kids?
this is every bit as important as the clash of states rights vs individual rights that partly brought on the first "civil" war. I wish our dear leaders would err on the side of liberty & not the side of government.
whether we blame/credit the media, Big Pharma, govt, foreigners, whatever ---- the Constitution was ignored. I loved president Trump but was dismayed that even he, a firm supporter of the Constitution, went along with the "2 weeks to flatten the curve". I'm in minnesota where we literally had people jailed for trying to re--open their own business many months after the '2 weeks". We have several known socialists in office (& yes they cheated to get there). Basically, it is now the People vs Govt..... I am not optimistic about a peaceful resolution
Bringing up the constitution is basically taking the conversation in a new direction. Desmet's book is describing what was going on psychologically to lead average people to support tyranny, totalitarianism, harm to others, harm to themselves and so on.
If you want to look more at the un-constitutionality of what happened, I have found both Katherine Watt's substack (Bailiwick News?)and Sasha Latypova's substack very helpful. They have both extensively highlighted the laws that have been passed over the last several decades to provide "legal" justification for all the unconstitutional things that occurred. The PREP Act was very instrumental but there is a whole long list of laws enacted that legally protected the bad actors of the last several years.
And on the subject of Trump, he was possibly the most important factor in making everything that happened possible. If not the most important factor, definitely one of the most important. He lead the republicans peacefully to their doom. Republicans would have rebelled if Clinton would have been elected. He was the first to declare "emergency powers" and his administration was the one that first suspended property rights. He gave lip service to conservative ideas and did a lot of things that endeared the republicans to him, but he did the exact opposite of what he was giving lip service to. I.E. he talked about early treatments but he signed Operation Warp Speed, which effectively wiped out any chance of early treatments ever being allowed. He talked against facemarks but then embraced them. He talked against lock downs but then embraced them. He criticized Fauci but met with him daily and followed all his recommendations. (He even gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of his presidency and then pretended like he didn't know who did it.) He talked about his skills with economics but he allowed numerous entire industries to be shut down and he printed massive amounts of money to send to people who weren't working, thus kicking off the rolling inflation that hit a few months later. He still pretends not to know that the vaccines are dangerous. Really?! Don't buy it. He knows. He knew. He is controlled by Pharma.
Anyone supporting Trump is falling for the same kind of psychological manipulation that democrats fall for with their party produced propaganda. It's just a different flavor.
The politicians and law makers are not going to save us. Big money owns and controls them, obviously. We have to learn to be mentally more acute so that we can stand up to tyranny even when it's dressed up as a health emergency, or a war emergency, or a climate emergency, or whatever other emergency they tell us is eminent. If we rely on the politicians, we will be living with social credit scores and digital money very soon, which will ensure our constitutional rights are null and void. That's my guess at where this is going but only time will tell., I'm afraid people did not learn any valuable lessons from the last several years but I hope I am wrong about that. Maybe people did learn something and will resist more in the future.
interesting points. :-) thank you; I so enjoy intelligent conversation!!! I am largely surrounded by sheep so it's a pleasure to be able to talk with someone. Yes I agree the various legislators have been passing "laws" for decades now, which violated the Constitution. I still stubbornly continue to stubbornly insist that the Constitution IS the Law Of The Land & anything that doesn't comply --- be it judicial
ruling, legislation at ANY level, beaurocratic "policy" /guidelines,fines etc ---- is simply null & void & of no effect and I don't have to comply. (if i choose to voluntarily comply just to avoid painful fallout, that does NOT imply consent; if anything it reveals how evil the system is. Just because an abused girlfriend goes back to the abusive boyfriend again, doesn't mean he's in the right.)
Even our Sheriffs (who know better) don't always know or enforce the Constitution. I & a few friends had to take steps to persuade a local sheriff, in the beginning of covid, to honor the Constitution. (yes, we won.)
agreed, not sure people have "learned" yet.... that's one problem with the "slowly boiling frog" method currently being used by the evil ones. (I'm tired of calling them
elites, but haven't found a suitable alternative.) But --- on the other hand --- if you boil the pot slowly, a few frogs jump out, & they go somewhere & make more tadpoles. I expect that even when our enemies have finally invaded openly, some patriots will remain:
in hiding, but alive, fierce, and raising up children who cannot be conquered. I plan to take in & train any that come to me for shelter.
Awesome! You are an asset to your family and community. I feel very grateful that none of my children fell for the relentless propaganda and all are Covid injection free! (And my grandchildren are 100% vaccine free as well) more and more people are catching on to the insanity. It’s the one silver lining.
I could not agree more. All the laws that are unconstitutional and that allowed the tyranny of the last four years to occur should be null and void. But it’s going to take an educated population to hold the “law makers” and “law interpreters” feet to the fire to uphold our inalienable rights. If the public allows abuse, that’s what we will continue to get.
Congratulations on educating your sheriff. That’s an amazing accomplishment. We do not have a sheriff in my state. But many people just ignored all the ridiculousness. And many more will ignore it if they do it again. I hope.
I personally don't think it was a sleight of hand to keep his book from being censored...maybe but I don't think so. There has been a huge ideological battle between the opposing ideas that what we experienced A.) spontaneously arose out of the nature of the human psychological tendencies or B.) was a top-down controlled demolition of free will by bad actors.
I choose to see the wisdom in both ideas and I think they worked together synergistically, but there are many who think it was either one or the other. Some people believe that Desmet wrote the book as a sort of "blame the victim" essay. Again, my personal opinion is that people do need to take responsibility for their critical thinking skills and to try and become less naive to obvious propaganda narratives (siding here with Desmet) and to consider what their actions support down the road (pulling children out of school for two years, taking experimental injections, supporting vaccine passports, etc).
At the same time, I think the people who intentionally perpetrated these harms should be held accountable for their crimes (siding with the global conspiracy theorists - plenty of proof to call them realists at this point). The people at the top knew this was going to result in massive wealth acquisition for them at the expense of the middle class and they also knew it was going to physically and psychologically harm almost all of humanity.
I really enjoy JP. You should consider reading Desmet's book. It was fascinating. I have David's book on my reading list. Great interview. The book is probably also really insightful.
agreed, mostly:-)
but what about the Constitution?
People were deprived of property (businesses) and not compensated -- the 4th amendment.
depending on what state you were in,
the govt took the attitude that your body is not really yours, the state gets to decide what experiments you are forced into. that's literally communism (think chIna & involuntary organ donation ). similarly, does the State really get to decide what your kids are taught about basic life concepts such as gender? Who owns the kids?
this is every bit as important as the clash of states rights vs individual rights that partly brought on the first "civil" war. I wish our dear leaders would err on the side of liberty & not the side of government.
whether we blame/credit the media, Big Pharma, govt, foreigners, whatever ---- the Constitution was ignored. I loved president Trump but was dismayed that even he, a firm supporter of the Constitution, went along with the "2 weeks to flatten the curve". I'm in minnesota where we literally had people jailed for trying to re--open their own business many months after the '2 weeks". We have several known socialists in office (& yes they cheated to get there). Basically, it is now the People vs Govt..... I am not optimistic about a peaceful resolution
Bringing up the constitution is basically taking the conversation in a new direction. Desmet's book is describing what was going on psychologically to lead average people to support tyranny, totalitarianism, harm to others, harm to themselves and so on.
If you want to look more at the un-constitutionality of what happened, I have found both Katherine Watt's substack (Bailiwick News?)and Sasha Latypova's substack very helpful. They have both extensively highlighted the laws that have been passed over the last several decades to provide "legal" justification for all the unconstitutional things that occurred. The PREP Act was very instrumental but there is a whole long list of laws enacted that legally protected the bad actors of the last several years.
And on the subject of Trump, he was possibly the most important factor in making everything that happened possible. If not the most important factor, definitely one of the most important. He lead the republicans peacefully to their doom. Republicans would have rebelled if Clinton would have been elected. He was the first to declare "emergency powers" and his administration was the one that first suspended property rights. He gave lip service to conservative ideas and did a lot of things that endeared the republicans to him, but he did the exact opposite of what he was giving lip service to. I.E. he talked about early treatments but he signed Operation Warp Speed, which effectively wiped out any chance of early treatments ever being allowed. He talked against facemarks but then embraced them. He talked against lock downs but then embraced them. He criticized Fauci but met with him daily and followed all his recommendations. (He even gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of his presidency and then pretended like he didn't know who did it.) He talked about his skills with economics but he allowed numerous entire industries to be shut down and he printed massive amounts of money to send to people who weren't working, thus kicking off the rolling inflation that hit a few months later. He still pretends not to know that the vaccines are dangerous. Really?! Don't buy it. He knows. He knew. He is controlled by Pharma.
Anyone supporting Trump is falling for the same kind of psychological manipulation that democrats fall for with their party produced propaganda. It's just a different flavor.
The politicians and law makers are not going to save us. Big money owns and controls them, obviously. We have to learn to be mentally more acute so that we can stand up to tyranny even when it's dressed up as a health emergency, or a war emergency, or a climate emergency, or whatever other emergency they tell us is eminent. If we rely on the politicians, we will be living with social credit scores and digital money very soon, which will ensure our constitutional rights are null and void. That's my guess at where this is going but only time will tell., I'm afraid people did not learn any valuable lessons from the last several years but I hope I am wrong about that. Maybe people did learn something and will resist more in the future.
interesting points. :-) thank you; I so enjoy intelligent conversation!!! I am largely surrounded by sheep so it's a pleasure to be able to talk with someone. Yes I agree the various legislators have been passing "laws" for decades now, which violated the Constitution. I still stubbornly continue to stubbornly insist that the Constitution IS the Law Of The Land & anything that doesn't comply --- be it judicial
ruling, legislation at ANY level, beaurocratic "policy" /guidelines,fines etc ---- is simply null & void & of no effect and I don't have to comply. (if i choose to voluntarily comply just to avoid painful fallout, that does NOT imply consent; if anything it reveals how evil the system is. Just because an abused girlfriend goes back to the abusive boyfriend again, doesn't mean he's in the right.)
Even our Sheriffs (who know better) don't always know or enforce the Constitution. I & a few friends had to take steps to persuade a local sheriff, in the beginning of covid, to honor the Constitution. (yes, we won.)
agreed, not sure people have "learned" yet.... that's one problem with the "slowly boiling frog" method currently being used by the evil ones. (I'm tired of calling them
elites, but haven't found a suitable alternative.) But --- on the other hand --- if you boil the pot slowly, a few frogs jump out, & they go somewhere & make more tadpoles. I expect that even when our enemies have finally invaded openly, some patriots will remain:
in hiding, but alive, fierce, and raising up children who cannot be conquered. I plan to take in & train any that come to me for shelter.
Awesome! You are an asset to your family and community. I feel very grateful that none of my children fell for the relentless propaganda and all are Covid injection free! (And my grandchildren are 100% vaccine free as well) more and more people are catching on to the insanity. It’s the one silver lining.
I could not agree more. All the laws that are unconstitutional and that allowed the tyranny of the last four years to occur should be null and void. But it’s going to take an educated population to hold the “law makers” and “law interpreters” feet to the fire to uphold our inalienable rights. If the public allows abuse, that’s what we will continue to get.
Congratulations on educating your sheriff. That’s an amazing accomplishment. We do not have a sheriff in my state. But many people just ignored all the ridiculousness. And many more will ignore it if they do it again. I hope.