This is enabled by laws being written in the US that in effect subvert us to the authority of the WHO. So it's a two-way street of orchestrated lawfare against the freedom, dignity, and self-determination of the good people of this country: laws being written in the US, and regulations written by the WHO that correspond to those laws tha…
This is enabled by laws being written in the US that in effect subvert us to the authority of the WHO. So it's a two-way street of orchestrated lawfare against the freedom, dignity, and self-determination of the good people of this country: laws being written in the US, and regulations written by the WHO that correspond to those laws that serve as complimentary triggers giving the WHO jurisdiction over the US in the event of vaguely-defined public health emergencies.
The WHO writes their regulations; laws in place in the US even now say, OK, in an "emergency" the WHO has authority, we suspend our constitution and do what they say. The great pretense is that we have no competent local health professionals and therefore must rely on the distant authorities who have computer models and are therefore superior, even though it's possible that none of them ever treated a single patient.
This is enabled by laws being written in the US that in effect subvert us to the authority of the WHO. So it's a two-way street of orchestrated lawfare against the freedom, dignity, and self-determination of the good people of this country: laws being written in the US, and regulations written by the WHO that correspond to those laws that serve as complimentary triggers giving the WHO jurisdiction over the US in the event of vaguely-defined public health emergencies.
The WHO writes their regulations; laws in place in the US even now say, OK, in an "emergency" the WHO has authority, we suspend our constitution and do what they say. The great pretense is that we have no competent local health professionals and therefore must rely on the distant authorities who have computer models and are therefore superior, even though it's possible that none of them ever treated a single patient.
Of course the WHO is just a front.