My DIY cancer care has kept me healthy for more than 5 years of terminal cancer, so even my doctor and oncologist don't know very much, let alone the WHO, about "old" knowledge.

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I would love to hear this story of how you are curing your cancer! Bless you.

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I do a cut-down version of Gerson Therapy (see Dr Max Gerson's book on Amazon) - and use that as a holding-operation (I don't think metastatic cancer can be "cured", just kept under control.

The trick is to understand it, and then it is easy to do as a way-of-life, that's the trick, same as giving up smoking - when you "get" it, you instantly do it without any regrets, and enjoy doing it :) anything else will end in failure.

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Well done! In Australia we can and will have our children taken from us if we say no to ‘regular’ cancer treatment for them. At this point we can say no for ourselves as far as I’m aware.

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When someone even threatens to do that, let alone actually does that, the only meaningful response is to execute their children. Australia needs to have at least 10% of its population culled. That 10% would be comprised of government officials, for the most part.

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The WHO is not driving this. The powers behind WHO are. You know, the unknown forces which were coordinating the COVID psy-op around the world. They need a more direct authority to force the next “biotherapeutic” into every human being on this planet. The fact that governments around the world will sign onto this, losing their own sovereignty (which no government wishes to do) clearly shows us who is really in charge. And it isn’t WHO! WHO is just a convenient supra national vehicle. No state in the US will be able to resist the new WHO edicts; the federal government will enforce an international treaty in ways it could not its own unconstitutional edicts.

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This is enabled by laws being written in the US that in effect subvert us to the authority of the WHO. So it's a two-way street of orchestrated lawfare against the freedom, dignity, and self-determination of the good people of this country: laws being written in the US, and regulations written by the WHO that correspond to those laws that serve as complimentary triggers giving the WHO jurisdiction over the US in the event of vaguely-defined public health emergencies.

The WHO writes their regulations; laws in place in the US even now say, OK, in an "emergency" the WHO has authority, we suspend our constitution and do what they say. The great pretense is that we have no competent local health professionals and therefore must rely on the distant authorities who have computer models and are therefore superior, even though it's possible that none of them ever treated a single patient.

Of course the WHO is just a front.

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Yes, and the first two powers are China and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

I have a picture of the old Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation headquarters...all for population reduction.

However, what seriously bothers me, is that Biden's people wrote this.

And the head of the WHO, the director General, right now is proven genocidal /murderous non doctor who killed his own people by withholding cholera meds...and was proposed and selected by CHINA.

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Barack Obama.

Biden has no "people".

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Director general, like all other puppets, is a compromised personality. He will do what he is told.

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It took John Campbell a long time to realize that he was lied to by all the medical journals and authorities he trusted...but HIS EYES ARE OPEN NOW. Well Done Dr. Campbell...keep it up.

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I frequently watch his videos. They are great. He has explained many important things in an concise manner. Thank-you for sharing.

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These are not amendments. It’s a total rewrite.

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Thanks for sharing!

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The country heads no longer want to be part of WHO and have stated so. I think who is trying to get this in before that happens. The WHO needs to be totally exterminated for such language against the populations .

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My country head is a demented old 80 year old fool...but the people who speak for him are definitely anti Freedom and sovreigity.

THAT's what bothers me.

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Has Biden stated he does not??? I would be pleasantly stunned if so.

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No, his people wrote it. You know Biden is a dementia riddled old puppet.

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Puppet, indeed.

Only a place-holder, to "finish" what was "started".

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Well actually I meant Trump or Kennedy, or Polivier in Canada. don’t recognize the false Kazarian brainwashed puppets they got in as stooges. My god,...just look at the ‘leaders’ they put in around the world,...listen to their double talk, and false narratives. Babies coo more understanding than what comes out of them.

Why cant we just get rid of them?!? What is it we don’t know?!?

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The old definition of "chutzpah" was a child who kills his parents then throws himself on the mercy of the court as an orphan. The new definition is an organization that causes a worldwide catastrophe by misusing its authority, then asks for even more authority. What do you call all the well-meaning people who think that's a great idea? I dunno, even yiddish lacks a word for them.

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"Cannon fodder".

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Ha ha, not bad. I asked GPT4 how "cannon fodder" translates into yiddish, and it told me this:

In Yiddish, the term "cannon fodder" can be translated as "קאַנאָנענפֿוטער" (pronounced as "kanonenfuter"). This term refers to individuals who are regarded as expendable or easily disposable, typically used in a military context to describe soldiers who are sent into battle with little regard for their lives.

I understand why the "generals" have little regard for the lives of those they send into battle. But I'm still trying to understand why the "soldiers" in this case are so easily convinced that being in harms way is actually good for them.

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It's the myrmidon spirit. Seek out and listen to Jason Christoff's presentation at the COVID 3 European Parliament symposium. Those easily conscripted by the past three years' campaign were "low standing, high need for approval" personalities. Call it a form of identity...belonging.

Cultish inclusion.

A necessary polarization is taking place. People need to shake off the slumber, and find שׁם.

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I shall be sending to as many UK 'Blob' departments as I can. I won't waste your time listing the UK ones - I should make a Special Newsletter for later on if I get any replies! I will be posting this in my 'Letter from Great Britain' inn the coming weeks.

I emailed the UK FCDO in January 2023 asking the question of who exactly is signing off on these things? They sent a long reply, the essence of which is the last paragraph here, where they wrote:

from: "Health Institutions and Health Security Department Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDP) - aka The Blob.

"The UK is party to numerous multilateral treaties, including many through the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies such as the WHO. The Government has a strong commitment and duty to implement international law that it is subject to. However, the Government has been clear that the UK would not sign up to any instrument that would compromise its ability to take domestic decisions on national restrictions or other national measures concerning public health. This includes lockdowns, domestic immunisation rollout, and other public health measures of this nature. Decisions such as these will remain within the competency of individual WHO Member States. Any changes to or new domestic law required or considered appropriate to reflect international obligations and the ratification of a treaty, would be subject to parliamentary scrutiny."

Well that's plain enough for UK anyway, but that didn't happen with Covid. I shall stay on station and remain alert (as my CO ordered).

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The evil families spawned from the early Roman, Byzantine and Anglo Dutch Empires and the British Empire who are directing, coordinating and managing the WHO, WEF, CDC, NIH, FDA, CIA, MI6 and every other three letter government agency through their ultra-powerful network of soldiers are covertly reingineering exactly what happened during WWII under the Fascist-Nazi rule of Hitler. The Director-General of the WHO is now the world's Dictator (the Antichrist) and will most likely make Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Churchill and FDR look like amatuers.

Brace yourselves, it's going to be a rough four years while the Great Reset becomes a reality throughout planet earth. Is there anyone or anything on earth, the heavens or the universe that can save us from our worst known enemy - ourselves?!

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Yes, there is.

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I believe that is Jesus Christ.

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None other!

There's only One.

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Thank you for sharing!! Dr John's delivery is precious. Deadpan British intonation while explaining the destruction of the world. I think "The Who" the rock sensation of the 70's, composed the greatest lyric for the appropriate response to the W.H.O. , the diabolical 3-letter agency... DO NOT COMPLY.

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He’s da man! And like you Dr Nass he offers all materials for free in this worldwide crisis for suffering humanity. Thank God for this beautiful combo in you both of medical and scientific integrity and beneficence!

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He is a treasure watch him almost everyday.

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When faced with evil, where should you turn? To Christ.

The Word Became Flesh

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life,a and the life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

9The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. 11He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. 12But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

14And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Sond from the Father, full of grace and truth. 15(John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) 16For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.” -John 1:1-18

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I wish I could BOLD “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

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Nor ever shall the darkness!

HE will BOLD those words in short order.

Their full attention will be had.

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Yes…but we want as many people as possible to come to Him.

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Of course.

The opening and closing books of the NT, however, make clear that despite His timeless call, not all "hearing" will heed.

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Yes, we all probably have people dear to us… that refused Him up to their last day. There are a few I am wondering if I will see when the Lord calls me home to Him. I had a grandmother on her death bed say ’no’, another who had always angrily said, ’no’ but on her deathbed, moaning in pain and delirious, kept saying His name over and over again. Lord, open their eyes, please. Amen.

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I've no doubt both destinations will be host to surprise arrivals.

He knows the heart perfectly Who created it. "Author and finisher".

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Amen. Lord, may our hearts find our peace and joy in You.

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They not only deprive us of our life and liberty, but they deprive our children and other loved ones of their life and liberty.

Here's a Thought Experiment:

-- Assume that the most important one thousand perps are identifiable.

-- Assume that one or more of their children are identifiable.

-- Assume that peasants with pitchforks skewer a thousand of these identified children.

What might the outcome(s) of such skewerings be, with respect to the *future* crimes of WHO, their enablers, their accomplices and their instigators?

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"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas".

The worst are at the helm.

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The WHO did a meta- analysis and stated that Remdisivir was not good for COVID treatment. The U.S. ignored that completely and continued promoting Remdisivir anyway. What would have happened if the new WHO politics were in place when that occurred?

The WHO and the U.N. have no standing army to force nations to follow its rulings. I don't think losing status with the WHO would greatly affect even poor nations, unless the rich nations use a WHO ruling as an excuse to stop foreign aid to those nations.

Didn't Trump pull the U.S. out of the WHO? Or something like that?

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Biden undid it immediately

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Have you any memory of the trampling, mounted response to Canadian mandate protests? UN trucks were photographed in proximity.

Only a uniparty explains why Trump left intact ANY Obama Executive Orders--no less one penned just prior to "exiting" in 2016--allowing UN forces to occupy U.S. streets in a support capacity(circumventing the Posse Comitatus Act). Another odd alignment of the coincidence stars?

As for the WHO/UN lacking a "standing army", would it be too conspiracy theorist of me to speculate the legion of single, military-aged males flooding, "unstoppably", across the welcoming southern border must have basic needs met?


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This has all been done behind the scenes using legalese to submit the US to the authority of the WHO in the event of some emergency that the WHO determines, and as such the police powers of the US come into play to enforce these laws.

I believe Trump did pull us out of the WHO but one of the first things Biden did was put us back in. So now all of those laws written behind the scenes and without a vote, that subvert our liberty to the WHO, are active.

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