It's the myrmidon spirit. Seek out and listen to Jason Christoff's presentation at the COVID 3 European Parliament symposium. Those easily conscripted by the past three years' campaign were "low standing, high need for approval" personalities. Call it a form of identity...belonging.
Cultish inclusion.
A necessary polarization is taking place. People need to shake off the slumber, and find שׁם.
It's the myrmidon spirit. Seek out and listen to Jason Christoff's presentation at the COVID 3 European Parliament symposium. Those easily conscripted by the past three years' campaign were "low standing, high need for approval" personalities. Call it a form of identity...belonging.
Cultish inclusion.
A necessary polarization is taking place. People need to shake off the slumber, and find שׁם.
It's the myrmidon spirit. Seek out and listen to Jason Christoff's presentation at the COVID 3 European Parliament symposium. Those easily conscripted by the past three years' campaign were "low standing, high need for approval" personalities. Call it a form of identity...belonging.
Cultish inclusion.
A necessary polarization is taking place. People need to shake off the slumber, and find שׁם.