IHR Amendments in a nutshell: I think nursing professor Dr. John Campbell has created the best assessment of the IHR 's proposed changes in 13 minutes and 42 seconds
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My DIY cancer care has kept me healthy for more than 5 years of terminal cancer, so even my doctor and oncologist don't know very much, let alone the WHO, about "old" knowledge.
The WHO is not driving this. The powers behind WHO are. You know, the unknown forces which were coordinating the COVID psy-op around the world. They need a more direct authority to force the next “biotherapeutic” into every human being on this planet. The fact that governments around the world will sign onto this, losing their own sovereignty (which no government wishes to do) clearly shows us who is really in charge. And it isn’t WHO! WHO is just a convenient supra national vehicle. No state in the US will be able to resist the new WHO edicts; the federal government will enforce an international treaty in ways it could not its own unconstitutional edicts.