Between Wednesday and today (Friday) there has been no increase in the numbers culled on CDC's website. So I think the system is listening. Hoping.

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I could never understand how people [who can think] would accept fear-based info from our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma's, Who's iatrogenic medicine is, is the leading cause of death & harm! Killing over 684 to 2191 a day & harming many more! (If you can believe the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] study or Dr. Null's [well documented] book, Death By Medicine.)

God save us from Big Fruadlent Pharma!

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Yea! Boost the amount of vitamin D in the grains that they feed the chickens to boost their immune system! Then give them the space they need to not be stressed out! Of course, this validates the idea that a strong and vibrant immune system is the best defense against all pathogens from viruses to bacteria to fungus and beyond!

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Great ideas. Make our birds healthier. This is certainly what is lacking in the big chicken operations. This constant culling of birds is so horrifying and such a problem for our health as well. Who is responsible for putting out the culling order? Let's jump on them!!!

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Have you seen how food that is fed to poultry farm chickens is derived ? It is covered in glyphosate! Genetically modified. And they are fed antibiotics to make them produce more. The baby chicks are sprayed with a vaccine as soon as they hatch and their bodies have no opportunity to be normal. EVER!

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Better living through better chemistry is a lie!

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My sincerest compliments & thanks for your continuous efforts in keeping us informed on these different topics !! 👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥 🌹🌹🌹 !!!

Imho, all these problems, from bird-flu to low-nutrient veggies, ever increasing percentages of autism, cardio-vascular and mental issues, etc., etc., reckless corruption, fraud and open theft in most agencies and political have one common root: GREED

- Citizens being coerced to procure food at lowest possible cost (because other topics like Visa-card interests, rents, medical care, etc. are devouring their income,

- so-called "leaders" indulging in endless, shameless, reckless corruption and profiteering from their positions of alleged power,

- industry, pharma and defense sucking-up permanent windfall-profits from the tax-paying populace turned human cattle.

To feel comfy in a deeply sick society is definitively NOT a sign of sound health.

A radical paradigm-shift is badly needed, ASAP, or the point-of-no-return will be left behind ...

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I fully agree Klaus !

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Thanks for your kind support from Down-Under !!! 👍👍👍 🦘🦘🦘

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You are amazing. I was so concerned when I saw Rollins press conference that I sent an email to her at the USAG Department. Don’t know if she will see it, however, if enough people contact her office, maybe she’ll get the message and listen to you, Bobbie Kennedy and the few other brave and ones with reasonable and fruitful solutions. Thank you for all you do.

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It’s probably what they’re spraying in the skies and what’s in the weird fog

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What are they spraying in your sky’s ? Graphene , aluminium oxide and maybe lead. Although. All are stable. But with lead patches of targets can be more easily monitored. Remember that The Club of Rome and the Sierra Club. The UN , WEF , Sorros Gates among others ; want you replaced by AI and robots. And you dare to breath out CO2 for our trees , grass and all negotiation.

Just follow our Prof Ian Plimer

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What I find curious about this whole affair is that it is focused only on birds which provide food (Poultry.) Why no mass vaccinations (or culling) for Seagulls, Crows, Sparrows, Finches, Doves, Pigeons, Mockingbirds, Thrashers, Catbirds, Starlings, Jays, Bluebirds, Robins, Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Eagles, Hawks, Vultures, Wrens, Etc.?

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Leave the poor wild birds alone - they have enough problems trying to avoid death from wind turbines!

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They want us dead. The USDA is our enemy.NO CULLING!

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My understanding, there is NO TEST capable of testing for a virus----so "bird flu" is like covid, another pandemic of LIES AND PROPAGANDA.

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No Virus has ever been isolated using the scientific method, and any living being will get sick living in its own shit, this makes it a bacterial issue not a viral thing that has never been isolated in a controlled study following the scientific method. Perhaps the problem is big scale animal farming???… my stomach turned multiple times reading this, we are treating living things like numbers for profit and “portfolios”, and the ruthless culling of 166 million birds reminded me of “2 weeks to flatten the curve” which also did NOT work.

Then they speak about the avian gene matrix? As in the virus genome done by Ai with given preset? That’s not valid information at all and pure pseudoscience.

So yeah i am really questioning if the bird flu even exists or if these birds are coming down with bacterial infections from living in their own shit, since wild birds don’t seem to have this problem.

Moral question: if we cull birds without a blink (and an isolated virus in a controlled study) , what makes them not “cull” humans in the future because of a so called “viral” disease??? What if this is just a testing ground??

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I agree with all that you've said!!! Something very fishy about the way this "virus" is behaving.

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SAVE the COWS, CHICKENS, PIGS from these insane people

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This is great! Let’s please stop cooking viruses in labs once and for all!

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👍And ALL jabs of everything. I’m so done with that 💩

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They're caught in a trap, numerous traps:

a) the trap of blindly following previous protocol: culling and vaccination.

b) vaccination itself is a trap because it encourages viral mutation leading to greater viral inclusive fitness (ways of surviving and reproducing) but is also relied on to diminish lethality among infected chickens.

c) the trap of 'better safe than sorry', probably mostly due to insurance industry pressure.

There is no way out except to let the disease run its course, after which we decentralize livestock operations into small, very local (think 'block captain' scale local) operations so that we stop breeding mega swarms of mega viruses).

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The new Secretary of Agriculture announced he had 5 steps to take to lower the price of eggs. All of them seem like idiocy and seem to be working at cross purposes withMAHA and RFKjr’s direction. Vaccines and withdrawing Californias more generous cage requirements for birds seems ludicrous. Until we consider the animals which sustain us as sentient beings and treat them with respect we will never have a healthy planet.

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'They' still want to contaminate the DNA of all of our wildlife and animals and plants as they've succeeded with so many humans. Creating a synthetic earth... or at least that's the way I see it. Planning to starve us was just a side-benefit for 'them'.

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Then you wonder why E.coli and Birdflu?


Investigation reveals deplorable conditions, animal abuse at Lake Wales egg farm.



Officials investigate Lake Wales egg farm after video alleges hen abuse


The overcrowding issue has been raised repeatedly by animal-rights groups, which point out that 67 square inches means each bird gets less than half of a square foot of space. A sheet of letter-size typing paper is 93.5 square inches.


Cal-Maine Egg-Laying Hens Suffering



ARM: Investigation reveals hen abuse at egg farm -VIDEO


Allegations of deplorable conditions and factory farm animal abuse are surfacing Tuesday morning against a Florida egg farm.


The Chicken Industry Loves Federal Handouts: $1.25 BILLION



Cal-Maine profits soar, driven by higher egg prices and supply demands


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How are they diagnosing "bird flu"? Please tell me it's not with the PCR test.

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Gee, I wonder if their "vaccines" will sterilize or otherwise alter the chicken/egg. No injections in our food. Period.

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