Our next President day 1 priority 1 , terminate the WHO, terminate all WHO funding.. and send One full Division of the US Marines to secure the southern border.. day 2] Nuremberg convened.. day 3] indict Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation execs, Pfizer/Moderna/ Fauchi/ all involved in Gain of Function Labs. Immediate closure of all gain of function labs. day 4] terminate all funding, dissolve completely the following the CDC, FDA, NIH, FNIH, . day 5] indict , the DoD and the CIA top brass. day 6] make all pharmaceutical companies libel for all adverse reactions from their products, especially vaccines. Facilitate class action lawsuits against the Covid vaccine manufacturers and all the institutions that mandated the Covid vaccines..... day 7] Thank God for a True National rebirth

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This is a fantastic summary of what should happen. I absolutely agree. It will only happen when The People stand up and decide that enough is enough and FIGHT back.At the present time I do not believe that most people are aware of the situation they are in.President Trump is only one man against the overwhelming force against Real Democracy. We need to “ as so eloquently stated in Casablanca Welcome to the fight. That means you and me.

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Thank you., We can turn this nation around.. today and everyday till a True Democracy is America's Reality again.. back to work we go...

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I like how you circle and underline in red.

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Great slides Dr. Nass. Thank you for everything you are doing

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Dr Nass, you are a hero and an inspiration. Thank you so much for your commitment to humanity.

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Bill Gates' brain doesn't function like a normal person; Humanity and the planet are his toys. He thinks we are objects to play with. He has no feelings like normal humans have. And because there are so many 'people-enablers' who still function from the 'ego' basis ('oh, djee, I am photographed together with Bill Gates. Oh djee, I get a grant from Bill Gates...') we face extinction. It is the most stupid, imbecilic story EVER...

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I agree .. Bill Gates has repeatedly shown he is incapable of understanding compassion and empathy.. he blinded and maimed so many children in far off countries over decades and whenever he talks about what he does to children .. his face distorts into a crooked smile.. dupers delight… “we just shoot the stuff .. right into their arms” but never pay any attention to devastation that follows.. destroying lives for profit… dispicable individual that belongs in a dungeon.

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Thank you Meryl❗

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Not sure what authority an unelected group of people can impose on other people.

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It only needs the elected officials of each country to give away the rights afforded to them by those that voted them into office... all The WHO need to convince are the same leaders that keep meeting in secret at Davos these past four years..it’s the same people that messed up the Covid response with unnecessary measures … and it seems they are going to mess it up this year too… because they have stopped listening to the Dr and scientists who are specialists in this field and only listen to a former warlord and shoddy veterinarian for guidance and advice.

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And a number of people with lots of money who have eugenic (and other money/power-hungry) goals.

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Tedros, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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What is the relationship between the International Covid Summit (interntionalcovidsummit.com) and the International Crisis Summit (internationalcrisissummit.com)? Their respective domains point to very different web sites. The organizations seem to have very different missions and mindsets. Strangely, the International Covid Summit shows both domain names on the front of its web site but the actual link behind the International Crisis Summit domain name (i.e., where one’s browser goes if you click on it) is the International Covid Summit’s web site.

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It turned out that there were 2 DIFFERENT International COVID Summits. The one I have been involved with (speaking at Summits 3,4,5) changed its name to encompass the bigger crisis (not simply COVID) and presumably to shy away from the shared name.

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Thank you for your reply and for promoting freedom. I love your doortofreedom.org project.

Broadening the focus of the covid summit to the broader freedom crisis is great but the new name International Crisis Summit is also ‘shared’…it is already ‘owned’ by whoever owns the internationalcrisissummit.com domain.

If it’s the same people, they need to change the crisis summit’s web site to something more relevant to the mission of the covid summit that you are involved with, or change the DNS record for internationalcrisissummit.com to point to the same web site that internationalcovidsummit.com is pointing.

I don’t see evidence that the crisis summit is currently active but based on some old content on its web site (https://www.internationalcrisissummit.com/copy-of-about-us), THAT organization is not the least bit interested in the COVID fraud and in fact seems more aligned with various anti-freedom agendas of UN and WEF.

I’m guessing it’s not malicious but hiding a link to the covid summit’s URL behind a URL that is clearly referencing the crisis summit’s very different domain name is very confusing if not deceptive. I don’t know if your involvement with the covid summit goes beyond serving as invited speaker but in the current environment, in which it’s hard to separate the good guys from controlled opposition, this confusion is not helpful and should be fixed.

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Some great stuff in these power points here. Great work. Only one observation: every time I read the word “misinformation,” I think of all the middle-road people saying, “Ya? What’s wrong with that? Who isn’t against misinformation?” Worse when the word is spoken as you can’t see the quotes. Honestly, I think there’s a lot of people who don’t get the sarcasm at all even. Wouldn’t it be better to say and write ‘so-called’ misinformation? Or how about just saying ‘information they disapprove of?

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I asked Mike Benz how to convince people that stopping "misinformation" was a sneaky way of approving censorship. In his world, everyone already understood that. Unfortunately we live in silos, and I don't know how to convey this, though you are probably right about saying it without a qualifier.

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Thankyou Dr Nass for all that you do opposing this planned event.I and many others do not want to be governed by an entity that refuses to listen to medical and scientific evidence from people who actually know … but want to push one agenda that is not about science but about control… it is an avoidable mistake if our leaders would only listen to people like you.

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Hopefully the exposure will bring about some degree of heat and accountability.

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