Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Meryl Nass

Doctor who volunteers in war zones around the world says he never saw injuries like in Gaza. Thought it was an isolated psycho in his area. 12 young dead kids shot in the head, point blank. Gets stateside another doc witnessed same thing completely separate area.

If they can't stop that, then why give them money for anything else?

Who cares about pandemics when mass murderers drop illegal cluster bombs, US taxpayer provided, from aircraft against people with no air force.

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Thanks Meryl for the excellent overview of all these intertwined monstrosities!

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Oct 15Liked by Meryl Nass

All the globalist NGO and other globalist entities do nothing but suck wealth from the Main Street and try to garner ever more control. My adage is self sufficiency and local neighbor helping local neighbor. In my household we save our own seed, grow most of our food, do not have to rely on electricity and that includes solar and generators - we have set ourselves up to be able to do it all without power: heat, water lifting, cooking, lighting, water purification. And are working towards teaching others these same skills as we all may have to rely on our ingenuity for many thing in the future and that includes herbal medicines etc.

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Amen Sukey! That's the ticket. I'd rather be prepared for the worst and have it never happen than to be like the majority on this planet and be so completely unprepared they will have no other choice than to beg for the NWO to save them.

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It’s absolutely disgusting and extremely disturbing how these nonsensical organizations have nothing better to do than to “mess up” people’s lives!

Pandemic’s are manmade! They’ll do anything to prevent “Freedom Loving Americans” and Freedoms People around the world from keeping themselves “FREE” as best as we can.

There’s nothing more dangerous than “Rogue-Billionaires” with nothing more to do than enforce their “UNWANTED-BS” agendas upon “Freedom Loving People”!

They’re the “BULLIES” of the WORLD! Isn’t it time to “STOMP” them out? They failed miserably with their own “pland-emic” response, deliberately, proving their uselessness’s while opening the eyes all nations around the world. And they’ll do it again!

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Excellent compendium. Here is a superb summation by Patrick Wood about the ruling class' movement to overthrow the US Constitution & the First Amendment. It includes the clip of John Kerry at WEF calling for destruction of the First Amendment & how the corporate media is starting to echo the call. https://www.technocracy.news/mask-off-globalist-technocrats-reveal-plan-to-kill-free-speech/

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I have learned so much from Patrick Wood. Thinking I should include screenshots from his work.

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Other than because they're so evil and corrupt, I want to know why the "Congresscritters" can't start charges for treason against the real "dumb, stupid animals" like John Kerry, who are openly calling to overthrow the supreme law(s) of our land, the Bill of Rights amendments, as well as other constitutional amendments? These sickos are literally admitting point blank that they are traitors to the U.S. and the entire world (because they not only want to overthrow free speech in the U.S., they also seek to overthrow it throughout the West and the rest of the world through the One World Order and Global Governance). Thus, we in the U.S. should not be failing to go after these treasonous domestic terrorists and topplers of "life, liberty and happiness", and liberty, freedom and rights, in "our" government. The "Congresscritters" ought to read the beginning of the Declaration of Independence to recognize their DUTY to do this, post haste, no time to waste!

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Oh wait, that's right, the rules based international totalitarian corporate-fascist "order" says the traitors can get away with it because they're withdrawn from national sovereignty. Me thinks they believe that the U.S. and the West are already completely under global(ist) "governance", and supposedly no longer under national sovereignty; and, in fact, that the U.S., et al., answer to unelected globalist bureaucrats, and not representative government. Are they right? Did the coup d'gras already happen to completely overthrow at least U.S. national governance, but we were never officially informed of it? It is far beyond a nightmare. We're quickly headed for repression right within our own borders, "Amerikans" vs. Americans.

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Suggestion to absorb what is here proposed. So far up to episode 5. Unbelievable!

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When you get to the last episode, there are doting photos of Hitler. Not sure what you watched, but what I saw, I didn't want anything to do with.

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The corporate media is the one making the call, not echoing it. It has been infiltrated by Jesuit directives and operatives to continue persuading the "goyim" to march in their intended NWO scheme of Communistic Ideology.


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Oct 15Liked by Meryl Nass

Just yesterday I revisited the 1987 Brundtland Report. And now that the paint peels off it in large chips, the communist agenda is exposed in every paragraph, not just citations of communist newsprint. It embodies the marching orders, implemented diligently in global lockstep with national and international treaties/agreements since. Fast forward and here the pigs are, feeding at the trough they nailed together.

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Thank you! Care to provide quotes?

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Great article. It always intrigues me how the World Bank is always seen skulking in the background... Why would a large financial institution care about ordinary peoples 'health' ? Nothing to see here !

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World Bank, IMF... they are the world's mafia, that's for sure. predatory loan sharking. 'nice country you got there. it would be a shame if it burned down', wink wink.

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We, the people reject the proposed nonsense call a 'Pact'. We refute all suggestions that the 'Pact' will be binding for any of the world's population.

Furthermore, we take this opportunity to remind any remaining members or 'remnants' of Bill Gates's CORRUPT WHO, along with the now CORRUPT and unelected United Nations that we regard these organisations as obsolete and terminated. No longer having influence or authority over any person or any nation on the planet! The WHO & UN are finished.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer to retain our FREEDOM!

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UGH-- When the f**k will this billionaire-controlled nightmare END, ONCE AND FOR ALL--???

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A temporary lull will never "end it once and for all." These puppet-masters are hell bent on a NWO, wherein they will be the "elite" they speak of, and who ever is left among the "lesser" souls, will be the puppets, the "goyim." It has been a looooong drawn out plan but is nearing its completion. God will not allow Satanic influence to completely erase truth, and so it is that which gives hope to the situation. His promise is to "Return" and bring Justice to the living wicked and grace and honor to the faithful. The wicked dead will have to wait their time.


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Nope. It stops when WE decide to stand up and SHOUT "NO MORE!!!"

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In short, the work of the GPMB is to chart a roadmap for a safer world and then do everything in it's power to make none of it actually happen.

Our UN vision statements bring tears of frustration to peoples eyes, our words betray our actions, we know what the world needs, it just ain't gonna happen.

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When the Savior Returns, all things will begin to fall into distinct order, beginning with the destruction of wickedness, evil people, and all they constructed upon earth will be destroyed and the faithful taken to heaven for the Investigative Judgement during the last one thousand years of time before returning and remaking brand new, our home planet.


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If this was a test the title would be, Are you freeking idiots paying attention yet?

We murder whoever we want whenever we want and you think God is in charge of us?

I am starting to feel personally responsible for every single atrocity that takes place in the world, I haven't done enough to stop it!

We plainly, clearly announce our campaigns for world domination, not to mention population reduction, and you think we will let you survive because you obey us?

From where I sit those will be the first to go!

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Thank you for this. Quite a compilation.

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Unfortunately, many people that are involved in this stuff really think they are doing "the right thing". And I'll bet there's a portion of them that have assistants and outside influences convincing them to do "the right thing". And I'll bet there's even a few of them who don't even know that their money is going to support all of this. We are in a war unlike any ever seen on the planet. The only way we even have a chance to win this evil war is by people being willing to admit we are in a war. This war is covert, sneaky, conniving, and cunning. It is breathtaking to watch what is happening and feel so powerless. No politician is going to "save" us from this. If we as a people don't wake up at breakneck speed and begin saying NO to all of it, we really are going to lose everything. I've been warning for a few decades and in the last 5 years we have been getting warnings from many many others. Are we going to resist this while we still can? Once they get their censorship in place (and BOTH sides of the political isle are pushing for it) will it be too late? Speak more. Question more. Push back more. Say no more. Be peacefully ungovernable more. Be willing to lose everything for the cause of liberty. Once it's gone, we won't see it come back in our lifetime and more than likely our children, grandchildren, and their grandchildren will live in a tyranny unlike any in world history.

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Trump and RFK Jr. are fighting censorship. RFK understands what is happening. Don't be so gloomy. We are 8 billion against maybe 8,000.

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Thank you for this Dr. Nass!

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Many of us here are scratching away dutifully at the surface. It is a noble attempt to disclose what has been buried and kept out of society's view. But is there a culprit behind the "burying" of these truths? Yes, of course there is! They don't bury themselves, but are purposefully hidden.

In a casual but focused manner, one will find that propaganda is key in creating a narrative to order. It is absolutely STUNNING to learn of the concerted efforts surrounding the NWO operatives. The media, once infiltrated by the puppeteers, wholly owned and edited thereby, becomes the catalyst of misinformation, leading the public in the direction of their satanic tack, preplanned ahead of time.

The 11 part video series I was graciously linked to view,


is to date, the most revealing and stunning I have seen regarding temporal matters such as wars, and the intentions of the puppet-masters' controlling behind the scenes as well as much that goes on out in plain sight.

How this (video) info ever "got past the guard" is a miracle in its own rite.


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See my comment above.

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I can understand anyone's hesitancy to allow anything anti-rhetoric to enter. Just have a look at the way common folk reacted to the C fiasco with such ferocity. I get it, but am still amazed by it all. It seems people do not think, but rather simply react to their paradigm being invaded and/or rearranged or eliminated completely. Quite scary!

When a wild animal or bird is cornered and it perceives that as being a threat to its well-being, it will inevitably defend viciously if not openly attack as a means of defense. What can one expect from a leader who persists with a campaign of trying to promote peace with an adversary who is bent on its destruction? A war will be the result if an agreement cannot be reached, especially when the country is targeted by multiple adversaries; all of whom have predetermined the destruction of that country.

This series that I linked, (so far) has given ample evidence as to the truth behind the propaganda of the times. Certain aspects cannot be gainsaid and must be taken into account if a fair assessment is to be made.

With the powerful propaganda machine in full "print" production mode, it is understood that Germany was a nation with hellish designs right from the beginning, but a careful unveiling of the matter shows otherwise. History has graciously been preserved aside from the rhetoric so maliciously pinned on the country. When a devilish intention is waged against a nation with morals and high standards, it is not surprising that it will finally lash out and become sadistic in its response. This is the ground that has been revealed in this series so far. I will begin episode six shortly. I'm curious to see if there is an agenda behind this.


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The elephant in the room "the cabal" is trying to hide with all those measures: depletion of energy from fossil fuel, by large the major energy source as explained in the article.


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