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People can’t be experts on everything, that’s why we rely on mechanics, lawyers, dentists and our health agencies who presumably have the expertise to assist us in our decisions. At the start of this shit show, I really believed health Canada had tested the shots and proclaimed them to be safe and effective. Was I stupid? I was ignorant of the facts for sure. I made my decision to get the one and only pfizer shot under extreme duress and trust. The fear pumped out every minute of every day was non stop. Getting injured by the first shot propelled me to research. I’ve spent a good 3 years reading everything I could find which painted a very different picture than before the shot. It is extremely frustrating with all the research I have done that my friends and some family aren’t remotely interested in any research I can provide. In fact, my closest friend and husband had their 8th shot and have never had covid ergo have 100% trust in the shot.

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I enraged both my GP and a medical specialist when I questioned them regarding their feelings toward the vaccines. The former went ballistic when I asked him what his feelings toward vaccines were and the latter, the specialist, flew off the handle. It is also noted that the latter said he was feeling a bit run down so he felt it was time for another booster shot!! What am I missing here?

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@michael; My GP best demonstrated his induced brainwashing when I asked him, ("How can you trust our 50+ Billion in fraud fines/ Big Pharma.")

He replied, "That's not a lot of money for them." I.e. demonstrating what His "medicine" is ALL about! I.e. MONEY!

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wow, now that's a non sequitur from hell, lol

as if THAT negates the FRAUD part... yikes.

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Our new society will eliminate fines. Jail time sends a message, fines just perpetuate corruption!

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You sound just like my irrelevant G.P. & "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damm!" Remember the scandalous move line?

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Wow having a little spell are we, rage at people agreeing with you is always unproductive, go ahead, get it all out!

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The problem is the information given to doctors came from pharma. Our health agencies all depend on pharma for product information. My family doctor was irked that she received no guidance on what to do with her vax injured patients. After being injured from the first pfizer shot my doctor called me about getting the second. I asked her if she was being pressured to push the shots and she answered yes. All specialists I saw were pushing me to get the second shot which for obvious reasons I declined. Now when I see specialists they are all aware of the injuries as I’m not the only injured person looking for help. The ENT even offered that he believes the injuries are neurological. Just me alone, if all the specialists agree the shots cause injuries how many of us are there? None completed a form to submit. Without a diagnostic test how do doctors submit? Our governments failed big time. They should have had reporting documents for each and every doctor looking for signals on a product never tried in humans before. But they didn’t. Valuable data squandered for some unknown reason.

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“For some unknown reason” ;)

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Will Trump have the cojones to have the offenders prosecuted? Or will the blame game go on forever?

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It will go on forever. Think of the millions of people who are now worshiping Trump regardless of what happened to them via the clot shots. Stockholm Syndrome

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Wishing you a miracle of healing, Vivien.

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