Steven Kritz, MD, just woke me up, pointing out that virtually all efficacy studies fail to extend beyond roughly 6 months, which is when efficacy turn negative and the vaccinated get sick more.
From 2 weeks to 6 months after the second mRNA shot, the average recipient is less likely than a non-recipient to be diagnosed with COVID. (albeit more likely to have myocarditis, clotting disorders, strokes, heart attacks, cancer and autoimmune disease, and "excess all-cause mortality").
Before becoming "fully vaccinated" at 2 weeks after the second injection, the injected person is a lot more likely to "die suddenly", and also have that same litany of things-not-COVID.
Beyond 6 months after the "fully vaccinated" honors, the person still has all the excess mortality risk, and may have discovered "long vaccine syndrome", and still has more chance of having the other special effects the spike-protein was engineered to cause within the human body.
Allow me to summarize. Do not allow any person to inject any vax or any mRNA quax into your arm. Allowing this is an admission of knowing nothing about health and worse.
And the war against early treatment and the pushing of remdesivir, etc are also part of the over-all insanity. What has happened all throughout, as Dr. Nass has explained in this article, is a constant, weaponized assault of equivocal language, as is done more and more by liars whose prosperity depends on public trust.
And it was done knowing that the average person would assume the most benevolent meaning of it. Because to know the truth is to despise and/or fear your government (and as it turns out, many in the medical field as well). And most can't bring themselves to believe such. And as understandable as that is, that ignorance is VERY dangerous at this point of world history. Because they can vote.
All the issues you bring up demonstrate how ridiculous it is for the cabal to express equivocal language that they know will be interpreted to mean that the vaccines were a lesser of evils. But to my knowledge, they don't even claim they have data that rules out the vaccines as the cause of much of the excess all-cause mortality.
People can’t be experts on everything, that’s why we rely on mechanics, lawyers, dentists and our health agencies who presumably have the expertise to assist us in our decisions. At the start of this shit show, I really believed health Canada had tested the shots and proclaimed them to be safe and effective. Was I stupid? I was ignorant of the facts for sure. I made my decision to get the one and only pfizer shot under extreme duress and trust. The fear pumped out every minute of every day was non stop. Getting injured by the first shot propelled me to research. I’ve spent a good 3 years reading everything I could find which painted a very different picture than before the shot. It is extremely frustrating with all the research I have done that my friends and some family aren’t remotely interested in any research I can provide. In fact, my closest friend and husband had their 8th shot and have never had covid ergo have 100% trust in the shot.
I enraged both my GP and a medical specialist when I questioned them regarding their feelings toward the vaccines. The former went ballistic when I asked him what his feelings toward vaccines were and the latter, the specialist, flew off the handle. It is also noted that the latter said he was feeling a bit run down so he felt it was time for another booster shot!! What am I missing here?
The problem is the information given to doctors came from pharma. Our health agencies all depend on pharma for product information. My family doctor was irked that she received no guidance on what to do with her vax injured patients. After being injured from the first pfizer shot my doctor called me about getting the second. I asked her if she was being pressured to push the shots and she answered yes. All specialists I saw were pushing me to get the second shot which for obvious reasons I declined. Now when I see specialists they are all aware of the injuries as I’m not the only injured person looking for help. The ENT even offered that he believes the injuries are neurological. Just me alone, if all the specialists agree the shots cause injuries how many of us are there? None completed a form to submit. Without a diagnostic test how do doctors submit? Our governments failed big time. They should have had reporting documents for each and every doctor looking for signals on a product never tried in humans before. But they didn’t. Valuable data squandered for some unknown reason.
It will go on forever. Think of the millions of people who are now worshiping Trump regardless of what happened to them via the clot shots. Stockholm Syndrome
HepB at birth for newborns at zero risk of the disease, Wyeth disbursement of the production lots so that they wouldn’t have clusters of SIDS in one locale (after TN cluster), and the elimination the ICD code from injuries or deaths from “prophylactic immunization” should alarm anyone.
How else could pharma get that 1 in 40,000 childhood disorder rate up to 1 in 30 without toxic, forced, immune-destroying jabs? All needed to sell more remedies! I.e. a now, "First Do Harm." credo for the industrial jab complex!
yeah, they've been doing that for a long time and with more than just the Hep B. SIDS has traditionally been associated with the Dtap but considering how they load up at the 2 month 'well visit', its a miracle MORE babies don't just die for 'no reason'.
the figure shown in point 2 states "Time since full vaccination was defined as days subsequent to 14 days after completion of the primary 2 dose series". This sounds like it is ignoring what happened until 2 weeks after the second jab. If the second jab was received 4 weeks after the first jab and not accepted as vaccinated for a further 2 weeks then this would appear to label the vaxxed as unvaxxed for ~ 6 weeks. Regardless, I have seen the harm these mRNA products do humans and I will view all data with caution.
Lots of deaths in that 2 week window. A relative was one, and no, not reported to VAERS. Pfz own study design excluded from safety trials anyone who sought medial attention outside the protocol.
If you look at the "Methods" section of nearly all observational studies of the Covid boosters, they usually don't count those who received a shot as "vaccinated" until 7 days afterwards. This "case-counting window bias" appears relatively innocuous, but, (as explained in my other comment below with links) creates a statistical illusion that makes a placebo appear to have near 100% VE that wanes to zero VE after the roll out is done (or even a vaccine with negative VE appear to be 50% or so effective).
LA burns as Bill Gates earns......Are 15 minute cities currently planned the precursors of the total destruction of America? The shots have been mighty distractions that have allowed terrible things to happen in the background. We put our hopes on Trump but is this a massive stretch on our part? Or, will OWS-2 further destroy Americans by the million?
I’ve heard the idea that the recent fire in LA is an attempt to clear the way for the city’s upcoming host for the Olympic teams. The development will then be transitioned into a 15 minute city.
Yes, Godless things happen in Godless nations! As history tells us! Living in a neo/ LBGTQIA+/ promoting Sodom Gamorra could be a clue as to our future!
“COVID vaccines do provide brief immunity of from weeks to months. After that, they make you more susceptible to catching COVID … virtually all efficacy studies fail to extend beyond roughly 6 months, which is when efficacy turn negative and the vaccinated get sick more
I don't believe the premise of this article is true. Meryl hasn't taken into account the “case-counting bias.” Several researchers have convincingly argued that initial booster “vaccine effectiveness” followed by “waning” and then “negative effectiveness” (after about 4-6 months) is actually a statistical illusion. The reality is that boosters have negative effectiveness (compared to those “not up-to-date”) the entire time.
Professor Vinay Prasad wrote that “Many observational studies of vaccine effectiveness exclude cases that occurred within 14 days of dose … Omitting these cases is irresponsible … this can make an inactive product— something totally useless— look like it works.” Norman Fenton has called this a “cheap trick” and argues that “any claims of Covid-19 vaccine efficacy based on these studies are likely to be a statistical illusion.”
After about 4-6 months of a booster vaccine rollout, almost everyone is done getting the shot (e.g. the CDC rolls out Covid boosters in Sept and people stop getting shots by Jan – Feb). Madhava Setty explained in a CHD article that “the quicker the uptake of the therapy (be it a vaccine or placebo), the greater the initial exaggeration of efficacy. As uptake approaches zero the true efficacy of the intervention emerges.”
Several other researchers have also published papers about this “case counting bias” including Peter Doshi, John Ioannidis, and Raphael Lataster.
Here's some links to some of their research (from my notes for a MI lobbying letter I was working on a couple months ago):
A thorough comment! It’s difficult to imagine a mechanism for how an injection into the systemic compartment of the body, which therefore bypasses the immune system of the mucosal system of the upper airways, can prevent symptomatic infection. Prof Clancy says there may be some spillover effect of immunity from the systemic compartment to the mucosal membranes, but would this be significant, or even detectable? So it seems ridiculous for a study such as Pfizer’s to show significant benefits, even for the small snip of a person’s life from 2 weeks to a few months from an injection. Obviously there is no overall benefit to a person, because there is negative efficacy after a few months. But even for that brief snip from 2 weeks to a few months, there must be confounding factors such as … significant over-testing of the control group (which means it must have been unblinded), misallocation of ‘cases’ to the unvaccinated, others?
I’ve wondered myself how our bodies would mount an attack with the initial process designed to evade our immune systems. My understanding is the LNP like the Trojan Horse, inserted or transfected into the nucleus and directed the body to produce spike protein which then our immune system recognized as the enemy and mounts an attack. It’s confusing about immunity waning and apparently in some people the body keeps producing spike hence long vax. It is such a failure of duty that our health agencies and governments are totally relying on pharma for answers and subsequent reporting (pharma constantly misses the deadlines and gets a pass). We have no choice but to rely on independent scientists who don’t have the windfall of money pharma has. It’s disgraceful.
Does anyone recall a damning, detailed, and chronological history on Fauci? I thought I had saved a shareable format, but alas, it’s nowhere to be found (possibly scrubbbed on line). I recall evidence that he was responsible for AIDS. I was recently presented with the opportunity to discuss the topic calmly, but don’t have the links now to support my viewpoint.
@Guy; Please explain how you can trust our 50 billion fraud fines industry where "the science is settled, the vast majority of scientists will agree with whomever is funding them." AND where our medical industry's iatrogenic medicine kills 250,000 to 800,000 each & every year! (Depending on what expert you believe! I wonder if you 11 can "take these facts I presented, "into account"? I think Meryl and I better know how to interpret your silly cited/ paid for "science" where "The jabs are safe and effictiev." Yah "safe" [for pharma] "effictiev" [for the botto line] Just not for humans!
"Paid for science'? None of the "experts' I cited are funded by Big Pharma. All of them have a track record of being very critical of the industry & "paid for science." In particular, I recall Norman Fenton facing a lot of push back and censorship of his work (see his Substack "Where Are the Numbers?" or his book "Fighting Goliath -- Exposing the Flawed Science and Statistics behind the Covid-19 Event").
So you can't comment on my 50 billion fraud fines. & iatrogenic medicine that kills 250,000 to 800,000 a year! Just charge "Meryl hasn't taken into account the “case-counting bias!” I think she knows more & is wiser than you!
NHS data from early 2021 showed a lower infection rate but 8x higher death rate in the shot group. They didn’t use the 2 week window, so these data look to be fairly reliable before immunity waned. Scroll down to Figure 1:
They did not consider a person fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after the second shot. So if a person had a positive "covid" test prior to being considered "fully vaccinated" they would be considered and counted as "unvaccinated". If this is indeed how they were doing this then "unvaccinated" may have included folks that were partially "vaccinated". I recall looking at some HHS data on long-term care and they were listing folks that had their initial shots but were not up to date with the CDC recommended boosters as unvaccinated and counting them as such. I don't believe the shots were effective at all against "covid" whatever "covid" was. We also have the problem with the test. As for hospitalizations - many reported that if a person was listed as having covid they were not inquiring about the vaccine status - there was even some problem with trying to enter the status in the database. The Cleveland Clinic Data, I think was probably the first published data that showed how ineffective these shots were.
NHS data from early 2021 did indeed show a lower infection rate, but 8x higher death rate in the shot group. They didn’t use the 2 week window that caused our data to “miss” deaths. Scroll down to Figure 1:
Using big words like "Vaccine" should be based on the definition of Vaccine!!! Vaccine is not a non scientifically tested (normally taking 10 years of DBPC studies to confirm efficacy & safety!) But "what our 50 billion in fraud fines industry sold fools & suckers is a snake oil identifying as a Vaccine! I guess if Godless fools & suckers can identify a boy as a girl, they can identify piss as a vaccine! [It's probably safer!]
Whatever the COVID shots did, they made investors rich and recipients dead or maimed with no legal recourse. The largest human experiment in history with the poorest outcome tracking. So for all the pain and suffering of this illegal experiment not even good data was collected.
Excellent summary. NHS didn’t use the 2 week window. Their data from early 2021, before waning of immunity, showed a lower infection rate but 8x higher death rate in the shot group. Scroll down to Figure 1:
Let us face it! If you run too long term, research studies, the negative side effects show up and deep six the approval from the FDA. So short term studies are the goal! To confirm this, all you have to do is analyze all the drugs that were deadly that have been removed from the marketplace after the FDA approved them! Of course, nobody in the FDA will point this out because they will lose their job!
I really really really need enlightenment if someone wants to comment. What is all the hype about getting a flu shot — of any kind? Yes, I understand there are those with co-morbidities. But I would like to know the statistic—accurate statistics of the lethality of the flu that makes the need to get a flu shot — that includes C19.
My impression is that flu shots — over time — weaken natural immunity. Is this correct reasoning?
I'm with you totally. I've never taken a flu shot either unless the military made me take one in the 60's. Satistically the flu shots improve your chances of getting the flue from 5% to 3% chance. They say that this 2% reduction is 40% of 5% but it is really an absolute improvement of only 2% which is near zero help for so many people getting the shot. Pharma is good at twisting the numbers. This is not exact statistics but close and it varies depending on which strain the "decide" to inject you with because they say they don't really know which strain will show up in a particular year. Some years the get it right and some years they don't. When have you every heard a report on how well the shot got it right or how badly they got it wrong. Why? Because it is all a crock and even though the risk is very low compared to the C19 shot, it is still not worth it to me because like you said, all of the shots damage you immune system. It the system (Pharma, NIH, CDC, FDA, etc would be helping us strengthen our immune systems for huge benefits compared to the shots. They do not really care about our health unfortunately. This is not the statistics you were looking for but I think it is the only smart way to look at the whole jab issue. Good luck to you.
Thank you Tom. Yes, I do believe the 3-letter agencies just care about the $’s. Unfortunately my very very healthy and kind mother got a flu shot because she felt that “it was the right thing to do”. That was back in the 80’s. After the flu shot, she got very sick and passed away. She was in her late 60’s. Total shock to the family.
Right on! It depends on the data! There has never been any true unbiased testing with these vaccines from the beginning. The data wil always show the results the manufacturers of these WMD desire!
I learned years ago that the childhood vaccines nearly killed my first child...but did not know at the time, the matter that was in them. They had to have been invented by people who were megalomaniacs and wanted to slowly poison people; in oder to break their health down. Their ploy worked no one questioned the matter in them. All i was can be manipulated! It is a crime that our government permitted patents to hide the toxic ingredients in them. Hazardous ingredients, such as, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, animal cells, etc, About 15 years ago I came across Vaccination is NOT Immunization by Dr Tim O'Shea, which listed all the matter in these childhood vaccines. The matter in CV-19 is far worse, it works far faster at injuring and killing recipients. . The vax promoters have no conscience about making money selling products that are being used to commit mass murder.
Some immunocompromised individuals, will die of the common cold or flu ect …. These jabs maim and kill …. Take them Off the market , the risk doesn’t outweigh the benefit.
Every substack writer who writes on subjects like Covid, the shots, etc, should expose to us what their feelings are regarding the existence/non-existence of viruses and what "evidence" supports their viewpoints.
From 2 weeks to 6 months after the second mRNA shot, the average recipient is less likely than a non-recipient to be diagnosed with COVID. (albeit more likely to have myocarditis, clotting disorders, strokes, heart attacks, cancer and autoimmune disease, and "excess all-cause mortality").
Before becoming "fully vaccinated" at 2 weeks after the second injection, the injected person is a lot more likely to "die suddenly", and also have that same litany of things-not-COVID.
Beyond 6 months after the "fully vaccinated" honors, the person still has all the excess mortality risk, and may have discovered "long vaccine syndrome", and still has more chance of having the other special effects the spike-protein was engineered to cause within the human body.
Allow me to summarize. Do not allow any person to inject any vax or any mRNA quax into your arm. Allowing this is an admission of knowing nothing about health and worse.
And the war against early treatment and the pushing of remdesivir, etc are also part of the over-all insanity. What has happened all throughout, as Dr. Nass has explained in this article, is a constant, weaponized assault of equivocal language, as is done more and more by liars whose prosperity depends on public trust.
And it was done knowing that the average person would assume the most benevolent meaning of it. Because to know the truth is to despise and/or fear your government (and as it turns out, many in the medical field as well). And most can't bring themselves to believe such. And as understandable as that is, that ignorance is VERY dangerous at this point of world history. Because they can vote.
All the issues you bring up demonstrate how ridiculous it is for the cabal to express equivocal language that they know will be interpreted to mean that the vaccines were a lesser of evils. But to my knowledge, they don't even claim they have data that rules out the vaccines as the cause of much of the excess all-cause mortality.
I don’t believe faucci has ever produced studies on the safety of j a bs.
@Webe; But he fired & went after research Dr. Judey Mecivits who blew the whistle on one of his toxic, dangerous other snake oils! Just as with
Jesus, she was ridiculed and punished for telling the truth!
Agreed. I’ve followed Dr Mikovits since the introduction of convid by the nefarious.
Dr. Judy Anne Mikovits
Wow. Brilliant comment.
Read the real “turtles all the way down”. Vaccine history is riddled with rigged studies.
It's an excellent compilation of the "studies". The synopsis is irrefutable.
None are safe, none are effective. All are harmful.
That said it really is simpler. Health did not and does not come from a needle.
People really had to be stupid to drink this kool aid...
People can’t be experts on everything, that’s why we rely on mechanics, lawyers, dentists and our health agencies who presumably have the expertise to assist us in our decisions. At the start of this shit show, I really believed health Canada had tested the shots and proclaimed them to be safe and effective. Was I stupid? I was ignorant of the facts for sure. I made my decision to get the one and only pfizer shot under extreme duress and trust. The fear pumped out every minute of every day was non stop. Getting injured by the first shot propelled me to research. I’ve spent a good 3 years reading everything I could find which painted a very different picture than before the shot. It is extremely frustrating with all the research I have done that my friends and some family aren’t remotely interested in any research I can provide. In fact, my closest friend and husband had their 8th shot and have never had covid ergo have 100% trust in the shot.
I enraged both my GP and a medical specialist when I questioned them regarding their feelings toward the vaccines. The former went ballistic when I asked him what his feelings toward vaccines were and the latter, the specialist, flew off the handle. It is also noted that the latter said he was feeling a bit run down so he felt it was time for another booster shot!! What am I missing here?
@michael; My GP best demonstrated his induced brainwashing when I asked him, ("How can you trust our 50+ Billion in fraud fines/ Big Pharma.")
He replied, "That's not a lot of money for them." I.e. demonstrating what His "medicine" is ALL about! I.e. MONEY!
wow, now that's a non sequitur from hell, lol
as if THAT negates the FRAUD part... yikes.
Our new society will eliminate fines. Jail time sends a message, fines just perpetuate corruption!
You sound just like my irrelevant G.P. & "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damm!" Remember the scandalous move line?
The problem is the information given to doctors came from pharma. Our health agencies all depend on pharma for product information. My family doctor was irked that she received no guidance on what to do with her vax injured patients. After being injured from the first pfizer shot my doctor called me about getting the second. I asked her if she was being pressured to push the shots and she answered yes. All specialists I saw were pushing me to get the second shot which for obvious reasons I declined. Now when I see specialists they are all aware of the injuries as I’m not the only injured person looking for help. The ENT even offered that he believes the injuries are neurological. Just me alone, if all the specialists agree the shots cause injuries how many of us are there? None completed a form to submit. Without a diagnostic test how do doctors submit? Our governments failed big time. They should have had reporting documents for each and every doctor looking for signals on a product never tried in humans before. But they didn’t. Valuable data squandered for some unknown reason.
“For some unknown reason” ;)
Will Trump have the cojones to have the offenders prosecuted? Or will the blame game go on forever?
It will go on forever. Think of the millions of people who are now worshiping Trump regardless of what happened to them via the clot shots. Stockholm Syndrome
Wishing you a miracle of healing, Vivien.
Truth tweaker, Does it make you feel smarter to call status seeking people stupid? There are a great many factors at play in our society.
Simplistic stereotyping will not build a consensus to encourage needed transformation.
I've noticed you giving the no such thing as a virus meme a rest. Does that mean you are not stupid?
HepB at birth for newborns at zero risk of the disease, Wyeth disbursement of the production lots so that they wouldn’t have clusters of SIDS in one locale (after TN cluster), and the elimination the ICD code from injuries or deaths from “prophylactic immunization” should alarm anyone.
How else could pharma get that 1 in 40,000 childhood disorder rate up to 1 in 30 without toxic, forced, immune-destroying jabs? All needed to sell more remedies! I.e. a now, "First Do Harm." credo for the industrial jab complex!
yeah, they've been doing that for a long time and with more than just the Hep B. SIDS has traditionally been associated with the Dtap but considering how they load up at the 2 month 'well visit', its a miracle MORE babies don't just die for 'no reason'.
the figure shown in point 2 states "Time since full vaccination was defined as days subsequent to 14 days after completion of the primary 2 dose series". This sounds like it is ignoring what happened until 2 weeks after the second jab. If the second jab was received 4 weeks after the first jab and not accepted as vaccinated for a further 2 weeks then this would appear to label the vaxxed as unvaxxed for ~ 6 weeks. Regardless, I have seen the harm these mRNA products do humans and I will view all data with caution.
Lots of deaths in that 2 week window. A relative was one, and no, not reported to VAERS. Pfz own study design excluded from safety trials anyone who sought medial attention outside the protocol.
If you look at the "Methods" section of nearly all observational studies of the Covid boosters, they usually don't count those who received a shot as "vaccinated" until 7 days afterwards. This "case-counting window bias" appears relatively innocuous, but, (as explained in my other comment below with links) creates a statistical illusion that makes a placebo appear to have near 100% VE that wanes to zero VE after the roll out is done (or even a vaccine with negative VE appear to be 50% or so effective).
One example of a study that wasn't biased was Dr. Shretha's Cleveland clinic Winter 2023 study that compared those "up-to-date" with a Covid booster vs. those without:
In contrast, Shretha's Winter 2024 booster study has the "case-counting window which is shown in the results: bias": (download free pdf to see details)
LA burns as Bill Gates earns......Are 15 minute cities currently planned the precursors of the total destruction of America? The shots have been mighty distractions that have allowed terrible things to happen in the background. We put our hopes on Trump but is this a massive stretch on our part? Or, will OWS-2 further destroy Americans by the million?
I’ve heard the idea that the recent fire in LA is an attempt to clear the way for the city’s upcoming host for the Olympic teams. The development will then be transitioned into a 15 minute city.
Yes, Godless things happen in Godless nations! As history tells us! Living in a neo/ LBGTQIA+/ promoting Sodom Gamorra could be a clue as to our future!
Yes, a terrific book. Shocking how dishonest and deeply biased so many studies are.
“COVID vaccines do provide brief immunity of from weeks to months. After that, they make you more susceptible to catching COVID … virtually all efficacy studies fail to extend beyond roughly 6 months, which is when efficacy turn negative and the vaccinated get sick more
I don't believe the premise of this article is true. Meryl hasn't taken into account the “case-counting bias.” Several researchers have convincingly argued that initial booster “vaccine effectiveness” followed by “waning” and then “negative effectiveness” (after about 4-6 months) is actually a statistical illusion. The reality is that boosters have negative effectiveness (compared to those “not up-to-date”) the entire time.
Professor Vinay Prasad wrote that “Many observational studies of vaccine effectiveness exclude cases that occurred within 14 days of dose … Omitting these cases is irresponsible … this can make an inactive product— something totally useless— look like it works.” Norman Fenton has called this a “cheap trick” and argues that “any claims of Covid-19 vaccine efficacy based on these studies are likely to be a statistical illusion.”
After about 4-6 months of a booster vaccine rollout, almost everyone is done getting the shot (e.g. the CDC rolls out Covid boosters in Sept and people stop getting shots by Jan – Feb). Madhava Setty explained in a CHD article that “the quicker the uptake of the therapy (be it a vaccine or placebo), the greater the initial exaggeration of efficacy. As uptake approaches zero the true efficacy of the intervention emerges.”
Several other researchers have also published papers about this “case counting bias” including Peter Doshi, John Ioannidis, and Raphael Lataster.
Here's some links to some of their research (from my notes for a MI lobbying letter I was working on a couple months ago):
Vinay Prasad May 13, 2024: Observational studies of COVID vaccine efficacy are riddled with bias/ Not counting cases 14 days after dose 2 is a problem – A look at Peter Doshi's paper
Doshi paper
Norman Fenton, et al. The extent and impact of vaccine status miscategorisation on covid-19 vaccine efficacy studies Martin Neil, Norman Fenton, Scott McLachlan
Norman Fenson slide show
Norman Fenton Video:
Raphael Lataster, PhD Feb 28, 2024 “Science summary: COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety exaggerated in clinical trials & observational studies, academics find”
Raphael Lataster, PhD Jul 01, 2024 “COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness further discussed in major medical journals”
A thorough comment! It’s difficult to imagine a mechanism for how an injection into the systemic compartment of the body, which therefore bypasses the immune system of the mucosal system of the upper airways, can prevent symptomatic infection. Prof Clancy says there may be some spillover effect of immunity from the systemic compartment to the mucosal membranes, but would this be significant, or even detectable? So it seems ridiculous for a study such as Pfizer’s to show significant benefits, even for the small snip of a person’s life from 2 weeks to a few months from an injection. Obviously there is no overall benefit to a person, because there is negative efficacy after a few months. But even for that brief snip from 2 weeks to a few months, there must be confounding factors such as … significant over-testing of the control group (which means it must have been unblinded), misallocation of ‘cases’ to the unvaccinated, others?
I’ve wondered myself how our bodies would mount an attack with the initial process designed to evade our immune systems. My understanding is the LNP like the Trojan Horse, inserted or transfected into the nucleus and directed the body to produce spike protein which then our immune system recognized as the enemy and mounts an attack. It’s confusing about immunity waning and apparently in some people the body keeps producing spike hence long vax. It is such a failure of duty that our health agencies and governments are totally relying on pharma for answers and subsequent reporting (pharma constantly misses the deadlines and gets a pass). We have no choice but to rely on independent scientists who don’t have the windfall of money pharma has. It’s disgraceful.
Why not "wonder" how a 50 billion in fraud fines & leader in iatrogenic death industry could sell you anything?
Does anyone recall a damning, detailed, and chronological history on Fauci? I thought I had saved a shareable format, but alas, it’s nowhere to be found (possibly scrubbbed on line). I recall evidence that he was responsible for AIDS. I was recently presented with the opportunity to discuss the topic calmly, but don’t have the links now to support my viewpoint.
@Guy; Please explain how you can trust our 50 billion fraud fines industry where "the science is settled, the vast majority of scientists will agree with whomever is funding them." AND where our medical industry's iatrogenic medicine kills 250,000 to 800,000 each & every year! (Depending on what expert you believe! I wonder if you 11 can "take these facts I presented, "into account"? I think Meryl and I better know how to interpret your silly cited/ paid for "science" where "The jabs are safe and effictiev." Yah "safe" [for pharma] "effictiev" [for the botto line] Just not for humans!
"Paid for science'? None of the "experts' I cited are funded by Big Pharma. All of them have a track record of being very critical of the industry & "paid for science." In particular, I recall Norman Fenton facing a lot of push back and censorship of his work (see his Substack "Where Are the Numbers?" or his book "Fighting Goliath -- Exposing the Flawed Science and Statistics behind the Covid-19 Event").
So you can't comment on my 50 billion fraud fines. & iatrogenic medicine that kills 250,000 to 800,000 a year! Just charge "Meryl hasn't taken into account the “case-counting bias!” I think she knows more & is wiser than you!
NHS data from early 2021 showed a lower infection rate but 8x higher death rate in the shot group. They didn’t use the 2 week window, so these data look to be fairly reliable before immunity waned. Scroll down to Figure 1:
They did not consider a person fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after the second shot. So if a person had a positive "covid" test prior to being considered "fully vaccinated" they would be considered and counted as "unvaccinated". If this is indeed how they were doing this then "unvaccinated" may have included folks that were partially "vaccinated". I recall looking at some HHS data on long-term care and they were listing folks that had their initial shots but were not up to date with the CDC recommended boosters as unvaccinated and counting them as such. I don't believe the shots were effective at all against "covid" whatever "covid" was. We also have the problem with the test. As for hospitalizations - many reported that if a person was listed as having covid they were not inquiring about the vaccine status - there was even some problem with trying to enter the status in the database. The Cleveland Clinic Data, I think was probably the first published data that showed how ineffective these shots were.
NHS data from early 2021 did indeed show a lower infection rate, but 8x higher death rate in the shot group. They didn’t use the 2 week window that caused our data to “miss” deaths. Scroll down to Figure 1:
Using big words like "Vaccine" should be based on the definition of Vaccine!!! Vaccine is not a non scientifically tested (normally taking 10 years of DBPC studies to confirm efficacy & safety!) But "what our 50 billion in fraud fines industry sold fools & suckers is a snake oil identifying as a Vaccine! I guess if Godless fools & suckers can identify a boy as a girl, they can identify piss as a vaccine! [It's probably safer!]
Excellent points. Thank you!
Please see my write-up of the British data for evidence that the Office of National Statistics altered the data to count deaths shortly after vaccination as "unvaccinated" deaths. I don't make this charge lightly.
Good work, Dr Nass. I appreciate your detailed insights about the Covid gene therapy vaccines.
Whatever the COVID shots did, they made investors rich and recipients dead or maimed with no legal recourse. The largest human experiment in history with the poorest outcome tracking. So for all the pain and suffering of this illegal experiment not even good data was collected.
Excellent summary. NHS didn’t use the 2 week window. Their data from early 2021, before waning of immunity, showed a lower infection rate but 8x higher death rate in the shot group. Scroll down to Figure 1:
Let us face it! If you run too long term, research studies, the negative side effects show up and deep six the approval from the FDA. So short term studies are the goal! To confirm this, all you have to do is analyze all the drugs that were deadly that have been removed from the marketplace after the FDA approved them! Of course, nobody in the FDA will point this out because they will lose their job!
I really really really need enlightenment if someone wants to comment. What is all the hype about getting a flu shot — of any kind? Yes, I understand there are those with co-morbidities. But I would like to know the statistic—accurate statistics of the lethality of the flu that makes the need to get a flu shot — that includes C19.
My impression is that flu shots — over time — weaken natural immunity. Is this correct reasoning?
I have never had a flu shot.
Let me help you. DO NOT INJECT ANY VAX OR QUAX INTO YOUR ARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm with you totally. I've never taken a flu shot either unless the military made me take one in the 60's. Satistically the flu shots improve your chances of getting the flue from 5% to 3% chance. They say that this 2% reduction is 40% of 5% but it is really an absolute improvement of only 2% which is near zero help for so many people getting the shot. Pharma is good at twisting the numbers. This is not exact statistics but close and it varies depending on which strain the "decide" to inject you with because they say they don't really know which strain will show up in a particular year. Some years the get it right and some years they don't. When have you every heard a report on how well the shot got it right or how badly they got it wrong. Why? Because it is all a crock and even though the risk is very low compared to the C19 shot, it is still not worth it to me because like you said, all of the shots damage you immune system. It the system (Pharma, NIH, CDC, FDA, etc would be helping us strengthen our immune systems for huge benefits compared to the shots. They do not really care about our health unfortunately. This is not the statistics you were looking for but I think it is the only smart way to look at the whole jab issue. Good luck to you.
Thank you Tom. Yes, I do believe the 3-letter agencies just care about the $’s. Unfortunately my very very healthy and kind mother got a flu shot because she felt that “it was the right thing to do”. That was back in the 80’s. After the flu shot, she got very sick and passed away. She was in her late 60’s. Total shock to the family.
I havent either and dont plan on it...
Right on! It depends on the data! There has never been any true unbiased testing with these vaccines from the beginning. The data wil always show the results the manufacturers of these WMD desire!
No Barbara it does not depend on "data"
It depends on knowlegde and philosophy, something lacking.
The very fact this "discussion" is on offer is a demonstration of fundamental
lack of the most basic tenets of health.
Many flunk the course. That is why they drank the kool aid and requested refills.
Did you read more than the first sentence?
I commented on the first sentence. We do not need "testing" we need refusal.
Read the reasoning why.
I learned years ago that the childhood vaccines nearly killed my first child...but did not know at the time, the matter that was in them. They had to have been invented by people who were megalomaniacs and wanted to slowly poison people; in oder to break their health down. Their ploy worked no one questioned the matter in them. All i was can be manipulated! It is a crime that our government permitted patents to hide the toxic ingredients in them. Hazardous ingredients, such as, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, animal cells, etc, About 15 years ago I came across Vaccination is NOT Immunization by Dr Tim O'Shea, which listed all the matter in these childhood vaccines. The matter in CV-19 is far worse, it works far faster at injuring and killing recipients. . The vax promoters have no conscience about making money selling products that are being used to commit mass murder.
How about all the turbo cancer blood clots neuro injuries strokes etc
this discussion is interesting in that people are trying to find a way, any way,
to feel good about the genocide.
Interesting psychology but insane.
Can we even define what is a covid infection? Are we documenting actual symptoms or just positive test results?
Some immunocompromised individuals, will die of the common cold or flu ect …. These jabs maim and kill …. Take them Off the market , the risk doesn’t outweigh the benefit.
immunity from what?
certainly not from the fraudulent "virus"
That elusive demon that has never been seen or isolated.
The greatest lie ever told, repeated often enough has the best educated repeating the fraud, endlessly.
Every substack writer who writes on subjects like Covid, the shots, etc, should expose to us what their feelings are regarding the existence/non-existence of viruses and what "evidence" supports their viewpoints.
There is a lot of proof that the so called Covid vaccine is killing people. It is a weapon of mass destruction.