Oct 7th was a Green Flag event. The criminal who is the PM of Israel knew the attack was coming and stood down and let it happen. He had several agendas not the least of which is being prosecuted for his crimes so his motivation is to hide in the chaos of war , hold onto power, and if he can start Armageddon all the better. He is a dark individual.

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That's not true.

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"Hannibal at Erez, dispatch a Zik [attack drone]," came the command on October 7.

Those words, reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz in July, confirm what many Israelis have feared since the Hamas attacks on October 7 in southern Israel.

Israeli forces have killed their own citizens.

Israeli authorities say more than 800 civilians and around 300 soldiers were killed on October 7."Hannibal at Erez, dispatch a Zik [attack drone]," came the command on October 7.

Those words, reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz in July, confirm what many Israelis have feared since the Hamas attacks on October 7 in southern Israel.

Israeli forces have killed their own citizens.

Israeli authorities say more than 800 civilians and around 300 soldiers were killed on October 7.


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Awful…if accurate.

And why call something Hannibal - like the cannibal who eats flesh…

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The article Mario linked explains the "Hannibal" in "Hannibal Directive". Why not read it?

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What, that Netanyahu needs e dress war to keep his job and stay out of jail? Or that he's a psycho? Or both (check).

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Start with him being a psycho and go forward from there.

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"Endless" - my typing (sigh).

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Thank you, Dr. Nass, for braving the sewer of abuse that comes to anyone that speaks up. Note that they attack even though this post is not a statement of your beliefs, but rather is a link to a news article that infuriates them. These unhappy people are on the losing end of history--and sadly, they are too blind to see that.

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Exactly, she simply posted information. She is very brave, she will lose some readers, the insulting ones. No loss. Amazing how people think their beliefs represent their entire identity, and any other views are taken as a personal attack, the hubris!

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About time. One could say too little too late but I guess better late than never. Thank you for the post.

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Its kind of like the New York Times calling for an end to the American Indian Wars. In 2024.

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Thank you Meryl for this information.

Black Flags and War Crimes: Should Israeli Soldiers in Gaza Refuse to Obey Orders?

Dahlia Scheindlin Nov 1, 2024

The issue of the refusal to obey military orders remains one of the most sensitive, toxic subjects in Israel. But with the IDF assault on northern Gaza leading to expulsion of Palestinian civilians and a humanitarian crisis, some Israelis believe that these are war crimes and illegal orders that soldiers are obliged to refuse


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Israeli Soldier's Explosive Tell-All: "Palestinians are Right to Resist" 27:07 min


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Colonel (Res.) Joel Piterberg's comment - IDF Helicopter Pilot at 7:15 and other comments. He is comparing Gaza with Warsaw Ghetto in WW2.

Refuseniks and Israeli Soldiers speak out 10:30 min


Warsaw Ghetto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Ghetto



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Haaretz is conservative???

With all due respect, Meryl, what are you smoking? You are correct, though, Haaretz is comparable to NYT.

Poor Palestinian Arabs of Gaza finally will soon be free from the Hamas terrorism. When not fighting Jews, Hamas has been literally terrorizing Palestinian Arabs.

Before YouTube went full Stalin and cleansed undesired videos from the platform, there were a ton showing Hamas throwing gays off the roofs, entering wedding halls and leaving a few minutes later with not a soul alive, all: young, old, women, children in pools of blood.

Hamas was able to get away with murders literally only because of corrupt to the core UN and politicians, including our own, who knowingly made countless Hamas’ leadership billionaires on our money:

Haniyeh $5bln

Marzouk $3bln


Mashaal $5bln

Yet, by all standards, Israeli army is the most humane, to insanity, in history, with by far the lowest ratio of killed civilians to combatants.

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You're right. Hamas has killed 50,000 Israeli Jews, half of them children, and has stated that there are no innocent Jewish civilians. Hamas has destroyed a majority of synagogues, churches, hospitals, homes and schools. Hamas snipers have shot Jewish Israeli civilians holding white flags and two Christian women in a church compound. Hamas controls everything going in and out of Israel and has stated they with withhold food, water, medicine and fuel from entering.

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Are you nuts?

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I see you were being sarcastic

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According to the laws of war, those who hide behind civilians are responsible NOT those who fight those who hide. When terrorists hide in schools, hospitals etc. all civilian buildings lose their protected status.

There is so much food in Gaza that Hamas did not know what to do with it and was destroying. Yet, Hamas was shooting and beating hungry Palestinians, who took food without Hamas’ permission.

Please clarify, When you present Hamas propaganda numbers, are you talking about this children?


You are a joke. Take your Jew-hating Nazi propaganda to your crowd. Oh, wait, this is your crowd here ))))

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Israel has its military headquarters smack dab in the middle of Tel Aviv surrounded by civilian infrastructure. Can you at least have the decency to admit the IDF is using Israeli civilians as human shields? Try not to be a hypocrite.

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Nice try, "Paula." I dealt with clowns like you before your parents had plans for having you.

Even if true ... How, oh how, does this justify Hamas' using kids as human shields? And how does it justify Hamas' training kids to risk their lives so Israel could be blamed for killing kids?

Speaking about amoral hypocrite - YOU!

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You are the hypocrite Fake Freedom Lover. Who are you?

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Freedom Lover - Your statement ¨According to the laws of war, those who hide behind civilians are responsible NOT those who fight those who hide. When terrorists hide in schools, hospitals etc. all civilian buildings lose their protected status¨ is not true. Where is the proof of that?

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Did not you say that you have an internet and can do your own research? ;) Prove it!

Everything I claim is easily verified. EASILY

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Hamas are evil.

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according to many sources THOUSANDS of civilians have been killed in Gaza over the last year …have you SEEN the footage of the dead children with missing body parts.

It’s horrendous!

And is it true that Israels army CREATED and funded Hamas (…Arafat opposition?)

“Assertions of Israeli support for Hamas date back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, a period marked by significant political upheaval in the Middle East.

Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Hamas as a means of undermining secular Palestinian factions such as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). “ WIKI



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You are correct on many points.

"according to many sources"

Terrorists built an enviable propaganda machine. Could you please provide your "many sources" please. As Meryl would confirm, there are many well known, -corrupt? -, sources in the USA have been distributing utter drivel in the last decade+ ...

"have you SEEN the footage of the dead children with missing body parts."

I give you credit where credit is due. You know the buttons to push. Kudos to you.

The war is, using your word, HORRENDOUS!! Who started this war? Gazans are one of the most destitute people in the world? Whose fault is this? Have YOU seen videos of Hamas entering Gaza wedding halls and leaving a few minutes later with not a soul alive: young and old, women, and children - all left in polls of blood?

You have not seen that? No? May be this is because YOUR "many sources" went all Stalin and cleansed platforms of evidence?

Are you familiar with a term Pallywood? The latest HORRENDOUS "evidence" I saw is a grieving father with lifeless body of his child in his lap .... :'( Heart breaking :'( ... HORRENDOUS .... and sudenly ... what happened? The lifeless body of the child moves and he scratches his foot ... What do cadavers do when her foot scratches? Correct, the cadaver is scratching his foot!

You have not seen that? Oh, my ... What are YOUR "many sources" please?

"And is it true that Israels army CREATED and funded Hamas (…Arafat opposition?)"

Assuming that this is true ... what does this prove, exactly?

1. And is it true that USA armed Iran?

2. And is it true that USA financed and armed mujahidin in Afghanistan?


n. And is it true that USA's actions led to Al Qaida? ISIS?

n+1. And is it true that Noriega was CIA agent?

How does it feel to root for terrorists, who when not hunting Jews, hunt its own people?

How sure are you about being Red Pilled?

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I’m getting sicker to my stomach by the day. Meryl is the biggest disappointment to date.

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No, Meryl is the most courageous fighter for freedom in the US, certainly in medical field.

Sadly, she is just utterly ignorant on the issue. :'(

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No she is not. We all have internet and we can all do our own research.

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Very true. Ignorant, destructive, and offensive.

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Hey Ed, shut up with your insult.

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What's an insult? :)) It's an objective reality. Here you claim that you can do your own research. and on my other comment you asked me to provide you quite easy to find info.

Ed is 100% on the money, my friend. ;) <3

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Says you...obviously an Israeli bot...

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Exactly! AMEN. After posting her for years, I'm dropping her like a hot potato.

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Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees through this thinly veiled bullshit...

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Thank you Meryl for being on top of these developments. I am Jewish, yet I must say Israel is deservedly disintegrating under Netanyahu's government.

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Well done Ha’aretz an excellent publication and newspaper…. calling it like it is, like it needs to be, the virtually the only newspaper in the world doing so, bringing the right amount of attention that is so desperately needed as a handbrake to the reprehensible and loathsome policy perpetrated by both a regime and a populace comprised of people, 80% of whom are so propagandised that they have been raised to see every Palestinian and or Arab as a terrorist someone to be feared, the entire narrative perpetrated to get to this point a major fraud and falsehood.

I say bravo Ha’aretz and its brave outstanding journo’s like Gideon Levy, a seeming lone voice he seems to be facing down international media that endorse the truly despotic behaviour of his government, I have watched Levy, pilloried, derided, attacked, abused on major networks, used as sport by hosts truly ignorant of the lines they parrot, attacking a man of integrity, of empathy who is unafraid to say what needs said…

I say we pick up this baton and hit the streets urging our tepid, complicit governments, for complicit by virtue of being action less with all they know and witness going on around them, under their noses in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, sovereignty abused in Syria, Iran, yet they, the aforementioned are pilloried as antagonists, perpetrators, not the lunatic sociopathic Israeli state, go figure, our eyes lie, it’s Israel that’s been attacked, international law, the innumerable UNSC resolutions, international treaties, all be damned… it’s complex, difficult, it started Oct 7 😂😂😂😂😂😂, pull the other one or peer out your window, you’ll see a real purple sky and pigs fly by..

Israel has become adept at lying to obfuscate, to confuse, it started by appropriating the holocaust to shield its own terrorist activity, many and much of it undertaken by people whose behaviour was so vile, evil, they were rewarded with Prime Ministerships of that bastard nation, formed as it was by way of a U.N resolution they insisted on upholding and invoking yet deny the very same the people they oppress who have had resolutions granting them statehood ignored now for decades… even more concerning we are witness to this regime enact the very crimes, yet by degrees much worse than those they hide behind as having been perpetrated against them and their forebears by uncle Adolf and his gang of Nazi thugs, crying anti semite unto anybody who dares challenge anything considered inappropriate… that is how twisted they have become..

I say good on Ha’aretz, job well done, for which threats of being locked up twenty years is the reward, and that’s what America and its Western allies choose to support… tell me the world hasn’t gone mad, time folded in upon itself, we are living in strange times indeed, up is down, peace is war, black is white, everything the inverse of actuality, of reality, yet we are to ignore it all, move along nothing to see here, look over there, freedom to speak… not if we disagree or can help it, that right fast disappearing if we allow these out of touch so called elites to continue with this behaviour… something tells me not much longer, a tipping point has been reached.. hope it’s not to late..

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Yes, everything you just said, nailed. Except for the citizens of Israel, I believe that a far greater number than we are told are not in favor of their genocidal government's actions.

But we should never forget that Israelis grow up being continually indoctrinated, most would never see nor hear any perspectives such as Ha’aretz's, they are told every day and every hour of their infancy that Palestinians are lower than dogs, that Palestinians are all murderers, and then they are constantly shown cherry-picked images and videos to reinforce those smears against the Palestinians.

It doesn't help matters any that UNRWA does the same kind of indoctrination of Palestinian children. One would almost be lead to believe that there are people working hard to make certain that there can never be peace in this region.

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Please somebody, arrest Netanyahu.

Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas”

¨Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever could hope to.

What many casual news consumers might not know, even ones who consider themselves “informed” – in large part because MSNBC/CIA-funded Washington Post would never tell them – is that Hamas is in no small measure a creation of the Israeli state.

This is not to mean “creation of the Israeli state” in the figurative, obscure sense of “Israel forced the birth of Hamas-style militancy through its Apartheid policies in the Gaza Strip,” although that is certainly true.

I literally mean to say the Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.

Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.


“Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.

‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” Read More


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I'd read about that somewhere, but did not have a link... thank you.

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Go away. I thought you unsubscribed...

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Dear Dr. Nass, I salute your courage and intellectual rigor and honesty. I admired your work on the COVID scheme, the mRNA agents used and the so-called "vaccines," as well as keeping us all abreast and knowledgeable concerning the UN-W.H.O. machinations.

Thank you. You are in our prayers. You are a model physician and intellectual for young people to study.

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- what drives U.S. policies, ...

and its efforts to involve the U.S. in a

potentially disastrous war...

- Col. Douglas Macgregor breaks it down:


--The powerful elites behind the Ukraine & Middle East wars – Col. Macgregor




Disaster Capitalism?: Real Estate


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Yes. I agree Smacko9 - The blood drinkers, the cabal want war. This is what they want. General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.

¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More

General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min


General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min


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Hi Mario,

Yes, You're spot on.

I remember that well.

MacGregor says 'American's Are Asleep'

I'd like to add:





Radical Honesty Part I


Leaving The Liar's Club



Thanks for the info/links!


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While this concerning, you seem to have no objectivity or balance in your reporting. Very frustrating.

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Truth hurts some people. There is no necessity to provide "balance" to what is.

Trying to deny truths and facts is what will cause the nation state of Israel to fail.

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And that’s the problem. You think you have a corner on the truth. Israel and the Jewish people have suffered horrendously over the centuries. Antisemitism is running rampant once again.

Not saying this reporting is wrong but I believe it is. Am open to objective reporting and analysis. But your dogmatic and apparently antisemitic response is what concerns me.

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The IDF troll farm strikes again with gibberish unrelated to the article at hand.

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Ah, trotting out the old antisemite trap. No sir, I am against zionism and persons who wanted to seize land and murder the existing inhabitants. Make an "objective" case out of that. Read the Balfour Declaration for starters then Ben Gurion. Maybe even talk to the General's son who I met on the delivery of a letter to The Hague ICC to bring the government of Israel up for criminal prosecution in 2018.

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With the exception of The Hamas terrorists, the way I see it is that there are three groups of concern. The Jews, the Palistinians and the Zionists. "Two out of three ain't bad." I didn't count Hamas because all terrorist groups are fair game for annihilation. Antisemitism should certainty frowned upon, but anti-Zionism sounds like a great idea.

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Drop it with the racist card . A preposterous private racist title you guys give yourselves. It works every time you flap about trying to appeal with dishonest arguments as a victim. Is so weary. Oct 7 was orchestrated by mossad. That liquidising of vehicles from above was some technology. Of course you believe it was harnessed in a backpack? Give me a break. This oct 7 has been organised for sometime by Israel. 2 hrs or 45 mins for the border to be unsecured but 8 1/2 hrs ?? Oh the 40 beheaded babies and rapes that never happened !!! More flapping about . I feel for all those Israelis watching their kind lie and lie and lie and….. keeping ground hog day in Truman show style. …. Going while their neigbours are blown apart. Insane I’m responding to you you’re so deluded

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Poor Israel. Always the victim. Never the aggressor…

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Get over yourself, it was a balanced report, fact based, underscoring reality in that nation construct, Israel, a nation as it happens founded under a U.N resolution it sought, badgered the international community to enact, after committing some of the very worst acts of terrorism by its so called freedom fighters, rewarded as they were, these killers with Prime Ministerships of what is now a nation led by sociopaths… seems nothing much has changed or changes in that State… read and learn your own history…

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Haaretz fair and balanced? Puhleeze! And Ehud Barak is the Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Doug Murray of Tel Aviv. Oh yeah and Nasrallah was the Albert Scheitweiter of Shia

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¨The Nakba (the Catastrophe) dismantled Palestine and Palestinian society 75 years ago through the destruction of 500 villages, the forced exile of half of the Palestinian population, the loss of prominent Palestinian industries, and the eradication of important social and cultural traditions that united Palestinians...¨


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And Israel will not fail. It is so written in the Word of God. That doesn’t mean they’re not committing atrocities…but I’m not convinced.

But where’s the balanced reporting of what they’ve suffered at the hands of terrorists?

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Gawd is now a real estate agent.

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"Hannibal at Erez, dispatch a Zik [attack drone]," came the command on October 7.

Those words, reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz in July, confirm what many Israelis have feared since the Hamas attacks on October 7 in southern Israel.

Israeli forces have killed their own citizens.

Israeli authorities say more than 800 civilians and around 300 soldiers were killed on October 7."Hannibal at Erez, dispatch a Zik [attack drone]," came the command on October 7.

Those words, reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz in July, confirm what many Israelis have feared since the Hamas attacks on October 7 in southern Israel.

Israeli forces have killed their own citizens.

Israeli authorities say more than 800 civilians and around 300 soldiers were killed on October 7.


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Good grief, if you read scripture you’ll know god disavowed and distanced himself big time from his chosen … turning his back on them completely, closing his ears to their pleas, prayers and cries, whilst being offended at the sight of their stock herded for offerings unto him… Try as a Start the second, third, fourth and fifth book of Moses as a starter, that’s the biblical books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, then there is the recanting of support as written in the book of Hosea.

In fact read the book, in its entirety, the claims of Judaism are incorrect, god did give them the land, then took it off of them scattering the Jews, his children, the Children of Jacob Israel to compass the earth, he, god the Lord and only he will gather a remnant back to Israel in the latter days, that said, the Balfour declaration , an orchestrated contrived document does not in any way count nor suffice or is or can be remotely ascribed as a call from god gathering his chosen home… neither can any UNSC resolution so suffice as the children of Israel called home by God…. not at all, indeed, for the Zionists to be invoking Hod as rationale presently for their criminal inhumane behaviour is another grave sin, underscoring as written in scripture God the Lord stating he was filled with wrath at these people he’d chosen, they were obstinate, stiff necked, hard headed, prone to murmuring against him and his prophets, laws, statutes, commandments and judgements… he came to despise of them.

Scripture is littered including the New Testament verses of God the Lords absolute frustration with his people… however we know that having enacted his vengeance and wrath as so often was warned unto his people that as noted, God and only God will call them back and those called will comprise a small remnant of the Israeli nation, it’s all written in scripture, read it, learn it, it’s as important a history as any other historical account written of any people…

On another note, it truly amazes me how little people understand of their own existence, of their own nations history, or the histories of those they feel inclined to comment and pontificate upon, literally meaning a vast majority are rather ignorant of the most salient of facts of understanding of real facts, corroborated and established facts, yet being so unaware, ignorant will gob off shooting literally from the hip all sorts of rubbish to justify the indefensible.

Then again I guess you can find justification today for nearly anything you want to justify, me, personally I prefer to deal with solid, accounts of the past, historical facts, of having a well balanced understanding of that upon which you comment, offer an opinion of,.

I wrote above in a reply of the need to begin by reading history, it use to be taught in school, instilling in many I know a love for the same, a yearning to learn more, not just of your own chart of the world but of so much else plus… thus reading commensurate with in this case the reading of the Bible, biblical texts, of gods word has enabled this response, a response I stand by, after all, if we cannot believe the word of god, who else can we believe?

Don’t be offended, it’s a personal thing, a belief, predicate on faith, faith that there is a truth to much of what is written in that tome… something we are entitled to, to possess and own, irrespective what others might think… but to any doubters, I seriously underscore the value of being well read, in so doing you will gain insight, knowledge, you will educate yourself, my preference is History, Religious and Non, Economics and Financial, Geo Political History, Historical Accounts of Nations, National History, definitely haven’t the inclination to read scientific papers a la our wonderful Dr Mary and so many others like her, but thoroughly enjoy reading and learning from hers, Steve Battachaya, Robert and Jill Malone, Vanessa Beely, Steve Kirsch, Dr Peter McCullogh’s, Simplicius The Thinker, Big Serge, Dr Gilbert Doctorow, Mark Sleboda, The Daily Beagle, amongst others, their writings all truly wonderful, likewise they have taught me through their great writing and essays, so very much….on a broad range of subject matter, It truly is empowering, beats movies and the rubbish on the goggle box any day…. Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Yeah, I have to “get over myself.” Again, whatever that means. Certainly are different ways to view history and whose history is accurate/balanced. Your tenor like the other two is just so dogmatic and prejudicial.

Israel had every right to “badger” to get its land back. You’re clearly convinced they’re evil without any consideration of the atrocities committed against them over the millennia, and still going on.

Again, no having an objective discussion here, so will bow out.

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Security experts are blaming Israel’s government for Saturday’s invasion in which Muslim forces from Gaza massacred over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped at least one hundred hostages.

So far no investigations have been launched into how the invaders were able to cross Israel’s heavily fortified border unimpeded, nor why it took Israel’s highly trained security forces over six hours to respond to calls for help.

Since 2005, when Israel expelled all Jewish residents from Gaza and ceded the territory to Muslims, Israel has been building sophisticated defense systems along the border. Foreseeing a possible above-ground invasion, Israel spent $220 million to develop an advanced security system “with no margin of error.” This includes barbed wire fences and a 23-foot high wall. Motion sensors are embedded in the ground along the electronic fences, which are accompanied by watchtowers armed with remote-control machine guns. The border is also patrolled by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and Humvees operated by highly trained troops. Hundreds of night-vision cameras placed along the border constantly transmit to command centers which are operational 24/7.

Also deployed along the Gaza border is at least one semi-autonomous robotic vehicle called the Jaguar, equipped with dozens of cameras, sensors, transmitters and a 7.62mm MAG machine gun. The Jaguar sports a remote-controlled PA system and can self-destruct if captured by the enemy.

To stave off underground invasions, a 40-mile-long underground “smart fence” equipped with hundreds of AI-powered cameras, radar, and other sensors. The fence can detect infiltration by sea and is connected to a remote-controlled weapons system. One hundred and forty thousand tons of steel and concrete were reportedly used to build the barrier.

Israel’s Gazan border security also includes Sky Dew, a giant airborne balloon designed to help the Israel Air Force detect threats such as missiles and aircraft.

Video footage from Saturday’s invasion shows Muslim forces using a single bulldozer to dismantle a barbed wire fence. Media operatives have tried to claim that the invaders were able to cross the border after first dropping bombs on observation towers, somehow evading detection by Sky Dew, UAVs, electronic sensors and patrols. There is also no explanation for how the loss of transmission escaped notice by the military and intelligence units in the command centers.

Those units conduct regular drills and maneuvers. According to one military commander who was stationed at the Gaza border, one of those drills is a daily “dawn alert” during which both the night and day shifts inspect the border’s defenses. The Muslim forces, who invaded during the dawn hours, would have stumbled into a massive surveillance exercise by hypervigilant troops.

“In the 40 or more years that I’ve been following Israel one way or another, I’ve never seen this happen,” commented Trump-appointed former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “I’ve never seen the border breached in this manner. Usually, even one person from Gaza gets close to the border, they’re intercepted and neutralized long before they can do anything. This is just something I’ve never seen before. It’s of course a large intelligence failure.”

Israeli officials have also not addressed how hours after the attack began and Israel’s forces had been alerted, the invaders were able to return the way they came, taking hostages on dirt bikes back to Gaza.

“It is almost inconceivable how they missed this,” said CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos.

Security experts are also baffled as to how Israel’s intelligence network, which includes the feared Mossad and the country’s domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet, could have been ignorant of the operation.

“I’m truly astonished for something of this magnitude to go down and for the Israelis to have no clue that this is about to happen. I’m just speechless,” said Senior Fellow Colin Clarke at the global security research tank Soufan Center. “They have had sources inside these Palestinian groups for years.”

“Israel has exquisite, world-class intelligence collection and analysis capabilities and would have a far better picture of what’s going on in its own backyard. This one falls squarely on the Israelis,” he added.

Former Kerem Shalom Battalion Commander Yoram Erez wrote: "Something here doesn't add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can't find an answer to since yesterday?

"I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafiah), I was in charge of Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.

"The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:

"Alerts are set according to 3 levels of pressure. It must alert when it is cut. There are, 24/7, forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence.

"Every day they do at least one penetration drill. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it.

"The female observers are champions at identification. They don't miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle - day and night. At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.

"Every day before dawn there is a ‘dawn alert’ procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night.

"Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.

"Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.

"There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.

"So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?

"How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?

"How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?

"How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?

"How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?

"How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, woke women, children, babies, old people from their beds, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?

"How is it that one bullet was not fired?

"How did all this happen under our noses?

"Where did an entire division go?

"Where did 3 brigades go?

"Who swallowed 9 battalions?

"What happened to 36 companies?

"Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?

"Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?

"Where did thousands of soldiers go???

"Someone here needs to provide explanations!!"


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I collected some of the responses from former IDF who questioned the narrative:

False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient. Quoted from: https://www.sott.net/article/484970-Israel-in-state-of-war-with-Hamas-after-Palestinian-militants-launch-unprecedented-incursion-into-Israel-UPDATES#comment475653

Ex-IDF soldier explains that the events that took place today are impossible. She was a border observer with the highest tech available. "If a bird came close we knew" "Even even a cockroach came to our fenced border we knew" "How did 400 hamas pass through today"? Quoted from: https://twitter.com/Dr_logicaI/status/1710794054953553927

I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?? What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system. Quoted from: https://efrat.substack.com/p/israel-hamas-war-an-update

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I agree Moonspinner. We are all being played.

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I fear Ron S. you have lost all objectivity yourself, lost to your programed sense of history.

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P.S. Have you heard Gabor Mate speak? He was just a young boy in the Germanys concentration camps, who miraculously survived, but lost his family. He is deeply affected by what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people, and speaks with profound intelligence and sorrow; really a moving, heart-felt video.

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Thank you for your arrogant, self-righteous response, Meryl. By no means am I part of a “troll farm,” whatever that is.

And I didn’t mean to set any kind of an antisemitic “trap.” It’s running rampant once again and it’s very disturbing. Is that what you are, no idea. Hopefully, not.

It’s their land. I don’t condone genocide, though. Anyway, you two are convinced you’re right. It just reads so prejudicial.

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Meryl just erased any respect and admiration I had for her. Which was substantial .

My nephew lost his wife, her sister and her mother on Oct 7 in ways unspeakable. He’s not Jewish. She was visiting. He’s now a thirty two year old widower with a two and four year old and looks 80. They were so happy. She loved living in Miami. She adored her husband , children and missed her only remaining family. Her mother and sister in Israel. Her father an uncle were killed five years ago when the fucking terrorists “ martyred” herself and blew up 5 others in Tel Aviv. Meryl can eff herself . Go march with the Marxist Nazi Jihadists.

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Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos

...¨But the Israeli military is coming under increasing pressure to reveal just how many of their own citizens were killed by Israeli soldiers, pilots and police in the confusion of the Hamas attack on southern Israeli communities.

Survivors and relatives have been asking not just "what went wrong", but whether the military invoked the controversial — and supposedly rescinded — "Hannibal Directive".


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Just like 9/11, some innocents are always sacrificed for these false-flag operations.

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your nephew’s wife and family.

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The Mossad didn't see it coming. Impossible.

The October 7 event is similar to the 911 one in 2001, an Inside Job, a PsyOp Operation to create war, terror, control and land grabbing.

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validates the argument that we should differentiate between the genocidal likud maniacs and the (increasingly imperiled and injected) israeli general population

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A Pew Research Center survey from April of this years showed only 4% of Israeli Jews said Israel's military response in Gaza had gone too far. 4%!! Israeli society is systemically rotten to the core. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are happening in real time - on video for the whole world to see and do NOTHING about. I guess "never again" is only for Jews.

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It's what happens when racism is legalized as a guiding principle. Israel should have never ever been admitted into the UN.

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It's an illegitimate state - born out of terrorism and ethnic cleansing, and the worst thing to happen to world Jewry. Zionism is the source of the conflict, not Judaism.

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What makes a state legitimate or illegitimate?

You sound like a certified Jew-hater, propagandist for terrorists

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Racism, hah? Define racism. The word does nt mean what you think it means. )))

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military service is mandatory in israel. you go into the idf at 18, graduate from college at 26 and by then the indoctrination is pretty much complete. thankfully there are israelis w ho can see through the genocidal evil

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Oh really? Did you serve in the IDF? Because you’re wrong.

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Please watch Colonel (Res.) Joel Piterberg's comment - IDF Helicopter Pilot at 7:15 and other comments. He is comparing Gaza with Warsaw Ghetto in WW2.

Refuseniks and Israeli Soldiers speak out 10:30 min


Warsaw Ghetto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Ghetto



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Thank you, interesting video, this supports my contentions: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/israels-oldest-and-most-influential/comment/75256657

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¨The Nakba (the Catastrophe) dismantled Palestine and Palestinian society 75 years ago through the destruction of 500 villages, the forced exile of half of the Palestinian population, the loss of prominent Palestinian industries, and the eradication of important social and cultural traditions that united Palestinians...¨


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Please tells us what is wrong with the comment. Being inconvenient truth does not count as being wrong.

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Excellent truthful post. I honestly am so disappointed it’s not just Netanyahu and his psycho government. But it’s painfully obvious it is societal malignancy.

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Define genocide, please.

“I guess "never again" is only for Jews.”

Certainly, there can be no “never again” for Nazis and terrorists. Should there be a “never again” for Al Qaida? What about ISIS?

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Israeli Jew Amos Goldberg is a Holocaust and genocide researcher at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He says Israel is committing genocide.


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The majority of the Israeli population support this outrage and many call for even greater force be applied.

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This has been established in many videos. They are indoctrinated from early on to hate their neighbors...very few, like Gabor Mate have the intelligence to see the truth, unfortunately.

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Well, you are only about 180 degrees off on which people are indoctrinated to hate their neighbors.

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Israeli children sing a song about "annihilating everyone" in Gaza --https://genocide.news/2023-11-30-israeli-kids-sing-annihilate-everyone-in-gaza.html

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Haha don't put too much stock in "genocide.news" since this isn't a genocide. Are you not aware of the many, many examples of Palestinian children being indoctrinated into hating Jews, for decades now? This really goes mostly one way. Jewish teenagers were not slipping into Gaza to stab people or blow up buses -- you now that, right? Lots of Jewish young people were very vocal about trying for peace. Perhaps, since Jewish babies and young people are still being held hostage, there is less push for peace now and more push for annihilating the people responsible (Hamas).

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The video of the Israeli children is genuine, so yes, Israeli children also "are indoctrinated to hate their neighbors," as you wrote. If I grew up in an open-air prison, I'd probably hate those responsible for that prison.

What's your definition of genocide, since you claim that what's happening in Gaza isn't genocide?

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Thanks for sharing this information, which doubtless will never make it to the U.S. mainstream fiction media. Yariv Levin is a hero of colossal proportions today. People like him and the countless others who in this country and elsewhere around the world, risking retribution from the government, are saving us from the tyranny that has been intruding into our lives and threatens to overtake us. Thank you, Yariv Levin! And thank you, Meryl Nass!

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After reading all these comments, I fail to see why some deride Meryl for objectively presenting the latest headlines in an Israeli newspaper. Seems to hit a nerve that an Israeli newspaper would take such a position. And, how telling that Israels response would be so heinous...."In response, Israel's "justice minister" Yariv Levin demanded that a law be passed imposing 20-year prison sentences for any Israeli who calls for sanctions..." Seems to sum up their pathology nicely.

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Someone with a conscience. I am praying for all the kids who have lost limbs and family. I saw a few videos on the murders of young people committed by Hamas on October 7th, and terrorism has to be punished and stopped, but not by killing thousands, and thousands of innocents. Find another way. The Palestinians did not accept the past partition plan because it gave 53% of land to Israel, and 47% of desert and barren land to the Palestinians. Too easy to say they just wouldn't accept what 'seemed' like reconciliation when in fact an unfair division of resources was being implemented. The entitled Zionist greed has led to unethical violations to Palestinian self-determination. The Zionists were clear from the start, they wanted to be the dominant force in Israel. They wanted to keep their blood uncontaminated via mixed marriages. They don't deny any of this. They just kept pushing until they got what they wanted, and they keep pushing into the West Bank. No one seems to think that is an act of terrorism, despite terrorizing families there. This murder of children has to stop, and Hamas needs to be dismantled, but that won't happen in an atmosphere of subjugation.

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First, this article requires a definition of terms. Haaretz is not a conservative paper, and the New York Times is most definitely not a conservative paper––it is a leftist liberal Marxist propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

The bifurcation in Israeli society is parallel to the bifurcation in the United States. The self-loathing leftists in Israel accuse Israelis of genocide??? It is absolute madness!! Amos Shocken lives in subjective reality where, like a child, he believes that begging and appeasing the enemy will stop the hostilities. The enemies of Israel will not stop until Israel is eliminated––that is an inconvenient Islamic doctrinal fact that psychological children like Amos Shocken ignore. "Please don’t hurt me" is the plea of Jews on bended knee! It did not work with the Nazis in WWII and it will never work in the middle east with Israel’s Arab enemies. The radical leftist/liberals in both countries are too arrogant to realize that they are just useful idiots of the globalist elite who seek the end of America AND of Israel! Globalism is literally its name––global one-world planetary government. Globalism must destoy big Satan/America and little Satan/Israel to succeed!! The globalist elite are exploiting the radical leftist Marxist Democrat party to do its dirty work in the United States, and is exploiting the foolish radical leftist/liberal "progressives" in Israel to do its dirty work in the Middle East.

Meryl Nass and LawyerLisa need to take five steps back and remember that we are a world at war: Globalism vs. Nationalism. There are many trees in this forest, including Israel’s legitimate right to defend its national sovereignty against doctrinal enenmies whose Islamic creed calls for its destruction. Meryl Nass is an expert on political medicine that threatens national and individual sovereignty, but she is woefully misinformed/disinformed about Israel and how the globalists are exploiting and financing antisemitism in America and the ME for their own gain. The globalist elite are playing chess, and Meryl Nass and LawyerLisa are playing checkers on this one.

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