I have so much respect for you Meryl. Thank you for doubling down and continuing to try to make people see what is happening, especially to innocent women and children, in Gaza. It is yet another crucial area for humanity in which you are tirelessly helping people to see the truth of their world and who is trying to hurt them. People need to grow more human and see that it is important to love the innocent people of both Israel and Gaza and how the Israeli government is committing atrocities against all of them in different ways. Again, thank you for all of your efforts around medical freedom, globalist tyranny, and war.

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Thank you so much, Meryl, for your clear eyed perspective on this controversial topic. For far too long, too many have stood silently by for fear of being labeled anti-Semitic even as their conscience cries out against the brutality we see in Gaza and elsewhere. One can remain a supporter of Israeli people, culture, history and future without being bullied into rubber stamping every single thing Netanyahu decides to do. He will have to answer for his decisions, but we will also have to answer for ours. For this reason, I stand beside you in objecting to Netanyahu’s approach in Gaza and urge others to speak up as well. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. There is always a better way if we simply determine to find it.

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There was a better way. The Gazans made the wrong choice when they elected Hamas. Now you know the rest of the story.

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Are you aware that close to half of the Palestinians in Gaza were not even born at the last election. And are you aware that Netanyahu financially supported Hamas to prevent a Pal state? As for terrorists look no farther than pre Israel groups like Haganah. Lehi and Irgun raping. Killing and destroying hundreds of Pal villages. Forcing hundreds out of the land or into refugee camps. These groups became the IDF and land and resources grab continued. At least Hamas had a reason to take up arms for self defense whereas the other groups had land theft as their goal.

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At least get some basic facts correct. I know that’s asking a lot. Israel with Drew every Israeli who is living in Gaza some of them forcefully in 2005.

That was a golden opportunity for the people of Gaza - a highly educated sophisticated worm and wonderful people to have turned Gaza into the next Dubai. Instead they elected a group of neofascist Islam fastest thugs who is only goal is not peace with Israel but the annihilation of Israel which they have said in their publications over and over again.

So no your pathetic attempt to justify the rape and massacre of hundreds and hundreds of innocent Israeli and folks from over 20 other countries most of whom were folks dedicated to peace with the Palestinians is beyond reprehensible.

One can be strongly against the policies of Netanyahu as I am without crossing the line into the most vicious antisemitism as you clearly exhibit

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Completely false. Gaza could not have "turned" Gaza into anything since they are allowed to control virtually nothing. Israel controls everything about Gaza--it is a concentration camp. Israel controls power, water, employment, calories allowed in, business, fishing rights, movement--Gazans are not even allowed to collect rainwater. They can't leave Gaza without permission. People routinely die waiting for "permission" to seek medical treatment. They are not allowed to have an airport. Does that sound like Dubai to you, you imbecile? Every person there from newborn on is surveilled 24/7, and their whereabouts are known at all times. That's why journalists and whole families can be targeted.

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Gaza the next Dubai? Hysterical. If IT was not treating the Pals like prisoners in a prison and stealing their gas and oil might be a start. But no the plan is grab the land and resources. Has always been the plan.

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Israel stealing from Palestinians? :D :D :D What about leftist leaders enslaving and stealing from Palestinians OUR money sent as aid, Jew-hating genocidal murderous leftist terrorists lover, Lowell Googins?

What’s truly sad is that people either without brain or refusing to use one waste others time with support for leftist genocidal murderous terrorists

When not murdered outright or used as human shields, -a WAR CRIME -, by their leftist leaders, Palestinian Arabs are oppressed and robbed by Hamas, PLO, Islamic Jihad, etc:

Haniyeh $5 Bln

Marzouk $3 Bln


Sinwar $1bln

Mashaal $5 Bln

The list is looooong of Palestinian politicians, who have not worked a day in their lives outside of politics and accumulated billions enslaving and robbing Palestinian people of OUR money coming as aid.

In 1991 Kuwait kicked out ALL 440,000 of its Palestinian Arab terrorists, EVERY SINGLE ONE. No genocide? No Jews, no news ...

In 1986 Lebanon murdered tens of thousands and send packing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arab terrorists. No genocide? No Jews, no news ...

In 1970 Palestinian state of Jordan murdered tens of thousands and send packing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arab terrorists. No genocide? No Jews, no news ... In the history of Palestinians this event is known as the second Nakba or Black September.


1. name ALL Muslim countries which do NOT consider their ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs as the second class;

2. Name all Muslim countries, which offer their ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs as high standards of living and as many rights as Israel offers its ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs

"Stupid is what thoughtless parrot of the genocidal Hamas terrorists Klaus Hubert’s writes on substack" Forrest Gump

Look forward to your anti-logic empty “thoughts,” troll 😘🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Dec 6Edited
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He omits ANYTHING that doesn't fit in with his RACIST anti-Palestinian beliefs.

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Wooooow! WokeNeverAwake is baack. Why don't you mention second Nakhba, self-proclaimed a$$wipe? :D :D :D

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Dec 6
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Would you claim that Oct. 7th is a show of self defense? This whole conversation is ludicrous.

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Bibi allowed Oct 7 - verifiable fact.

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If it's “a verifiable fact,” please present your evidence :D LYING Jew-hating troll

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Are you going to spam this thread with your ‘Jew-hater' nonsense? I say that if you’re getting paid for how many comments you make then your employer isn’t getting his money worth.

And you know that you wouldn’t accept any evidence presented.

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If you knew anything about the last 100 years, you would know that it is. Let me ask you a few questions: 1. what does international law say about the self-defense rights of an occupied people? 2. how many Palestinians have Zionists killed over the last 100 years, versus the number of Zionists killed by Palestinians. 3. Does Israel take Palestinian hostages? How many did they have prior to October 7th? 4. Why has Israel attacked and killed Palestinians in Gaza, who can't escape, multiple times since they locked them in? Why do they call it "mowing the lawn"? Shall I go on?

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“Stupid is what Jew-hater Linda Hegge opines on substack” Forrest Gumpsky

Israel WITHDREW from Gaza in 2006. Forget about Jews, we know you hate them and think they do not have right to exist. How many Gazans have been murdered in cold blood by genocidal murderous leftist terrorists Hamas?

Let’s see how much international law do you know. 😂🤣


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What a complete cretinous idiot. Yes, Israel "withdrew" from Gaza so much in 2006 that it controls electricity, water, employment, calories, movement, speech, and even whether Gazans can fish off their own coast. Gazans are not allowed to collect their own rainwater. Gazans are so surveilled by Israel that each Gazan gets an Israeli ID number at birth, and their whereabouts are known at all times. Zionists have nothing to do with Jews. Hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide, including whole Jewish orthodox sects, are anti-Zionist, which is why half the students protesting on campus last spring were Jews, and why a good portion of the large genocide protests worldwide were Jewish, and why the very first US protest of the genocide at the US capitol was carried out by Jewish rabbis. Zionism was universally rejected by all observant Jews in the 19th, because it is a racist, exceptionalist ideology that arose out of the same nationalist ferment that produced Nazism. The only difference between the two is who they think the master race is. The earliest Zionists directly admitted in writing that one of their goals was to eliminate or drive out the "Arabs" living in Palestine, despite the fact that they KNEW Palestinians had been living there for millennia. David Ben Gurion even wrote a scholarly paper hypothesizing that Palestinians were the descendants of rural Jews who had been left behind in Judaea when the Romans threw Jews out of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. That is quite possible, since Palestinians have Canaanite DNA, so their presence on the land is just as ancient as any Jewish person's. Yet Zionists rejected multiple offers from Palestinians, British and Americans in the 1940s to form one state with equal rights for all. You are so vacuous I'm amazed you can tie your own shoes.

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Here is what international law says: an occupied people is allowed to resist their occupation with violence. An occupier is not allowed to retaliate or take revenge on an occupied people--that is a war crime. Gazans are considered an occupied people since Israel controls absolutely everything about their lives, and they are not free to do anything except lie down and die (according to you). Suggest you read international law experts John Quigley and Francis Boyle from on the subject of Israel/Palestine.

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Dec 7
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So if someone came and took YOUR property by force and confined you to an open air prison for OVER SIXTY YEARS, you wouldn't STILL be trying to DEFEND YOURSELF and REGAIN YOUR PROPERTY AND DIGNITY? What a TOOL you are!

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Oct. 7 is a 9/11 false flag used to justify the unjustifiable.

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Verifiably so.

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So much anti-logic, that I don’t even know where to start.

USA supported Husain and even provided to him chemical weapons. So?

Israel is THE ONLY 3,000 years ancient civilisation, which history began in 1948.


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The Gazans had about as much choice as Soviets, Chinese, and other people suffering under the leftists regimes.

The fact that Meryl supports genocidal murderous leftist terrorists Hamas destroys the last ounce of her credibility 😢

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What a disgusting comment "Free doom" lover. Clearly you support genocide. Revolting.

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Nice to meet you Stalinist, Maoist, Nazi, Hamas, Hezbollah, AOC Jew-hating supporter.

Cannot tell you how much I value your fact less anti-logic opinion.

Feel free to opine more

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Being against genocide is not supporting anything except being a humane person. Try again. This old card is not working.

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Define genocide, Jew-hater.

Calling you a Jew-hater is not a card. It’s proper definition.

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Dec 7
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Self-proclaimed a$$wipe is a$$wipe by proclamation 🤷‍♂️

Your genius is self-evident and rare, deep-deep in your rate. You don’t have to try this hard.


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You could be the first person in history to label Hamas as leftist. But I guess it seems that intellectually all you have is a hammer so everything you see looks like a nail

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Your knowledge of history of leftist movement is impressive. I’ll take your word for it, genocidal murderous terrorists loving, Jew-hating troll 😘🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Sir/Ma’am, if you care to be honest, which you clearly don’t, Hamas is a Mossad (Israeli) creation, #1. #2. Mossad/IDF literally stood down for 6 hours on 10/7/23 - verifiable fact. They knew HAMAS was coming, and they let them. They let them murder innocent Israelis attending a music festival, they let them rape attendees, and they let them take hostages, all just to have justification to o wholesale slaughter residents of Gaza and depopulate the area. So you go ahead and sing your tired “anti-Semite” tune - the world sees through it - Trump sees through it - God Almighty sees through it - y’all aren’t fooling anyone except yourselves. You would think you’d be mad at Mossad/Netanyahu for using the entire Israeli population as his personal guinea pigs with those vile mRNA shots he made everyone take, but no, you’re still here conflating common sense with some kind of misguided ethnic loyalty. So sad.

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Or, could it be that Israel had to have a good reason to be able to finally go after Hamas and their supporters, since the world constantly forces them to stop fighting their mortal enemies.

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Sir/Ma’am, if you care to be honest, which you clearly don’t, …”


“Hamas is a Mossad (Israeli) creation, #1. #2. “

Presuming that this is correct

1. How does this allow genocidal Terrorist Hamas when they are not murdering Palestinian Gazans outright, use them as human shields - WAR CRIME, honest genocidal murderous terrorist lover, Jew-hating troll, under the pseudonym JulieBelzeski??😘🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

“Mossad/IDF literally stood down for 6 hours on 10/7/23 - verifiable fact. They knew HAMAS was coming, and they let them. “

Remains to be determined. Obvious ONLY to genocidal murderous terrorist lovers, Jew-hating trolls

“They let them murder innocent Israelis attending a music festival, they let them rape attendees, and they let them take hostages, …”

Presuming this insane hallucinations by the genocidal murderous terrorist lover, Jew-hating troll JulieNelzeski is correct, HOW DOES THIS JUSTIFY Hamas’ “ murder innocent Israelis attending a music festival, … rape attendees, and …take hostages,” then use ORDINARY Gazans as human shield, insane honest genocidal murderous terrorist lover, Jew-hating troll, under the pseudonym JulieBelzeski??😘🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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yes, it's hamas that wants to "ethnically cleanse" all of Israel of all Jews

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Why don't you tell us the number of Israelis Palestinians have killed versus the number of Palestinians Zionists have killed over the last 76 years? It's not even close. It's like 100 to 1 in favor of the Israelis. You think Hamas are terrorists because someone told you to think that. You really have no knowledge on the subject.

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The Greater Israel plans were hatched long before Hamas existed, and Palestinians were already being targeted for decades before 7 October. If you were imprisoned, sniped and targeted, systematically harassed, had fewer rights in your own land than the settlers, and had no rights to travel, work as you please, or even to fish in the ocean you walk alongside, would you take it without complaint?

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This is quite an ignorant comment. You need to do quite a bit more reading about how and why Hamas came about, and indeed about the whole history of how Israel came about. Infuriating simple-minded nonsense.

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I always enjoy conversing with educated and intelligent lovers of genocidal murderous leftist terrorists.

Let's begin with logic 101, how's the way of Hamas founded justifies enslaving, robbing, murdering, and using s human shields Palestinian Arabs of Gaza?

"Infuriating simple-minded nonsense." Could not agree more

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There is no evidence Hamas has ever used human shields. None. But suppose they did. Let's think for two seconds. Gaza had, before 10/7, two million people, all crammed inside a concentration camp completely controlled in every way by Israel. These are the descendants of the people Israel butchered and drove from their homes during the Nakba in 1947. Egypt owned Gaza then, so these people fled there to get away from Israeli terrorists. Israel later seized Gaza (illegally) and eventually put a wall around it. It is one of the most densely populated places on earth as a result. Since Hamas is the elected governing body of Gaza and has different arms for different purposes--charity, education, bureaucracy, etc., as well as its armed division, and since Israel routinely invades Gaza and kills civilians right and left (since long before 10/7), how exactly is Hamas supposed to avoid being amongst the civilians? But again, what does international law say about it? In law, if a Hamas soldier is hiding in the middle of a building full of civilians, YOU ARE STILL NOT ALLOWED TO KILL THE CIVILIANS to kill him. Now let's do the IDF in Israel. The IDF uses human shields so much they have been hauled before the Israeli Supreme Court for it and found guilty. Over 1200 instances were used as examples in the court case. The IDF calls it the "neighbor policy." They particularly like to use children as human shields. In 2023 prior to 10/7 they had used two two-year olds as shields. They like to make them search for bombs. Needless to say, they are almost never prosecuted for doing this. We have seen multiple examples of this over the last 14 months because the IDF loves to shoot video of their war crimes. A favorite activity lately is picking some wounded Palestinian and tying him to the front of a tank or bulldozer.

Speaking of terrorists, I assume you are aware that during the Mandate period, there were three Zionist terrorist gangs who bombed every train and bit of infrastructure in Palestine, shot and knifed people on the street, killing hundreds over decades. They also assassinated public figures in Palestine and elsewhere. Zionists invented modern terrorism. Then the leaders of those terror gangs seized power in 1947, unilaterally declared Israel a "state" and became the future prime ministers and presidents of Israel, right up until 2000. Even the "good" ones like Golda Meir contributed to the Nakba--Golda came over here to the US and got financing for the whole thing--the murder, rape and burning of 7000 Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing of 700,000.

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Hamas mutated over time. Israel wanted Hamas in charge.

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mutated into Oct 7th. Not such a good direction.

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terrorism is always the wrong way to go no matter which side

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Which side????

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Why don't you tell us the circumstances of their "mutation" Tom? Has Hamas ever tried non-violence resistance? Why yes, yes they did. For 18 months Gazans tried just peacefully marching in protest of their treatment. In response, the IDF sat on the border wall and shot them. One of their favorite things to do was shoot out their kneecaps. But some they just shot and killed.

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War is just like this tit for tat-never ending selfishness. The only value is in leaders making agreements binding on both parties that they will let each other live in peace. I don't believe that has ever happened because Hamas and too many Arabs will never stop hating Jews and wanting them all dead because the Jews do not accept Allah as their God and have been given about 1/50th of the land that Arabs claim while not allowing Israelites any at all. I was referring to the prior post inferring that Hamas had mutated over time into something good. That would be hard to accept with the latest show of their morals in the Oct. 7 attack. If those Hamas fighters AND PALESTINEANS MIXED IN had any moral or mental courage, they would have tried to pull some sort of huge attack on the Israeli military not innocent babies, women, children, old people, in addition to more reasonable others. It was brutish and it turns my stomach that there are those who will justify that under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (even under threat of death).

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What is your source of information on what Arabs "want"? You can't possibly have read a single book about the history of the Ottoman Empire, of Palestine, the Mandate or the circumstances of the creation of the Israeli "state." Under the Ottoman Empire, Palestinians, Christians and Jews lived side by side in Jerusalem, and according to Orthodox Jews still living there, got along perfectly well, even babysitting each other's children. When Zionists decided they were going to take over Palestine around 1903, they explicitly said their plan was to drive the Palestinians out. Numerous world leaders and the Palestinians themselves tried to convince them to create, along with the people already living in Palestine, a secular state where everyone would have equal rights. No dice. It was clear by the 1930s that Zionists would not put up with anything but a Jewish state. They were already trying to freeze Arabs out of employment at that point--thus the Arab uprising of 1936. In the 1930s and 40s, three Zionist terrorist gangs blew up every bit of public infrastructure and killed numerous British officials and Palestinians. There was a new atrocity almost daily. In 1947 the newly formed UN tried to do something about the problem by drawing up a possible partition plan--this plan was tentative; the plan was to have the population of Palestine vote on it, and then go back to the drawing board if people rejected it. The Zionists voted to accept it, while PUBLICLY saying they would just take the rest of the country later. Arabs rejected the plan, because a) they wanted one state for everyone equally, b) they were 2/3 of the population, but the partition gave them less than half the land, and c) Palestinians owned 85% of the land; Zionists owned only 7%, and 8% was owned by absentee landlords (most in Lebanon), yet Zionists were just being given land already owned by other people. In fact, the Zionist "share" of the land in the partition was 95% owned by Palestinians. Without waiting for the UN to go back to the drawing board, Zionists declared war and started butchering whole villages of people and driving the rest out of the country. Then they seized Palestinian land all throughout Palestine, and Zionists looted every bit of personal property belonging to Palestinians--furniture, clothing, refrigerators, pianos, you name it. Within a year, everything belonging to a Palestinian had been looted, seized or destroyed. Nothing I have said here is remotely controversial--it is a matter of history, of fact, outlined in multiple books by Israeli and other historians. Yet your claim is that it's the Palestinians who are full of hatred. Right. Now, as for what Hamas did on October 7th: Hamas's goal was to attack the military base, which they did. They did not know the music festival was going to be there because it was moved at the last minute. One of their intentions was to take hostages to exchange for Palestinian hostages held by Israel. Israel has a policy called "Administrative Detention," which is illegal and decried by every human rights organization on earth. According to this policy they have the right to put any Palestinian in prison whether or not they are charged with anything, and hold them indefinitely. In those prisons Palestinians are starved (fed dry rice), beaten and raped. Again, this is all outlined by human rights organizations. So these people are hostages. Why do you only care about Israeli hostages? So Hamas's intention was to get hostages to exchange for the OVER 1000 hostages being held by Israel prior to 10/7. They did not target babies--ONE baby was killed that day, accidentally, when a Hamas attacker shot through a door to get it open. NO babies were taken hostage. Compare this to the thousands and thousands of Palestinian babies that have DELIBERATELY been killed by the IDF over the last 14 months, many shot in the head at close range. Compare this to the babies whose incubators were turned off by the IDF and their bodies left to rot in hospitals the soldiers had destroyed, all war crimes. Oh, and incidentally, Israel is now holding over 10,000 Palestinian hostages, none charged with anything. Lastly, 1200 Israelis died on 10/7. About 350 of those were soldiers. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY OF THE REMAINDER WERE KILLED BY HAMAS because Israel shot tank rounds and dropped bombs on Israelis and Hamas alike at three different locations--they bombed the music festival from helicopters; they bombed the trucks with hostages driving back toward Gaza, and they shot tank rounds into the kibbutz houses. This was all reported THE NEXT DAY--the IDF could have killed most of the Israelis who died--we simply have no idea. We do know Hamas had no such weapons, so the burnt out cars at the festival, the burnt out houses at the kibbutzes--all were done by the IDF. Yeah, you know what turns my stomach? Ignorance and Islamophobia.

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Hamas self defense? Now I know you’re crazy. FAFO.

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Tell us you know nothing about international law without spelling it out why don't you. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israeli-historian-produces-vast-database-war-crimes-gaza?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Julie - this is the time to speak up about all the madness that keeps on playing until we all say enough is enough! Good for you and all who think with common sense and and kind heart. We’re getting there.

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Meryl what I do not understand is why is it okay to say anti-Semitism when it comes to Israel to stop cortical analysis and TRUTH, but its okay to criticize Palestinians and wipe them out for their land and off shore Trillion Dollar gas reserves who are also Semitic people, not anti Semitic when it comes to them.. I guess whomever has the best marketing propaganda press and have the most money power determines right in this world today, not right itself or TRUTH..

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Israeli official: [the word anti-sematism] is a trick we always use it:


She said it not me. It is likely that the synagoge of satan runs the Israeli government at this moment. They even admit they created Hamas, so effectively, Hamas is also the Israeli government. Making this a false flag against both sides:

https://old.bitchute.com/video/3XKnSWnxhH6I 30seconds

Both the Israeli and Palenstinian people are paying the price of their government’s war agenda.

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Thanks TriTorch I appreciate the info, I did know about the HAMAS creation and False Flag for Oct 7th.. It is the USA and Israel favorite weapon False Flags, the USA has been using them since the creation of this country, just like Israel to steal land and gold and resources from the original people... The USA used it a lot to start wars with the Indians to steal from them..

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Very refreshing to hear folks that understand history. And yes might makes victors not right. Please note Israel supporters are western colonial powers. It’s one big psychopathic party.

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The definitions we use lead to nothing but hate. Really what we have is psychopaths versus normal people. There is no religion or race that does not have sick people. We are all imperfect in some way.

When our actions illustrate Zero empathy, holocausts happen. In mass hysteria people will do things they would not on their own. This accounts for suicide among front line troops.

At the top of these disasters its always Psychopaths.

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I am so alarmed by Jews whom I respect in so many ways who are silent about this: Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, others. Thank-you for acknowledging this terrible genocide.

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The creatures you mention are not genuine, self-respecting Jews, they are ZIONISTS. The self-respecting, genuine ones are protesting against the genocide almost everywhere around the globe.

Zionism is a political-military organisation, perfectly cloaked in religion, supplied by the US taxpayer's money and arms (their Goyim-slaves), entirely designed and controlled by the British to regain power and control in a strategically very important region. As a highly welcome colatteral, Muslim nations are prevented from living in peace or even think about closer cooperation. Best evidence ever that oil is gonna' be very important for a loooong time to come. Just forget anything you heard or read about climate-change ...

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I know about the Zionists; I know about Mossad. I still think this is too simplistic of a view. Jews in my personal life and many Christians are reluctant to say anything negative about Israel or what is going on in Gaza and elsewhere. It is very disturbing.

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How about contributing to this post with some more elaborate work ?

Run-out of arguments right from the beginning, isn't it ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

But for sure, "freedom lowers" are entirely free and always highlt welcome to leave a stupid impression here and everywhere ...🤣🤣🤣

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When not murdered outright or used as human shields, -a WAR CRIME -, by their leftist leaders, Palestinian Arabs are oppressed and robbed by Hamas, PLO, Islamic Jihad, etc:

Haniyeh $5 Bln

Marzouk $3 Bln


Sinwar $1bln

Mashaal $5 Bln

The list is looooong of Palestinian politicians, who have not worked a day in their lives outside of politics and accumulated billions enslaving and robbing Palestinian people of OUR money coming as aid.

In 1991 Kuwait kicked out ALL 440,000 of its Palestinian Arab terrorists, EVERY SINGLE ONE. No genocide? No Jews, no news ...

In 1986 Lebanon murdered tens of thousands and send packing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arab terrorists. No genocide? No Jews, no news ...

In 1970 Palestinian state of Jordan murdered tens of thousands and send packing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arab terrorists. No genocide? No Jews, no news ... In the history of Palestinians this event is known as the second Nakba or Black September.


1. name ALL Muslim countries which do NOT consider their ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs as the second class;

2. Name all Muslim countries, which offer their ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs as high standards of living and as many rights as Israel offers its ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs

"Stupid is what thoughtless parrot of the genocidal Hamas terrorists Klaus Hubert’s writes on substack" Forrest Gump

Look forward to your anti-logic empty “thoughts,” troll 😘🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Hammer meet nail!

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Wow!! Your response is setting such a high bar for facts and logic I would never get that low to reach it, troll!! 😘🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Genocidal, murderous terrorists Hamas supporting troll, Debra L. Bunger MD. 🤡

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YOU are the despicable, RACIST TROLL here.

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It has become so challenging to read this information but I remind myself that I am not suffering these genocidal assaults. I live in the land of plenty even when not having much of an income myself.

Just read a lengthy piece by an Israeli Jewish Historian, Mordechai, PhD who has documented the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians. This is the online article link but it is a paid subscription. Someone copied it to share the entire article with me but am having a problem figuring out how to upload the article here. One of his points resonates with your personal comments. He notes that he must do this horrific job of documenting Israel's crimes as it is being done in his name and he, obviously, opposes this. We in the US must do the same even if not Jews as it is our tax money and political policies and goals that are supporting this genocidal goal of ethnic cleansing

People here need to think of the geopolitical interests of this country for the mid-east which are neither Democrats or Republicans but have been the same for over 75 years.


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Release the hostages.

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You mean the ones in Israeli prisons?

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I am a Nigerian but I want to genuinely ask is Hamas tunnels not under the hospitals,schools and mosques. If ones enemy is using his dependants as shield and be killing your loved ones would you be silent . The natural thing is to erase both.

If Hamas wants to fight let them stop using hospitals as hiding place. Let Them come out and fight man to man.

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Dec 6Edited

OK, ASSHOLE. The MANY THOUSANDS of BOMBED BABIES want to thank you for your total lack of human decency.

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NOLA please it is not right to use abusive words. We agree and disagree.

Please I am a father I cannot take any position or do anything that will come back and hurt my Love ones. How can I use my love ones as shield. The prove that you you love your people is that you die for them not to use them as shield. The burning of the hospitals is collateral damage which would have been avaided if they did not build tunnels under the hospitals.

Please bear with my perspective. Thanks.

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I suppose you know where you can shove that FAKE nonsense.

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Dr. Nass does not like your comment but most people who have common sense do.

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Maybe Hamas should release the hostages and/or their desecrated bodies.

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How many has Israel killed? Any still alive? Their desecrated bodies are mixed in with desecrated Pal bodies in the jumble of ruins.

If Israel truly wanted the hostages released they would have negotiated but too late now. Israel has some land and resources to grab can’t let a few dead Israelis prevent that. And the Ben Gurion canal in northern Gaza is on the agenda.

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Negotiations around hostage exchanges were thwarted BY ISRAEL just days after 7/10/23. This was a false flag attack - at the very least LIHOP (let it happen on purpose) which was an excuse to mobilise for the Greater Israel project planned for years. Israel’s Hannibal doctrine means that innocent civilians as well as soldiers are sacrificed for military or propaganda purposes. Wake up. You’re being played if you think this was ever about hostages

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While any country retains the right to defend their country, there is no valor in war. Personally, I have not chosen one side or the other, but this bombing of innocent people has to stop. There’s a point to retaliation for the loss of life—October 7. But enough is enough! Women , children, peaceful people who are just trying to survive.are being annihilated. What Israel is doing—is what has been done to them. The hated between the Palestinians and Israelis, needs to be reigned in. Neither people consider the other as humans. Until the sanctity of human life is realized in the hearts of people, only death will prevail. Each person regardless of how the world views them, was created out of the divine expression of God’s thoughts. They carry the divine seed of Yahweh’s life within them and are considered precious to Zhim

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Everyone refers to October 7th. Can anyone explain how the world's most formidable air and land defense system allowed Hamas soldiers in parachutes and on foot to go in for hours without responding?

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God Bless Meryl Nass. It is not your people causing genocide, it is Netanyahu and his cronies doing the work in the name of the Jewish people everywhere. In my opinion he is an evil man and has been working along with other state actors to carry out this kind of genocide for a long time. There are many conflicts of interests here and they are not mutually exclusive. These interests use each other to get what they want and then they start eating each other.

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I challenge anyone of any religion or ethnicity to read a) the history of Zionism, b) the history of the British Mandate period, c) the history of how Israel came to be a state, and d) the history of Israel since that time, and come to any conclusion other than the one Meryl describes here. In the last 14 months I have read three dozen books on these subjects, along with some books about the archaeology of Palestine during the Iron Age. I particularly recommend international law scholar John Quigley's books The Legality of a Jewish State, and his four other books about Israel/Palestine; and BBC Middle East correspondent Alan Hart's trilogy covering his time interviewing all the major players in the founding and governing of Israel as well as the presidents and rulers of the surrounding countries, over a period of decades. Hart also covers the changing attitudes of US politicians to Zionism and Israel both before the creation of the Israeli state and after. I'm convinced that if people actually learned this history, they would have a much different attitude toward the conflict than the one we are propagandized to have by our corporate media.

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Try reading the Bible. The history of the people of Isreal and of God's compassiion and forgiveness can be found there.

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You do realize, right, that there was no such thing as an "Israelite" until the Iron Age? They didn't exist before that time. What became the "tribe" of Israel was a disparate group of people, unrelated, who left the cities along the coast of Canaan during the Bronze Age collapse of the Egyptian Empire. They probably had been slaves or servants. They gathered in the hill country and began farming, creating small villages. Over time they developed a group identity, and then, like all people, began to invent their legendary past. Nothing prior to the monarchy period is historical--archaeology has proved that beyond doubt. There was no Abraham (no Mesopotamian DNA), no Moses, no Exodus, no conquest. David and Solomon did exist, but certainly were not great kings, more minor warlords. There was no united monarchy. Jerusalem under David and Solomon had no more than 5000 people. Both Israel and Judah were small states within Canaan, usually governed by huge empires--there was never an "eretz Israel" as described in the Bible. The Israelites did not worship Yahweh as their only god until quite late under King Josiah. Before that they worshipped the entire Canaanite pantheon of gods. Yahweh before that was a minor god of metallurgy worshipped by metal workers. Over time he took on the characteristics of El, the father and creator god of Canaan, as well as his son Baal, the war god. At first Yahweh had a consort, Asherah. Under Josiah, the worshippers of the other gods were brutally executed and butchered. During their history, the Israelites were almost never independent, but were taken over by the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Under the Assyrians and Babylonians many were dispersed to Mesopotamia (but not all). The Persians allowed them to return to Palestine, but most chose not to return. That is why, in 70 AD when the Romans threw them out of Jerusalem (not all of Judaea), most Jews already lived outside Palestine. So there was no "diaspora," because rural Jews stayed put, and because at that point there were many Jews already living all around the Mediterranean and further afield. The Bible is an interesting document, and the prophets in particular have much to teach philosophically, but it is not a work of history.

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Dec 8Edited

Linda, my cousin in Jerusalem, has funded the City of David archaeological project, and the evidence contradicts your findings here. I have been a lifelong collector of ancient coins, which are outstanding historical evidence records

Your attempt to diminish the historical and cultural significance of the Jewish people’s presence and identity in the land of Israel reflects not only a selective reading of history but a profound misunderstanding of the enduring bond between a people and their homeland. Let us examine the evidence with a sense of respect for both scholarship and truth.

1. On the “Invention” of Israelite Identity:

You claim that the Israelites emerged only during the Iron Age, as disparate groups coalesced into a single identity. Yet the archaeological and historical record tells a richer and more complex story. From the Highlands Settlement Period to the construction of fortified cities, the evidence reveals a people who developed a distinct cultural and religious identity rooted in this land.

The City of David Project and related excavations have unearthed seals, inscriptions, and fortifications that align with biblical narratives, confirming Jerusalem’s role as a central and significant city. Far from being the inconsequential hamlet you describe, it served as a capital for an emerging polity under David and Solomon—a nascent kingdom that, while perhaps less grand than biblical descriptions suggest, was no mere mirage of legend.

2. On the Jewish Revolts Against Rome:

The Romans themselves understood the significance of their conquests in Judea, as evidenced by the series of “Judea Capta” coins minted to commemorate their victories. These were not issued for minor skirmishes or trivial endeavors but to celebrate a hard-won triumph over a tenacious people.

The Jewish resistance during the First Jewish Revolt (66–73 CE), culminating in the heroic defense of Masada, stands as a testament to the unyielding spirit of a people who refused to be subjugated. The coins minted by the rebels—marked with phrases like “Year 1 of the Redemption of Zion”—are not just artifacts but proclamations of an enduring connection to the land.

The Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–136 CE) further underscores the depth of this bond. For three years, Jewish forces reclaimed Jerusalem, issuing coins inscribed with “For the Freedom of Jerusalem.” The revolt’s suppression prompted Emperor Hadrian to rename the land Syria Palaestina—a calculated act of erasure aimed at severing the Jewish connection to their homeland. This act of renaming alone belies the notion that Judea was insignificant or its people disconnected.

3. On the Diaspora and Cultural Continuity:

You assert there was no “diaspora,” dismissing one of the most significant chapters in Jewish history. Yet historical and archaeological records tell a different story:

The Roman exile following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE dispersed many Jews across the Mediterranean, even as some remained in Judea.

Jewish communities thrived in Babylon, Alexandria, and beyond, maintaining their traditions and fostering a remarkable cultural continuity. The presence of synagogues, inscriptions, and writings from this period reflects a diaspora that was geographically dispersed but spiritually and culturally united.

4. On Monotheism and Religious Evolution:

Your assertion that monotheism emerged only under King Josiah overlooks earlier evidence of Yahwistic worship. The Ketef Hinnom silver scrolls, dated to the 7th century BCE, bear the priestly blessing from Numbers, demonstrating the existence of Yahwistic texts before Josiah’s reforms. The evolution of monotheism was not a sudden imposition but a gradual, organic process that culminated in the religious identity we now associate with ancient Israel.

5. The Moral Weight of History:

History, Linda, is not a series of disconnected data points to be cherry-picked and reassembled into a narrative that suits one’s biases. It is based on broad-ranging evidence, memory, and the enduring aspirations of a people. To deny the historical bond between the Jewish people and the land of Israel is to ignore the testimony of coins minted in defiance, tunnels dug in desperation, and texts written in exile.

It is a legacy of resilience against empires that sought to erase them, from Assyria to Rome, and a story of return that defied the odds. It is not myth but memory, not invention but inheritance.

The Jewish people’s connection to Israel is not a construct but a historical reality supported by a mountain of evidence. The Bible, while a product of its time, reflects truths that resonate beyond archaeology: a people’s longing for freedom, their struggle to maintain faith under adversity, and their dream of sovereignty in their homeland.

I invite you to consider the evidence with humility, for history, when studied with integrity, does not yield to denial but demands recognition of truths that endure beyond the passing of empires.

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My information comes directly from the most respected Israeli and Western archaeologists. It represents the most moderate consensus today about how and when the tribe of Israel came about--nothing extreme. There have always been fundamentalists who approach archaeology as something that exists to prove the Bible, rather than a science that follows where the evidence leads. If you actually read what my post said, you will see that I did not at all say David and Solomon were a "mirage of legend." As for the City of David project, it is quite controversial to say the least. The whole project exists to try to give some legitimacy to the founding myths of the current state of Israel, and this has been stated by a number of Israeli archaeologists themselves. Suggest you read archaeologists Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman's book David and Solomon, William Dever's book Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? as well as his magnum opus Beyond the Texts, Finkelstein and Mazar's The Search for the Historical Israel (this is Mazar the father, not the offspring of the David project), Avraham Faust's Israel's Ethnogenesis, Jacob Rabinowiz The Faces of God, Thomas Romer The So-Called Deuteronomistic History, Thomas L. Thompson The Mythic Past, and Jacob L. Wright How the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and Its Origins.

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Dec 8Edited

"Consensus" is the hallmark of those who use it as a crutch to justify fraudulent, corrupted science. It is as worthless a metric today as it was in Galileo's time.

"The whole project exists to try to give some legitimacy to the founding myths of the current state of Israel, and this has been stated by a number of Israeli archaeologists themselves."

This is pure conjecture; the reality is the findings of this project as mentioned have unearthed seals, inscriptions, and fortifications that align with biblical narratives.

instead of trying to dispute the actual findings and discoveries, you resort to ad hominem attacks of the investigators and name-drop opposing opinions.

I heard enough during the last four years of the plandemic genocide and the word "expert" thrown about to last a lifetime.

Curiously, you fail to offer arguments refuting physical evidence of monotheism long before when you claim.

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The evidence for the late development of monotheism is right in the scriptures, not to mention the VAST evidence of household gods in every archaeological dig. You can even read about this in the ordinary Israeli press. FFS. Somehow you have failed to notice this?

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I don't think Israel's troubles can be seen as separate from the rest of WW3. Its a settler colonial state, created by the Anglosphere with the intent of it being used as a base against the rest of Eurasia. It abuses both its first and second class citizens, it has been used as a giant petri dish for so called vaccines, and its used to maximum effect for propaganda purposes of all kinds. Like other nation states, it is a pawn in the quest for one world government by the global public private partnership, aka international finance capital, aka the ruling class, which is atheist to the core.

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Land grab of course, that is what Zionism has been about from the beginning. Thank you for standing up against the Zionist takeover. It doesn't matter what religion or ethnicity we are; what matters is that when we see injustice we speak up. Hamas did the Palestinians no favours by opening the door.

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Let's all not forget that the word "antisemitism" is used these days to condemn the criticism of Israel and Zionists. It no longer has anything to do with hating Jews. The term has been manipulated by the psychological warriors of the IDF and promulgated by AIPAC and ADL to serve as a weapon. Once one has taken this scam in deeply, the criticism can roll off one's back.

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I agree with you 100%. My husband is Jewish and for a long time couldn’t see the obvious genocide. I blame the settlers who are the very opposite of most American Jews-- who, if anything, are liberal and secular. That is part of the disconnect. But, seriously, this has to stop or the reputation of all Jews is going to be ruined. Both my kids have rejected Judaism, and I wonder how many others will if this keeps going on.

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