Sì, molto bene! We need more countries to do this and then pull away from the Globalist UN

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Once they're out they can follow the lead of the geniuses in the US and use remdesivir as standard practice with hospitalized covid patients like the US did after the WHO in 2020 recommended against doing that.

I'm sure Italy is an outlier and that most of the world would be regretting that the WHO chased the yankee dollar instead of booting the mRNA shot and remdesivir promoting US out of the WHO and letting BRICS led by Russia fill the void.

The US controls the WHO anyway through American Bill Gates who has been among its biggest funders.

China must be laughing.

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It's irrelevant. The Covid cultists in the US were just minions of the Davos elites, The Globalitarian Bankster cult. The WHO, like many other UN agencies, were once not under the thumb of Davos, but gradually they have captured those agencies, as they have captured most of the US gov't. Canada completely under their control with their puppet, Trudeau. And most assuredly Gates is just another minion of Davos.

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Incorrect Assessment, you are making the case that every win is not a win.

These times are the most prescient in the history of this Republic.

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Bill Gates is not Amerikan. He is a Transnational. China is in bed with the WEF/Gates.

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WHO = No Remdesivir.

US = Remdesivir +++

US = Trump mRNA Death Shot

US = Raplh Baric et al US created Virus

CHINA = No TRUMP mRNA Death Shot

US = Snowden's revealed Totalitarian Secret Police Security Surveillance State

US = Communism

CHINA = Thriving Entrepreneurship

This is why China is laughing

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About time, Italy was branded as the outbreak, starting point of the Scamdemic by the fake Pharma’s 5 years ago and all the Sheeple believed this, this is where the Pharma mass murder was begun and blamed, Italy has suffered so much by the evil Pharma’s and the WHO (Willful Health Oligarchs) and given the blame/excuse to start the world mass murder that still continues. Its the best thing Italy could ever

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Nice try. No clue. Not seeing the way forward.

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Wait until the world starts demanding reparations for the multi-trillion dollar damages from the US mRNA KILL SHOT. Although the US won't pay, it should make for interesting international relations all around the world as the plebeians realize who was responsible for them having to bury their loved one, and that they themselves are still producing Spike protein and that the bacterial DNA from the contaminants may be inside the nucleus of their cells.

But do explain the way forward.

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China is also a big funder! IHR rule’s are scary…..bullshit binding agreements!!

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Already holes have been blown in their battle ship. Watch as they too crumble.

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Such great news!! I hope the whole world follows! It’s time to take down these criminals! 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️🕊️🕊️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽

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About time, Italy was branded as the outbreak, starting point of the Scamdemic by the fake Pharma’s 5 years ago and all the Sheeple believed this, this is where the Pharma mass murder was begun and blamed, Italy has suffered so much by the evil Pharma’s and the WHO (Willful Health Oligarchs) and given the blame/excuse to start the world mass murder that still continues. Its the best thing Italy could ever

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How about leaving also UNICEF and UNESCO to end the sexual abuse on children and other black markets?

I wouldn't mind seeing the banks and companies who supported the UN agencies get destroyed and a lot of rich MOFOS get financially annihilated.

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One win at a time, Celebrate the wins. There is momentum now.

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Well let's address black slavery in Congo, what might they be digging up?

You guessed it, Cobalt for any and all rechargeable batteries. Using child slaves to 'save' the environment.

Do these people get anything right? I guess it's easy when your servants dress you and wipe your butt.

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This is great news. The WHO is a big stepping stone to a loss of freedom, sovereignty, and liberty. The UN is next to be done with.

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Blink and you will miss it.

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They should! WHO is falling like a House of Cards!

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Hopefully other nations will follow suit.

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Whoop, whoop, how truly liberating, pray this becomes a flood, stick it to Gates, Clinton, the U.S DoD and Intelligence Agencies evil agenda to depopulate the earth, their focus upon Africa, using it and its peoples as a biolab… truly sick, read the latest disclosure ex the Russian DoD as just released the eminent truth publication Global Research…. a truly informative read that the less than a minute taken to read the content will provide… oh.. your welcome… :)

Kia Kaha from New Zealand




Hardly Surprising Given What is Widely Known Together The Historical Functions of The Activities Of Both Foundations…

Russian Military Blows Whistle on Bill Gates’ ‘Bioterrorism’ Plot to ‘Reduce Population’

Russia’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) has accused billionaire Bill Gates of funding “bioterrorism-related activities with the goal of population reduction.”

Ex Global Research 29.01.2025 NZPST Filed Colour Coded “YELLOW”


The Russian MOD raised the alarm in a press briefing where officials asserted that the Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor of the U.S. African Biolab Complex.

Addressing the media, Major General Aleksei Rtishchev, Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, warned:

“American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating.”

Rtishchev claims that the Russian military has uncovered evidence showing that Gates has been funding U.S. biological activity in Africa.

Interestingly, Rtishchev also alleged that the Clinton Foundation is tied to the experiments.

During the briefing, Rtishchev stated:

“The US administration views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medical drugs.”

The following translated key statements and slides from the briefing were obtained and shared by Sputnik in a post on X:

The U.S. military’s biological presence on the African continent is expanding rapidly, according to Rtishchev.

“American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating in Africa,” the Russian MOD leader stated.

The Russian Defense Ministry has unveiled which officials from the United States and various African nations are involved in the implementation of military biological programs on the African continent.

Globalists view the region as an abundant reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medications, Rtishchev said.

He added that the U.S. government has been employing a biological risk management system in Africa, which has previously been tested in Georgia and Ukraine.

The sponsors of these biological activities include but are not limited to the Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation, Rtishchev asserted.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the U.S. has been actively engaged in:

* Nigeria: A joint medical research center and a military medical laboratory for the armed forces were established in 2024.

* Kenya: The US Army Military Medical Center has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases throughout Equatorial Africa.

* Senegal: A new $35 million laboratory facility is nearing completion. This project involves the same Pentagon contractors that have worked in the former Soviet Union, including Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

* Ghana and Djibouti: The US has established branches of the National Naval Medical Center and is actively addressing natural disease outbreaks and isolating pathogens.


Read on X


Rtishchev also alleges the Gates Foundation has been conducting a project in 18 African countries to study the characteristics of infection occurrence and the resistance of pathogens to medical treatments.

These experiments are deliberately exploiting the economic challenges faced by African nations in healthcare to organize research schemes, the general cautions.

Rtishchev noted that Washington D.C. elites fear Russia and China may expose American military and biological ploys.

The United States often does not disclose the ultimate goals of its experiments to partners, who are frequently unaware of the associated risks.

Rtishchev also accused the United States of illegally receiving Ebola virus samples exported from Sierra Leone in 2014.

Pathogens that fall into the Pentagon’s area of interest later emerge as a pandemic, with American pharmaceutical companies reaping the benefits, Rtishchev warned.

McCullough Foundation epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher weighed in on the explosive allegations from Russia’s military.

The Russian Ministry of Defense briefing revealed that “the Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor of the U.S. African Biolab Complex,” Hulscher notes.

“All individuals, regardless of their income or status—including Bill Gates—who have participated in or supported bioterrorism-related activities with the goal of population reduction or societal disruption will ultimately face the appropriate legal consequences,” he added.

Hulscher cited 18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons – which states:

“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both.”

During an interview on Media Blackout with Marris Zeee, Hulscher raised the alarm about Gates’s efforts to trigger another pandemic while commenting on Russia’s warning.

Watch the video below.

It comes after Gates recently made a disturbing confession about his experiments on people in third-world nations.

As Slay News reported, Gates provoked outrage by gloating that he has been using India as his “laboratory” for testing experimental “vaccines.”


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Gates is a psychopath, dangerous man that needs to be eliminated.

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To true, recall that the Ugandan Govt has pursued charges against Gates, given his Foundations vaccination program that resulted in an increased decline in childbirth amongst Ugandan woman, blaming the BMGF 18+ year vaccination program for literally sterilising Ugandan woman…

Imagine the evil needed to conceive of such a sick, twisted, demented plot, robbing a young woman of her right to child birth, of experiencing the true joy of motherhood… bastard, a blindfold, nope, no blindfold, let the f..ker see it coming, post or wall is what’s deserved… its well known how he and his Eugenicist mates get off literally, as they plot and scheme this filth…

All of 5his part of the WEF, Globalist, World depop agenda, think the Georgia Guide-stones (Look that up… the Globalist Commandments written on slabs of Granite to mimick and imitate the Christian and Judaic “Ten Commandments” pretty evil when all is said and done… this was all consistent with and likely part of the odious Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council, Chatham House and Council Foreign Relations long gestated 2030 Global reset agenda, instigated with the active assistant of the CIA, its SOP/SAC and SOG paramilitary units, allied with the Five Eyes Network ( U.S, Canada, U.K, Australia and my own NZ Government intelligence agencies) with active involvement the U.K’s MI6 foreign intelligence services unit, the U.K GCHQ Electronic Intelligence Unit.

Also of note and why Russia and China have taken a firm interest in this nefarious activity the above intelligence agencies together the U.S DoD, was the confirmed by former Deputy Sec State, Victoria Nuland, wife of the rancid and grossly obese Robert Kagan, she who fomented with Ukraine Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, ambassador under Obama 2011 through 2017 who in 2014 engineered the Maidan Coup in Ukraine, it was during this period that the CIA established 15+ bio labs in Ukraine aided Burisma and Hunter Biden who you will recall was appointed the board of Burisma, the labs as Russia found post their going into Ukraine Feb 2022 were undertaking development of bio weapons designed to kill Slav Russians with other research similar in scope being engineered to target Asians, specifically Chinese and those living in Central Asia, a region the U.S and allies wish to destabilise and dominate as part of their plan to not only rule those areas, but importantly to acquire the mineral resources those nations and their peoples have been blessed with..

in that context it is sinister and truly evil, more so when considering one of the main reasons establishing the Bio labs in Ukraine was the fact they could conduct human tests on Ukrainian citizens many of whom being of the Slav race as well, share DNA with Russians… now that is both evil and really sick, indescribable evil to be truthful, the idea being according the Russian General and Chief Bio Warfare Ofgicer recently assassinated in a Moscow together with his aide de camp, outside of his apartment complex as he left the building walking toward his car and waiting driver… The Russian FSB intelligence services arrested the perpetrator who sung like a canary, it is noted the assassinated General was due to testify before the UNSC the facts together the case he had established following a near three year investigation comprising his findings, what Russia had found in the labs on laptops, hard drives, paper records together the samples they recovered … note that in the early hours of Russia going into Ukraine that special forces, Spetsnaz, the Delta Force, SEALS Russian equivalent scattered throughout Ukraine in the early hours of the operation in order they could secure those labs, the contents of the labs including all paper and digital records, together the actual samples being worked on in the labs… securing as Spetsnaz forces eventually were able, every single lab operated by the U.S in Ukraine… together the contents for each lab therein..

The Biden family it has been alleged were fiscally involved in the labs and were also directly linked to the labs commensurate Hunters involvement in Burisma … funny that, now when you throw in that oft repeated trope… “for as long as it takes” 😂😂😂😂… thus causes a total rethink of what it is we know of the entire Ukraine conflict, the real why Russia had to go in, they were not going to wait and sit back, allowing these bio weapons to be finished by way of development and then released into the Russian populace, nor were they going to allow Ukraine that had amassed a near 800,000 army, being armed discreetly as confirmed by outgoing Sec State Tony Blinkin in his recent Sunday talk show interview two weeks before leaving office, as he bragged of how the J.S had surreptitiously armed Ukraine, readying them to invade the Donbas, something Putin would not allow or tolerate given the 14,000+ dead ethnic Russians who lived in the Donbas region of Ukraine, all of whom were murdered between 2008 and 2022 in the Donbas the result of shelling, assassination, firing squads, burning alive ( Union Trade Hall in Odessa murders over 50 burned alive locked into a building set alight by AZOV Nazis) thus as noted “for as long as it takes “ the U.S mantra to defend their indefensible support of that corrupt Nazi State, takes on a whole new meaning wouldn’t you say….. .

The fact DNA centric Slav and Chinese / Asian bio weapons were being developed, readied for deployment was the final straw that caused Putin to go in… more so after his pleading to the U.S to negotiate a settlement of the differences the people of the Donbas, and Ukraine, to withdraw NATO forces from such close proximity to Russias borders was continually rebuffed, as had been Munich 2008, the various overtures made by Russian Government officials including Putin, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, all of which fell on deaf ears, indeed. Western responses were nothing more than arrogant and outright rude, as evidenced no communication of any kind between U.S and Russian Presidents or Sec State and State Dept, Russias Foreign Minister and Ministry… which when you think about it is as childish as it gets, not talking to the other side, dangerous when considering both are so heavily nuclear armed.. the entire lot of Western officials orchestrating this evil, together Gates, Clinton need charged… crimes against humanity, even perhaps sedition …it’s an amazing history… take the time to learn and understand it all, open your horizon and mind to truth and actuality.. you’ll see the world entirely differently… just saying,

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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The genocidal WEF capitulated to DJT, hang on...

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Makes one wonder what nefarious plans these monsters have for all of us. Letting Malthusians control our governments is about the worst thing you can possibly do.

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Come on Canada!

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Not even the remotest chance of that, as long as the Liberals/NDP are in office.

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Chinada allowed the bastard son of Castro to seize control and remain at the helm even after annoucing his retirement. That was to take the heat off his sorry communist self.

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I predicted this would happen. Once one prominent World leader breaks ranks and has the cojones to stand up to the Globalitarians, who are orchestrating this anti-human agenda, then others start to follow. We are already seeing this in the UK, Sweden, Austria, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovakia, Georgia. Nigel Farage's Reform party is now polling #1 in the UK. Starmer is in the dumpster.

Hopefully, the dam will break and a spirit of freedom, nationalism and independence spreads around the World, oppressive neoliberal governments falling like dominoes.

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Great move. We don't need supranational organizations who are very good at diverting taxpayer money to their own bureaucrats and their friends. For most of their existence, they have been delivering nothing in return, but since recently, they have gotten so arrogant that they think they can mandate populations around the planet into nonsense. Therefore, we must now end these supranational organizations, so countries around the world don't end up with a dismal, unelected and corrupt government, just like what European countries have run into with the European Commission.

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Excellent 🌺🌺👌👌✝️🙏✝️🙏✝️♥️

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The WHO is yet another example of a good idea that was perverted and usurped by the satanists. It's a great idea to have a central body of medical people collecting information about health emergencies around the world and coordinating what is known to all countries as each prepares to respond with knowledge they may not have and the WHO would have. Unfortunately, the power that this centralization presented to the satanists was too good to resist and so we have a failed group controlled by evil that serves its own purpose pretending to be the body we had hoped it would be. And sad to say, people like Gates with his money are directly responsible for this corruption.

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Italy should also leave the EU. I was living there when they joined, and the quality of their food deteriorated dramatically. So disappointing.

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Wonderful, hope lives!

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Salvini? Good to hear from him. Seemed to be a breakout star some years ago. Patriotic. Talked about controlling illegal migration. Sovereignty.

Then he got the globalist treatment, and seemed to vanish into obscurity. That's my recollection, anyway.

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He got the Mike Johnson & Bernie Sanders treatment, a skeleton in the closet somewhere, a vulnerability that was exploited. Blackmail & bribery are the methods of control for the Globalitarian Misanthropists.

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