If "used at a lower dose, it might have fewer side effects?"

I'm confused, I thought side effects to the current jabs were extremely rare, and that only racists and conspiracy theorists believed otherwise.

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That line caught my eye as well. Horrifying. The experiments are amping up, even in the face of all the carnage and to the exclusion of any logical sense.

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Is it really "lowering the dose" if the self-replication ends up basically making the resulting net amount of e.g., spike protein at the same level?

Many of the side effects that were actually followed in any principled or ethical way (which were not many, because everyone gaslighted people with side effects) were due to the spike protein. So .. what? Maybe the side effects will be slightly delayed at best?

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Fewer LNPs. That would be helpful. But what's the half-life of the antigen and countless other unknowns?

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You are right of course, and the confusion is easy to solve by formulating more accuratly like this

If 'used at a lower dose, it might have EVEN fewer side effects'

Also important is to realise that what exactly are 'side effects' is different for each person.

And what is a side effect for one person, can be a cure to another, and, very important, this can also be, and often is in fact a person who didn't receive the medical treatment at all

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Japan approves more turbo cancer and further modifying the genetically modified humans (GMH).

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Kishida does not want to share Abe's fate...

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Considering Japanese officials exposed the original mRNA gene therapy countermeasure had widespread bio-distribution and were concerned enough about it to expose it, what now is happening in Japan? Some entity offer them a bunch of cash in an offshore tax-exempt account?

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I would like to know this too. Japan now has quite the history of being cautious with regards to vaccines (see delayed MMR and their investigation into Gardasil). What is going on now that they're walking backwards??

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most likely... they are financially very ill and their population is almost negative replacement territory..

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Good point.

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Get on board with our taxpayer money transfer scams, team global, or we leave you to deal with China and North Korea all on your lonesome Kishida-San ( well the controlling mafia of course )

Only joking it's not that

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Exactly. I totally do not get this. Did they kill those first messengers?

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What jumped out for me in the article was the repeated use of the term "conventional mRNA vaccine" so now something invented 'at warp speed' two years ago has become just boring standard run-of-the-mill old "conventional mRNA vaccine", not new and experimental and still with no longterm safety studies. This is how to condition and brainwash the public to think this is all normal.

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Great point.

Under normal circumstances the participants in the original clinical trials were going to be monitored until less than a year ago (12/31/2022) for mid and long term effects from the shot, THEN the decision would have been made as to whether to approve them for use.

Instead, they vaccinated the control group in early 2021, not only stopped monitoring for side effects but buried such reports that came in their own, and now treat it as the "conventional" vaccine.

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I have no words .

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Meiji Seika Pharma: ARCT-154

The company is also proceeding with the preparation of a factory that will be able to manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients that will support the supply of up to 1 billion doses of vaccines per year.

The actual manufacturing company is ARCALIS, a subsidiary of an American biotechnology company.

One using the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, replacing it with the Spike protein RBD gene of Sarscov2, and wrapping it in LNP.

① The control group(390) for the trial was conducted on people who had been vaccinated with the current Cov19 vaccine (BNT162b2) three times.

② Only 390 people were vaccinated.

∴For a large number of ordinary people with different genes, the super extrapolation method will be used. (Statistical extrapolation methods have poor probabilities.)

③As usual, the stopper to stop production is not included in the mRNA. (No one can control how long it will continue to be made)

④Since it is basically a virusized vaccine, there is a possibility of artificial evolution. It is unknown how it will evolve.

⑤Sa-mRNA may mutate when a virus mutating agent such as Molnupiravir is injected. It is unknown how it will change.

Japan's PMDA (equivalent to the FDA in the United States) is staffed by Noboru Sakamoto, who was formerly in the upper echelons of Pfizer. I think Pfizer will also start making Replicon Vaccine.

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Methinks Shinzo Abe’s untimely death helped pave the way.

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I am really speechless about Japan... I thought they had more dignity than that ! Forget compassion or honesty

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Bill Gates is laughing with delight.

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I agree with Liz in chat: I’m bloody speechless. But Japan is the country that just dumped tons of “treated” nuclear waste into the goddamn ocean.

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“The replication machinery is taken from a naturally occurring virus, a mosquito-borne pathogen known as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus that causes deadly brain swelling in horses and humans.” 🐴 🧠 🔥🤦‍♂️

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What could go wrong?

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Naturally occurring virus that has never been isolated or proven to exist. I can't believe I am reading this.

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Petition: Protest Against the Award of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ....................................................


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The Nobel prize has always been a propaganda tool. This is not new.

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So the self-replication became a feature instead of a bug??

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Relentless 😵‍💫

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So if this stuff sheds to the rest of us like the other jabs do...

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