There needs to be culling, but not the cows, if you know what I mean.

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A Great Purge, a real "draining of the swamp," needs to happen (and pronto). But the swamp is a lot more than just politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.

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Don't drain it! Just build a 50 foot wall around the DC swamp and don't let the swamp creatures out! They will then devour each other!

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I guess it's possible to "drain the swamp." I just note that in the history of the United States, this has never happened before. I don't even know if most people would want this to happen. Most citizens would be terrified if a President or Congress said, "Okay, we're going to abolish this government agency."


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I don't think people care about most government agencies. They care about friends, family and they themselves losing a job for an agency that they work for.

Why would getting rid of the Department of Education, say, be terrifying?

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Bull's eye!

The Department of Education systematically abuses children and young people, physically, mentally, morally, emotionally and spiritually, in detention centres and concentration camps - schools and universities - institutes for indoctrination of young people in the propaganda of the system.

Why on earth would we want to get rid of the Department of Education (Indoctrination)?

How would we get on without our Nanny (goat) State child care (abuse) centres?

Besides we, our family members, friends and associates all need our jobs.

This is not about child care or education!

This is about survival!

We need our jobs to survive!

Children and young people are expendable!

Unavoidable collateral damage!

Sound familiar?

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It would be characterized as "anti-education" or "hurting the children." I know this doesn't make sense - and "education" was far better before we had a U.S. Dept. of Education - but "the narrative" is all that matters.

I wish one president (and one Congress) would abolish just one department of government ... just to prove the sky won't fall when this happens.

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Start with the universities, that's where all the bastards come from. A big freeze on grants, if you can't wipe your own face, too bad.

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I'm sure you mean "needs".


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Had you not recommended that I may have felt compelled to do such ;-)

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Impossible Foods CEO Pat Brown said this a few years ago: "It's game over for the meat industry, they just don't know it." His company is backed by, guess who, Bill Gates.

So how could he see the future? It's almost as there is a small group of parasites at the top of the global power hierarchy that already own and control most corporations and all governments, and we're just witnessing their script for their one-world-government stranglehold playing out in real time.

Do not comply, or one morning you will find yourself living in a totalitarian nightmare. Stop shopping at corporate grocery stores and go and get your food from your local farmer. You're their lifeline, and they yours. Meanwhile, start your own garden if you haven't already.

"And then the people just said no. The end."

Say no.

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May 5Edited

I'll go vegan before I eat fake meat.

In 2020 when everybody was panicked and buying toilet paper, they were also buying out a lot of food in the grocery stores. Meat was selling well and the fake meats were being left in the dust.

I buy from a rancher here in California and get a box of grass-fed beef from him every month. I'd stock up but it's hard to fit a lot of meat into an apartment refrigerator's freezer. .

Also, I heard on the evening TV news the other day (my husband likes to watch it) that the government has been testing ground beef all over the country and it has all tested negative for bird flu. I suspect there is a lot of disagreement among the government agencies and the ranchers know something is up and are undoubtedly putting the pressure on.

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My husband & I live near Placerville, CA. We've been looking for a rancher who sells grass-fed beef. I know it's a long shot, but if the ranch is located anywhere near us, I'd greatly appreciate it if you give me his name.

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May 5Edited

I order from Mariposa Ranch. They will ship to Placerville if you want to go that route. They ship from a warehouse in Turlock.


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Thank you, Patience! I appreciate it.

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You are welcome.

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Weston A Price is a great resource for local and real food suppliers.


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I’m also in CA - which farm are you buying from (if I may ask)?

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It's in the thread: Mariposa Ranch. They ship to CA, NV and AZ.

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Yes I saw - after I asked you! Thanks

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Get your governor to ban it. It’s been banned in Florida so keep it going!

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Maddening …. All of it

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May 5Edited

“WHO chief ’scientist’ says cows are the main issue in a new bird flu virus spreading.” Now look at that sentence and tell me what kind of birdbrain would even concoct such a remedy. They lie to anyone who’ll listen “for his own good,” and don’t just give science a black eye, they gouge them both out. They couldn’t be trusted with a middle school science project. Grade: F!

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Few believe the crap about cows causing global warming so now they have to blame them for something else.

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May 5Edited

They’re shameless, aren’t they? And “remedy” was the wrong word but they DO pretend to have all kinds of remedies. I probably should have said “vector of spread.” They make stuff up as evidenced by the 6-foot “social distancing” con that Redfield admitted they concocted out of thin air. Stickers that remain on the floors bear witness to their turpitude.

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When in doubt, trust Nature

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Sad that a) he is now at WHO and b) was Head of The Wellcome Trust for so many years.

I started my career with Wellcome in the UK in the days of discovery of remarkable drugs like Zyloric (allopurinol) and Septrin (co-trimoxazole). It was a remarkable Company and the "Chinese Wall" between the commercial Company and "The Foundation/Trust" was real. I recall discussing commercial matters on one occasion with a Senior Liver Specialist at Kings College Hospital in London ("Sir Roger De Liverish") who received extensive research funding from The Trust, and being told, as a young man, that I was "out of line".

In those days, there were real ethics and there was real good being done in all aspects.

I miss those days..

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Every single business and organization, for profit and nonprofit alike, private, public, religious, academic, media, any and all of size and reach has been corrupted from the inside-out. New World Order eugenicists have been promoted to senior positions and twisted their ethics, their fundamental core values, mission statements into tyrannical NWO enforcers of permissible thought and behaviour. Captured without a shot fired. Except for the occasional "suicide" of the unwilling and defiant.

Local. Self-reliance. Survival. Until these all-seeing, all-controlling behemoths can be slain. It will not be by any great power that enters the fray on our behalf, they control all, we control none. It will be by David's, armed with mere slingshots and rocks. Who aim for and land their deadly missiles in the center of the foreheads of these monstrous Goliath's.

FYI - I shared another comment in this thread with many links about Wellcome, Farrar, Michie, etc perhaps you'll find interesting.

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The rocks must be aimed at the foreheads of the real goliaths - not their arms bearers!

From what I can see, the real goliaths are not visible on the open battlefields!

They are still hidden deep within the darkness of Dol Guldur, waiting for the opportune time to appear.

Alternatively, they are hidden in plain sigh, shrouded in deceptive garb.

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Yes, it does appear that the Fabians and their Cloward-Piven approach have been quite diligent over the years. I think also that the replacement of free market capitalism with crony capitalism has been a shot in the self-foot by our "elites".

But I remain optimistic. At the end of the day, there are more of us than them, and I have found these people mostly to be cowards. Hence the importance of 2A....

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Truth of 2A is actually what Biden "joked" about, they have the fighter jets and our guns ain't stopping them any more than "insurgents armed with machine guns, artillery shells and RPG's could stop them. Where the military wants it holds for as long as they have the will to hold it.

2A will only help those who need to survive hordes of desperate people looking for food and resources in a world manufactured crisis of scarcity. The eventual winners of the future will be the ones who have the resources for the long haul. While cowards, they have great structural advantages at present. Which is why they are so eager to close the deal. They know we're catching up and as more people wake up they more likely the fail. It's a race for the future in the minds of our friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. And in the minds of our children. We can't afford to lose those most important minds of all.

2A protects our children from hungry hordes of desperate people trying to protect their children. But not from the government's forces, military or militarized police. Minds. We fight for minds. Before they become hungry hordes. That's where the bastards fight the hardest. So must we.

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I think both. How did the fancy force work out in, say Vietnam or Afghanistan?

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When the fancy force allowed those wars to be opposed, opposition voices given platforms on media the fancy force controlled, the minds they fight for were distracted away from those who were stealing our nation out from under our own eyes. Vietnam and Afghanistan were laser dots pointed at the floor and wall to make housecats pounce where they land. Oblivious to what else is being done to the rest of the house. Ukraine. Israel. It's all the same, distraction. And good for business. Especially when you're on both sides to profit from war.

With respect, if the fancy force wanted to prevail in either of those it would've. The "wars" served their domestic purpose. Dulles, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Bush, Ford, LBJ, et al set up the infrastructure for the master race Malthusian eugenicists to build their behemoth during Vietnam, Afghanistan gave the pretense to deploy the massive surveillance system, screenings, banking, "pandemic preparedness" at home and retrained the US military from an outward-facing fighting force to an inward-facing occupation/insurgent police force. Perfect for containment of our civilian population trying to rise and resist this totalitarian regime, half the US population declared enemy insurgents. And willing to train guns and force against Americans as they did Afghani's. As we saw after January 6th in DC. And continue to see from our military as its focus is on We, The People, Patriots, even more than Ukraine, Israel or the invaders coming over our open borders.

And the Vietnamese and Afghani's were more actively resistant to the mind war against them, they both knew better and resisted, were willing to face the consequences of defiance. Much more than today's Xbox generation of mask-wearing fat, entitled, comfortable, dumb-downed population. That will bitch on social media and then go back to business as usual, doing what they're told. By the government, or by their government-sponsored professional protest industry.

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I don't disagree with any of that. But I still think that when push comes to shove - which it will - if we want to maintain our freedom, we're going to have to fight for it. And remember also that members of the military and police are also husbands and wives, parents and grandparents who have a vested interest in the future of society.

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Yeah chief pos can eat all the bugs he wants!!! Not killing ANY of my animals unless they are sick and don't recover with treatment! (Which btw RARELY happens unless they are old!) We had a pig get so sick she lost a TON of weight and could barely walk and with care she bounced right back! Even vet didn't expect her to live. It was horrible to watch. I can't remember exactly what she had (it's been 10 years or longer), but her skin even dried up and peeled off! Looked like someone with a severe case of Stephen Johnson's if you've ever witnessed a bad case of that?! I don't have twatter x, but I hope they ate that idiot alive with comments!!! Doesn't help the crooked af FDA goes into these businesses using the fraudulent pcr test!!! Again, whatever came about the pcr testing company that Hell's Gates and Saggy Eyed Soros went in and bought together???

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You don’t mean to say that they are trying to kill us, do you? Why that would be horrible, unthinkable! As though first they were trying to find every way possible to control us to make us helpless and then, when trust permits and even after it fails, do us in?

In an old Jun 6 2020 Anthrax Vaccine blog posts Meryl made wry commentary on the fatal overdosing of HCQ in both the Solidarity and Recovery trials. “However, epidemiologist modelers of malaria pharmacokinetics from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were involved in advising The World Health Organization on the drug doses used in the Solidarity trial.  Not by chance did both Solidarity and Recovery trials use the identical excess dosing schedule. Not by chance was Sir Jeremy Farrar intimately involved in both trials.”

And since we are walking down memory lane, how many of you recall that during minutes 20-22 of Big Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” when he rings the alarm about how temperatures rising with elevated CO2 are always found together—and displays an historical chart spanning eons to prove it—anyone with the wits to look would have noticed that temperature increases always preceded (and caused) the rise in CO2? I was reminded of this by Paul Goddard and Angus Dalgleish Chpt. 20 “Climate Change” in their book “The Death of Science” where they advise to “stop frame the original video when the graphs are showing and it is clear that CO2 levels rose after the world’s temperature had risen, not before.” (p.255) As the newsboys used to say, “Get your real hot science! Everyone believes it! Everyone knows it! You should too! Global Warming is coming to get you! Hot off the press!”

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There's even a handy-dandy little guide to amplifying fear in a targeted population. This guide is intended for public health officials, elected officials, media teams, corporations, associations, farmers and general public to engage and coerce all of society to play along with the PsyOp:

Avian Influenza Emergency Risk Communication



And USAID has been in the business of manufacturing fake pandemics for a long, long time:


Note: USAID is headed by Samantha Power. When she's not out there fomenting color revolutions in nations that don't go along with WHO/WEF/US/UK global PsyOps to put puppets in place, she's "nudging" targeted populations to embrace and obey totalitarian edicts ("guidance") deploying The Science (TM) of Goebbels-ese psychological manipulation, "Behavioral Science," aka BS. A lawyer and behavioral scientist by formal training, clever linguist, she's married to another lawyer and behavioral scientist, Cass Sunstein, who co-authored "Nudge" with Richard Thaler in the UK, which led to the establishment of Behavioral Science (BS) teams and units in both nations to "assist governments to achieve their public policy goals."



Now known as the Office of Evaluation Services under the GSA:


The first head of the SBST, Maya Shankar coauthored the UN’s Behavioural Insights to Achieving Agenda 2030 (WEF Great Reset) – how we’ll be happy owning nothing eating bugs:


BS is "The science of totalitarianism":


They declare they must "amplify fear" because we "suffer" from "optimism bias":


Here's another nifty little table on how to "amplify fear" in a population to compel perception and behavioural changes produced by UK authorities (same in the US) showing the plug-and-play app for any behavioral science campaign. Pandemic. QR Code surveillance, Digital Currency, Climate. Gender. Energy. Food. All-purpose:


Great resource on the "How to" in Conservative Woman out of the UK, also applicable in the US:




More from the same authors of the study that's archived:

Avian Influenza in Poultry: American Knowledge, Perceptions, and Responses


Same gang of "researchers":

Public Response to the 2006 Recall of Contaminated Spinach


Principles of Risk Communication


Data Visualization for Health and Risk Communication [how "experts" dumb-down communications for the peasants]


Another nifty handbook for so-called "leaders" on amplifying fear:

The SAGE Handbook of Risk Communication


And yet more research:

Effective Health Risk Communication About Pandemic Influenza for Vulnerable Populations


Point of all this research, studies is that a whole lot of money and academic resources have been devoted to the psychological manipulation of populations to fear food, disease, any and all risks to concentrate power and control into the hands of a so-called "expert" class of authoritarians. Fear is the most potent weapon used throughout history to impose dictatorial totalitarian control on previously free people. It's a practice tried and true, analyzed, studied, refined, by "scientists," BS'ers to be specific, who are following in the footsteps of Joseph Goebbels today, for the same damn, evil purposes: Murder of the masses and enslavement of the rest to serve a master race. Evil. Pure evil. And insidiously effective. Until the people wake up from the spells and trances they've been "scienced" under.

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It's well reported that USAID is a front for the CIA.

Why would a true "aid" Organisation be headed by a member of the ultra-neocon clique for whom a new position of influence had to be found?

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All very discouraging,

BUT even the current popular video debunking climate change - the one google does not reference - reports that the average pub patron does not buy the climate change BS.

Nor does the average farmer!

As the Dutch farmers, and many others worldwide, are saying decisively!

Canadian truckers appear to be BS resistant too!

Perhaps truckers, farmers and pub patrons, share a genetic makeup that is BS resistant.

No doubt the BS team is already investigating this anomaly!

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Yes, many get it and are aware. Are BS resistant. The true test is how resistant are they to obeying when they're conveniences and quality of life are truly threatened? We will need many more of them to demonstrate resistance in actions, not just minds the next tango. Most knew covid was BS, but they went along anyways. Not much solace or comfort if that's how the next will play out. Knowing and doing are two different levels of commitment to an ideal or cause. They will stand until they reach a discomfort point that noncompliance entails. Unless we build them as true allies and we can support each other. That's our challenge and our opportunity.

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Well I would like to think that the people pot has a boiling point.

However, the record of both overt and covert totalitarian regimes, indicates that people power is not the deciding factor in the overthrow of the regime.

The critical tipping point appears to be reached by some uncertain mechanism.

There is always hope.

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There is ALWAYS hope. The regimes are aware of the pot's boiling point. So they create pressure valves on the lids that vent the heat out to avoid an explosion. Many refer to it as "controlled opposition." Like Fox News and Rino's. And fake doctors, fake lawyers, fake clergy, etc. All there to lead opposition into oblivion and irrelevance. Chasing phantoms. Performative acts that do nothing to alter the trajectory. But at least you were heard and you 'vented.'

Yes, a critical tipping point is reached by an uncertain mechanism. My suspicion and reading of history is it takes a critical mass of the privileged class to see their benefit and future in supporting a resistance, an overthrow. They won't walk the plank unless and until they know their individual status will be protected or benefited enough to risk what they have. Most aren't loyal to a system so much as they are to their status. A revolution of the peasants never prevails or results in a system the peasants benefit from. Even the US revolution wouldn't have succeeded without those with status risking it all. Therein lies the mechanism. Winning bets. The perception that a longshot can win and the payoff will exceed the risk for enough people in the privileged classes to ante up with their reputations and fortunes on the line.

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Lawyers, doctors and clergy are not controlled opposition - they are just controlled period!

Like politicians!

Your analysis of regime demise may be quite accurate in some cases.

Rome and other powerful regimes have fallen, clearly not due to privileged class actions.

As to the US "revolution", not sure exactly who risked what, or why.

Think Britain had decided, that ruling from afar was a lost cause, before the "war" even began.

Covert rule from within, was a far better option than overt remote control.

Still is.

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Bird flu infecting cattle? When did cattle start growing wings?

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Well if cows can cause global warming, perhaps they can grow wings too!

Our adynaton options are expanding rapidly!

Give the climate change fanatics some credit!

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Bringing the threat of actual starvation "to the table" as the global financial collapse/reset approaches is prudent of the "owners". They will need every possible form of coercion to convince us to take-all-of-the-losses, but still have some food and water this week.

Don't comply anyway. Those will be removed next week.

There are too many of us "useless eaters", burning their jet fuel, and such.

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People simply must be like the pioneers who established America. They survived without all this bureaucratic nonsense going on today. People have to think out of the box and don't let anyone else do your thinking for you. It may turn out to be survival of the fittest. Five years ago, we took our first baby steps right before the pandemic. My daughter and I took a drive to visit friends in Utah...and as we got out of California, I felt a lightening in my body. The further away from California that we got...the better i felt. I couldn't believe how different I felt, when I got here. It felt like heaven to be out of California...and I felt like I was in Paradise being in Utah. Our friend here was a realtor...and she took us on a 200 mile ride through Zion National Park and north and them back to St George. I didn't want to go back to California. She showed us 6 homes...and I asked her to take us back to the first one she had shown us...and I pulled out my checkbook to start proceedings. My daughter was shocked, she said, "Are you sure?" I told her that I was positive. It was the best move that I ever made. Right after this the riots started in Los Angeles....and in 2020 the Pandemic. This was Mother's Day weekend 2019. August 1, 2019 we moved into our new home. ...and by 2020 we had planted 12 trees...11 of them fruit trees. Then, my city girl daughter became.a farmer like her grandfather and started gardening. on a home sized lot. It wasn't easy, because she had no mentors to turn to, except the Internet. The trees have been more abundant than the gardens. Then, September 2023 she bought some 5 day old chicks to raise with the help of people on the Internet. The first eggs started coming the middle of February. We live in an area close to orchards , where we have gone to pick cherries and buy apricots that were organically grown. Our local health food store has only organic produce. There is a nearby Costco that also offers organic produce. Good health is more important than anything else. We invest our money into eating the best natural food we can find...and don't waste it on eating out at all. If one doesn't invest money in health, than one is foolish. What good is money, if you need to spend all of it...trying to get well.

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Jeremy Farrar, headed up Wellcome Trust (Glaxo-Wellcome). It's not just one of many little organizations. It's the largest, oldest, most influential health and public policy organization in the world, surpassing the Gates Foundation. He resigned from the UK's SAGE SPI-B pandemic advisory board because its recommendations weren't totalitarian enough for his liking:




Chilling insights into Farrar's mind:


Wellcome Trust is a WEF's Covid-Zero Founder:


Jeremy Farrar's Wellcome Trust recently started Wellcome LEAP, a surveillance and military-grade psychological warfare program led by former DARPA and Big Tech Manipulation, Deception and Surveillance Specialist Regina Dugan You vill vant to eat zee bugz!:




And he now serves at the WHO with Susan Michie, aka "Stalin's Nanny," a radical Marxist kicked out of the UK's Communist Party for being *too* much of a totalitarian, who led the "fear amplification" behavioral science NPI strategy of the UK was named the WHO's Chief Behavioural Scientists last year:





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Just as a point of information, the Wellcome Trust was NEVER a part of Glaxo-Wellcome (now GSK). It was instrumental in the creation of G-W by agreeing to sell its 100% control of Wellcome Foundation Ltd. (which had made Wellcome previously immune to being acquired) to Glaxo in a move to diversify its sources of funding (the cash for the sale was re-invested in a broad range of assets) but it remained an extremely wealthy but independent non-profit, investing in medical research for the good of mankind as intended.

The problem here is what you alluded to in another post - corruption from within. Specifically in this case, Farrar, The Wellcome Trust was established by Sir Henry Wellcome as a source of independent funding for medical research with an emphasis on tropical diseases which might not otherwise receive adequate funding.. And prior to Farrar it largely stayed true to its charter.

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Yes, I've read a bit on Sir Henry Wellcome. And why he established Wellcome Trust. I was familiar with Smithkline-Beecham, we studied their merger in 1989 and watched Glaxo merge with Wellcome and then it all merged. Following the money of it all.

And While Wellcome Trust was established with "independence" it really wasn't at the end of the day. Whatever wall was there was always optics. And whatever research was conducted it was with an eye on markets of opportunity.

The Rockefeller Foundation was independent of Standard Oil. But it established allopathic-chemical medicine as the standard health system in the west, displacing homeopathy and herbalism. Allopathic-chemical medicine (western) just so happened to enrich the Rockefeller's and Standard Oil with their investment in petrochemical-based Big Pharma. Same concept. Which begat the Smithkline's and Beecham's and Glaxo's and Wellcome's.

Farrar was just more transparent, bold, progressive and impatient than his predecessors. Whatever its charter is irrelevant to these people. As quaint as the US Constitution and Magna Carta in museums. Only sourced and adhered to when convenient.

All of these bastards using medicine against humanity share a vision of utopia. That they want to realize in their lifetime's. Their impatience is only outmatched by their arrogance. But Their Utopia is Our Dystopia. We all had better come to terms with those being the stakes.

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With respect, during my long career in Pharma, I started out working for Wellcome in Dartford. and later for Glaxo where I was deeply involved in the integration of the two and the resolution of various legal issues in Asia-Pacific. So I do know a little bit about how it all worked.

The commercial operation, Burroughs Wellcome, certainly used the Trust for PR purposes but only that. As illustrated by my earlier story of being reprimanded in no uncertain terms by a leading physician at Kings, there really was a firewall between the tow Organisations. I think the comparison to the Rockefeller Foundation is relevant only in the Farrar era. For similar reasons.

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These people are such a fraud. The rest of that press conference was full of bs, the H5N1 was a sidebar, an off topic question was given to allow him to go off hyping the whole bird flu hysteria. This is the virus Gates funded gain of function on, if it suddenly starts spreading between humans like chickpox, it’s because of lab work, nothing natural about it.

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Jeremy will continue eating his meat. That's all that matters.

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Probably need more grazing done responsibly on land now used for crops that must be irrigated with mined aquifers

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Watch Beyond Impossible - The Truth Behind the Fake Meat Industry - Vegan, Plant-Based - FULL DOCUMENTARY free at youtube.com/watch?v=-UZ9wYNrSXM

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It’s time for US cattle ranchers to follow the Dutch example and go on strike!!!

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