They know it's a fraud. And they know we know it's a fraud.

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I don’t trust anything these people do.

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Good find.

I think that they are now feeling the hurt of autophagy (eating yourself) because their perverse secondary system of wealth concentration undercuts the primary process of free market wealth creation.

Using Aesop's Fables as a guide to explaining real-life conundrums, they're now in the same position of the farmer who had just killed the goose in order to try to extract all of the golden eggs that it had been laying.

If you disturb the process of wealth creation with redistribution schemes, wealth dries up.

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Good comment, Deep Dive - I think you have nailed the issue!

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Yes, and the same thought process gnaws on my brain as well. WHY would pharm. co's. elect to perform a nefarious, cruel, anti-logic, illegal, and anti-public, (among others anti's) when they could have continued to search out and isolate potential "bad" genes that actually caused genetic issues? This, if the concept is viable, would be "sustainable" long into their financial future, whereas now, I think the public has grown quite suspicious and leery of anything they claim. They might have played their last hand.

My personal opinion is that the "genetics" card is played, because the chemicals and drugs, so prevalent in society, and being such a cash cow, they don't want that exposed. I believe they KNOW how harmful these things are to the genetics within the cell. And so, to correct any malfunction therein, would be very difficult, and quite likely impossible while the CORE problem remains existent, not to mention counter-productive financially in the short run.

In a PERFECT world, we could all continue and take part in a discussion of such, but this is FAR from that reality. "Far" in terms of opposites, but with regard to "closeness" of the "Lord's Return" I truly think that the signs, eg. (Matt.24) are beginning to be fulfilled now.


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Hmm I wonder what do they have under their sleeves now??🤔

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My thoughts exactly.

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Ever read: Psalm 64?

It works if called upon from a "Centered" Mind/Heart space vs "Gotcha"

Carpe Diem

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One of the conceits of the Globalists is that they can march people off to the ovens and have us be grateful for the warmth they provide. The quasi-violent or violent protests of the farmers in the Netherlands and elsewhere have served as a reminder that when the shit of actual famine and starvation hits the fan, the resources they currently have in place to manage the genuinely violent and righteously directed-at-them violence will prove inadequate. Hence, time for more reflection before building a better oven and better public relations about how warm and comfy it will be.

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I think the WEF & WHO elites saying is! "You'll be marched off to the death camps and be happy." (Or something like that!)

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In my opinion this is a distraction by Blackrock and JP Morgan et al. Tell the rubes something to placate them for a few years...." we're not really going all in on this climate BS ,we're back to taking care of managing your investments in a sound way " without the bias of our globalist intentions. Sure thing . And when was the last time that any of these elite billionaires ever did anything that was NOT in line with their globalist agendas ? Like the WSJ is now running editorials about how the scam of ESG is going away , and how the border crisis is really going to be a good thing for the US GDP in about 7 years....You, the reader/ viewer are getting played.

Just as the Covid fraud allowed them to manipulate almost everything in all countries that cooperated ,they'll have another "global crisis event " coming soon to suddenly require that they utilize their economic blackmail powers to assert control. Recall Event 201 in NYC right before they launched the C19 panic?

I wish we could believe they've seen the error of their ways/goals , but there is nothing they have done in my lifetime that makes me believe anything they say now.

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Paul, I would love to feel that you may be wrong but your words rang true to my gut. Like they felt the tide of negativity rising and this is a temporary strategy to stem it? The one question I can raise than why would they actually say something negative about the ESG requirements when they could have just said they developed a more beneficial plan?

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Because to defuse the ire of the masses they need a plausible narrative to give opponents of their totalitarian goals something to cling to with hope.

Never give up. Never believe them. Always oppose their presumption that total control is their right. If you have not seen it - watch the interview with Mike Benz that Meryl has just posted about --https://twitter.com/i/status/1758529993280205039

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Excuse me for being a skeptic BUT I am not buying this for a second. There is something else going on you can take that to the bank.

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Yep - sounds like they were going to be bossed around by some globalist ‘climate Czar’ in “Phase 2” & decided they need to be able to control their trillions of dollars themselves. More will emerge about this, no doubt.

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Sounds Iike they bristle at outside direction and prefer to do their own wealth mismanagement in-house.

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The Globalists are dog eat dog on steroids. Thinking Dimon and Fink encountered some dogs even more ruthless than they. Look what Stalin did to his former mentors once he moved up the food chain…..

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Nah. They have something up their sleeve.

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Right. It’s not in their genetic makeup. Probably reconfiguring to exert even more control and cut out other grifters.

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Yep. You know they always eventually eat their own.

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I live outside Chicago and am looking for an investment property in TN just in case!!

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Dimon and Fink are elite Globalist leaders. They are also practical. I’m not sure which direction they take their companies in the long run.

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Could it be that 1. Crisis actors were becoming to expensive to hire; 2. they realize that decreasing production and democide tends to work against growth of corporate investments; 3. they realize that making Ukraine the seat of their privatized world gov. is probably not a good idea with nukes next door, 4. they are not feeling the love, 5. they realize that they are not immortals, 6. They know we are on to them and they are concerned with their safety, 7. they fear we will find out about the money they and their ilk have stolen from the global citizens - now they are having problems with hiding it, 8. they are trying to get us to believe a fake and put our pitchforks away in the shed, 9. they have something even more outrageous up their collective sleeves ---- just some thoughts.

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Jewell- quite possibly all of the above! 😏

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Two thoughts.

I've heard many will say they are not doing ESG but are they just aren't referring to it as ESG.

I have heard Diamond talk a few times and got the feeling he's starting to realize this may have nothing to do with climate & I don't think he's liking it.

Things to watch.

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Great news!

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Shocking that this SDG loving group of plutocrats have reversed course, and wonderful! Given that the bottom lines appears to drive all their investment decisions, I would guess they see the Climate Change agenda as a money pit. It's just so hard to keep people believing the Emperor has clothes, and it must become recognized eventually. I would guess they will reposition their investments now towards fossil fuels, which are forecast to be in great demand in the coming decades. Not being tethered to the fake green new deal will enable them to do this without needing to justify it to their shareholders and investors.

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"I would guess they will reposition their investments now towards fossil fuels, which are forecast to be in great demand in the coming decades."

Let's hope so, James. We need energy to fuel our economy and our homes.

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Sorry, it's my fault that chase dropped out I didn't pay my credit card bill. I spent the money on one of my hobbies instead.

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Just follow the money .... 'It's all a rich man's trick'


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Yep. Thanks for sharing the link. Says it all.

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Headline sounds good but don't believe it will change anything for one minute. "Shifting involvement in the alliance to BlackRock's smaller international entity where a majority of clients are pursuing decarbonization goals". Same crap different shell game.

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Usurers bail. So have we

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