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Sometimes I liken their approach as that of a "shot-gun." They create a pattern of lead that is assumed to at least find its target by SOME of the bb's. Naturally, not all will do so. But those that do find pay dirt will often disable their intended victims. This then becomes a learning experience for "them."

Nowadays, they use a battery of snipers to target specific targets, and concentrate on them alone. Hundreds of targets are singled out to cause the "chaos" they deem necessary to bring about a "solution" (the FINAL solution?) to the world's resistance to total tyranny and spiritual coercion headed up by the Catholic religious system's Jesuit Order, their military arm, and secret society created explicitly to offset the damage done (to its pagan organization) by the Protestant Reformation, most widely assumed to commence by Luther's thesis. They ARE deeply rooted and proficient in their infiltration techniques which have blossomed and fruited in the chaos that pervades society now.

E.G. White's "The Great Controversy" is an inspired work. In it the "messenger" spells out what will be occurring in the "last days" of earth's history, and shortly thereafter. This she wrote of over a century ago, and has been SPOT ON, because the words of that book were "given her" by the Holy Spirt for our edification.



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