The only effective bio warfare are vaccinations. Every other attempt to create biowarfare has failed. Otherwise it would have been used by now.

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Duh? It has been used since the 1930s many times

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Meryl can't actually cite studies to back up her claims, but lack of evidence isn't a problem for her :)

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Certainly seems to be absent here.

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Where do you think bird flu came from? Swine Flu? I guess they are playing gin rummy in the Bio Labs 3 and 4.

A USA TODAY Network investigation identifies more than 200 biosafety level 3 and 4 lab facilities that work with dangerous pathogens - and reveals safety records that some of them fought to keep secret.

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Your imagination primed by propaganda is where the bird and swine flus came from.

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So now what? Now the world knows how and why. The world knows who and why! The world also knows this is only the beginning!

So are we all supposed to wait until the next “Biological Attack” happens and half the population dies on the spot? Or, why can’t we round these “murderous people” up and put them on trial?

If “they can do it to us”, why can’t “we do it to them”? Something sounds off here.

These unelected “murderous mutations”, which is the kindness identity I can give these “human hating animals”, which is what and who they truly are, have free reign and open season on everyone and anyone they choose? Am I wrong?

We’re all supposed to sit back, shut up, get in line, roll up our sleeves why? Because they tell us too? Really? I think not!!!

I’m not sure what to say or think about this anymore. It’s quite obvious this is a spiritual battle with a twist, on one side there’s an “Evil Side” who can attack and murder at their choosing and then there’s the rest of us otherwise know as the “Good Side”, the majority and the majority as well as the good side simply has to take it?

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong and or out in left field with my rational, please?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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"Someone please correct me if I’m wrong and or out in left field with my rational, please?"

The druid babylonian bastard globalist mafia is in LEFT field.

You're in right field. Keep up the good work!

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Yeah, Darrell, it sure seems that way. I believed that the "right" was right and the "left" are left out. That is until I finally was forced to swallow the bitter pill that proclaims that our political system is nothing more than a ploy to appease the "voting" public. After all, how much of that throng believe that the "system" is "Democratic?" It is nothing of the sort! It was, has been, and would always be, if left alone, but the Jesuits have put a bull's eye on the most powerful nation in the world. Why? Because it was, has been, and would always be a "thorn in the side" of the Mother of Harlots, the RC church's military mindset. But with the Jesuitical Hegelian Dialectic imposed and successfully applied by those who have been the infiltrators (and traitors) of the once great nation, have been astoundingly successful with their campaign to eliminate "free will." It was always their intent and directive from the RC "Mother" to do so, but it was not an easy, fast accomplishment for them. But it is fully in the bag now. The foxes "guard" the henhouse with impunity, as they do their dirty work to arrange the LAWS which they will be needing to apply for the destruction of certain individuals and group(s) as they see fit. IT's coming to a theatre near you, and very soon, if God does not intervene fully.


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I should have made the point that America began her history as a "Republic" a concept which was attacked and subsequently replaced with the notion that Her govt was a "democracy."

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You're not alone. The "plan" was and is to create chaos. That's the sub-ultimate goal. The "framers" (perps) have learned that the technique taught by Hegel that controlling the masses is available through the "dialectic" process. It presupposes human reaction to a condition on one extreme, and then creates and provides an opposite "condition giving the people the misconception of "democracy" being done. The extremes will be settled upon in the CENTER of the two ideologies, which is known as the "synthesis" between the two (theses and antithesis). Having been armed with this knowledge, the philosophy can in a sense be applied in a "reverse engineering" manner. Example: If the underlying goal is to obtain PURPLE, then by creating BLUE for the Left, and Red for the Right, the "center" or synthesis color will be what was intended for it to be at the onset of the campaign. Purple. This is a strange but proven method of directing society in any direction desired. Slowly, carefully, and using a "two steps forward, and one step back" (toward more normal) process, will eventually gain the desired position.

Check it out for yourself. There's not a ton of stuff available on it, because the enemy controls nearly everything, and doesn't appreciate manifesting his favored tools. Professor Walter Veith has some notations which are truly amazing.

Thanks for your patience.



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As I reread your explanation I realized why I’ve always said, “I am not right or left, rather what’s right”. Being painted “red and blue” or “left side / right side”seems innocent and non-threatening.

A deeper dive, as you’ve explained shines directly into the “wall” America is heading towards. Or is She? A “Nudge” becomes a “Shove” and eventually the masses will simply line up and follow without restraint.

It’s so obvious now and explains why so many people have lost their ability to think critically. Basically, society will align themselves as opposed to taking an”cumulative stand” to stop the madness!

What you’ve done “R” is given me reason to believe that the “Psychological Effect” and “Biological Effects” this so called “Covid Bio-Injection” or as I’ve been calling it a “Bioweapon” has caused! Especially by forcing this upon humanity.

It’s unfortunate and unbelievable how so many people trusted the government and lined up and allowed an “Unknown Serum” to be injected into their bodies! Good God how can that happen?

For years the military pharmaceutical complex have been using mind control technologies and biological warfare. Is it any wonder now , how the world became, “One Enormous GuineaPig”?

What’s next? Now what? Will the masses now simply line up when ordered / triggered and walk into the “furnaces of hell” without a second thought? God knows!

Thanks again “R”.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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That was a very insightful reply of yours! Thanks so much for more than just a "fly over" or a non-descript glimpse inside your head. I appreciate that very much. Thank you kindly.

Your Question: "Will they just line up when ordered?" seems to be rhetorical at this point, but there is at times surprises planted where none may expect. God's time-line is not our time-line, but we are graciously handed the description of what the world will be like just before the plagues begin to fall. (Jesus, in Matt. 24 I think describes that). There is a "sealing" to take place which distinguishes and "marks" those who have been faithful. That "mark" is placed in the "hand" AND the "forehead." Whereas Satan's "mark" requires merely either ("or"). This is critical to understand. Simple small things like that make a huge difference! Take the injected punctuation ("comma") for instance placed incorrectly: ("Truly I say unto you, today ye shall be with me in paradise." (The discourse between our Redeemer and the penitent thief as they both were nailed there.) This passage infers by no uncertain terms that they both will see heaven THAT day! Whereas, if the comma is placed after the word, "today" then the meaning of the words of Christ take on a totally different tack. (Original manuscripts were void of punctuation.)

As with "on the hand AND in the forehead" such a little difference is super easy to overlook. The issue holds in opposition human obedience out of love to God (ones thoughts in the cortex) for his mercy and Grace, in juxtaposition with Satan's government which is satisfied by his "mark" (signifying ) ones obedience to his (the devil's) government whether or not you "are happy" about its oppressive character. A full study reveals that the determining "mark" of the Beast is the keeping holy of the Pagan SUN day. This is of course poo-pooed amongst most mainline Protestant Evangelical church doctrine (of today....But it wasn't always so!)

Once again, it is always a good idea to settle in, pray, and keep your Bible open and check out what the SDA and all of the Reformers had to say about the issue of the "Beast" and her mark of authority. If still unconvinced, go to the Mother Church web-sites, and see for your own self

what she her proud self claims as her "mark" of ecclesiastic authority! It's a real eye opener!


Yours in the front lines,


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I’m not quite sure where to begin “R”. You’ve pointed out an abundance of studies, I’m not proficient in. I’ve copied your reply so I can respond accordingly.

Thanks again “R”, your continued insight is greatly welcomed and most inspiring! To say the least.


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This to remember, my friend: Being "proficient in" the science of studying any discipline, could tend to “pride” if not vigilant. It's no more within us to fly like a bird, simply for our biological understanding of how the wing is shaped for that purpose. The Holy Spirit gently guides our actions and contemplations by imparting heavenly thoughts; thoughts of God, His amazingly creative Hand, His superb artistic expertise, being but a part of his due glorification by we mere mortals.

Naturally, therefore, it is NOT within us to perform such duties motivating us, rather, it is the prompting by the Holy Spirit, guiding and imparting to us the words which will in turn guide others into the light and warmth (and truth) of the Holy Scriptures, so that they, in turn can then reflect that imparted light outward. This is (part of) His (the H.S.’s) Commission in His position which He humbly performs with heavenly assistance.

I mention this for the purpose of ascribing glory to God alone, and most certainly not to any ability or inherent gift thought of as one’s own development. We are ALL brothers and sisters in Christ and must remain humble instruments of His, no matter what position we occupy along the road of spiritual understanding. We ALL remain as “students” in that shared respect. Give all glory to God! And always remember that "gross darkness covers the earth."

Further, at this time, I’d like to remind you that these words, like tiny beams of light, nevertheless go great distances by way of this forum. The opportunity to share Truth learned over quite some time, has been one of, if not, my greatest joy, supported by the duty to do so, not for self-gratification, but rather for God’s eventual glory, wherein a few brave and true souls will take the initiative to investigate these things; to see if they align with the Word of God (the “received text”).

Thank YOU AJR, for interacting with yours truly in this thing. providing a means for others. And I’ll be praying for your continued walk in righteousness and discovery of Truth.



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Thanks “R” your explanation makes perfect sense. Obviously there needs to be a conforming belief system within half of society for such the desired outcome. Not necessarily equal parts to achieve the perfect “purple”.

Call me naive or something and part of me hesitates believing society is so malleable or gullible, although there’s no denying there’s a huge percentage of say 18-30 year olds who are just fine having the government “wipe their butts” instead of themselves!

I grew up in an era where people took care of themselves and still today, there’s an entire generation opposed to government anything. “Stay out of my life and leave me alone” kind of people. Honestly, I believed most people would feel this way as well.

I guess not until people realize and wake up to reality that,

“it’s not what the government is doing for you” rather “what the government is doing to you”, which, by that time will be too late!

Your explanation “R” has simplified and nailed why, for the most part, protesting literally is “one sided”! Even though the smallest percentage has the largest microphone.

Thanks again “R”, I appreciate your response and perspective.


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The jabs are the only poisons capable of killing half the population and there’s some distance between the last of them and now so hopefully most peoples “immune systems” (for lack of better term) have dealt to them by now.

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Dr. Fraudci has quite a history of 'protecting the public health'...

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Ken McCarthy wrote a book called, 'Fauci's First Fraud: The Foundation of Medical Totalitarianism in America' (Medical System Corruption)

Part of: Medical System Corruption (5 books)

by Ken McCarthy | Jun 1, 2023

Also, Gary Null, PhD. has written many scholarly articles on AIDS:


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Kind of interesting, I know what you’re trying to say but x is somewhat greek for ch.

So Faux is kind of Fauchi anyway.

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Naturally occurring bioweapons don't need to be modified to be virulent, just given the certainty that they wouldn't have existed in nature.

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My pathology expert states that the Swine flu virus was created in the Cuban Biowarfare lab. Confirmation please!

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The San Fran chroicle and NY Newsday would not have published the CIA connection unless they had the goods and the whistleblower who said they had carried the sample from the US.

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Swine flu is as fake as Covid. And I’m starting to suspect you of being fake Meryl. Who’s your team?

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Try asking her for scientific evidence.

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They will not allow the sun to shine!

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Struck by the date of March 7th, when the Arrogant West warned Russia about impending terrorism for only the next 48 hours, sob

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I was in Moscow at the time. Everybody was aware of it. But I guess a lot thought that it was hyperbole. And there were a lot of people at Navalny's funeral the week before, just saying.

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I wish I could have told someone to pay more attention....

Seems like shit was stuck in gear

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Ralph Baric: Gain of Fiction Alert!! All Baric did was insert specific nucleotide sequences into cell cultures; not individual "viruses.". Then, with a magician's touch he added some bacteria, tossed around terms like transfection and cloning but essentially just spliced extra DNA sequences into the mix. He claimed those sequences were incorporated into the final "virus" product, asserting that he had gained its function.

He did no such thing. There was never any virus shown to be in the culture to have its function gained. Baric merely claimed a "virus" existed in a cell culture brew. That brew was starved of nutrients then poisoned with antibiotics to produce cytopathic (cell breakdown) effects. This cell breakdown was attributed to a "virus" never shown to exist. Naturally, no control was done. This would spoil the circular reasoning and logical fallacies viroliegists love to indulge in.

Subsequent genetic analysis of the cell culture brew revealed the same sequences originally inserted by Baric. What a surprise!! No scary virus was discovered. Yet, he proceeded to patent the so-called new organisms that exist nowhere but in his computer.

Now we fast forward to the Fan Wu paper. That crew comes up with 56 million sequences, arranges them into a genome; lo and behold discover the same sequences as were inserted into Baric's cell culture brew. How did that happen?

It's not because Baric created a new organism which spread around the world and Fan Wu found it. Not at all. With the raw data in Fan Wu's paper, you can't come up with the genome he published. Clearly, provably, he made it up!!

So, here is the QUESTION: How did it come to be that 2 imaginary viruses, one "made" by Baric, the "other" by Fan Wu come to have common fictions in their published genomes?? That is the QUESTION!!

Answer: That made the story of a lab created gain of function virus, work. So, this narrative was planted years ago through Baric's patents. The intrepid Fan Wu "catches" Baric in the act by "finding" the same sequences as in Baric's model even though it's impossible from his raw data. Fraud heaped on fraud.

What this pair really did was game a lot of innocent people.

The reason both models involve the same sequence pertaining to the same scary "HIV Furin Cleavage site" is that what was necessary to sell the deception. Plenty of prominent figures have rolled up to sell this turkey to a global population herded into a false dichotomy: natural virus or man-made gain of function virus. A skilful narrative to distract people away from the fact that pathogenic viruses do not exist.

The “virus” was certainly invented in a lab, but it was a computer lab and the only entity that was intentionally leaked out was a computer simulation. The results of the simulation were sent around the world as digital code over the internet and the resulting PCR primers that were deployed in kits en masse created the “cases” for the COVID-19 fraud.

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when you don't understand the difference between DNA and RNA why should anyone listen to your opinion?

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When you believe putting snot into a cell culture then poisoning it with antibiotics to produce cytopathic effects is proof of “viruses“ why should anyone listen to your opinion?

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Where’s the confusion between DNA and RNA above?

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VIDEO: Bill Gates Targets Black People With Poison COVID Shot https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6605d8d6b0f994f1e4b04

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Sometimes I liken their approach as that of a "shot-gun." They create a pattern of lead that is assumed to at least find its target by SOME of the bb's. Naturally, not all will do so. But those that do find pay dirt will often disable their intended victims. This then becomes a learning experience for "them."

Nowadays, they use a battery of snipers to target specific targets, and concentrate on them alone. Hundreds of targets are singled out to cause the "chaos" they deem necessary to bring about a "solution" (the FINAL solution?) to the world's resistance to total tyranny and spiritual coercion headed up by the Catholic religious system's Jesuit Order, their military arm, and secret society created explicitly to offset the damage done (to its pagan organization) by the Protestant Reformation, most widely assumed to commence by Luther's thesis. They ARE deeply rooted and proficient in their infiltration techniques which have blossomed and fruited in the chaos that pervades society now.

E.G. White's "The Great Controversy" is an inspired work. In it the "messenger" spells out what will be occurring in the "last days" of earth's history, and shortly thereafter. This she wrote of over a century ago, and has been SPOT ON, because the words of that book were "given her" by the Holy Spirt for our edification.



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I get how the agenda overplays it's pandemic fear porn. What I don't get is how reasonably intelligent people so devoutly believe that pathogenic microbes do not exist and could never be used as weapons. I guess the gals use meditation or yoga for acute pyelo and the guys take ginseng tea for the clap . How dumb can you get? I don't know, how dumb do you want me to be.?

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"Ask NOT what your country can do for you, but rather what your country can do TO you!" RFK, slightly adjusted for truth. Here, the word "country" is a stand-in for Govt. He probably had some inkling about his assassination, because I would guess that it was pretty plain when certain others' toes were stepped on, that the frowns and looks of displeasure told no lies. That's the impression I have of it.

It's a lot like this: Imagine you just paid two million for a sleek, sure to win, thoroughbred racehorse, like in "The Godfather." Two weeks before the Kentucky Derby, two men in black come to your estate and "nicely" ask you to refrain from entering the contest. You smirk and do not oblige. They say a lot of monies is riding on their boss' horse to win, and offer you quarter mil to agree, but you don't budge. Race day comes and goes, and neither you or your horse takes part. "Hurricane Hanna" is in his stable eating oats, and you're slabbed out in the morgue. That's how the world is set up, and it's not organized crime syndicates that make the biggest waves, it's the very ones who collect your and my taxes. Billions, and now "Trillions" get misappropriated without a single vote behind the expenditures.

The time of the "end" is upon us, my friend. This "chaos" cannot continue for much longer. The Hegelian Dialectic system of population control was simply not "safe and effective" enough to meet their agenda guide-stones, and now they have a "taste" of successful indulgences of employing their will and getting away unscathed. Plus, "directing" the population does not REDUCE it, so they tossed that process to the side in favor of "Project Poison Needle."

There is, with this scenario of the present, another layer of deep concern. One by which will have an even greater tragic outcome. After all, "death" is just temporary, but once judged by the God of heaven to "be wanting," the eternal fate of one is set. The person will be lost, evaporated, for ever, with no hope. While there is still breath, there is hope, but none, if not so. It is for this truth that Satan, the enemy of God, has set up a master-deception that is yet to be sprung on the unsuspecting. This post is already too long, and so I'll hold off with the cliff-hanger's unveiling. But it's a MUST to know it fully!

Yours in the Battle of the ages, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU5X1ywqIyg


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A related issue - Katherine Watt, in her Bailiwicknews Substack, says she has:

«located a Federal Register Notice of Final Rule through which then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb shut the doors of all biological product manufacturing facilities to FDA inspections, effective May 2, 2019, eight months before public announcement of Covid-19, and more than a year and a half before the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign got underway in December 2020.

« This fact helps to answer the question: How could hundreds of millions of doses be manufactured, shipped and ready for use a few weeks after the FDA's December 2020 "emergency use authorization" decisions? Manufacturing began well before Covid was announced, inside factories not subject to inspection. That's how. »

What other reason would there be for banning FDA inspections?...

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Also I saw an article listing the overseas inspections FDA performed in 2020 and I think it was zero or very close to zero

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BiOWARFARE is written about in Peter Schweizer's book Blood Money. The CCP who were involved in the Wuhan Lab "Leak" are planning on using this biowarfare to achieve their no-shots- to-be-fired plan to take over the United States. The CCP is part of the UN, the WHO and others who are out to Depopulate the world in their own best interests.

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In 1941, a certain Japanese Admiral, commanding the attack upon P. Harbor, informed an over-confident staff that the USA was HIGHLY armed in the civilian sector, and a total take over of the country would therefore be impossible. He was right. The ships were ravaged, and the country was ill-prepared for war, but if physically attacked by soldiers on the ground, it would have been a savage blood-bath which ensued. Lots of deer rifles in the country, and the sentiment was VERY intense.

Where is the accompanying sentiment that one would expect would follow re this plannedemic, being quite obviously of such murderous intent, and epic proportion?

That's what I cannot fathom. Is the mindset THAT dumbed down these days?


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Our border is invaded...and we aren't permitted to defend it??? The enemy is within...not without. This faux administration has invited invaders to come in and destroy us. Our nation has too many "couch pottoes" sitting there looking at the border situation like another TV show.; not having the minds to realize the danger America faces..

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The power of media I guess. In 1941 it was the “japanese menace”. In 2024 it is transgender day of remembrance and dont’ you dare be racist.

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