Dan Troy is NO friend to consumers. He has long protected the pharmaceutical industry concerning FDA issues and government regulations.

I first ran into him back in early 2000s when he was at FDA intervening in private citizen lawsuits against drug companies like the wrongful death/failure to warn lawsuit I had against Pfizer for my husband's Zoloft induced suicide Dan Troy used his role as FDA Chief Counsel to file amicus curiae “friend of the court” briefs intervening on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. It seemed whenever drug companies faced civil suits regarding their products' harmful side effects--side effects concealed from prescribing physicians and consumers--this brief was being used. Dan Troy was the chief architect behind the FDA Preemption brief. Many civil lawsuits were tossed out by judges across the country who believed the FDA is the final authority on drug labeling. This effort essentially gave drug companies, such as Pfizer, a free pass when their products caused harm and death.

Wonder how many people know that Pfizer was one of Dan Troy’s previous clients at Wiley, Rein, & Fielding and that in the three years before Troy's appointment as FDA Chief Counsel, Pfizer paid the law firm more than $350K for services provided directly by Troy??

Or that during a December 15, 2003, presentation titled, “The Case for Preemption,” at the annual Drug and Medical Device Litigation conference for in-house counsel and trial attorneys, Dan Troy asked the audience to contact him if they had a case in which the FDA could help. Clearly Troy's "help" was not meant to assist consumers. Fortunately, my talented attorney clandestinely attended Troy's lunchtime presentation long enough to hear Troy declare, “we have to pick our shots so make it sound like a Hollywood pitch."

We worked with NY Rep Maurice Hinchey's office to expose Dan Troy. He eventually left the FDA and the revolving regulator door eventually landed Dan Troy as Glaxo Smith Kline's Global Chief Counsel.

Long before President Bush appointed Troy as Chief Counsel for the FDA, Troy assisted drug companies and drug-company supported trade groups such as the Washington Legal Foundation. Under his unofficial FDA leadership, he helped modify the generic-drug application process, oversaw reform to the Hatch-Waxman Act, and was chief architect and author of the original preemption argument used against private citizens in litigation. I take everything Dan Troy says with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to protecting the public.

Here's a blog post with a little more background on Dan Troy that I wrote back in 2017.


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You can tell a shill article by its sources. This WSJ article gives five. The first is a director from Georgetown who is simply stating the obvious and the quote doesn’t need to be attributed. It’s just padding. The second is “legal and public health experts.” The third is an epidemiologist from John’s Hopkins who gives another throwaway quote, more padding. Fourth is a UPENN “bioethicist” who really doesn’t offer much insight. Finally we are given “industry executives” who are defending the FDA fees they pay to ensure “speedy reviews.” No conflict of interest there.

The three named sources are all employees from universities with known Big Pharma ties.

Why can’t they name these experts and executives? A journalist is only as good as his sources and if he can’t name them, he’s useless at best.

In the end, the article is not very damning anyway. “Kennedy’s going to have a tough time doing his job.” Does the author know anything about Kennedy’s history with NRDC? I don’t think he’s worried or naive about the challenges he faces.

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'In today’s guest essay, leading global health legal scholar Lawrence O. Gostin of Georgetown University, lays out for our readers the multi-layer impact of the Trump Presidency.':


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I already told you, this son of a gun is everywhere. Sewing mayhem wherever he goes

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Yes, Meryl,

And I've already pointed out (not to you specifically, but to the readers here, that the Jesuit Order is fully complicit in these matters. Georgetown University is THE central hub of their activities and teachings. When a soul enters, he/she might have a right conception of God and His requirements toward righteousness. But as he/she leaves the University, the indoctrination of "higher learning" has left its black mark, and the soul is most always deluded and confounded. If anyone has the notion to uncover the "SOURCE" of evil, it is only necessary to investigate the manifesto and the workings ever since their inception, of the Secret Society of Jesus aka, the Jesuit Order. They FOUNDED that university!

Trying to discover evil by any other means, is a lesson in futility, and will bring to naught any intention to correct it. Not that by learning of its worldly source, anything of that nature might be expected, but rather to simply save the confusion of overwhelming evil from drowning out the "still small voice" of God. Prophecy, and all of the "sciences" shout out very clearly and aloud as to whom shall be rewarded with the title of Sovern Ruler, Creator and Upholder of the universe for ever and ever. But what do we hear parroted by the impressionable youth graduating there?

Satan is having his "day" now, as we speak, but will eventually be exposed for the lies he has in store to derail God's Holy Word through every means of deceivableness as is given him by God to perform upon the world's masses. When will "believers" begin to cease "throwing caution to the wind" and realize with somber hearts and minds, that this "war" is the final one, not to be followed by any other. It will be waged through deception for the minds and hearts of mankind. To learn of the thing fully, and to be convinced that God has given the world a prophet to delineate these truths as warnings, aside from its conjunction with the Word directly, look into the "Spirit of Prophecy" which entails a mountain of inspired words that were written about a century ago, even, and yet manifests perfection only found in God's providence. Be prepared to be enlightened, and with that light in hand, showing the path to eternity, you will also discover how futile it is to try and unravel and bring to justice those who are actively working for the Devil and his demon-angels.

If that's a bit too "fundamental" for you, then trust in the false teachings that pervade society from the Pagan Mother Church herself, and those which she has coerced to emanate; being nearly every Protestant church operating in the world. What are they "protesting" if not the false religious system of paganized Christianity of the RC church?

That's the message of warning that God Himself has proclaimed to this wicked world.

Trust in Christ, or trust in the lies Satan has concocted for your destruction.


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Thanks again Dr. Nass. I rely on your clear distillation of big events and conflicting blusters about where we are, where we are going and what the hell is making the whole picture so fractured and blendered into unintelligible mush. My hat is off to you. I do hope that Bobby is confirmed and brings you on board to help set things straight.

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Clearly, those who voluntarily receive the vaccine already have sufficient protection, so why do they need to force others to get vaccinated if they believe the vaccine is effective?

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It seems like we got rid of the insane American politicians just in time to save the planet from total take-over of our Freedoms and their enforced poisonous injections being Mandated. Sanity returns.

All the Big Pharma 'bullshit' about Myocarditis being caused by COVID is now being admitted. DEADLY mRNA injections frequently does the damage and 'rarity' is just another of Big Pharma's lies!

Big Pharma's motto = "There's no profit in healthy people!" So how can we make them ill - for longer?

mRNA injections were rushed onto the market without proper Safety Trials and proof they were effective. mRNA injections can be DEADLY and nobody can forecast the consequences of these injections. Following these injections, the Spike proteins are created by the body but the, so called, 'Experts' can't control the quantity of reaction can be predicted. Every jab is a 'loose cannon'. Every recipient is a Guinea Pig who can get numerous reactions from these uncontrollable mRNA injections.

Myocarditis is just one of many health consequences these jabs cause. The incidents are FREQUENT - NOT 'RARE', as the 'Experts' suggest.

I have no medical experience or education, but I now maintain, from witnessing the 5 years of lies, falsified data and cover ups that have come to light since these injections were hurriedly 'knocked up'. They can frequently cause many semi-permanent illnesses, some are fatal.

At best these mRNA injections can cause illnesses to return after being supposedly cured years beforehand. New vocabulary follows these ridiculous mRNA injections. 'Turbo Cancers' is now a frequently used term for cancers that follow soon after the mRNA injections. mRNA injections can open the door to previously cured diseases - including CANCERS! It's not RARE - it's FREQUENT!

The best anyone can hope for after accepting these dangerous mRNA injections is to suffer a compromised Natural Immune System, which in my world, means a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY.

I'm not Doctor, but I prefer to err on the side of Self Preservation. I recommend that NOBODY takes another 'Safe and Effective' mRNA injection (mistakenly called a vaccine).

Why do you suppose Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson are desperate to retain ZERO LIABILITY for their DEADLY INJECTIONS? 'No LIABILITY' is an inexplicable condition of sale or/and use! Just remember this - You can't Pfuck with the human heart and expect it to get better!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll all live longer by avoiding corrupt Big Pharma and 'QUACK' medics with syringes!

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When there is an official who still believes that "..."Everyone should recall that under President Trump's leadership we had remarkable success with Operation Warp Speed in the development of vaccines that literally saved the world,....", then there is a need to bring reality to the forefront of that official's attention. RFK Jr has all the capability necessary to perform that task.

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The house badly needs cleaning. Gonna need a big mop.

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There are no obstacles, there is only will and persistence that will solve these things.

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I am seeing a level of hysteria globally over the American election. I think it would be wise to quieten down and work out just what one man is even able to do in 4 years, and work out just how likely he is to actually want to do ALL those things we want him to do.


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It completely astonishes me that people in the American Establishment are STILL insisting that the covid "vaccines" were "safe and effective, in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Perhaps the immediate route forward is to simply boycott all States and institutions that continue to demand people are injected with these poisons. Move out of States where the govts demand jabs, masks and other such nonsense. Home-school your children. Encourage older kids to take up apprenticeships rather than scholarships to universities. Stop buying things from any companies that demand their employees be jabbed. Stop buying contaminated food. Simply refuse to comply with the Big Everything shills who either WANT to reduce the population or don't care if they do. Yes, that course of action will mean some people are harmed. But if alternative options are made obvious and easy, basically it's their choice. Perhaps "survival of the fittest" will mean that those who can't see their way through this disgusting maze ARE weeded out. I'm sure RFK WANTS to demolish all the Deep State organisations that have caused the health mess America and the world is currently in -- CDC, FDA, NIAID and so on. I'm infinitely glad he now has the chance to try that. But yes it is a HUGE system to buck and it may take longer than 4 years. I reckon all we can do right now is celebrate the turning of the tide and keep on trying to educate our friends and family. Meryl has already done wonders there, and will continue to do so I'm sure.

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It will certainly take years to fix the mess that gov't corruption spawned. But 4 & 1/2 years ago the possibility seemed too remote to imagine. There is a growing awareness now. If we are resolved and vigilant, we can clean the filthy place up .

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I don't hold my breath. The attack on us is relentless, continuous. Like it's some RAND corporation gaming World War program.

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True -- but holding one's breath is likely to cause cardiac arrythmias, so it's probably best not to do that anyway :-) Things are certainly more hopeful than they were before Trump was elected. So as they used to say in WWII, all we can do is "keep calm and carry on".

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Have to work on the Johns Hopkins Public Health Emergency Response Model Acts adopted in each state. Read yours and get others to work to repeal them asap.

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Lawrence Augustin had a dual appointment at Johns Hopkins in the past And this sounds like something he probably had his hands on

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Big Pharma is eager to cooperate with RFK Jr/Trump Administration on ...regulating your food!



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Thanks for bringing out more valuable information on another profiteer who has harmed many people as a lawyer helping to passing a law forcing deadly injections on the people.. We will remember the name Daniel Troy. Are people ignorant about the dangers of these vaxes or is it just plain greed that drives them to take advantage of others to benefit themselves?

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What to say about an FDA, which allows plastic in pills. (For instance, many retard pills are retard, because they are wrapped in tiny plastic bags, and you take them with the wrapping.)

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