The loathsome criminals changed the definition of herd immunity to only be achievable via vaccination. Meanwhile:

The Bastards Are Vaccinating Fish Now:


They need to be stopped yesterday

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Measles is a con job

There will be more measles outbreaks in the future, not less


Archived 👇


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I should imagine with the destruction of God's engineered immune system, through toxic heavy metal-laced jabs, soon the sniffels will kill by the thousands! God's food & herbs for medicine are our best bet for health!

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It's not just the mercury (thimerosal). Aluminum (not a "heavy" metal) is probably worse.

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Injecting toxic aluminum (from our 50 billion in fraud fines big pharmas] can cause you to pay a Heavey/ hevy price on your health! As the now 1 in 36 vax-demaged kids can tell you!

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What we are seeing is not a failure of a nonexistent immune system, for you cannot be immune from poison rather, we are just seeing accumulation of toxic loads, which at some point pushes the organism over the cliff

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I think you would like Sayer Ji's 1/2 hr. lecture on Macro Implications Of The Microbiome [Functional Forum] [I liked his book on desmantiling the germ thery!] @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfVuIm_OC4c

Let me know if if makes sence to you! Steve

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The thing is, there is no immune system for there is nothing to be immune from. The logical body would not have a system, which would be very metabolically expensive to maintain for no reason . Contagion has never been scientifically proven to exist, never

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I think you should see Sayer Ji's lecture! It supports your & my take!

@ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfVuIm_OC4c

Then talk at me! Steve

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Louise is hot on the trail of the elusive Bird "virus"

Like Sasquatch, she has never actually seen the critter but the tracks

are fresh. Seems they could not sell the virus of the day hoax so now they

are culling birds that most consider food.

A robust immune system was always front row and center for health seekers.

Health does not come from needles or antibody titers, never did.

Columbo would not be impressed. Neither are an increading # of the informed.

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Louise is hot on the search for a trail to research funding...expect to hear much more from her.

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Brownstone said the exact same thing only they are not after grants.

Now explain why Wild horses and bison, are driven over cliffs via Heliocopters? People think it is a joke. The goal is in climate control, to maitain a set number of each.

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have you read about the ostrich farm in Canada fighting in court not to allow the state to cull the birds that survived an outbreak? they're not food animals, they're specifically for antibody experiments anyway, and the Canadian authorities are trying as hard as they can to kill all the stock instead of using the immunity for research.


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Yes...am following that...

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They want to cull us slowly, so that the overwhelming majority don't notice or, worse, think that killing us is good for us. Covid and the trans lunacy, to name just the two most recent and egregious forms of mass insanity, prove that the overwhelming majority of people are in no way, shape, or form capable of anything like reason or "critical thinking."

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Bird Flu ‘Virus’ ‘Isolation’: A Scientific Wild Goose Chase?

Ah, the majestic art of ‘isolating’ bird flu ‘virus’ – where proving a virus exists is as simple as throwing a cocktail of snot, antibiotics, and monkey kidney cells into a dish and calling whatever happens next ‘science.’

First, take a sample from a sick bird. Skip the pesky step of finding an intact virus – who has time for that? Instead, blend the sample with a soup of foreign genetic material, inject it into fertilized eggs, and let nature take its twisted course. If the chick embryos shrivel up and die, congratulations! You’ve definitively proven the presence of a virus. It couldn’t possibly be the antibiotics, the toxic brews used in the process, or the sheer trauma of being injected with mystery sludge. Nope – must be the virus!

Controls? Never heard of them. No need to inject a separate batch with sterilized material to see if the same carnage occurs. That would be bad for business. And purification? Pfft! Why purify when you can just assume? Just claim that whatever cellular debris, genetic fragments, and cellular breakdown products appear in the dish must be ‘H5N1’ – even if you never actually see an intact virus, let alone isolate one.

And let’s not forget PCR – the modern oracle of ‘disease detection.’ Amplify tiny genetic fragments (not a whole virus, mind you) to absurd levels, and voilà! You have a ‘confirmed case.’ Never mind that PCR was never designed to diagnose ‘infection’ – details like that only get in the way of a good pandemic narrative.

So, there you have it – bird flu ‘virus’ ‘isolation’ in all its glory. No actual virus, no proper controls, no purification, but plenty of scary headlines and lucrative vaccines. If ‘virus’ ‘isolation’ were a magic show, this would be sawing the lady in half – except the lady was never there, the saw was imaginary, and the audience is still gasping in horror.

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Dr. Luk Montay, Who received a Nobel prize for allegedly discovering HIV.his electron microscopy expert, “ we never saw HIV” 😳

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Restriction you said, right. And this goes with all so-called viruses from the common cold to polio to HIV to head shrinking virus, Zika to whatever the hell they’ll make up next to scare the sheep with.

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How about taking the survivors and breeding them?

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Chicken farmers recommended that very early on...years ago...but there's no one in the government health agencies intelligent enough to listen.

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And how about the millions of people, including myself, who feed wild birds, right at our homes in the suburbs? I clean up their feces off of my bird feeders and undoubtedly breath in some of their microorganisms. Whatcha gonna ban that too?

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Don’t worry, you’re not gonna catch nothing, for there is nothing to catch

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This is the slow intro and normalization of a long term play to make this infectious to humans using GOF and mRNA for profit.

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Unfortunately, the majority of the earth has been fooled into germ theory and infections, and or contagions, which simply have never been proven scientifically to exist. Whatever the bird flu is, it’s not caused by the nonexistent virus, but rather most likely chemical poisoning if indeed these birds are even sick to begin with.

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This is another easy cure using chlorine dioxide. It is not hidden anymore. Let me know if you need help finding the cure to this plandemic as will. Chlorine Dioxide was an easy cure for COVID. Bolivia legalized it and the results were amazing. Now RFK Jr. knows this so you will be hearing more about the universal antidote.

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I was about to make the same comment. Dr Kalcker just wrote about how CDS is already a proven solution to eradicate bird flu. https://substack.com/@drkalcker

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Here is more information to share that I recently post on Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Skool.

Bird flu outbreak in Kerala: District on high alert - Chlorine Dioxide is used as the antidote

👉 https://www.skool.com/chlorinedioxidetestimonies/bird-flu-outbreak-in-kerala-district-on-high-alert-chlorine-dioxide-is-used-as-the-antidote?p=d18c80ef

Chlorine Dioxide is the Antidote: ⬇️

👉 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590053621001221

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has emerged as a potent agent in combating avian influenza, particularly the H7N9 virus. Recent studies have demonstrated that both gaseous and aqueous forms of ClO2 effectively inactivate this virus. For instance, exposure to ClO2 gas resulted in a remarkable 94.2% reduction in the virus titer after just a few seconds of treatment, showcasing its rapid efficacy. The application of chlorine dioxide is not limited to laboratory settings; it is increasingly being integrated into biosecurity measures on poultry farms. While it is not a cure for avian influenza, its use as part of a comprehensive disinfection strategy can significantly reduce the risk of outbreaks. This is particularly crucial given the devastating impact of avian influenza on bird populations, which affected millions in 2022.Overall, chlorine dioxide represents a valuable tool in the fight against avian influenza, contributing to safer poultry farming practices and enhanced biosecurity.

Many people are winning with chlorine dioxide to keep chickens safe from the globalist: ⬇️

See the testimonial interview:⬇️


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I absolutely believe in chlorine dioxide. However, I do not know where/how to buy it. It seems a complicated procedure to mix a couple of compounds just right. Is there a way to easily buy it-with directions?

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It is overwhelming and scary for everyone at first. It is easier than baking a cake.

Here is my video and you can see how easy it is. You can even buy the CDS already made. It is expensive and just too easy to do yourself after a little time investment to learn.

Getting Started With Chlorine Dioxide In 48 Mins. No fear or confusion


You should take advantage of the best Chlorine Dioxide Support Group all for free:


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Thank you! I will watch and learn!

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We have 10 hour free Chlorine Dioxide Live Q&A Chats every Friday stating at 5 PM CST.

Here is the link to connect when we are live:


Don’t lose the link and take advantage as people are healing.

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First thing is Educating Brooke Rollins about Chickens, Cal-Maine and the other big producers. She talks, throws money at it on a jab but that is all. I've posted the Horrendous Abuse these big egg factories raising hens do. Which throws off the Birdflu count as they count any dead bird to get Taxpayer Reimbursement. The big 10 Grocery chains are PRICE GOUGING, by keeping their coolers looking empty. Both sets made record profits under Biden. This culling started under FDR to benefit Farmers. Biden was just doing the samething just under a new meat packing deal. Control the food, you control the people. Create Fear to get control. Cal-Maine Egg-Laying Hens Suffering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_tD081msgc&t=18s.

HSUS Member Sues Perdue Over "Humane" Chicken


Who Makes Money From Eggs


Biden Plan Directs $1 Billion To Impact Meat & Poultry Processing, Strengthen P&SA, Add New Labeling Rules Which backfired. https://www.agweb.com/news/livestock/beef/biden-plan-directs-1-billion-impact-meat-poultry-processing-strengthen-psa-add-new-labeling-rules

Pit falls https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/a-million-culled-chickens-show-pitfalls-of-biden-s-meatpacking-revamp/ar-AA1tOWzo

The Broilers are worse. And all day old roosters are co2 gassed, stomped etc.

Barns are not bird proof, nor are places like Tractor Supply, Lowes or Home Depot. TS is the only one with chicks. They came in early this year. I picked up 5 more, they are healthy and active, larger than just crumble fed, I started them on day 3 on small amounts of flaked can tuna, and leafy veggies. Brooder is in the house so temps are even with a 75 watt reptile light. They kept moving away from the normal 100 watt. This will give me 12.

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Migratory birds already are in serious decline so BAU, in the course of event the issue disappears. One of the reasons for the decline: pesticides, use of which still is increasing. Being a burden for the immune system of the feathered friends, far fewer birds would be ill if pesticides would be banned: IOW "problem eliminated". MAHA should accomplish that ASAP.

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What about wind turbines? Also deadly to a wide range of birds, including eagles.

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Wind turbines cause deaths, not disease. Birds of prey can only catch dead, diseased or otherwise weak birds.

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I have survived 75 years of fake viruses. All I did was avoid all vaccines.

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You got it, the operative word is there “fake “viruses. Viruses have never been scientifically proven to exist not one.

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Building America's anxiety level seems to be the goal of publicizing a flu that hasn't been making anybody stay home from school yet...


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You're 100 percent on. In the early stage of 2020 when C0vid was known there were Phd researchers from the Uni. of Toronto that conducted fraud, in their modeling and promoted disinformation and division which the MSM and politicians backed in order to fit a narrative. It's all in the books titled, Fisman's Fraud (available in Amazon) authored by Dr. Regina Watteel that came out in 2023. Dr. Fisman is currently the lead at the Canadian Centre for Pandemic Preparedness. With faux scientific research like we saw from that team, it's anyone's guess the disaster they will perpetuate in the next pandemic. Natural immunity needs to be giving a much higher visibility with viral infections IMHO. And, find another testing mechanism other than PCR that meets a much higher standard of proof.

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there is no such thing as the bird flu - they are gas lighting you.. why dont swans, geese, ducks, ostriches, grouse, sparrows, etc, etc, ect get the so called flu. the only ones that get this supposed flu are the ones we eat!!! catching on yet!!

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They are eyeing household cats now... wait til they go after dogs! People will finally fight them!

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So far, you’re the smartest man I’ve seen on the site. Absolutely correct no viruses, from the common cold to polio to HIV have ever been proven to scientifically exist. There are simply detoxification of an animals, body or outright damage caused by chemical poisoning as in the case with paralysis from “polio”

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Spot on Chris. Amazingly many still believe this scientific fraud because they've never questioned what methodology virologists use to identify a scary viral "germ" and then taken the time to review the steps actually taken to identify these tiny terrorists.

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Call BS

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