
"Are these Senators, blocking such a popular law, paid off by big Pharma?"

Since this has been shown to be a military operation (see Latypova and Watt), it may be that the DoD is threatening these Senators.

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And since it is a DoD-ordered bio-chemical domestic terrorist attack on citizens by their own government, it constitutes an act of war. As such, any "Senators" or others obstructing defensive actions should be eliminated. We can't win a war without inflicting casualties on our oppressors / attackers. God knows, they have inflicted PLENTY of casualties on us by now....

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You are a provocateur.

Nobody is talking about "eliminating" Senators or anybody else.

The only way to win at this is with non-violence.

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May 23·edited May 23

Perhaps. Non-violence didn't work for our nation's founders, however. Tyrants only understand force. In the end, cancer cannot be reasoned with; it can only be cut out or destroyed. I hope for peaceful resolution, but people need to always be considering the next step(s). Most of our early political leaders (who made greater sacrifices than what most of us here can imagine) were provocateurs. I am in good company.

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We have wolves in sheep's clothing in our midst.

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And LOTS of them.

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it has never been different, just more obvious now

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The center of the constitutional universe is Louisiana. God Bless those Ragin Cajuns!

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Do we know how many states have enacted such laws against the WHO? For example, does Florida already have such laws in place or is Oklahoma the first to attempt?

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yes we do, and the number is sufficient to derail WHO efforts

expect more train derailments, bridge collisions, Boeing crashes, food processing plants burnt (almost 100), antifa, snowflake libtard city riots etc etc etc

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Syndicate stooges!

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State Representative Russ Diamond

is sharing a COVID-19 Update.


When international organizations try to assert "global governance" through pandemic agreements or other instruments, Pennsylvania needs to step up to protect the individual rights of the people. To this end, I will be introducing legislation to protect our sovereignty and autonomy from global actors. My memo to fellow members of the House of Representatives is below.

TO: All House Members

FROM: Representative Russ Diamond

SUBJECT: Restricting the authority of the WHO, UN, and WEF within Pennsylvania

In the near future, I will be introducing legislation that aims to clarify the jurisdictional boundaries within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regarding certain international organizations.

By explicitly stating that the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and World Economic Forum (WEF) shall have no jurisdiction or power within the Commonwealth, my legislation aims to safeguard the state's sovereignty and autonomy while recognizing the importance of global cooperation.

If enacted, any rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate issued by the WHO, UN, or WEF may not be enforced or implemented by any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity, municipality, or other political entity within Pennsylvania.

We learned during the pandemic that even statewide authority can paint with too broad a brush and may not be the most appropriate method of governance in certain situations. The people of Pennsylvania ratified this idea by constitutionally reducing our governor’s emergency powers.

Policymakers at international organizations hold no allegiance to, and are not bound by, our state constitution and its particular guarantees of individual rights. My legislation will ensure the rights of Pennsylvanians will remain protected in the Commonwealth when international organizations attempt to set them aside or reduce them to mere privileges.

I kindly request your support as a cosponsor for this bill which will uphold Pennsylvania’s independence and ensure that decisions made by international organizations do not supersede our own laws and policies. I look forward to working together to protect our state’s interests.

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It's all about the stock investment in phizer and others. All they care is about fattening there pockets.

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true enough, Pfizer or Moderna manufactured no Quaxcines, they were distributors

The Fed Gubmint manufactured them!!

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May 22·edited May 22

I wonder if that means that the citizen's of OK are not making their voices known. Because I suspect 80% of the ones in LA would prefer to vote wrong, too, if they thought they could still be re-elected. The RINO party isn't a real opposition party.

The precious little that it does to "block" full-blown communism is done to keep the APPEARANCE of a two-party system going. They're waiting on the older folks who remember how things used to be to die off. Then the mask will come off. Unless something forces it off sooner, i.e.

Sadly, the few conservative legislators in that RINO party would probably be retaliated against if they exposed how bad it is.

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not quite accurate. The RINO's are outed one beast at a time or sometimes in concert

There are honest Publicans and the #'s grow

Must secure the vote and stop selections like JoJo

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Why would Oklahoma politicians, esp (RINO) Republicans, vote in favor of a communist globalist- and CCP-funded organization that is against Americans eating beef?


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the answer is rather obvious, that is WHO they are

They do not care what you eat, they want to starve you into submission

Attack of food processing plants burnt to ground approaching 100!!

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Bizarre and unreasonable actions from Republican politicians who know better than most the implications of the evil trick that is being sold to the world by the now obsolete and corrupt World Health Organisation.

LIABILITY must apply for all injected medicines before another arm is pieced with deadly poisons that were designed to DEPOPULATE!

Unjabbed Mick (I'll live longer to fight tyranny!)

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Is it not obvious the distinction between RINO's and honest Republicans?

It should be patently obvious by now.

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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." In Christ there is neither "republican" nor "democrat", neither jew, nor gentile. All will be judged. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." 2 Corinthians 5:10 Be....in the Word.

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I live in Oklahoma. The GOP has a supermajority, I believe, in the senate. But the lordly GOP masters in the senate think they know better than the voters. There is a history of this happenning.

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Out the RINO's, they and the entirety of Dems make up the Uniparty

As you point out a long and sordid history.

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Do something please!

Call and email them all.

Get a group to help publicize.

AFLD ? Door to Freedom ? Ron Johnson , Ron Paul etc.


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We have been reduced to thinking small. Tell everyone you know and compel them to do the same. Forget email.

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All it takes is one or two influential senators to keep a bill from getting out of committee and to a vote.

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Politicians might be starting to realize that in a "one world corporate dictatorship" they're the first to be removed. Don't think "China" where despite 24/7 surveillance, protests killed zero-covid policy in a few days but far worse. Those politicians too compromised to be able to vote against WHO, WEF etc. could just resign and take care their function is taken over by a courageous, healthy colleague who can't be compromised.

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My friends, I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Conscious Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram

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Just for the record, who are these senators?

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Great work! Many of you don't realize the CEO of Moderna is the commencement speaker at MIT Thursday May 30. I'm preparing a website www.modernaDeservesScrutiny.com and have made business cards to pass out to attendees on both the Thursday and Friday ceremonies. We lead with evidence that Moderna finalized the wording on 4 patents for their jab 7 months before the pandemic was recognized. It. includes many other links, including www.suppressedMITalums.com Meryl and I were in the came class there. I will be there but i.need one more leafletter., be cause my friend who was going to leaflet the business cards with me had to bow out. Please reach out to.me asap by phone 410-490-5403 and email dslesinger@alum.mit.edu If the website has not been built, I can send you what my webmaster has agreed to include. Thanks.

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