Let’s work to get all states to join this movement!

AND we should follow Tennessee

and ban all chemtrailing asap as our ecosystem is dying and almost

Beyond saving . When the trees and bees die, so will we!

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On the latter chemtrail / geoengineer--Reinette Senum who also has a substack (previously ran for CA Gov but sure you wouldn't have known) is trying to actively organize folks on this. Frustrated by what she is writing, but boy do we need to learn, connect, and build coalitions for results. Please read this. Her organization is called SaveOurSkies.org. https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/the-unhistoric-passage-of-tennessees

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Reinette is A-1!

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This is a link to Save Our Skies 77-slide deck referred to as the SOS Skywatcher Powerpoint Toolkit https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBW6o-n1dd1liQrkow89hyeTGAwO-shi/view?usp=sharing

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Eh.... I dunno about that. I am in dumb Pennsylvania. Did you see the kind of people we elect here? I bet my state will beg to have it. Probably would want to give Gates and Schwab money to sign on the dotted line.

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Can't believe that you have received 69 likes so far on your post. Maybe people are finally waking up to the massive destruction being caused by the geoengineering nightmare playing out in front of our faces daily all over the world. Thanks for your attention to this subject Carol.

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I can't believe that you have gotten 66 likes so far to your comment. Are people finally waking up to one of the most deadly destructors to our environment and our health? Way to go Carol.

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How about "chem-trailing" the entire US political-, health-, finance-, pharma-, military- and film-ecosystem instead ?? ... with more state-laws like the above

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Seems that was the plan.

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yay ! let's do this one state at a time if need be.

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That's great news! No more WHO,UN and WEF! This won't make Soros, Schwab and Gates very happy!

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Have you noticed what Gates is doing to promote his newest project to add bugs to our food?

I just read about the worms, ants and crickets they are already processing! Right now some of it is labeled but as costs rise will fast food chains begin to add this without telling us?

Check out Agent 131711 Substack

and try not to vomiting when you see the photos?🤮

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Maybe this will encourage folks to finally avoid the the health destroying fast “food “ places - certainly health education did not.

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fast food is not really even food, it just 'plays food' on TV ;)

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They prolly will. I haven't eaten fast food in more than 3 years to overcome insulin dependence. I practice a carnivore lifestyle, and usually eat only 1 meal a day.

John the Baptist ate locusts and honey. It didn't kill him, Herod had him beheaded. He was Jesus' half cousin.

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That's misinformation. The "locusts" John ate weren't bugs, but rather CAROB TREE PODS. The "Locust tree".

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so, I did look it up. according to the Greek word, it is the bug locust. Now, we know as well, that the whole topic in Matt about John was comparing him to the forerunner who would have been Elijah had they believed....so that he was....both ate the bug locust.

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its' locust in the greek. and since John was being spoken of in relation to Elijah...they both ate locust, which is a "clean" bug.

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You are not understanding Bible history. The manuscripts that survuved into the modern era are copies of copies of copies of copies, ad (almost) infinitum. NO originals exist. They differ between each other in well over 200,000 ways! Nobody even knows WHO WROTE the four gospels that were included in the compilation we call the "Bible". Many so-called scriptures in the Bible are forgeries or written "in someone else's name", for instance, the majority of the epistles by Paul were authored by persons unknown. The King James version, rather than being "the" authoritative version in English, was a bad translation of the very WORST and most corrupted and politicized Greek rendition, twisted by the early Catholic church for their own purposes and power and glory.

Bottom line: don't take your "sources" so seriously.

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so, what are sources for the carob bean?

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ill stick with kjv, so i can use the strong's concordance...since I don't speak greek or Hebrew. And im as far from Catholic as many real Christians are.

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Thank you. I'm guessing you're a Greek scholar. I will do a deep dig to verify. Thank you. I don't want to be a spreader of misinformation, especially with regard to scripture.

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Not a Greek scholar, but into plants (and more). Carob is also called "Saint John's Bread".

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Can't recall that about John, but Elijah ate locust. And locust can be eaten according to Leviticus. But I don't think worms are included as clean foods (we can CK that as well). Faith below mentions carob pods...I'll CK that as well. Good on you on the fast "food" as that is too high in chemicals, little protein, high in sugars and simple carbs.

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I want to apologize for incorrectly calling Jesus and John the Baptist cousins. Mary and Elizabeth were cousins. Jesus was immaculately conceived in Mary. Elizabeth was married to Zechariah a Jewish priest at the temple in Jerusalem. Would that make them cousin's once removed?

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Zech was of Levy....full blood....Not of Judah.

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Mary and Elizabeth were cousins. The seed came from God through immaculate conception by the Holy Spirit.

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yes...the flesh was 1/2 levi 1/2 Judah...per Mary's genealogy..found in Luke. We don't go by Joseph's geneology...as he was not the father of Jesus...

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Fast foods already have tons of insects/crap in them.

One can only IMAGINE what their processing plants must be like!

Never ever has one journalist done an 'undercover expose' '

Remember those?

'60 minutes' in the 1970's was the place to see such horrors! 🤣

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Yeah, AND get Gates OUT of the agriculture bidness, for God's sake!

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Blankety blank blank blank Soros and Gates!

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I forgot to mention Schwab.

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Yea FUCK them all!

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I hate that word. It is an acronym for



Consent of the


It originated in Christianized Anglo-Saxon England, on or about the 16th Century and some say as early in the late 12th century (Anglo-Norman)

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I'm curious why you find that funny Nola. I find it very sad, and sadder still all the people that throw that word around in normal every day speech. I remember a time growing up when my mother would wash out my mouth with soap. Is there any honor left on this planet? Perhaps not.😱

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Methinks "growing up" is still ongoing with you! LOL!

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Hopefully, these guys (and a LOT of others) drown slowly in their own rivers of tears !!!

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Mar 27Liked by Meryl Nass

This is the first time I have really been able to take a deep breath since learning about this life destroying plot. Thank you Dr. Nass. Even though I am in Florida I am going to write the folks in Louisiana and let them know how impressed and grateful I am.

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Bug your AG and governor in FL. (Too late for a resolution)

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Ok! I will, can you suggest some ideas about how best to bug them? I can point out what Louisiana did but what might get more of their attention?

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Telling them what Louisiana did UNANIMOUSLY will get their attention! It means they can get on the bipartisan winning side or the losing side...

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Ah, that paints the picture for me- thank you. Ron does like to win…

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Hey friend, if you’re going to write letters, send one to DeSantis. It’s time to lean on him to do the same.

I’ll be calling my local representatives.

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Will do!

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Thank you Dr. Meryl Nass for all of your dedicated hard work and for sharing this precedent setting good news.

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Mar 27Liked by Meryl Nass

Rednecks gonna save this country.

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Rednecks, White Sox, and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer!

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The Crazy Woke Dems sure won't !!!!!

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Mar 27Liked by Meryl Nass

So encouraging. This could have a domino effect. States declaring their independence , sovereignty. Could happen as suddenly as the collaspe of the Berlin wall. Wish I could remember, but I read there was one state threatening to say that there will be no federal taxes paid in that state.

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Mar 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Praise The Lord ! Some sanity at last . They’ll all hear about this . Well done

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You da' man!... er WOman!

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Congratulations, Dr. Naas you have worked so hard🌷Now we wait and watch for the other states that they too will do the right thing, follow the logic, follow the truth & facts and do what is best for our medical freedom here in America. 🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻

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It is always nice to see your efforts move the country in the right direction. I am sure you had an indirect impact on their decision.

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Mar 27Liked by Meryl Nass

This is absolutely excellent news. The BEST!

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Praise The Lord!! Wish we could gain this kind of action here in Australia!!??

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This bipartisan vote could only have come about because the politiicians have been hearing from a LOT of the people! Try it.

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Mar 27Liked by Meryl Nass

I will send to my Senators. Surely Texas can follow with same.

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