I think what the six people mentioned in this article have spearheaded is something that cannot be overstated. The way they were able to unite representatives of nations around the world, and in such a short period of time, is virtually unprecedented. Furthermore, I think their model can be used for a host of other campaigns that we (the people) must win if we are to continue to thwart the elite’s ambition to plunge the world into a global tyranny.

Thank you, Dr. Nass, for being a part of that team who got boots on the ground across the entire world to fight the WHO at a multinational level. It’s one thing to raise awareness online about a cause, but it’s a completely different level of fighting to trot the globe in order to recruit and unify a non-virtual fighting force; the latter of which is what must happen if we are to bring the elites to justice, and end their ambitions of worldwide tyranny.

Also, I hope communication can be established privately (off-line) between the alliance built by the six people mentioned in this article, and the prominent voices of other similar (yet divergent approach/understanding) movements, and a mutual understanding can be reached in regards to how important it is to form a unified front against the elites.

This doesn’t mean disagreements shouldn’t occur (to the contrary, disagreements should be encouraged), but that disagreements should be conveyed in a way that focuses on subjects at hand, rather than aiming to disparage or put down any individual via ad-hominem attacks.

But, once again, I can’t express the level of gratitude and admiration I have for the six people mentioned in this article. The history books of the not too distant future will highlight their effort against extraordinarily powerful megalomaniacs, and mark it as a turning point for when much of the world’s population realized that if they unite, they become a force that’s far more powerful than anything the elite’s could ever hope to be.

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Yes yes yes!

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Meryl, Hasn’t the WHO passed the amendments illegally without the appropriate process? Does this mean they can enforce these amendments no matter what?

I think we are in for a take over by September, so we can’t have an election.. I-feel the plan coming into view. We will be locked down due to Marshall law due to violence. This is a communist revolution. We will lose electricity, internet, and supply chains across America. They will kill those that speak out or get in their way. They will arm the soldier immigrants and Antifa against us. Just like China and Russia’s revolutions. We should have fought back two years ago and done something somehow. It is hard to believe that people that were once thought of as fairly descent have become real demons. Hillary has stated that people will be placed in reeducation camps. I’m too old for that, so maybe they’ll just shoot me. I want to do something to stop it. Guess that’s why I’m writing to you. I love America and feel so sad about the evil I see approaching our country. I’m praying and asking God to come back to us.I do believe our country has allowed evil people to push him out of America. I think this may truly be the Tribulation . God holds the plan. Forgive me. I just want the world to wake up and God to save us all. 🙏🇺🇸

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We will focus on what the UN will try to pull off in September--we don't have a document yet they will try to pass. We will always work on censorship and especially the attack on food.

The WHO has done a good number of things that do not accord with its rules. So do the other UN agencies, I am told. No one seems to care and the countries don't complain. Without the backing of our nations our complaints go nowhere. I have written about all this before. I had about 10 international lawyers on a call to try to figure out what we could do, about 6 months ago. We got nowhere. It makes everyone mad, but they are like the CIA or FBI--they do as they please.

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What we have to look at, maybe is the Pact (Summit) Of The Future meeting (22 - 23 september 2024).


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Door to Freedom is sending out a newsletter today about this

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Once out I will post it here

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You're the best MN!

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That's telling it like it is. We all must turn to God, especially if your unfortunate summary is realized. But I do believe that we have an obligation to Him to love our Lord with all our might and fight till our dying breath.

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Nineveh only got a 100 year reprieve when they listened to Jonah's prophecy and REPENTED and turned from their wicked ways. I don't see Americans repenting. In fact, around my area, I see them doubling down on their materialism, selfishness, lawlessness, and ignorance. Until the American people are willing to say, "We've had enough of this evil" and we turn back to knowing the difference between right and wrong and good and evil and choose the side of Right and Good, I'm afraid we are just going to continue going down this path of judgement. It's sad. I'm probably around the same age as you Susan Skinner and so I feel your pain. I've watched in horror (especially over the last 4 years) as the people allowed themselves to be completely turned over to a reprobate mind, and I felt helpless, even though I was standing firm for the truth and speaking out when I could. Maybe they'll just shoot me too. And, at this point, it would be less painful than watching and living in the hellscape that the monsters are trying to create in the image of their father... the devil.

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Rob, we are on the same page. I just read terrible news about what Biden is doing with Ukraine to Russia. Obama started all this when he created the coup in Ukraine and placed puppet Zelensky in place in 2014. This is a long term plan to destroy the world. Where are the idiot demonic demons going to hide after the nuclear blasts?. I know God has the plan, and I know I’m going to Heaven, but I hoped it would not be watching a group of fools taking us down. I wish I could put DJT in the White H this minute. I’m sure there won’t be a normal election, if any. I read some horrific news this morning. The world is fighting needlessly, and the US has caused it because of a hidden evil group of leaders in control called the cabal..Let’s just keep praying. See you in Heaven.

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Actually, I'd *like* to see Gain of Function research stopped--globally!

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“Claim of function” (h/t Jonathan Engler) is more like it. I believe they pretended to juice up their imaginary pathogen but, bad for them, RNA CANNOT PANDEMIC. The biological process doesn’t work that way ever. A lot of people should have known that.

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I have specifically asked the originator of the phrase "RNA cannot pandemic" about the human coronavirus OC43, which is also reported to be a positive single-stranded RNA virus, as SARS-CoV-2 is. It has been suggested that OC43 caused a pandemic in about 1890. In any case, it exists now and is apparently identifiable as a type of RNA virus that has existed for decades and is endemic in the human population. If RNA cannot replicate with high fidelity, then how can OC43 still exist as an identifiable virus and still cause the common cold every year all around the world? Should it not have disappeared by now? I will have doubts about "RNA cannot pandemic" until OC43 has been explained, and I have not seen anything about that yet.

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So what did he say about OC43? It would seem that what you are describing is not “pandemic” but rather transmission. Many illnesses appear to be transmissible but not on a worldwide scale. Flu can be widespread and not considered “pandemic.”

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I was told on May 15 by e-mail, "Ill try to address the OC43 question in the coming days. I have been hinting at it for a while, but I am happy to do a segment specifically on this idea." I have watched every video since, but have not seen the topic addressed yet.

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Fact remains that OC43 did not “pandemic.“ oh wait. It’s not a pandemic unless people lose their minds and their freedom, and agree to do things no thinking individual would do, like take medical advice and treatment from known psychopathological liars. AmIright?

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You are right!

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What's "medical alas ice" ?

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As I said in person recently, I love you Dr Nass…what an amazing and brilliant powerhouse for humanity. If inclined to utter ‘I don’t know how in the world you do it’... we reflect that we do know. God.

I believe Katherine means well …working to avoid being blindsided. She can continue to look for chinks in the armor. Simultaneously the amazing anti-WHO crew fights on in the ways they know best.

It is, after all, a multi-headed serpent being fought.

Blessings all.

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I think she does mean well. But she can't stop herself trying to take down others, and she advised her readers against our strategies that won.

So right now it looks like a case of sour grapes to me.

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Trust your judgment. Too bad for her.

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I disengaged with Katherine Watt some time ago. Sentences including words like "legal authorities already centralized by domestic communicable disease control law, vaccine production and supply contracts (domestic and international), and international Mutual Recognition Agreements, already invoked and enforced during Covid, and to a lesser extent, during previous alleged pandemics" are nothing but word salad -- I've read this one three times and still don't understand what she's on about. Yes Meryl, she might be jealous. But I actually think her real problem is that she has zero understanding of basic biology. She's laser focussed on the only two things she does know about: Catholic doctrine and legal jargon.

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Let me translate for you. The emergency powers we were afraid of the WHO getting, many Countries already have through legislation, commercial contracts, or Mutual International Agreements.

This is a frightening thought. We have seen how well “entangling alliances” have worked out in the past..

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That is correct. Many nations have the totalitarian powers at state/nat'l level while many do not. The WHO attempted coup would have mean 196 member nations (parties to the IHR) would have been subject to totalitarian dictates. 8 billion people. More than what countries could do by themselves.

So we fought the freight train coming at us fastest and first, while WHO was easiesr to distrust than your own natl govt for many people. We were strategic. And effective.

KGW seems an absolutist, and determined there is only one way to attack the octopus (hers) and those successful people choosing other methods need to be taken down a few pegs.

Aaron Siri brilliantly went after Mississippi for not offering a religious exemption for childhood vaccines and won in 2023, overturning a decades old rule. He's done other amazing work. So recently she went after him.

The choice of targets is telling.

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I think this, rather than "airing dirty laundry", helps to iron things out.

I think the fundamentalist view is very necessary though.

Martin Luther King would not have been taken seriously without Malcolm X.

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Yes Meryl, you (pl) did indeed do well and I thank you sincerely for that.

But just out of interest, may I ask

(1) what IS KGW's way of attacking the octopus? and

2) what does her choice of targets tell you? (It doesn't tell me anything, because I don't know Watt's been happening lately)

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Her targets seem to be people who have big successes and talk about them.

I'm surprised by how many people don't want to say out loud that we have had wins.

Her strategy seems to be to instruct others to pass bills she is in the process of writing.

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Huh. So yes, she's definitely jealous. But re the rest of it, in case she actually succeeds a few times, it'd be nice if she showed said bills to someone (like you) who actually knows abt the biology of the thing BEFORE trying to get them passed. Worthwhile for you to maintain (or perhaps restore) good relations? A few old-fashioned compliments should do the trick -- even the best of us do lurve dem compliments ;-)

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Well said.

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Apt translation.

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Thanks Vic. Could you give me an example of a Mutual International Agreement, please?

Re legislation, I only know about my own country, New Zealand. Our govt only has draconian powers under a State of Emergency. It is illegal to declare a State of Emergency about a pandemic if there is any medicine available that will effectively treat the disease. Which of course is why the WEF-controlled NZ govt BANNED 2 easily available, cheap and effective medicines, an act that was illegal in and of itself. Now that the dust has settled, I hope someone legally qualified will (a) sue Jacinda Ardern for doing that (i.e. for banning ivermectin & hydroxychlkoroquine) and (b) 'enfranchise' the NZ Bill of Rights Act 1990, so that it becomes more than just 'advisory'. But of course I'm not holding my breath about either, because our current Prime Minister is (sadly) still part of the WEF cabal.

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Thanks for the comment. What I generically referred to as Mutual International Agreements are technically (from Karen Kingston)

“Mutual Recognition Agreements are mechanisms through which regulatory agencies in one country can legally rely on the claimed validity of another country's regulatory reviews and decisions, to authorize import and use of the allegedly regulated product in the importing country.

International MRAs were put into place in the 1990s, and should be understood as working together with the gutting of US biological product regulation under non-emergency conditions, which predates Covid.

International Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) absolve federal drug regulators of non-US countries of legal responsibility for cGMP manufacturing regulation, transferring regulatory functions to US-FDA: global drug non-regulator under US laws exempting biological products, vaccines and EUA countermeasures from cGMP compliance.”

“Regulatory simulations at home and abroad: Mutual Recognition Agreements”


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Thank you Vic. Eye-glazing stuff ... and I still don't have any named agreements (preferably at least one actually involving NZ) that I could ask Mr Google to show me the text of ....

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I would suggest using Brave.com for less restricted searches. there is a list of several agreements in the link

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To your other question, I am under the impression that Kcatherine has been drafting model legislation to turn things around. I have not read any of it and I don’t know if it is available to be read.

Passing legislation is hard and it requires a lot of teamwork And coordination With legislators

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Kinda hard to do when you're an absolutist.

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OK, thanks.

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Hardly a rant, Meryl, more an antidote against us all becoming too carried away with what has been achieved so far in seeking to thwart the WHO total takeover of our lives. Ms Watt makes some excellent points, particularly in regard to there already being in place, in the US and elsewhere, legislative and other mechanisms to enable further phony pandemics, whether not the WHO succeeds in its bid to push through the Pandemic Preparedness treaty and IHR amendments in their present form. Let's try and minimise, rather than dwell on, the differences between us in seeking to achieve a common objective, and try and not wash too much of our dirty linen in public. Otherwise we will simply play into the hands of our would-be lords and masters, who are well-practiced in the black arts of divide and rule.

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I have pointed out to her that I was the first person I know of to warn about the Prep Act in 2009 at an NVIC conference. I wrote about the MSEHPA around 2002. I have fought those laws too, and continue to fight. To accuse me of minimizing vaccine injuries, when I have spoken out about them for 25 years, is misinformation. Wrote review articles and spoke in Congress. I helped get the anthrax license revoked. So being accused of not paying attention to vaccine injuries pisses me off. I want her to know I can give as good as I get. Sorry but between a bunch of people who are dissembling about the WHO I am getting very annoyed. Maybe I should post my unfinished analysis of the documents

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Can't blame you then for being pissed off. Your rebuttal to her "Yay, we did it post" is just.

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Hi Meryl, many here know how hard you worked. We also know about the efforts of Ms. Watt and Roguski. It is difficult for us who are not lawyers, doctors or biochemists to discern which of you is right in what percentage. I believe you all did very well and deserve recognition for your efforts.

Please don’t get annoyed! Just take a big breath and slowly exhale, and accept that people see things differently and with other priorities. I read only this excerpt from the Watt article. Did she say that you don’t know or have done anything about vaccine injuries in the past or that vaccine injuries weren’t the way how you approached taking down the WHO power grab? It seems to me she said the latest. So there is no issue there since you didn’t focus on vaccine injuries, you focused on other items and that is allowed.

But yes, please do publish the comparison between the IHR 2005 and the newly amended IHR 2024. We need to understand what happened. Thank you for your efforts!

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When I became dehydrated December 21 my friends recommended I phone you Dr. Nass. You recommended I go to the hospital. I was treated like chit maligned by the doctor and staff because I hadn’t been jabbed and vehemently refused remdesivir (it was lucky my friends and I were so well informed) and kept overnight in a torture room of unbearably loud noise even after I’d finally gone to the bathroom and been able to eat. When the doctor called you because you were the only doctor I’d consulted, you told him you were not my doctor which I believe was why he decided to keep my there overnight, as a way to further harass me. I had to ask for a second IV and for a glass of water and was told by a nurse that I was near death. The doctor himself told me the hospital would not call me taxi to take me home because they diagnosed Covid. Your advice could’ve caused me my life if I hadn’t been so well informed. The entire time I spent in the hospital was a nightmare and reinforced all my cynicism and disregard for the medical profession. You’ve certainly done your part with the WHO business, but I will never again ever trust a doctor (I did not have a primary care doctor clearly for good reason, I was brutally reminded) or allow myself to go against my better judgement and go to a hospital. The irony of you being hounded for giving people advice that was outside the fauci recommendations is not lost on me. I guess your clarity at the time was scanty at best.

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You were dehydrated and near death and I told you to go to the hospital and get an iv and did not charge you a penny and now I am the villain because your choice of hospital was mean to you? Hello? If this is even a true story.

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How would you know I was near death and, a friend of mine sent you a check for a phone consultation. Yes, it’s all true and I’m relieved to finally say it.

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Madam, first of all I never charged a single new person who called and needed to go to a hospital.

Second, you wrote, "[I] was told by a nurse that I was near death" so I guess I am supposed to apologize for sending you to get an iv, if in fact I did so?

I'm sorry for giving you the correct advice, it seems.

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The nurse was clearly demented and as I said, my friend sent you a check, madam. Stick to policy, your bedside manner needs work.

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Why don’t you sue the hospital?

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I’ve considered it. I have all their notes and comments and lies on paper. I’m old and private and in the end it was my decision to go to the hospital, of course I was tired and afraid, ripe pickings. I still managed to survive the ordeal by refusing remdesivir. The experience reminded me in the harshest possible ways to ignore doctors and never go to hospital.

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"Maybe I should post my unfinished analysis of the documents"

That's a good idea!

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Sorry, no. There are certain standards of good behavior in our world. I have privately tried to discuss this with KGW and been beaten up by her afterwards on multiple occasions.

I wrote articles against the MSEHPA in 2002 in a publication Red Flags Daily and since; about the PREP Act in 2009 on my anthrax blog and since. I am well aware of the legal traps at national and state level and discuss them with lawmakers and want to get them revoked. She claims I know nothing/do nothing about all this because she wants to be the only one with the "right" answers.

So I decided whenever she does this in future I will respond in kind. She is certainly not a team player, she has already divided us, and she has refused to make up. Sorry.

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So well stated

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Yes, please!

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I used to read a lot about what the CIA was up to, and one of the things I learned was that what is considered good disinformation (this was pre-internet) was 95 percent true, and 5 percent lies. When Alex Berenson went after the great Dr. Pierre Kory on ivermectin, while otherwise being a sound good journalist and dissident, that percent breakdown was my first thought.

They are trying to stop the snowballing of an effective movement in any way they can. They want to astro-turf the opposition, and prevent the organic way movements gather force. And they want to drive us to despair and immobility by coming at us from so many directions that it is almost impossible to keep one's attention on all of them.

Here's a little bit about what they were up to in S. Africa decades back. Who thinks this kind of thing stopped?


probably not entirely accurate since it is mindf**kapedia, but

Project Coast https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Coast

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You probably know I worked on that subject when doing my Zimbabwe research. SA instigated multiple wars in the countries that bordered it to keep them weak. So evil.

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I s there a link to the video …as I did not see one

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I could not get it to work, have not seen or heard it. Maybe it does not exist.

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It's clear that Kathryn is _not_ part of the medical-pharmaceutical-government-media interest that fears the greatest danger to their bottom line and power to control -- the truth that viruses don't exist.

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You are exactly correct. Interesting timing, some of us have known for 3 decades including the details. Lets be clear, the Medical Cartel would crumble very quickly once the truth about the Virus scam is widely known. Just yesterday Steve Kirsh thought he had the chops to play 20 questions with Andrew Kaufman, and was served his lunch. It was like an annoyed 3rd grader trying to pin someone with 10X the skill and knowledge. Any Virus chaser ( hear that Merle) might want to address the obvious and stop perpetuating the charade whatever useful contributions one has made.

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Jun 14
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Jason there is this thing called knowledge. The Virus hoax is the biggest lie ever perpetuated. The individual that goes along with it is what is known as a fool.

That is not a slanderous insult, it is an accurate assessment and has nothing to do with respect. Do not attempt to school when you clearly are devoid of knowledge.

You are way out of your league but do continue to expose your ignorance.

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Perfect gaslighting.

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it was an attempt, and it failed miserably

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Jun 15
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Mental deficit is treatable. May I suggest starting with coffee enema... Bud?

Tis not "double teaming", rather agreeing with facts.

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I would like to believe that K. Watt is very focused on the existing American monolith of repressive and totalitarian policies governing communicable diseases. Her research chastens the victory dance joy over the thwarting of the IHR. However I do not agree that the success Nass et al have had bringing the international plot to light are undeserving of praise. Every step in the right direction brings us closer to freedom, peace and truth. Thanks Meryl.

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I am sure most of her work is good--it has been excellent in the past.

But her false claims and gratuitous insults will be responded to in kind. That is how you stop people.

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We at Protect and Alert want to especially thank the Interest of Justice Legal team who has been on the forefront of litigating and wining cases against the covid crimes since before just about any group. If you all got behind them this would have been over already. They have sued the DOD, they are stakeholders in the W.H.O and have been the main distenting voice. We've been on the W.H.O Public Comment calls and see the IOJ ALWAYS there always on top of every document, predicting the globalist next move. Costa Rica's health minister is a Young Global Leader very quicky recongized as such by the IOJ and have proved to the Costa Rican Govt he lied, now they know. To ever ever bash or putdown the IOJ would be paramount to trashing the Truth and Justice for all. Please make sure you are wise to the truth before you know who to Trust. For example who on this thread including the lovely Meryl has reported about the real cause of the many so called ' wild fires' in our country? Anyone? Nope! Has our Mr, Robert Kennedy? Well he received " The Incineration Report' from one of his fundraisers with the exact undisputable truth that a Directed Energy Weapon caused the attack on Lahainna same exactly as. it did for Paradise CA when the global cabal incinerated it also road-blocking people in cars to be deliberatley radiated to death down to ash, not even bones left. Babies locked in car seats cooked to death. And then there is the recent Texas Panhandle attack that radiated the air 40 feet above the soil just after it snowed, calling it a wild grass fire. Huh? Really? What grass, it was mostly chewed to dirt and grass doesn't grow 40 feet in the air. And fire would not turn wood-stoves to dust and not burn up a tree. And a grassy fire would not incinerate. a million acres all at once ! or cook 10,000 head of cattle,nothing around them to burn them no grass, no trees and the bodies were not found burnt up, they were radiated. Some alive cattle their lips were bubbling from the radiation. Go listen to Forensic Arborist Robert Brame and watch his video of truth , he knows more than anyone- he has been investigating the aftermaths for 8 years .. trees are not burning down, metal and glass melt. If you passed 5th grade Earth Science that should alarm you.

Did you miss the cyber attack taking out our major infrastructure bridge - the Francis Scot Key Bridge or do you really think that was an accident? And thats why the crew was imprissoned on the ship for two months and their cell phones taken by the FBI. And why the FBI did not even begin any investigations for 11 days? It was a terrorist attack. Are you all on glue? Did you miss that? No wonder we are in trouble!! Every bridge in the counntry should be guarded now on high alert.

In San Diego paid and invited dangerous criminal invaders are coming ashore in speed boats and disapearing.

You had better get off your high horses and come down to American Ground again and realize the real truth- the United States of America has been under a hot war attack since 9/11/01 . you know when you Americans sat there and watched as explosions, secondary explostions, blew up the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Seven. Don't you know that a third steel highrise was demolished that day? Many Americans are still stupid about that . The 47 Story Soloman Bld was demolished at 5;28 P.M. not hit by a jet. How did that happen? Nano thermite and DEWS same as the Towers. Fire can't make the spire on top of the Tower turn to dust in midair!! Fire can't melt steel that was running down the channel wells " Like lava' as the firemen stated. Fire did not blow up the lobby before any weaoponized drone hit 100 stories above, and blow apart Bobby Mcllvaine. Ask his Dad Bob what the autopsy proved. Americans inluding Bobby Kennedy, Meryl, Glen Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Del Bigtree and many more wonderful truth tellers did let the 911 criminals not only get alway with the bombing murder inside job- False Flag attack - they welcomed the criminals to stay and govern!! Do you know who was the Comptroller of the Pentagon was on 9/11/01? What was he accused of? What happened to the investigation of him the next day? What was this Pentagon Comptroller's side job? If you can not answer these questions then you are ignorant and had better jump back down the rabbit hole.

Lots of people are trying to help defeat the WHO, UN & WEF, not just those some heady person lists. The IOJ and Attorney Reiner Fuellmich are very important Truth Warriors and you had best remember this: United We Stand and Divided We Fall. Attorney Reiner Fuellmich brought the world The Grand Jury Courrt of Public Opinion that should really get the credit. An amazing 8 day Trial of proof to We the People of Earth. And he was kidnapped in Mexico by the German Nazis and still sits in a Nazi German prison for his efforts. Why isn't his name on the list? Kindness counts too.

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Very well said!

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Thank you very much. Check out our new website ' under construction' a work in progress as we are learning to design it ourselves. ProtectAndAlert.org Check out the list of weather patents, it's astounding.

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I don't know what to believe anymore. I never got Covid and don't really know what it is/was. I do know that it was Watt that brought to my attention that the governor of my state (and most states) can subject me at whim to quarantine or even detention for refusing to inject the latest poison in the name of public health. Those laws are still on the books. So I appreciate your efforts Dr. Nass, and you know better than anyone what these monsters can do to us. But I know how vulnerable we all still are. Perhaps that is what Watt wants to impress upon people.

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Please pay attention… she’s trying to caution you … she’s not the jealous type nor is she vindictive!!

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What is the caution?

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The "caution" is simply that so long as you act as if virology is real instead of a fraud, you're perpetuating that fraud.

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Translation, please. I do not recognize the acronym.

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Sorry Meryl, Gotta go with VHS and Noel. Katherine clearly said precisely what Noel is saying. The message was one of a clear warning which notably Meryl did not address in substance. Somehow it was twisted by Meryl into a jealous rant, which makes no sense because there were point by point reasons that Katherine gave for her thoughts and grave concerns.

Thats a bit egotistical on it's face to toss out the "must be jealousy" card, and in our opinion loses credibility to surmise that Katherines reasons for itemizing her intellectual and factual debate about taking credit for WHO "wins" or no viruses was out of jealousy. Meryl, we highly doubt she is jealous of you.

She obviously thought you are spreading falsehoods or delusional about your effect on the WHO negotiations. Who would be jealous of someone that you truly believe is living in a lie? Most people would pity someone who we felt was wrong and so close minded the truth was never addressed, and our concerns laid out point by point, made out to be mere jealousy. We would pity that person, not be jealous!

We don't know the truth on virology, although we lean toward Yeadon and Katherine on this. IF it exists as you say, EDUCATE us, answer her point by point!

Meryl, it would be far less cringy to not air this dirty laundry in public, as another reader said, and if you did address it, it would be far more credible to do it without psycho analysis of peoples motives as if they are JEALOUS, and to answer Katherines point by point why you think she is wrong. It was so cringy we had to speak up because it made us uncomfortable. Unpleasant psycho analysis stuff about jealousy in our inbox is not why we signed up for your publication. It's like you missed the whole point and Noel here had to tell you.

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Dear Interest of Justice: you are the scammers who have been soliciting money for court cases that have never been filed and presumably don't exist.

Keep coming back and i will have more to say about your fake organization.

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Did you just threaten us with public defamation Meryl for saying you should refute Katherine point by point? What the hell is this Meryl? So you DON'T want to use your funders money for what they wanted - to sue the WHO? WTF? We sued and won 4 cases against our health minister so APOLOGIZE PLEASE

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I'll be happy to apologize when I see the evidence you have actually won cases

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Are you SERIOUS? This is defamation and UNTRUE

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provide the evidence

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Big effin' whoop.

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My heros!

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i saw this and i meant to write a comment in your defense. didnt get around to it but i will. i dont have time to read everythign all the time but i saw also the misunderstanding going on between James R's camp and yours and i still fail to understand it. why didnt anybody pick up the phone? he is easily reachable. i think she's just regurgitating what he's saying, or vice versa. it's another mind virus i think, dividing everybody. probably intentional. personally i think just ignore it. you don't have time for that BS. too busy doing important things. but speak to them one on one if you can and clear it up.

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We have spoken many times. He joined our organization, at least to lurk. He then started ordering us to take things off our website. He told people not to support our WHO efforts which he claimed were totally misguided, and he directed people that our state level efforts were a total waste of time. He then intermittent made a variety of false claims about the IHRs, particularly denying a sovereignty grab, and repeatedly quoting an Article thrown into the Pandemic Agreement that falsely claimed there was no sovereignty grab.

In the past 2 weeks he has worked to be interviewed everywhere possible, usually making false claims about what was actually adopted on June 1.

James Roguski and Interest of Justice are joined at the hip. Both are very convincing scammers. Both had me fooled for a long time. Our intelligence agencies appear to provide excellent training.

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This is some serious defamation here Meryl. Ruffled your feathers?

James claims are factually correct. We study the docs and law. PERIOD.

How DARE you call us scammers. You have a LOT of nerve. Are you PROJECTING about intelligence training, because we sure as hell are the real deal and you took tons of money to lie to people to tell them WHO cant be sued. Get a grip. You owe us an apology

We are the NON SCAMMERS actually GETTING SHIT DONE and speaking on every record and suing Tedros et al. Scammers. Your defamation would be laughable if it were not so serious and a tort of defamation against us at a time we need our reputation to raise funds to SUE THE WHO, a feat you insist is impossible. http://www.suethewho.org/donate

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writing PERIOD after your claims is really lame

Gut feeling is that you are a phoney.

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Meryl, your defamation and lies are starting to influence people against us and to think we are a phoney. This comment above is likely to influence more people against us. This reaction by paul above is based soley on your fabricated statements about us "being scammers soliciting funds for cases but not filing cases", when you know damn well that Sasha Latypova, Dr. Yeadon, and many others were our witnesses in a hearing last November where we are sent back to lower court where the court is ruled to have to hear our experts for the case coming up that we are fundraising for to stop the shots globally for being experimental violating Nuremberg Code which is law here. This is really abusive and mean. We do NOT deserve you to treat us this way!!!!

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i dont believe he is a scammer any more than i think you are, but wow, i do see why you are concerned. as far as what he said about sovereignty, i think he clarified that position thru an interview he did with a canadian international lawyer. did you listen to that? i will find it and post if you'd like. that interview made clear what he meant by 'not a sovereignty threat'. all it meant was that you dont need to lose your country's sovereignty in order to lose all your rights - the powers to remove all your rights already exist within your own countries and localities, and have already been used. the treaty or amendments would simply give a stronger excuse to our own internal tyrants to do what they already did before, but this time they'd have somebody (WHO) to blame. i agree his messaging was horrible and confusing. the interview explained it tho. let me know if you want me to dig it up.

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He also called at least one representative of the Louisiana legislature and tried to talk that person into withdrawing the Louisiana bill that denied jurisdiction to the WHO

There is a sorry trail of misdeeds And I wish it wasn’t so, and I understand that most people won’t believe me, but we have about eight examples of behavior that can only be explained as someone working against us secretly

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that little tidbit is taken at face value and is highly disturbing

any explanation of why he made that suggestion?

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Kathy Edmonston is the Louisiana Representative who got the bill through the House. She reported the call to us, saying James Roguski told her it was a bad bill and she would embarrass herself if it passed.

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thank you, the truth always emerges, it always does

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I trust you. Holy shit!!

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Why would you trust her blindly? She just called the hardest working team against WHO scammers!!! sigh

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I didn’t mean that I don’t trust you

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Very interesting. Since he publishes and invites calls, I called him. A very odd conversation that went nowhere. He was hoping to attract foot soldiers, not veterans.

Will not go so far as to say he is a scammer, though disengaged long before that possibility.

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Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are allies in something that seems almost tangential. They are correct in that vaccines are poisonous injectable toxic substances, but what's with the "no such thing as viruses," or even bacteria, when there is overwhelming evidence of their existence? One freedom fighter, frequently accused of inventing the Covid shots, rhetorically asked the notoriously combative, contentious and extremely paranoid Latypova about her husband's connections to the W.E.F. and we're still waiting to hear her reply...

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Sasha gets attacked a lot (ruffles a lot of feathers) so she posted in detail about those alleged ties being an attack she disproved - and Dr. Yeadon and many others believe viruses are a fraudulent pseudo science so its worth exploring the debate. Obviously only one side can be right on this.

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Oh yeah? Well, aside from the actual GOOD The Latypova does, I for one don't "appreciate" the paranoid ego-driven name-calling bullshit she slings on other freedom fighters doing great work (yes-- what is her husband's relationship to D.o.D.??). Like with Dr. FRraudchi, YOU don't get to decide "the science," so I'm not buying any trolling shit here. I can perfectly well let real scientists discuss and debate but beating ppl up here doesn't make any of them any more "right." And I won't need any "rebuttals," either. I'm perfectly capable of weighing all the evidence and have no need of any mud wrestling matches ;-)

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LatyDa is a tormented soul. She has the worst case of Derangement Syndrome ever diagnosed. She is also foul mouthed beyond description, I screen shotted her private message tirade. At the same time she is bright and gets the Quaxcine issue.

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Yep. My last comment to The "Lah-T-Dah" was "Wouldn't the world be a better place if you'd attack Fauci with the same rabid vigor as that reserved for your subscribers.." Her reply was "Yawwwn..." "Deranged" is the most accurate descriptor re her behavior. In a recent interview she goes on about her comfy lifestyle, obviously afforded by decades spent working in, well, big pharma... ;-)

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she is deranged, likely has serious personality disorders from trauma

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Ohhhh yeeeaah, I've seen that up close and personal from other FSU survivors. She followed (stalked) me over on Steve's substack and I played her like a cheap fiddle until the paranoia was clear. She said that I "work for Maloney Baloney." S-u-u-u-r-e I do... Witt-Watt and Lah-T-Dah make quite a pair-- the Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum of the "Counter-Truther" movement ;-)

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