When (!) will we ever realize that human beings were "culled" during the pandemic, especially the elderly who were obese and infirmed, in order to scare people into getting vaccinated. They WANTED people to die, that is why they discouraged ANY form of early treatment.

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For sure. I'm just wondering when they will finally just come right out and start saying humans need to be culled every time they invent a new "pandemic". At least that would be honest. If we don't start waking up to this madness, I wouldn't be surprised to see them gather a bunch of people who have "tested" "positive" for (fill in the blank) and foam them all the same way they did the livestock. Any time we start wantonly murdering living things, it trains the average person who is unaware to just start accepting this type of thing as "the norm" and it doesn't take long until these same weak minded people begin thinking it's fine to do what they do to other life forms to humans as well.

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Studies have been done exploring the economics of life shortening interventions by age groups, such as this one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28246154/. Belgium and Sweden are years ahead of us in this thinking.

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A forced "tested" "positive" by misusing testing protocols, from our beloved 50 billion in FRAUD fines, Big Pharm's (Who also lead in cause of death, iatrogenic "medicine") is a lesson in Godless Hell bound stupidety!

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When a Government has gone rogue - then it is up to the people to grow some ballz to fight back.

When enough people are culled by this vax and including all the former vaxxes; when enough people are killed by rampant burglars and thieves who invade your home; when enough of the ISIS and Islam have moved into your country and have enough cells scattered in every town and city; when enough of the remaining people are in lockdown and starved to death; when the police, the SWAT, CIA, FBI, burglars, ethnic people, are all done - each will also be culled as well, as one bureau will kill off another.

The ultimate goal, transhumans who will not fight back and just obey, actual AI robots who blindly obey, there's only one lot left - the Super Elite who claim themselves as Gods, and all others are their slaves.

When the time is right, the perfect hackers will find a way to destroy these AI, but it will also mean humans too. Once people are transhumanised a plug will be pulled and you die!

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STILL ARE, FLU and Measles. Many of us had them or no jabs, to poor. I refuse Flu as I get the worse case of flu before I get home, lasts 2 weeks. Never can get the puking stopped. If that doesn't get you med malpractice, DEI Nursing Homes have existed long before the term was invented.

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Let's not lose sight of the economic aspect of billowing social security and healthcare costs in those above 65 age groups. It is purely a cold blooded analysis of debt reduction with parallel tracks in Medical Assistance in Dying legislation (MAID). As this 2017 Canadian study shows https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28246154/

“ We combined current mortality data for the Canadian population with recent end-of-life cost data to calculate a predicted range of savings associated with the implementation of medical assistance in dying. We also estimated the direct costs associated with offering medically assisted death, including physician consultations and drug costs.

Results: Medical assistance in dying could reduce annual health care spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $138.8 million, exceeding the $1.5-$14.8 million in direct costs associated with its implementation.” Take note that this estimate was achieved on a small portion of cancer patients, projecting end of life advanced by a few months, not years. So, increasing the culling of seniors beyond this narrow population would result in staggering ‘savings.’

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So we can't afford old people, the disabled, etc., but we can afford to fight endless proxy wars that are essentially irrelevant to our country and our people. ???

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Yes, well, you can’t monetize seniors in the arms race.

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Kill preborn babies and they won’t have babies of their own; kill the elderly because they’re “useless eaters” as are the physically and mentally disabled. Gates’ idea of population control.

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The wages of sin is death! Gates's idea of population control pays the highest wages! But the free gift of Godis eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord!

So pick one!

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@Dana: Godless Free stuff Satan inspired Marxism culled 110 million and enslaved over a billion! Its upgraded & renamed viral variant is now coming for you & your loved ones! So live with it and know only God Jesus can save you! This short life is only a test!

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Let the animals develop natural immunity to this USDA lab created virus. That is what should have happened with COVID, but of course a democide was the agenda.

Heck, I said any virus (CoV2) that could make the flu disappear would be a virus everyone should get infected with. Yes, I know the flu didn't disappear - they just called all the flu cases COVID to juice the numbers of the scamdemic.

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Beautifully stated…. I said the same thing! Just nuts how folk thought the “flu” just disappeared and coN viD took its place!🫤🤯😳🤬

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It did. Viral exclusion from interferon.

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On their website in 2020, the CDC stated that they were "no longer tracking influenza because of the COVID-19 pandemic." Of course, you cannot find what you are not looking for.

The site also had guidance for physicians on diagnosing cases of COVID-19 on the basis of as little as one cough. This was followed with a statement saying that, 'This will result in COVID-19 being the cause more often than not.'

The CDC site has been changed since, but screenshots exist of their site before they changed it. Now they claim that 'flu cases were unusually low. in spite of extensive testing' - though at the time, the site said the agency was 'no longer requiring hospitals to test for and report cases of 'flu' '. The "extensive testing" being done at that time was a misuse of the PCR technique as a diagnostic test for COVID-19, which is easily 'rigged' 3 different was that I am aware of to get the desired result much of the time, including the "excess cycles" of amplification certain experts bravely pointed out.

Screenshots of the CDC site before they changed the definition of a "vaccine" on their site around March of 2021 also exist. This was in response to members of the public pointing out that the medical products fraudulently labeled as "COVID-19 Vaccines" did not match the CDC's own definition of a "vaccine".

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From the CDC's website today:

"A Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report Prepared by the Influenza Division

Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map Determined by Data Reported to ILINet

This system monitors visits for respiratory illness that includes fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI, not laboratory confirmed influenza and may capture patient visits due to other respiratory pathogens that cause similar symptoms."


If, by "laboratory confirmed", they mean PCR, that is suspect, anyway.

Viruses are not easily cultured, grown, in covered glass dishes, in labs as bacteria are, as it is 'too difficult to keep them alive' outside a cell. Nor are they truly 'isolated' for verification; virologists add a number of things to a sample presumed to contain a virus in what they call "virus isolation". They call separating virus particles from everything else "purification", which is apparently rarely done.

The same Big Pharma companies make the various 'tests', and also the vaccine for things like the flu, and the drugs for treatment.

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Bacterial pneumonia being the most likely culprit

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Was amantadine tried? Didn't counter whatever I came down with on 29 February 2020, so I'll accept it wasn't actual flu. And what PCR whatever? While no way would I have gone to a hospital, that also wasn't available. I hear the NICU now use it for rhinovirus, but have no idea what they request, since they don't even know what a qPCR cycle count is. They expect the lab to diagnose for them.

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Agree about letting the innocent chickens develop natural immunity. Sec'y Rollins had been gung ho about injecting them with experimental mRNA. Fortunately, somebody stopped her. That's good, but she's still saying troubling things about imposing expensive "biosecurity measures" and "locking down barns," no doubt to keep up the pretense about there being a deadly pandemic just over the horizon capable of destroying humanity (not to mention that "locking down barns" implies even more torture for the innocent chickens).

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Yes, she suddenly took a 180deg about the jabs.

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Lock her down! Why can’t they see it will ultimately be the end of them as well?!!!!

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I forget where I saw this but COVID = Certificate of Vaccine ID. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, The Rockefellers, Rothschild's et al., delusionally think they are Gods and that we are their property.

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Yes, KP, the opoerative phrase is "USDA lab created virus." Further, I wish Dr. Meryl would study the work of Andy Kaufman and Dr Thomas Cowan, et al., proving that there isn't a single virus that's ever been "isolated." They ALL fail Koch's Postulates.

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Viruses can't be cultured (they aren't truly alive) so fail Koch's postulates.

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Yes, but why stay sick with interferon all winter?

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Praise God for this but don’t drop your guard ppl! This evil does not take days off! Stay alert! The world needs more Lerts!!!🙃✝️♥️

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Normally we say "I smell the scent of spring in the air". Now, finally, there is a scent of common sense

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It will take a year to repopulate the chickens. Even setting every egg we can get our hands on today, it will take the better part of 6 months before the hens are old enough to lay. I've raised chickens for 60 years and it takes time! I am glad to see that we are not going the jab route. Vaccinated chickens and cattle would be more difficult to market, and who knows what the side effects would be?

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They’re already jabbing pork with mRNA Sequivity made by Merck.

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Who and where? And why?

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The chickens and cows would die



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Yes. I understand that the whole propaganda and culling from bird flu was a scam and an excuse to depopulate chickens and frighten people about the safety of animal food products, which would make more control possible. But with any luck the new leadership won't continue the tyrannical behavior.

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The irony here is that ducks are know to carry various influenza viruses in their digestive tracts, but they do NOT get ill from this exposure to the flu viruses. THAT is why one of the most popular homeopathic medicines is actually made from the heart and liver of ducks...called Oscillococcinum (this medicine is widely available in conventional pharmacies and in health food stores!).

There have been 4 clinical trials that consistently show its benefits...and most of these studies have been published in conventional scientific journals.

Too bad that the Dept of Agriculture doesn't give THIS much safer medicine to chickens as a way to prevent problems from getting exposure to flu viruses.

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Actually Oscillococcinum works well if you get a virus, plus Umcka! Start it as soon as you feel you are getting sick!!! We've used it for years!

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Except that you do not "get" what does not exist. Not being critical of the remedy,

strongly pointing out the false belief on what it is treating.

3 prominent MD's who expose the entire virus fraud are Andrew Kaufman, Mike Yeadon, and Mike Stone. Soon there will be countless others...

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I tried Umcka during the last respiratory outbreak. It didn't do a damn thing to help. The illness lasted 2 weeks. I have never been sick that long from ANY illness so either it didn't work for me or it made it worse.

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Screw worthless Oscillococcinum! Was amantadine tried, or just equally worthless shikimates like Tamiflu?

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Worthless? NOT if you read the 4 studies showing efficacy! Consider "following the science" rather than your personal beliefs or simply your arrogance.

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She got caught in too much opposition. I think she totally would've let this go forward.

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8th decade BIRD FLU. IS



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Glad to hear this Dr. Nass. So disgusted about all the innocent animals that were

"murdered" in such horrific ways. Yes, I eat chicken, meat, fish, but am very appreciative of their lives and their nutrition they give me, and I prefer to buy food that has been raised in the most natural environment possible and then processed in most humane way possible. It has been criminal, in my opinion, what the Biden Administration has done. Famine is their intent, not safety. Never has been about safety. Just like Covid and the demicidal shots.

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Thank God!

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She backed off bird vaccination too easily and then went on to equivocate endlessly. They will now go underground with the vaccinations and lie to us that they are not. We cannot trust these psychopaths.

The use of chlorine dioxide needs to be the livestock mandate as the remedy to bird flu but Big Ag and Pharma cannot make any money on this nor advance restrictions on our food supply as they cull us and our food sources.

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Pierre Kory is writing about chorine dioxide. I bet you are already reading him. Here's a link for anyone who is curious: https://substack.com/@pierrekory

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No mandate; good.

But should be a ban.

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Are we SURE it's off the table? Then again, I saw that the strange fog that has hit various places contained parasites ...

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Saved by rational thought! Thank God! 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Which means the biosecurity measures were what they wanted all along. Everyone will have to register their livestock, follow elaborate and expensive policies and small producers will be driven out of business

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Once again DJT and his collaborators deliver...

No more "culling" no more Quaxcines.

Once the fraudulent virus grift is exposed, the dominos fall.

Once the deliberate genocide is widely known, retribution must follow.

The stage is set...

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I’m hoping that DOGE, along with RFK, will make it very clear to the sheeple how much fraud, waste and abuse went into the whole COVID mess.

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It was a massive genocidal grift. Normies are mostly unsalvagable.

DOGE with Musk at the helm along with Bondi prosecuting are on target.

RFK has yet to show his hand much, clearly there is a reason for that...

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