I am permanently suspended from Twitter/X since January 2021 and do not care for that platform. All Patriots know they went after Drs who spoke the Truth! You are the ones we trust the most! Wear it as a badge of honor Dr Nass! God Bless You! ❤️🙏🏼☦️

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I was thrown off for a year before. Elon's purchase let me back on. Now my main handle is gone but a minor one I rarely used works.

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So remember that Evil hates Truth! It's why Jesus was also thrown off the platform, for speaking Truth! God bless you Meryl for your service!!!!

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Yesterday your blue checkmark account was visible.

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You can put there some recovery address or phone number, then they will be able to verify you.

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I don’t know about that, Dr Nass. Trump has made quite clear, as did Elon , that he is withdrawing the U.S. from the WHO, permanently if possible Elon wants to put Fauci behind bars. Perhaps this time it was an actual glitch.

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My sentiments exactly…that’s why I voted for Trump…

Thank you Dr Nass for everything you do!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Rand Paul and RFK will hold Mr. Fauci (he is no doctor) accountable

Musk and Ramaswamy will defund the ABC agencies. Hang on...

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Gates needs to be put there too (and defund all of his agencies) as they have been working together for years designing C19 IMHO!

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I am not so hopeful.The deep state will still be in charge and unfortunately I believe that there will be more wars.

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And more pandemics/vaccine mandates/lockdowns.

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Even if they want that, the bad guys working for the cabal can still interfere. They have the technology to do that and they are still on the cabal payroll.

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That is what I think happened. Or they don't like what I am putting out on bird flu--that was my last tweet on December 18.

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Please try to watch this video Meryl. I don't think Elon Musk is our friend.

Could it be Good Cop, Bad Cop and same handlers again?

MIRROR All Hail The AI & Crypto Czar - David Icke 32:50 min


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No way, that would be way too convoluted. Musk is the Real Deal. He is a Cornucopian & Humanist while the bad guys are Malthusian & Misanthropic. No wonder they hate him with a passion.

It's a bit much to expect Elon Musk gets into the minutiae of running Twitter. I've been in many corporations and it.s usually a case of the head not knowing what the tail is doing. No way Musk has the time to micromanage Twitter. His favorite is SpaceX, 2nd fav is Tesla. Twitter not so much.

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Well it is AI who scan and find topics that they don't want people to talk.

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Trump’s inauguration can’t come soon enough. It’s no longer about right/left or any of the “ isms”. Its about survival in a world of sovereign nations

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And Trump is pro-globalism, so he's certainly not trying to protect national sovereignty, particularly since globalism is run by the Ashkenazim and Zionists, and since he is pro Ashkenazim and Zionism. Please stop making absurd, indefensible statements. Again, "TrumpCON" is NOT our savior, he's a Zionist wanna-be dictator!

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They are insidious, but the megalomaniacal , sociopathic malignant narcissist grifters remain powerful . Because so many people are indoctrinated and devoid of curiosity and have ceded their free will and way too many are either corrupt, captured, coerced, craven, complacent,cowardly or any given combination. Whatever the reason/s, they’re complicit.

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Fortunately that is far less true than ever before. The will of the people is squarely behind the team, that now has the means, bandwidth, and evidence...

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Well the cabal are desperated now. They have their backs to the wall. They have a mentallity like ¨If we cannot have it¨ we will destroy it. Smash and grab.

Same with few of the bad guys working for them.

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No question which also means they are far more likely to make a crucial mistake, and more of us than ever are aware and vigilant. The future looks very very bright, the interim phase not so much...

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Yeah, but those Zionist "people" want to severely cut and/or end Social Security. Have these Zio-nazi freaks ever considered what's going to happen to the over fifty million disabled and elderly Americans if their Social Security is cut extremely, or cut off entirely? Do they even care? It certainly doesn't sound like they care one bit (and they call themselves "Godly" 'Jews' and/or "Christians"!). If it's allowed to happen, it will increase homelessness to incredible proportions; and, if you think you see too many homeless people on the streets now, you will be bombarded with far more of them then. Will you even have any compassion for them at all, especially with their having had their Social Security cut off? Madness is taking over on steroids, and Trump and company are NOT our saviors! Musk is one of the primary ones who wants to torture Social Security recipients in this way. What are these Zionist-globalist corporate-fascists going to then do, bring in privatized Universal Basic Income (UBI) of $2,000.00 per month with the proviso that EVERYONE who accepts it signs a "legal" promise that they will not criticize or exercise ANY freedom of speech concerning the corporate-fascist government, "or else"? In other words, with the understanding that their UBI will be totally cut off if they "dare" to exercise their human and civil right(s) to criticize. and be a check and balance on, government? Do you really get it now?

That's where this appears to be going, or in the direction of something very similar. Trump has waffled and said sometimes that he will cut and/or end Social Security, and then other times that he "will not". He's a two-faced wanna-be dictator, who like all rich, "sold-their-souls-to-Satan" perverts in more ways than one, wants to destroy most of humanity. Don't be fooled by and root for these evil cretins. Corporate-fascists are NOT going to save our "dem(on)ocracy". They are only going to turn this country and world into even more of a totalitarian militarized police state, with little or no freedom, then it or they already is or are. God save us from BOTH the "RethugliCONS" and the "DemoCONS", and all of the "Centrists/Bipartisans" as well; in other words ALL of the Zio-corporate-fascists, including all of the non-"Jewish" ones, aka so-called "'Christian'-Zionists"! They are NOT going to restore true liberty and freedom, they're only going to deregulate and privatize and "totalitarianize" and "totaliterrorize" us more and more, and bring in the antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and increasingly enslave, imprison and mass-murder us. Wake up ALL THE WAY (which means completely bowing down and repenting to God the Father through Jesus the Messiah, the ONLY way to the One and Only True God---John 14:6), or forever hold your peace, aka shut the frak up so to speak, and ENTIRELY STOP supporting evil and evil people, AT ALL!

"The indoctrination system teaches us to chase grades, approval, popularity, and virtue-signaling points. We learn to obey authorities, trust the rubber-stamped experts, believe in collective myths, and go along to get along.

"The corporations and organizations we are funneled into after graduation cement these lessons, threatening loss of income and security if we fail to comply, (fail to) recite the ideological catechisms, and (fail to) sublimate our individuality to the collective." --Margaret Anna Alice (Words in parenthesis provided by me.)

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What did Jesus say about Jew & Israel haters?

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Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, et al., you thoroughly and successfully indoctrinated, conditioned, programmed and brainwashed by Zionism willful-idiot. I don't know how many times I have to speak the TRUTH that I do NOT hate "Jews", Israelis, Zionists, and even Ashkenazim, or anyone else. I hate their evils, not the "persons" themselves. (But, of course, in this now upside-down world where doublespeak is supposedly "true", denials of guilt like mine are supposedly admissions of "guilt".) That's why I post these "harsh", shake-people-out-of-their-denial-of-truth comments (it's NOT personal against the person or persons I'm "responding to", or personal against any one person), as Jesus the Messiah and all of His disciples did, TO LOVE MY ENEMIES BY SPEAKING NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH UNEQUIVOCALLY, fulfilling Jesus the Messiah's commands in His Sermon on the Mount (of Olives) in Jerusalem recorded in Matthew, Chapters 5, 6 and 7. There's a genius flyer that was going around, though I can't find it anymore (probably made to be "memory-holed" by the Zionist PsTB) that shows that all of the top people running "Israehell-on-Earth", Globalism, Big Pharma, etc., are Ashkenazim, the FAKE "Jews" of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, of the "Synagogue (and/or church) of Satan". [If anyone knows where I can still access that flyer online, please let me know, thank you---and then, if you know how, tell me how I can post it in these Substack comments, not simply a link to it (because it will likely be memory-holed again).]

Revelation 2:9---"I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." (Words in parenthesis provided by Jesus the Messiah through the Apostle John, the Revelator.)

Revelation 3:9---"Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."

"Question the media and you're a conspiracy kook. Criticize the government and you're a Russian agent. Oppose war and you're anti-American. Defend Palestinians and you're an anti-Semite. Good is bad. (Bad is good.) Up is down. (Down is up.) War is peace. (Peace is war.) Freedom is slavery. (Slavery is freedom.) Ignorance is strength. (Strength is ignorance.)" —Caitlin Johnstone (Words in parenthesis provided by me.)

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What is most insipid is Wolf labeling the evildoers “ Zionists”, considering the bastards hellbent on destroying America, Western culture and everything we held sacred are the most antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-all things living. They hate humanity but see themselves as gods. They care only about their power , creature comforts and the pleasure they get from watching us destroy ourselves.

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Amen! We both love that Zionist Jew, Jesus Christ & he loves us! Steve Mitzner

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Steve, don’t waste your energy. People like Steppenwolf wannabe don’t even understand the context of the story behind the name he’s appropriated. Nor do they know the origin of Zion . Or what they’re cursing.

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Amen, sister I love God's beloved Zion, & his beautiful Zion National Park handey work, in Utah!

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Steve, don’t waste your time.

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Or as Matthew 7:6 admonishes; “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. Amen.

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Nobody’s cutting Social Security, but if we keep going at this rate, it won’t matter. Social Security will run out.

Do you even know the history of Social Security? When it was initiated, the average American lifespan was 63 years old and everyone had skin in the game, in one way or another.

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It's clear that you apparently live in fantasyland. The "Rethuglicons" have wanted cut and eventually end Social Security for decades, and Musk is one of them, as well as Trump. But I hope you're right that they won't succeed. After all, they haven't been successful in doing so for all those decades. But with DOGE, they may very well finally be successful.

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And we didn’t borrow against Social Security

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Who said anything about that? I certainly didn't.

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Herman Hesse and John Kay would have begged to differ with you about “ those Zionists”, Wolf-Steppen..

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Put up or shut up. Where's the beef? If what you say is "true", please provide the proof. I have read tons of Hesse's writings, and I don't recall him saying squat about Jews or "Jews" or Zionists. And as far as what you claim about John Kay, back that up too. If he defended, or would defend, Zionism, then he is grossly deceived and misled. But I doubt very much he would defend Zionism, for it is indefensible to anyone who knows what they're talking about.

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I tried to copy and paste some clips, but each time, the only option that comes up is autofill, which is blank.

Oh well.

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Hermann Hesse’s wife was Jewish and he was an advocate for the rights of Jews, so much that his work was banned in his native Germany.

John Kay’s parents were subjected to the horrors of the Holocaust.

For the record, I’m not particularly religious. My son in law is Hindu and I find his faith interesting and very beautiful.

Nor am I aligned with either party. I’m a registered Independent. Because being pushed in a requisite lockstep ideology of any sort isn’t my thing.

As per “ those Zionists”, they didn’t start this insanity,Israel is the size of New Jersey and if they weren’t constantly attacked, they wouldn’t be at war. The U.S. is largely responsible for the chaos globally. Meddling in everybody else’s business and creating divide not only between nations, but within.

But you know me so well.

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Well, at least you're finally spelling his name correctly. Hesse was married three or four times if I remember correctly. [I have memory problems, and have had them all my life---since before I started reading Hesse's writings when I was 18 or so (I'm 68, almost 69, now), thus I forget at least half of what I learned about him.] I recall reading that Hesse's last wife, if I remember correctly, was Jewish, and that his other wives were not. One of the things that makes him my absolute favorite writer, and one of my heroes, is that he was a true anti-fascist. He emigrated to Switzerland from his homeland of Germany before the Nazis took power, and he spoke vehemently against both the Nazi and the previous German government all of his life. I have read all of his fictional, though autobiographical, novels except the one, The Glass Bead Game (Das Glasperlenspiel), that he won the Nobel Prize for Literature for in 1946, mainly in recognition of his stand against fascism.

He rejected Christianity, which should for all intents and purposes cause me to want nothing to do with him; but, right or wrong, his writings are so beautiful that I have stuck by him. I understand, what with all of the mostly hypocrisy of counterfeit-"Christianity", why he was tempted and fell for throwing the baby Jesus, the Messiah, out with the bathwater. I am very saddened that he never embraced True Christianity as I have, but he was evidently called but not chosen, like most people ("Many are called, but few are chosen." --Matthew 22:14). His heart was greatly in the right place, but Satan and the world suckered him, as it has most people. I have also read many of his non-fiction writings as well, though I confess I have not read enough of them, and many of his writings have not been translated from German into English, so much of his prolific canon of writings are not yet available to the non-German language reading public. I have long wanted to visit Germany and Switzerland to visit the three Hesse museums in those countries, and I hope that before I die I get to do so, though I'm not holding my breath that I will ever be able to do so. I also love his watercolor paintings. (See my original website at, www.wolfbritain.com/wolf-britain/start.html , for links to same.)

I am well aware that the Nazis wanted Hesse dead; and I'm surprised that, even though Switzerland was the one neutral country in heart of "the fatherland", that they didn't succeed in assassinating him, and didn't appear to even really seek to do so as much as I would think they would have done.

It is so sad that you swallow so much of the false propaganda, apparently believing that "Jews" have to be Zionist to be "Jewish", which is just not so at all. But thank God millions of "Jews", including many orthodox rabbis, realize that, and not only stand against what "Israehell-on-Earth" is doing in Palestine and the Middle East, mass-genociding and ethnic cleansing their way to "Greater 'Israehell'", but also stand against the very existence of "Israehell" in the first place. It is ridiculous that you claim "Israehell" didn't start all of this. They were not attacked as they have been for the past seventy-five years until they illegally, with a thin patina of "legality", stole Palestine from its rightful owners, and began mass-murdering and stealing the land and properties of the Palestinians ever since, having now ethnic cleansed millions of Palestinians from their land in all of that time. They are mass-murderers, but that's supposedly "okay" because they're allegedly "the chosen people", which they are not, because they are Ashkenazim and not descended from the original, true Jews. The Ashkenazim are descended from generations of fraudsters and con artists who usurped Judaism from the original Jews, and go by the Talmud, not the Torah. Even the aforementioned Ashkenazim who know all of this, would tell you that.

Tell me something, are you "Jewish"? And please don't lie to me like Margaret Anna Alice did when I asked her that question, and then admitted in one of her articles a year or a year and a half later or so that she is half "Jewish". Because you sound very much like someone who has been heavily indoctrinated with Zionism, a mostly-secular Ashkenazim death cult like Nazism, either as a "Jew" or as an otherwise Zionist. Either way, you are supporting a mass-murderous, Godless cult that has no true connection to the original Israel, the original Israelites, or to the true Jews. Wake up, Gail.

No, I don't claim to know you very well, but I know what I know of you from obeying Jesus the Messiah to know people by their fruits, which you exhibit transparently to those like myself who have God-given discernment. I hope and pray that you come out of being a supporter of a mass-murderous, anti-God death cult, and that you come to be infilled with the holy Character and Spirit of God the Father through Jesus the Messiah, before it's too late, if it isn't already too late for you, as it apparently is for most people.

And, lastly, Hindus worship false gods in violation of the First Commandment: "You will have no other gods besides Me." (Exodus 20:3.) But, as deceived as you and most people are, it's not at all surprising that you conveniently like a religion, or like religions, of false gods, and turn your back on the One and Only True God the Father, and His Son Jesus the Messiah who He sent to redeem us.

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Messiah, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

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I’ve been a fan of Hesse and Kay since high school. Ditto Huxley, McLuhan, Nietzsche, Bonhoeffer and yes, admittedly, Jim Morrison, though he was 17 years deceased.

I believe in God as the Creator of all in the iteration put forth by our Founding Fathers. Deism versus theism. There is a reason for everything. A Divine Design that I do not have the hubris to affirm. One has the right to worship or not in whatever way affords comfort, connection and conscience, but not the right to call for the extermination of an entire religious entity based upon its beliefs or whatever grievances occurred hundreds or thousands of years ago.

You’re not the Almighty and neither am I or anybody else.

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Duh! PLEASE STOP! I don't want to have to be duty-bound to respond to your evil any longer. Please stop responding to ANY of my comments whatsoever anymore! As is typical of Satanic people like yourself, your lord and master, Satan, makes sure you don't listen to anything that goes against your indoctrination and brainwashing, so there is no reasoning with you anymore than there is reasoning with Satan himself. I'm done with trying to do so with you any longer. Be gone from responding to my comments WHATSOEVER, Satan[ist(s)]!

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Messiah, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Get... behind (Jesus the Messiah), Satan[ist(s)]..."! "...You are of your (lord and master) the devil, and the lies of your (lord and master, Satan) you... do (perpetrate and perpetuate)..."! "...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 16:23, John 8:44 and Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Messiah)..."! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

In Jesus the Messiah's name, be gone, Satan[ist(s)]!

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Who’s talking to you or asking you to respond? You’re obsessed. It’s your problem to deal with.

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They are getting desperate if they go after Meryl Nass.

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As with the same Satanic inspiration that tried to kill Donald Trump! BUT that type failed attempt gave Trump & Dr. Nass more power & respect! IMOHO

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Whatever the reason, your efforts for the People have not gone un-noticed.

In any case DJT is going to get the US out, likely day one as before. Hang on and enjoy

the beauty of winter and the real meaning of Christmas...

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Indeed, you're no more representative (as in elected by the people) than ANYONE ELSE at the WHO is an official "representative."

Let's have a grassroots election, you'll get in on a landslide. We have what it takes for well-informed experts, we could form The People's WHO.

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So, all some dummy, or malicious actor, need do is introduce a video saying "Mr. W of XYZ says pqrstu", and all it takes to "fact check" it is to say "Mr. W is not a member of XYZ", and thus anything referencing the post is now tainted? What a load of crap. A sock puppet throws a softball and the fact checker catches it.

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You’ve got it, and Dr. Nash didn’t even claim to be a member of XYZ.

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and in the process, whether "pqrstu" is true or not is completely bypassed as a legitimate inquiry, and doesn't even need to be addressed by the fact chunkers. a brilliant and thoroughly evil use of logical fallacy to eliminate an opposing viewpoint.

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I too am suspended from X.com -- apparently i'm thought to be impersonating someone. However, while the X.com support people demand that I remove offending material, so far they have not been willing to tell me what need to be removed. I am mystified.

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I've just written this to impersonation-support@x.com after they let me know that I can now read X again. Posted in case helpful to someone for reasons I could not possibly understand:

Thanks for giving me the chance to talk with you.

Yes, Thank you. I can now read X again. This is good!

However, the first thing shown to me is this:

"Your account is suspended

"After careful review, we determined your account broke the X Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can’t post, Repost, or Like content. You won’t be able to create new accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an appeal.”

Can we find a way past that?

I am unwilling to admit that I impersonated someone or some entity — because I have not.

Also, I have been using X (Twitter) almost since it was created, yet the account I now have access to was created in 2024.

Something is not making sense, and I hope we can untangle it.

It seems to me likely that “the X system” has concluded that I am impersonating someone. It has not understood that that someone is me.

Or, something else I can’t imagine is going on. Software has its own humor.

Best, Leif <phone number>

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There are a lot of confused people out there. You have helped many of us understand the inhumanity of the broken healthcare system, and the fake remedies being pushed like snake oil by the pharmaceutical industry. Thank you for your diligence in the face of chronic opposition.

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Twitter aka X is still run by some deep state stooges!

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I recently received a warning on twitter and I am not known and do not post often there. They told me something like that I was penalized and be less visible for a while. My feeling is that even if the owner wants free speech, there are other people who try to intimidate us.

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I got banned for saying what I observed during the election in our California county. No reason given. Im stuck in a suspended loop of appeal but, no way to actual appeal. Elon is very busy now and bad people are running X.

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Wow. As if you’d stoop so low as to work for WHO.

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Am blown away by the mass, especially of "commenters," who still believe politicians will actually do what they promise. Are their memories no longer functional?

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What? You were remove from X, formerl twitter, just now? Elon's X has been much different from Twitter. I was reinstated after Musk took over, but it took quite awhile. I guess Musk should have fired more than 80%

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I was off for a year. Now off for a week.

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Linda Yaccarino has ties to the World Economic Forum.


We want Elon to be one of the good guys, but my suspicion is that he is a globalist. X is a spider web he is spinning, catching us all.

His pleasure at causing people harm, such as by firing them, then bragging about it online, is deeply disturbing. Red flag!

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There is something particularly interesting about L. Yaccarino. "Yaccarino partnered with the Biden administration in 2021 to create a COVID-19 vaccination campaign that featured Pope Francis" by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Yaccarino

In other words, she has acted from a perspective that has nothing to do with true medicine. Is it to curry favor with power or money?

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Why the nerve. You criticizing the little tin gods parading around in their copper clad skivvies rattling their silver spoon swords. Hurumph! 😆😆

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I can see your posts up to 22 Dec.

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No, only on the minor Twitter account. My main account was @NassMeryl. I have not been able to open it from the inside, to post, since the 18th.

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On @NassMeryl, there is nothing past 18Dec

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