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Ours, I sense, is a shared depth of profoundly personal offense.

The INVASION you so astutely cite as having left our nation ‘vulnerable on many levels’, may now be owing less to the manifold character of who has invaded, and more to who has been invaded. Any oath is only as functionally/spiritually empowering as its Consecrator-Witness.

When consecration becomes execration, chaos replaces law.

However insufficiently disdainful your reference, those charged with the public trust they presently VIOLATE, deserve no such benefit of civility. This is no passive abandonment. You know precisely what this actively is, plainly articulated elsewhere in Article and Section parlance—in more than U.S. statutes, I might add.

Trust in God.

All ‘ground’ is His; no loss is irreversible. He has a degree of experience in conquest as well as mutiny.

(‘Prayer daily’ is, in fact, the perfect transponder. It lets Him know exactly where you stand...so to speak.

Numbers 16: 21)


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Your 'profoundly personal offense' is entirely descriptive of how it struck me

I grew up in a home which advocated and practiced:

Not for self but country

Non sibi patriae (at one time was the US Navy's motto)

Some sneered at that as it was part of my profile on Twitter

'YOU can't possibly be serious?'

I was and STILL am to this day as it speaks of the support and defense of our country

God IS. He is NOT intimidated by His creation nor any

plan they may have in order for CONTROL. . . .They

apparently believe when THEY adopt 'WE must save 'mother' Earth' and plan to do it

at any cost, as long as it serves THEIR need, WE must comply

NOT on my watch, as was a common expression when I served

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Nor mine, Rosalee!

They’ll have more flies than ointment.

The U.S. Constitution—also not man-authored—is NO list of malleable recommendations.

They, it seems, never tire of reaping.

Psalm 2:3-5:

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.


It’s gonna get lit.

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