I just finished listening to the conversation with TC and it is one of the most important conversations I've ever heard. It's mentally cleansing to have the pieces put together and the broader context revealed. The distinction between actual democracy and global elitist 'democracy' is incredible important. We've heard about the global elites ad nausum, but his depiction fleshed it out for me.
Absolutely agree with you 100% ... terrific information in one interview - a monologue so rich it will need to be heard many times over. Do you know if there is a transcript posted anywhere?
I was permanently suspended on Dorsey's watch when I reminded them (then Twitter) how hypocritical they were when it came to election interference... POOF! I was GONE! And I have yet to be reinstated under Musk..
Musk waves it around and now is spewing gaslighting charges against somebody (it was bad enough reading the headline) which is a hoot given how he operates
his CEO, a cheerleader for WEF, admitted recently they censor
THEY have yet to explain fully why they permanently suspended me just 3 months later
I have no intention of petitioning for reinstatement, not on Musk's platform, not on Fkerberg's platform, not on Trump's platform, not on anyone else's platform... I have completely abandoned social media in its entirety... Substack is my only outlet, and while it remains the bastion of free speech that it currently is (probably not too much longer) it will be my only outlet.
'I have no intention of petitioning for reinstatement, not on Musk's platform, not on Fkerberg's platform, not on Trump's platform, not on anyone else's platform'
The only regret is the loss of some who I considered friends.
"My only regret on having been suspended by Twitter and resigning from Facebook are friends who I am no longer in touch with because they apparently cannot reach past social media to stay in touch"
Not to diminish the loss you've suffered, but if I understand your sorrow correctly, then to me your regret serves as an exemplar to the shallowness of "friend" in the realm of social media... and in that I concur completely.
Please accept my request for friendship that will hopefully defeat the limits of cyberspace.
Sorry to learn of your woes. Every source should be examined and “tested”, not reflexively trusted as sound. (Arrive at your own discerning deductions regarding who’s survived and why.)
The obvious nature of media control is lost on most. Substack’s subscribers, and others as well, need to remain prudently circumspect—practicing due diligence!—regarding ALL those still permitted to be a public conveyor of “information”. Comments are clearly being censored, “Like” features toggled, games played.
Those ill-dispatched imagine they go undetected...
2 Corinthians 11:14-15:
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Thank you, in the utmost sincerity, for your family’s legacy of service to our nation(under continual siege, no longer covert).
Since you and your father were both trained in enemy strategizing, you recognize the tactical when you see it. MAGA has all the markers of a patriotic construct, perniciously exploited by the cynical, weaponized against the hopeful. 🇺🇸 Maybe some will wake up in time.
Ours, I sense, is a shared depth of profoundly personal offense.
The INVASION you so astutely cite as having left our nation ‘vulnerable on many levels’, may now be owing less to the manifold character of who has invaded, and more to who has been invaded. Any oath is only as functionally/spiritually empowering as its Consecrator-Witness.
When consecration becomes execration, chaos replaces law.
However insufficiently disdainful your reference, those charged with the public trust they presently VIOLATE, deserve no such benefit of civility. This is no passive abandonment. You know precisely what this actively is, plainly articulated elsewhere in Article and Section parlance—in more than U.S. statutes, I might add.
Trust in God.
All ‘ground’ is His; no loss is irreversible. He has a degree of experience in conquest as well as mutiny.
(‘Prayer daily’ is, in fact, the perfect transponder. It lets Him know exactly where you stand...so to speak.
I just listened to the interview with Tucker. It was the most mind blowing and important interview he has ever done. 1000 times more important than the Putin interview. I just checked on Twitter and it's already been viewed 22 million times. I have mixed feelings about Elon Musk, but he may be the only thing that stands between us and tyranny. I pray to God that Twitter remains free through the election.
The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred in their bones.... How do we oppose evil and end it? Mike Benz, Tucker Carlson, and other good doctors like yourself are out to enlighten others as to what is going on...and in my opinion, good is stronger than evil. In the long run the world will awaken...and the evil ones will be no more.
You can subscribe to Tucker Carlson Network for a reasonable amount. After listening to Benz I think I will pay for my TCN subscription by cancelling my WSJ subscription. The management by these thugs at the DHS of likes, etc., is truly alarming, especially since they did these things thru cutouts at the UW, Stanford, etc. Follow that with the phony impeachment in 2019 which involved 10 nominal Republicans. Look for these ten useful idiots to reappear in minor roles in the new order, should things continue to go their way.
I totally agree with Meryl's assessment, and would like to recommend checking out the Twitter thread by KaneokaTheGreat, which extends for 23 tweets and includes numerous charts and videos that amplify and support Benz's narrative. Extremely interesting and useful:
The USA is a fascist dictatorship, a merging of corporate, government, including the intelligence agencies, media, all selected politicians, and of course the frontmen, like the present mummy called president, they obey the drama scripted by the puppet masters.
There are no saviors out there other then each waking to the reality of what is taking place. Once you wake you cannot be controlled.
21 million views wow, thank you for putting this in front of our faces again
My first view this evening
I am deeply grateful
I hope we all are looking to see now that truth is coming fourth and truth is powerful and we can build on it. What do we want to build and how are we going to do this together?
Amazing. I just listened. We live in a military dictatorship. I was so naive. I see a real hope that the Kennedy campaign can break through the information threshold. We build a combination of in-person events and online discussion, including in Substack and Twitter, and the movement will grow.
Benz explains that everything written online is ´seen’ & analyzed by the ´authorities’. Dissent can then be censored.
But that also lets us know we are right to KEEP SPEAKING OUT.
It means they know how much opposition there is to their Agenda - to the WHO power grab, to the persecution of doctors, to ALL their phony narratives & tyrannical measures.
They SEE that MANY MILLIONS are opposed to them. And that may delay their plans or put a brake on some of them.
Our USA government has never been more distrusted, rising distrust by everyone, and the graph line is now heading down to near zero.
The one world death and slavery system for all is right on schedule, with much thanks due to the highly successful plandemic.
"And every creature, which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them: I heard all saying: To him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb, benediction, and honour, and glory, and power, for ever and ever. "
I just finished listening to the conversation with TC and it is one of the most important conversations I've ever heard. It's mentally cleansing to have the pieces put together and the broader context revealed. The distinction between actual democracy and global elitist 'democracy' is incredible important. We've heard about the global elites ad nausum, but his depiction fleshed it out for me.
Absolutely agree with you 100% ... terrific information in one interview - a monologue so rich it will need to be heard many times over. Do you know if there is a transcript posted anywhere?
thanks for your post!
Agreed. I've listened through 3 times now. Transcript on Who is Robert Malone's substack
Benz is the best person in the world?
Ask anyone who does not carry water for the lunacy how CENSORSHIP works
I am TIRED of people declaring expertise when those who have been sorted out for
speaking TRUTH have NEVER been queried
I had 15.9K when I was suspended last year.
My first, under Dorsey, was for merely stating:
'While truth has no fear, censorship is ripe with it'
It earned me 12 days suspended
Many suspensions followed it always with same notation that I had violated the rules
Also SHADOW BANNED to the length that I rarely saw any replies on my tweets and yet
Twitter stats regularly reported regularly in any 28 day period as many as ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND impressions.
It happened not only on Dorsey's watch but Agrawal and Musk
Then Agrawal stepped in and when I noted in '22 that I had adopted an
alternative protocol to the jab, I was PERMANENTLY suspended
That was June
In March of '23 I was reinstated by Musk.
Three months later PERMANENTLY suspended
What had I done? I had spoken truth
NONE of my tweets contained vile, vulgar or profane language, as many do on Twitter
and NONE of them threatened or advocated violence yet I was PERMANENTLY suspended
Earlier I had resigned from Facebook when they deleted a post regarding rape of
white blue eyed women in Scandanavian countries, now also common in central Europe. . .
by ILLEGALS. It was well documented in foreign press
They deleted my post stating they wished to protect their subscribers.
When I asked what about females in Europe and US they deleted that also
I told them I was done and told them I did NOT need 30 days to reconsider.
While they allow anything goes, they are intimidated by TRUTH.
My only regret on having been suspended by Twitter and resigning from Facebook are
friends who I am no longer in touch with because they apparently cannot reach past social media to stay in touch
Agree. We think we are communicating digitally when in fact we are framed, filtered and force fed with preferred speech 24x7.
I was permanently suspended on Dorsey's watch when I reminded them (then Twitter) how hypocritical they were when it came to election interference... POOF! I was GONE! And I have yet to be reinstated under Musk..
Good luck on that.
Musk waves it around and now is spewing gaslighting charges against somebody (it was bad enough reading the headline) which is a hoot given how he operates
his CEO, a cheerleader for WEF, admitted recently they censor
THEY have yet to explain fully why they permanently suspended me just 3 months later
I had not changed from the time I joined in 2005
I have no intention of petitioning for reinstatement, not on Musk's platform, not on Fkerberg's platform, not on Trump's platform, not on anyone else's platform... I have completely abandoned social media in its entirety... Substack is my only outlet, and while it remains the bastion of free speech that it currently is (probably not too much longer) it will be my only outlet.
'I have no intention of petitioning for reinstatement, not on Musk's platform, not on Fkerberg's platform, not on Trump's platform, not on anyone else's platform'
The only regret is the loss of some who I considered friends.
'Substack is my only outlet'
Once again CONCUR
"My only regret on having been suspended by Twitter and resigning from Facebook are friends who I am no longer in touch with because they apparently cannot reach past social media to stay in touch"
Not to diminish the loss you've suffered, but if I understand your sorrow correctly, then to me your regret serves as an exemplar to the shallowness of "friend" in the realm of social media... and in that I concur completely.
Please accept my request for friendship that will hopefully defeat the limits of cyberspace.
"your regret serves as an exemplar to the shallowness of "friend" in the realm of social media"
I gave up on Facebook long ago when they censored the simplest of posts. Only go back now & then to see friends posts. Don't stay very long though
I was merely sharing in my post what had become known in Europe, and what I had
watched on DW which is a reparable news site regarding Europe.
Did not matter, as FB saw it as unacceptable
I was in contact earlier with a friend by email and then she told me if I wanted to remain
in touch with her, I could find her on FB
Later I received an email from her. She told me how much she missed me
I never replied. I figured we had been friends because friends don't abandon
each other so what would be the point of picking up what clearly was never there?
No different on Twitter. I thought some were friends, but when I was suspended
they could not tear themselves away to begin emailing with whines "I just never
check emails" but I KNOW they do spend considerable time on Twitter in DM etc.
I am a loyal friend. I don't abandon friends.
Speaking of,
I lost some old friends when I choose to opt an alternative protocol to the jab.
It was not just that they walked, after long friendships, or at least what I had
considered lengthy, it was the remarks they made when they did.
While I can forgive, I can never forget
the remarks, which have left an indelible scar deep in my soul
Sorry to learn of your woes. Every source should be examined and “tested”, not reflexively trusted as sound. (Arrive at your own discerning deductions regarding who’s survived and why.)
The obvious nature of media control is lost on most. Substack’s subscribers, and others as well, need to remain prudently circumspect—practicing due diligence!—regarding ALL those still permitted to be a public conveyor of “information”. Comments are clearly being censored, “Like” features toggled, games played.
Those ill-dispatched imagine they go undetected...
2 Corinthians 11:14-15:
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Are you on Telegram or Truth social?
I was on True Social (BlackRaven134) until they totally IGNORED, including the many flag waving elites, Nov 11 Veterans' Day
When I brought it to their attention there were ZERO replies
That is when I thought, I am done.
Far too many have sacrificed too much throughout our history, to ensure FREEDOM
to be ignored.
THEY love to wave our colors and push MAGA a lot but when push comes to shove
not so much there, ie PHONIES
I am a former Navy line officer who served throughout the Vietnam war
My father was a 30 year USN/MSC officer who also served 8 additional years as an adviser
in I Corps.
I found GETTR was no better......
I left GETTR because there was very little interaction...it was boring.
Yes...and shadow banning is happening, too.... I really have no time for that....
...and unless Elon Musk wants to fire the woke leftovers at Twitter, it will continue.
Thank you, in the utmost sincerity, for your family’s legacy of service to our nation(under continual siege, no longer covert).
Since you and your father were both trained in enemy strategizing, you recognize the tactical when you see it. MAGA has all the markers of a patriotic construct, perniciously exploited by the cynical, weaponized against the hopeful. 🇺🇸 Maybe some will wake up in time.
Sadly few are now who and what they portray.
Thank you for your kind comments regarding my father and my service.
I am deeply honored to have had the privilege of serving our nation and if my father
was alive now, I am certain he would state same.
I am deeply offended by how all 3 branches have abandoned the oaths they took
to support and defend the Constitution.
One of the most glaring examples is Article IV/Section IV
INVASION which has left our nation vulnerable on many levels.
I believe while I took my oath seriously and in commitment, they took the oath
as mere formality and IMO have demonstrated repeatedly that is the case
'Maybe some will wake up in time.
Sadly few are now who and what they portray.'
It is my prayer daily that that will be the case, but as I direct my attention to what
is happening now, I believe we are losing ground.
Ours, I sense, is a shared depth of profoundly personal offense.
The INVASION you so astutely cite as having left our nation ‘vulnerable on many levels’, may now be owing less to the manifold character of who has invaded, and more to who has been invaded. Any oath is only as functionally/spiritually empowering as its Consecrator-Witness.
When consecration becomes execration, chaos replaces law.
However insufficiently disdainful your reference, those charged with the public trust they presently VIOLATE, deserve no such benefit of civility. This is no passive abandonment. You know precisely what this actively is, plainly articulated elsewhere in Article and Section parlance—in more than U.S. statutes, I might add.
Trust in God.
All ‘ground’ is His; no loss is irreversible. He has a degree of experience in conquest as well as mutiny.
(‘Prayer daily’ is, in fact, the perfect transponder. It lets Him know exactly where you stand...so to speak.
Numbers 16: 21)
Your 'profoundly personal offense' is entirely descriptive of how it struck me
I grew up in a home which advocated and practiced:
Not for self but country
Non sibi patriae (at one time was the US Navy's motto)
Some sneered at that as it was part of my profile on Twitter
'YOU can't possibly be serious?'
I was and STILL am to this day as it speaks of the support and defense of our country
God IS. He is NOT intimidated by His creation nor any
plan they may have in order for CONTROL. . . .They
apparently believe when THEY adopt 'WE must save 'mother' Earth' and plan to do it
at any cost, as long as it serves THEIR need, WE must comply
NOT on my watch, as was a common expression when I served
I just listened to the interview with Tucker. It was the most mind blowing and important interview he has ever done. 1000 times more important than the Putin interview. I just checked on Twitter and it's already been viewed 22 million times. I have mixed feelings about Elon Musk, but he may be the only thing that stands between us and tyranny. I pray to God that Twitter remains free through the election.
The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred in their bones.... How do we oppose evil and end it? Mike Benz, Tucker Carlson, and other good doctors like yourself are out to enlighten others as to what is going on...and in my opinion, good is stronger than evil. In the long run the world will awaken...and the evil ones will be no more.
You can subscribe to Tucker Carlson Network for a reasonable amount. After listening to Benz I think I will pay for my TCN subscription by cancelling my WSJ subscription. The management by these thugs at the DHS of likes, etc., is truly alarming, especially since they did these things thru cutouts at the UW, Stanford, etc. Follow that with the phony impeachment in 2019 which involved 10 nominal Republicans. Look for these ten useful idiots to reappear in minor roles in the new order, should things continue to go their way.
I totally agree with Meryl's assessment, and would like to recommend checking out the Twitter thread by KaneokaTheGreat, which extends for 23 tweets and includes numerous charts and videos that amplify and support Benz's narrative. Extremely interesting and useful:
Thank you!
See also Epoch Times Jan Jekielek interview last year:
Thank you Meryl for all you do.
The USA is a fascist dictatorship, a merging of corporate, government, including the intelligence agencies, media, all selected politicians, and of course the frontmen, like the present mummy called president, they obey the drama scripted by the puppet masters.
There are no saviors out there other then each waking to the reality of what is taking place. Once you wake you cannot be controlled.
21 million views wow, thank you for putting this in front of our faces again
My first view this evening
I am deeply grateful
I hope we all are looking to see now that truth is coming fourth and truth is powerful and we can build on it. What do we want to build and how are we going to do this together?
Everyone needs to see this must-watch interview.
It explains so much.
Amazing. I just listened. We live in a military dictatorship. I was so naive. I see a real hope that the Kennedy campaign can break through the information threshold. We build a combination of in-person events and online discussion, including in Substack and Twitter, and the movement will grow.
Mike Benz is amazing how he rattles off details without having to even glance at documents, refer to notes, etc.
Another amazing Tucker interview -Benz!
Dr Nass, we are going to get you with Tucker for an interview!!
Benz explains that everything written online is ´seen’ & analyzed by the ´authorities’. Dissent can then be censored.
But that also lets us know we are right to KEEP SPEAKING OUT.
It means they know how much opposition there is to their Agenda - to the WHO power grab, to the persecution of doctors, to ALL their phony narratives & tyrannical measures.
They SEE that MANY MILLIONS are opposed to them. And that may delay their plans or put a brake on some of them.
"...was a cyber attack on democracy. How the deep state turned Democracy on its head."
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner.
The USA is a republic.
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
Edward Bernays
American public relations pioneer (1891–1995)
video 4:18 runtime
The Pedophile Propagandist Roots of Netflix
Our USA government has never been more distrusted, rising distrust by everyone, and the graph line is now heading down to near zero.
The one world death and slavery system for all is right on schedule, with much thanks due to the highly successful plandemic.
"And every creature, which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them: I heard all saying: To him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb, benediction, and honour, and glory, and power, for ever and ever. "
Apocalypse 5:13
"Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved."
Acts 4:12