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'Color Revolution'? I don't really understand what exactly it is about a Trump presidency that they fear/despise so much. Does he want peace where they want war? The wars in the ME appear to have to do with natural resources, I think. Why don't we just source as much from our own nation and then buy and trade. Maybe some of this has to do with Israel? Maybe some with Russia? Some with China? We get lied and propagandized to so much, that it is really impossible to truly understand. Everything is shifting to the 'global south'... including Faith. If you pay attention to that world, regarding Christianity, they know a shift is happening away from 'the West' and to Africa and Asia.

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Watch the whole video. It explains how Trump, by being neutral on an issue, brings the whole multinational empire down. Brilliant analysis.

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They are worried that Trump will prosecute them all, which I think he should do. I'm not sure he will. Dr. Scott Lively thinks they made a deal that he won't prosecute Jobiden or Clinton and might even pardon Hunter. I only get Lively's newsletter so you can look him up if you are interested. I didn't see any links to post.

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In my humble opinion, it's really quite easy to see the BigPicture and why repeated crises, 'Catalysing Events,' illegal 'Shock & Awe' Anglo/US military interventions(more than 50 since WW2), Black Lies Matter/antifa-George Soros financed disturbances, a US Defense Department C-19 Military Exercise in 2020, are exploited to the hilt to, for example, destabilise, tarnish and weaken a MAGA and uncontrollable president who represents a Spanner in The Works to those trying to control the planet with, as Mike Benz often says, the imposition of 'The Rules Based International Order' which, like a giant mosquito extracting a maximum amount of satisfying blood from the nations that it controls and forces them to use the Almighty dollar which keeps the American Way of Life afloat.

'The american way of life is NOT negotiable!'

Zbigniew Brzezinski.

If and when the mosquito stops sucking the blood, Anglo/US/Zionist Rule would begin to buckle and a dreaded Multi-Polar WIN WIN world would be created and countless TRILLIONS of stakeholder investments could be lost:((

The United States military bases have encircled both ReallyBigBoy enemies, China and Russia.

WHY would the US spend TRILLIONS of dollars to surround these two KEY to Global Domination nations🤔!?


'The nation that controls the EURASIAN HEARTLAND will control the entire WORLD.

Both Russia and China are geographically located slap bang at the 'heart' of Halford John Mackinder's 'World Island'👀🕵️!!

Donald Trump wants to greatly reduce the 800+ number of US military bases throughout the globe and use these ill-spent TRILLIONS to economically rebuild a deindustrialised US economy and recreate both a powerful and peaceful NATION STATE with a unique CONSTITUTION which straightjackets many of our Masters' policies and projects.

Imagine if Trump hadn't been cheated out of a 2020 election win and re-elected, the Russia-weakening Ukraine conflict would never have happened!!

Colour revolution Russia by using a cannon-fodder Ukraine and perhaps topple Vladimir Putin, overthrow and conquer this nation and control its much-coveted natural resources which are worth the GDP of this planet, and control the EURASIAN HEARTLAND.


This was in fact the objective of the Straussian neconservatives wielding their malevolent power at the United States State Department and elsewhere.

Trump had to therefore lose the 2020 BananaRepublic US elections🍌🍌.

A once again powerful United States NATION STATE under the control of a Constitution-abiding president is in stark contradiction to a centralised top-down technocratic system wished by certain influential entities.

I hope this brief glance at how those wielding power think and operate will enable you to finally begin to understand why Ordo ab Chao is Standard Operating Procedure.

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Nov 5Edited

Whatever the truth is, we need to be praying in repentance (and for mercy) for our anti God policies and practices here at home… and for promoting them abroad. I don’t have all the answers, and I think we are probably one of the most lied to and propagandized nation of peoples.

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