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Nov 4Edited
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MAHA = MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN! OUTLAW ALL GMO'S AND mRNA's, particularly High Fructose Corn Syrup and all mRNA jabs or applications. mRNA's are proven to cause cardio myopathy, turbo cancers, Alzheimers and premature DEATH

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The 2020 election WAS a coup!

9 Jan 2017. Obama lifted the ban on funding “Gain of Function Research” abroad, just 11 days before Trump took office.1

11 Jan 2017. Freemason Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said 9 days prior to the inauguration of Trump’s presidency, that there was 'no doubt' Trump would be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency: ”There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. … (The) Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak. … We will definitely get surprised in the next few years.” 2

26 Jan 2018. At the World Economic Forum George Soros: “Clearly, I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world. But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner.” 3



J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by 200 infiltrated FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations of millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:

Weaponization of migration to steal elections and destroy nations


2024 Elections: bought or stolen? Both!


It's important that people share, not the article, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

Kamala’s dirty Big Fat secrets:


Go vote! Let massive-voting drown massive-fraud!

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The so-called diseases were created as were the most recent hurricanes through geoengineering IMHO in order to cause havoc in Trump voter populated areas like Florida and NC. I wouldn't even call them real.

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GA and Tennessee were hit too ..

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You are spot on with everything! I only wish our justice system wasn't so fkd up. Along with every 3 letter agency...

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The UN too! So drop the three and just call them lettered agencies. We need to totally get back to counting ballots with no machines at all.

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Freemasons like George Washington and Donald Trump actually came from the building business. Franklin Roosevelt, an Accepted Mason (from his wheelchair he could not build anything) did manage to raise funding for a National Masonic Lodge in Washington, DC. His team located the grave of an obscure Confederate General, exhumed his bones and sword, and re-buried his remains in the cornerstone of the building. There's a room open on visiting days when non-Masons may come in and look at an exhibit about the Rebel General's life.

What's not disclosed to outsiders is how he came to be selected, posthumously, for so great an honor. A man who led a treasonous insurrection against the country was honored for honorable deeds?

That puzzle solved itself when I learned the story of Michigan's 4th Cavalry.

It seems someone who was privy to Jefferson Davis' escape plans gave the Michigan horsemen a duplicate of the Confederate Army map Davis was using, with his escape route marked on it. Davis' intention was to give the contents of the Confederate Treasury to Mexican replacement dictator Maximilian (whom Napoleon III of France had replace previous dictator Santa Anna, after Santa Anna borrowed $50 million from France then was late with the payments), proposing to rebuild the Slave Trade into French possessions in the Caribbean, and first to provide experienced mercs who'd fought on the Confederate side, to end Diego Juarez' pesky pro-democracy campaign. (Texas was the last of 5 Mexican States to be invaded by Santa Anna, after he overthrew the elected government in a pay dispute. Pro-democracy Mexicans lacked enough guns to fight him but never much liked him for taking away their voting rights, raising taxes, and squandering the money on his lavish lifestyle. Juarez finally did something about it). But the big surprise was waiting at a river crossing in Georgia. The cavalry hit him from the rear and took him prisoner. A solemn bargain was made between some Michigan Masons commanding the cavalry unit, and some Georgia Masons who wanted their war-torn state rebuilt, starting with Atlanta. Four wagon loads of gold, silver and gems were reported to the Army as recovered, and sent to the US Treasury. In Georgia a pit was dug, and ten wagon loads of gold and silver, the rest of the Rebel treasury, were buried and seeded over as a farm field. The Michigan Masons stole a steam locomotive in Florida, helped themselves to some rail cars, and hauled nearly a million dollars worth of scrap iron from the wreckage of Atlanta, recycled it into new railroad rails, and rebuilt Georgia's wrecked infrastructure piece by piece. As they finished their work, the Michigan Masons got progress payments dug out of the ground by the Georgia Masons. Michigan became a wealthy industrial state because its banks could use what Masons there still call "The Rebel Gift" of gold, as financial backing for investments anywhere.

From an ethical viewpoint, there is a certain sensibility to this particular Masonic secret: Confederate taxpayers funded the war Davis started and suffered grievous losses. Instead of paying the madman to join another war in Mexico and build an empire, Southerners needed their infrastructure rebuilt and their wounded veterans cared for. So the general who handed over the maps, and the Masonic brethren in Georgia who hid the gold, did the right thing. Davis avoided a traitor's hanging by agreeing to keep the story about the gold and silver he was caught stealing, secret.

In my experience, Masons tend to be very trusting right up to the point when they are cheated. Then they try to recover their losses.

General Mark Milley's recent expression of concern that he might be courts-martialled (but without him resigning his command nor leaving the country) suggests there's more to this story than meets the eye. His actions suggest he's preparing to hand people over who took part in the 2020 coup attempt.

As far as Soros and the WEF are concerned, the real issue is that the US is bankrupt. How we're going to pay $140 trillion in obligations that were originally in the Treasury as assets but got spent fighting wars and creating scrap, bomb craters, funerals and wounded people, is anyone's guess. V-P Harris does not realize that Planet Earth only has 3,194 billionaires on it, and if all of them gave an average of $5 billion to the US, it would amount to $15 trillion. Meaning pensioners would suffer a 90% benefit cut under the Harris Plan. (Perhaps her arithmetic is sloppy?).

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You need to start knowing your enemy, instead of praising your enslaver!

Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed








or rumble:


Obama pushing Freemasonry:


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Cool history of the masons.

Their footprint is widespread, secretive and not beneficial for humanity.

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Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks Meryl. In my book I wrote about the Shadow Men out to get Trump. They haven't gone away. Who ever thought our country could sink so low!

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"Who ever thought our country could sink so low!" Most non-Americans. We have known your country has been on an evil trajectory for at least a lifetime.

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Since "they" shot Kennedy, and quite possibly as far back as Lincoln...

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Hope Trump knows this and there is a counter plan

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Hi Lynn 👋

Is that really my friend from Florida?


Oops 😬

Wrong Lynn.

Hi there 😊

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Between the recent “Military Coup To Stop Trump” posting here and now, known as the “War Game” plan of resistance, as I call it, and the “DoD Directive” recently revised 5240-01, which allows our “Military” to use lethality against American Civilians, there’s “nothing” nada, to see here, right?

Good God what is going on? Where’s Congress? Where’s anyone? Aside from here on substack and various other media outlets, not a word is spoken! There’s something wrong here!

“Silence Is Quite Telling”!

At times I feel we’re all sitting ducks! Waiting for these “Barbarians” to empower themselves beyond anyone’s control. They’ve done it with “lockdowns” they’ve done it with “censorship” they’ve done it with “imprisonment” and they’re doing it again!






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Pray on your knee to Almighty God🙏🇺🇸

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There’s literally nothing else we can do Susan! I’m praying more people wake up and drop to their knees! This isn’t about anything else except “Good vs Evil” or

“God vs Satan”.

Thank you Susan, pray always often!


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You're 100% correct, and I wait fear the worse even if we manage to overcome their cheating. Kamala says she will not certify the Election. We saw a model of this in AZ 2022 where the Secretary of State, also a candidate for Govenor, who overseeims that election, had FBI agents helping, advising her in cheating. Kari Lake fought back valiantly, but the Judges, dark money and the ICC blocked every attempt to investigate, overturn that election. Was it a test for 2024? I think so.

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I almost forgot to mention, the recent DOD Revised Directive allowing our military to use lethality against American Civilians! Again AYKM? What is happening and what’s wrong with this picture?

Thanks again Martha.


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Yes. Our Military won't, but the new

Illegals, who are military aged and given free everything, will. Kamala, even if she loses will use them. James O'Keefe, in an undercover video, got acquainted with one of Gen. Austin's aides,who worked with Pentagon. This aide told him this, that our own Military won't shoot on American's, so they'll use these illegals who most were released from prisons and were brought here for this...Why Mayorkus is stonewalling and has not helped the hurricane victims. FEMA is building 3 camp s well equiped in Western NC and these camps, the spokesperson said "were for FEMA employees only".....

It's the Amish that are going in and building tiny houses for hurricane victims..And, it a fact that NC State Rhino Reps approved to move FEMA funding from the FEMA DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS to house and aid these ILLEGALS. FACT.

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I agree Martha our military won’t attack their own. I also agree with you about the illegals and yes they will.

What’s more daunting is the work JJ Carroll has done regarding military age men being deployed all across America! To the extent these men in one case have been put up in three hotels south of San Diego California. Three very large hotels with wire fencing and then barbed wire around that!

If you haven’t watched Clayton Morris’s podcast “Redacted” this is where you’ll be able to find exactly what JJ Carroll and Brendan O”Shea, have uncovered.

We are being “setup”! We are also being told in no uncertain terms, exactly what’s happening and what’s to come.

I found Clayton Morris’s show “Redacted” one of the most responsible and informative shows I’ve ever watched!

Sadly this is where America has sunk to. This is no doubt Barack Hussein Obama’s “Fundamentally Transform America” agenda item! He told us so if you remember?

I pray for more clearer heads to prevail. There’s only so much, as we’ve been called, “Useless Eaters” can do.

Being called “Garbage, Deplorable’s, Nazis” etc. points directly to the “who and why” because they “Hate-Us” but the “when and where” still has TBD.

Thank you Martha, i appreciate your input. You’ve helped me to understand more about our country’s present problems.


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I haven't heard Claytons latest video. I'll pull it up. I send these out but my friends and I have already voted for Pres. Trump. Prayer is requested Nationwide at 6:00 pm tonight. Please take time to pray at 6 pm your time. I'm in the Central time zone.

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The one in particular I was red to Martha is with JJ Carroll, the Border Security Supervisor with 24 years experience.

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This is so true Martha, even more is how, such people get to these positions!

They have nothing to offer anyone except themselves! Joe Biden is the “Most-Corrupt” one of them! Obama’s birth certificate was investigated 7 ways to Sunday with three, yes 3 forensic experts verifying the false claims his birth is legitimate!

So now here we are again with a woman claiming to be black is not black which Candace Owen’s has completely destroyed this claim and half of America is ready to “Burn-Down-America” if Trump wins!

I personally have lost all faith in our system of voting as well as our government’s responsibility to adhere to our laws, constitution and everything our “Founding Fathers” penned 248 years ago!

So now what? I ask myself this question every day. One side of me wants a complete overhaul of our governmental systems and the other side wants an all out revolution!

Peacefully of course, I’ll never condone violence against others! Not unless someone “Hits” me first, violence isn’t the answer!

Once again we have an “Illegitimate” government who’s compromised mostly of “Obama-Leftist” radical Marxist / Socialist / Communist ideologies! Not to forget this “Illegitimate Candidate” posing as a black woman to appease certain “Radicals”!

Good God Martha how did we get here? I’m not sure and my gut instincts say, President Trump is part of this entire process of “Reimagining-America” according to Obama’s own words which are:

“Fundamentally Transform America”!

Why I’m saying this now? Two reasons. 1. Trump will not speak truthfully about OWS and these well documented “Bioweapon Injections” and 2. Recently Trump said he would support “Government Higher Education” paid for by the government! AYKM? Why?

This last statement speaks directly to a “Socialist-Influenced-Government”! The next step will be “Government-Clothing”? Who knows why Trump would say and embrace such “Socialistic” ideas?

We’re living in the Twilight Zone! Something is drastically wrong and I do believe the American people are being manipulated by both sides!

I pray I’m wrong Martha, honestly I pray diligently about the fate and the consequences ahead!

Thank you Martha, you’ve inspired my thoughts and my replies expressions!


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So, Trump and his Team doesn't have an idea of this happening? I don't believe it. So, many things

all these people say. Do they come true?

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Yes. Pres

Trump does and I believe he and his team are working on solutions. I don't really trust Speaker Johnson, but I read and under script that he has already decided a mass deportation plan. After WWII and there were those here (communists) that Eisenhower deported millions. If he could do this in the late 1940s, early 50's... then President Trump can do this in our time.

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How is the voting going in AZ?

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It's cooling down a bit. Today it will be 75° F.

I killed a 7 inch scorpion taking out the trash last night. The Lizards and snakes are starting to hibernate.

The wife is fine ,she's decorating the apt today for Thanksgiving.

What's up with you family, Lynn?

I hope thing are well in the land of oranges 🍊

Most of our voting is done by mail,Trump is way ahead.

But our governor is owned by the Sinalola Cartel, so kammy will most likely win AZ.. the Cartel war south of us has not come across the wal here in my corner. So that's good.

I'm glad I found you again.

Now that we have ,I'll start sharing cool stuff with you again. 🤠

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GREAT....Please send whatever you have, Darkstar. Oh dear, be careful with those scorpions. We are doing fine. They had a Trump flag waving in our area

yesterday afternoon. A Great Day had by all. We can message on substack...

can't we? If you want my email, let me know. That's terrible about the cartels.

Looks like Kari Lake is on the way to winning. Keep in Touch....

We are voting on Tuesday. We are getting there early. Before 8AM. :-)

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Since I don't do DMs

You could send me your email via notes..

That would be useful .

Then I could share training videos like this with you.

🪖 🪖


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Darkstar: How do I send you my email by notes?

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Hi Darkstar......Hope all is well :-) What do you think will happen on November 5

Election Day?

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Trump wins.then is denied office for being a felon.

Riots start.DC is already in lockdown as of last week.

Riots need fuel,so the dollar crashes .

Food becomes rationed,

Power stations are hit. The Cartels swarm across the border



No matter who wins,we get a f ull.out war with Iran.

Just like the illuminati planed ,long ago.


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My friends daughter works in a Nursing home. Of the 50 patients there, 20 are not "all there". A group came in to get their Votes..so after this group left...She asked the woman who she voted for. The woman said she didn't know who to pick, so for the person to pick for her...She said there are 2 other Nursing home in her small city...How many votes are being cast this way and how is this Legal??

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Nov 3Edited

Mike Benz has been making the problem clear for a long time. The globalist-leftist cabal will NEVER stop. They have people in global government and every other level in the world. As Mike said on the interview, they are willing to cause disruption in society and, therefore, death and harm to even people who vote as they prefer. They are many and determined. And they have little effective opposition in government.

And if all Trump can do is dependent on executive orders, that just keeps the momentum of centralizing power into the executive branch growing stronger. And that's a VERY dangerous thing for the longer term. The vast majority of them are already unconstitutional, and for good reason. We need to be going in the direction of the 10th amendment, not the exact opposite direction, if we want hope for the long term.

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That wasn't an insurrection. No Trump Supporter started that riot. There are video of BLM activists And Antifa things getting dressed to blend in with Trump supporters, there were FBI undercover agents and DC & zMetro cops who all worked the crowd either encouraging violence or causing it ( Ray Epps is an FBI undercover agent caught on video trying to get Trump Supporters to charge into the Capitol. When this didn't work, the DC Cops opened the Capitol doors, and saved Trump Supporters in, then they are who staged the riot with the help of the other guards And BLM/Antifa

They shot tear gas into the peaceful crowds causing them to react. All on video , but if there was any reaction it was because they were being hot, shoved into the doors by these activists getting behind them and shoved them into the DC capital tunnels. Roseanne Boylsmd was unconscious due to being shoved, she fell and while laying unconscious was brutally hot 6 time by a female cops baton with the baton breaking on the 6th blow. A Trump Supporter tried to help her by removing her and the DC Cops pulled him away. Ne resisted and has been in the DC Gulags since because he was an eye witness to this murder. Didn't hear about this? Well, it too is on video, but these videos prove this. Pelosi and FBI has destroyed, is hiding the evidence, as has Liz Cheney withheld facts and evidence that would exonerate the 800+ who were arrested.

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I apologize for type os. I tend to hit the send button thinking Id made no errors. All I have is a small phone w tiny and a fat thumb to type on...One day, hopefully, Ill get a computer! !;

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Re the possibility of a coup to stop Trump...

And the implication is the possibility that they will attempt to create more chaos than currently being experienced. Henry Kissinger repeatedly referred to creating famines to put people in a position to submit. This is what they are now doing and have been doing by torching chicken farm operations, now injecting chickens with "vaccines", declaring more invented and created bird flu pandemics to give them authorization to destroy mor chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc., all types of fowl. They created droughts by draing lakes and rivers, California farmers are being put out of business while they send river water to the ocean. Cattle, hogs, etc, have been slaughtered prematurely, first during the pandemic when they stopped workers going to work, then with artificially created droughts. They are siphoning off water from private homes via Smart Meter technology, and plan to shut everything down, electricity, etc, remotely.

I can create a pelletized nutrient dense survival emergency supply that can be carried on the body in a container, a six month supply. Also, everyone needs to stock up on water, the most important thing. Be prepared for a shutoff , and return to pre-electricity days. They may use illegal immigrants to cause disturbance or worse, so be prepared to defend yourself.

I have tried for a long time to warn people, but no one wants to hear bad news; well no one wants to be the bearer either, but now as the intentions become clearer, getprepared. Canned beans have protein, are cheap, and can be eaten from the can. Get some foods that need no preparation also. Prepare a bugout bag, tea tree oil for cuts- doesn't sting, but is antiseptic.

Now, the most serious of it is that we are heading for an imminent pole shift, not magnetic, but physical, 90 degree shift, which is why they are again trying to cut off communication. This is a recurring event, every 3657 years+-, last time was the time of Noah. When New Madrid earthquake goes off, soon, there will be more devastation as occurred recently with North Carolina, services cut for eastern half of US. Intel says Chinese may attempt invasion at this time. Trudeau allowed troops into canada to protect the crops they are growing there under Trudeau's agreement. He is but a puppet of China. Yowusa dot com

You may contact me through my site. I have alternative ways to produce electricity, and can rapidly produce small units for cooking, heating, but require funding. Know that there will be no utilities for a long after the pole shift. Further information, supplies, and donations to


PO Box 963

Menomonee Falls, Wi. 53022

Depending on what you send, I will send. Write to me what your greatest concerns are; I will respond with suggestions/solutions.

There is much more to this.

Know that we will have help from unknown sources, but must prepare now and do our part to awaken others. There are those who will never believe until they see the wall of water, the hurricane force winds, the quakes, the fireballs, but it will be too late. Do your best. Don't panic, just prepare the best you are able. Join and share info with neighbors. Figure out who you can trust. God bless.

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Conservatives must not attack and result to violence at all. That is what the demons want. Then they will blame conservatives , turn military loose on them and lock the country down, and take over. Conservatives must stay cool. Demons may even create violence using their people but put Trump hats on them. Then lie about conservatives rioting. Stay quiet and cool. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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Good video tonight 👌

But we're still looking at

"Dems bad,vs Trump good"

If we can get past that we can see that both sides are part of the plan for Civil War.

Untill we understand that, we have no chance for freedom.

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It’s on.

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'Color Revolution'? I don't really understand what exactly it is about a Trump presidency that they fear/despise so much. Does he want peace where they want war? The wars in the ME appear to have to do with natural resources, I think. Why don't we just source as much from our own nation and then buy and trade. Maybe some of this has to do with Israel? Maybe some with Russia? Some with China? We get lied and propagandized to so much, that it is really impossible to truly understand. Everything is shifting to the 'global south'... including Faith. If you pay attention to that world, regarding Christianity, they know a shift is happening away from 'the West' and to Africa and Asia.

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Watch the whole video. It explains how Trump, by being neutral on an issue, brings the whole multinational empire down. Brilliant analysis.

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They are worried that Trump will prosecute them all, which I think he should do. I'm not sure he will. Dr. Scott Lively thinks they made a deal that he won't prosecute Jobiden or Clinton and might even pardon Hunter. I only get Lively's newsletter so you can look him up if you are interested. I didn't see any links to post.

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In my humble opinion, it's really quite easy to see the BigPicture and why repeated crises, 'Catalysing Events,' illegal 'Shock & Awe' Anglo/US military interventions(more than 50 since WW2), Black Lies Matter/antifa-George Soros financed disturbances, a US Defense Department C-19 Military Exercise in 2020, are exploited to the hilt to, for example, destabilise, tarnish and weaken a MAGA and uncontrollable president who represents a Spanner in The Works to those trying to control the planet with, as Mike Benz often says, the imposition of 'The Rules Based International Order' which, like a giant mosquito extracting a maximum amount of satisfying blood from the nations that it controls and forces them to use the Almighty dollar which keeps the American Way of Life afloat.

'The american way of life is NOT negotiable!'

Zbigniew Brzezinski.

If and when the mosquito stops sucking the blood, Anglo/US/Zionist Rule would begin to buckle and a dreaded Multi-Polar WIN WIN world would be created and countless TRILLIONS of stakeholder investments could be lost:((

The United States military bases have encircled both ReallyBigBoy enemies, China and Russia.

WHY would the US spend TRILLIONS of dollars to surround these two KEY to Global Domination nations🤔!?


'The nation that controls the EURASIAN HEARTLAND will control the entire WORLD.

Both Russia and China are geographically located slap bang at the 'heart' of Halford John Mackinder's 'World Island'👀🕵️!!

Donald Trump wants to greatly reduce the 800+ number of US military bases throughout the globe and use these ill-spent TRILLIONS to economically rebuild a deindustrialised US economy and recreate both a powerful and peaceful NATION STATE with a unique CONSTITUTION which straightjackets many of our Masters' policies and projects.

Imagine if Trump hadn't been cheated out of a 2020 election win and re-elected, the Russia-weakening Ukraine conflict would never have happened!!

Colour revolution Russia by using a cannon-fodder Ukraine and perhaps topple Vladimir Putin, overthrow and conquer this nation and control its much-coveted natural resources which are worth the GDP of this planet, and control the EURASIAN HEARTLAND.


This was in fact the objective of the Straussian neconservatives wielding their malevolent power at the United States State Department and elsewhere.

Trump had to therefore lose the 2020 BananaRepublic US elections🍌🍌.

A once again powerful United States NATION STATE under the control of a Constitution-abiding president is in stark contradiction to a centralised top-down technocratic system wished by certain influential entities.

I hope this brief glance at how those wielding power think and operate will enable you to finally begin to understand why Ordo ab Chao is Standard Operating Procedure.

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Nov 5Edited

Whatever the truth is, we need to be praying in repentance (and for mercy) for our anti God policies and practices here at home… and for promoting them abroad. I don’t have all the answers, and I think we are probably one of the most lied to and propagandized nation of peoples.

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Scary stuff

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Headline says 2024 but below that 2020. Was it both elections or just one of them?

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Benz knows what happened in 2020. I think he expects something similar could happen again. He points out the BLM riots are less likely to occur and less likely to cause the public to cry "Uncle"

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