You're 100% correct, and I wait fear the worse even if we manage to overcome their cheating. Kamala says she will not certify the Election. We saw a model of this in AZ 2022 where the Secretary of State, also a candidate for Govenor, who overseeims that election, had FBI agents helping, advising her in cheating. Kari Lake fought back val…
You're 100% correct, and I wait fear the worse even if we manage to overcome their cheating. Kamala says she will not certify the Election. We saw a model of this in AZ 2022 where the Secretary of State, also a candidate for Govenor, who overseeims that election, had FBI agents helping, advising her in cheating. Kari Lake fought back valiantly, but the Judges, dark money and the ICC blocked every attempt to investigate, overturn that election. Was it a test for 2024? I think so.
I almost forgot to mention, the recent DOD Revised Directive allowing our military to use lethality against American Civilians! Again AYKM? What is happening and what’s wrong with this picture?
Illegals, who are military aged and given free everything, will. Kamala, even if she loses will use them. James O'Keefe, in an undercover video, got acquainted with one of Gen. Austin's aides,who worked with Pentagon. This aide told him this, that our own Military won't shoot on American's, so they'll use these illegals who most were released from prisons and were brought here for this...Why Mayorkus is stonewalling and has not helped the hurricane victims. FEMA is building 3 camp s well equiped in Western NC and these camps, the spokesperson said "were for FEMA employees only".....
It's the Amish that are going in and building tiny houses for hurricane victims..And, it a fact that NC State Rhino Reps approved to move FEMA funding from the FEMA DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS to house and aid these ILLEGALS. FACT.
I agree Martha our military won’t attack their own. I also agree with you about the illegals and yes they will.
What’s more daunting is the work JJ Carroll has done regarding military age men being deployed all across America! To the extent these men in one case have been put up in three hotels south of San Diego California. Three very large hotels with wire fencing and then barbed wire around that!
If you haven’t watched Clayton Morris’s podcast “Redacted” this is where you’ll be able to find exactly what JJ Carroll and Brendan O”Shea, have uncovered.
We are being “setup”! We are also being told in no uncertain terms, exactly what’s happening and what’s to come.
I found Clayton Morris’s show “Redacted” one of the most responsible and informative shows I’ve ever watched!
Sadly this is where America has sunk to. This is no doubt Barack Hussein Obama’s “Fundamentally Transform America” agenda item! He told us so if you remember?
I pray for more clearer heads to prevail. There’s only so much, as we’ve been called, “Useless Eaters” can do.
Being called “Garbage, Deplorable’s, Nazis” etc. points directly to the “who and why” because they “Hate-Us” but the “when and where” still has TBD.
Thank you Martha, i appreciate your input. You’ve helped me to understand more about our country’s present problems.
I haven't heard Claytons latest video. I'll pull it up. I send these out but my friends and I have already voted for Pres. Trump. Prayer is requested Nationwide at 6:00 pm tonight. Please take time to pray at 6 pm your time. I'm in the Central time zone.
This is so true Martha, even more is how, such people get to these positions!
They have nothing to offer anyone except themselves! Joe Biden is the “Most-Corrupt” one of them! Obama’s birth certificate was investigated 7 ways to Sunday with three, yes 3 forensic experts verifying the false claims his birth is legitimate!
So now here we are again with a woman claiming to be black is not black which Candace Owen’s has completely destroyed this claim and half of America is ready to “Burn-Down-America” if Trump wins!
I personally have lost all faith in our system of voting as well as our government’s responsibility to adhere to our laws, constitution and everything our “Founding Fathers” penned 248 years ago!
So now what? I ask myself this question every day. One side of me wants a complete overhaul of our governmental systems and the other side wants an all out revolution!
Peacefully of course, I’ll never condone violence against others! Not unless someone “Hits” me first, violence isn’t the answer!
Once again we have an “Illegitimate” government who’s compromised mostly of “Obama-Leftist” radical Marxist / Socialist / Communist ideologies! Not to forget this “Illegitimate Candidate” posing as a black woman to appease certain “Radicals”!
Good God Martha how did we get here? I’m not sure and my gut instincts say, President Trump is part of this entire process of “Reimagining-America” according to Obama’s own words which are:
“Fundamentally Transform America”!
Why I’m saying this now? Two reasons. 1. Trump will not speak truthfully about OWS and these well documented “Bioweapon Injections” and 2. Recently Trump said he would support “Government Higher Education” paid for by the government! AYKM? Why?
This last statement speaks directly to a “Socialist-Influenced-Government”! The next step will be “Government-Clothing”? Who knows why Trump would say and embrace such “Socialistic” ideas?
We’re living in the Twilight Zone! Something is drastically wrong and I do believe the American people are being manipulated by both sides!
I pray I’m wrong Martha, honestly I pray diligently about the fate and the consequences ahead!
Thank you Martha, you’ve inspired my thoughts and my replies expressions!
You're 100% correct, and I wait fear the worse even if we manage to overcome their cheating. Kamala says she will not certify the Election. We saw a model of this in AZ 2022 where the Secretary of State, also a candidate for Govenor, who overseeims that election, had FBI agents helping, advising her in cheating. Kari Lake fought back valiantly, but the Judges, dark money and the ICC blocked every attempt to investigate, overturn that election. Was it a test for 2024? I think so.
I almost forgot to mention, the recent DOD Revised Directive allowing our military to use lethality against American Civilians! Again AYKM? What is happening and what’s wrong with this picture?
Thanks again Martha.
Yes. Our Military won't, but the new
Illegals, who are military aged and given free everything, will. Kamala, even if she loses will use them. James O'Keefe, in an undercover video, got acquainted with one of Gen. Austin's aides,who worked with Pentagon. This aide told him this, that our own Military won't shoot on American's, so they'll use these illegals who most were released from prisons and were brought here for this...Why Mayorkus is stonewalling and has not helped the hurricane victims. FEMA is building 3 camp s well equiped in Western NC and these camps, the spokesperson said "were for FEMA employees only".....
It's the Amish that are going in and building tiny houses for hurricane victims..And, it a fact that NC State Rhino Reps approved to move FEMA funding from the FEMA DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS to house and aid these ILLEGALS. FACT.
I agree Martha our military won’t attack their own. I also agree with you about the illegals and yes they will.
What’s more daunting is the work JJ Carroll has done regarding military age men being deployed all across America! To the extent these men in one case have been put up in three hotels south of San Diego California. Three very large hotels with wire fencing and then barbed wire around that!
If you haven’t watched Clayton Morris’s podcast “Redacted” this is where you’ll be able to find exactly what JJ Carroll and Brendan O”Shea, have uncovered.
We are being “setup”! We are also being told in no uncertain terms, exactly what’s happening and what’s to come.
I found Clayton Morris’s show “Redacted” one of the most responsible and informative shows I’ve ever watched!
Sadly this is where America has sunk to. This is no doubt Barack Hussein Obama’s “Fundamentally Transform America” agenda item! He told us so if you remember?
I pray for more clearer heads to prevail. There’s only so much, as we’ve been called, “Useless Eaters” can do.
Being called “Garbage, Deplorable’s, Nazis” etc. points directly to the “who and why” because they “Hate-Us” but the “when and where” still has TBD.
Thank you Martha, i appreciate your input. You’ve helped me to understand more about our country’s present problems.
I haven't heard Claytons latest video. I'll pull it up. I send these out but my friends and I have already voted for Pres. Trump. Prayer is requested Nationwide at 6:00 pm tonight. Please take time to pray at 6 pm your time. I'm in the Central time zone.
The one in particular I was red to Martha is with JJ Carroll, the Border Security Supervisor with 24 years experience.
This is so true Martha, even more is how, such people get to these positions!
They have nothing to offer anyone except themselves! Joe Biden is the “Most-Corrupt” one of them! Obama’s birth certificate was investigated 7 ways to Sunday with three, yes 3 forensic experts verifying the false claims his birth is legitimate!
So now here we are again with a woman claiming to be black is not black which Candace Owen’s has completely destroyed this claim and half of America is ready to “Burn-Down-America” if Trump wins!
I personally have lost all faith in our system of voting as well as our government’s responsibility to adhere to our laws, constitution and everything our “Founding Fathers” penned 248 years ago!
So now what? I ask myself this question every day. One side of me wants a complete overhaul of our governmental systems and the other side wants an all out revolution!
Peacefully of course, I’ll never condone violence against others! Not unless someone “Hits” me first, violence isn’t the answer!
Once again we have an “Illegitimate” government who’s compromised mostly of “Obama-Leftist” radical Marxist / Socialist / Communist ideologies! Not to forget this “Illegitimate Candidate” posing as a black woman to appease certain “Radicals”!
Good God Martha how did we get here? I’m not sure and my gut instincts say, President Trump is part of this entire process of “Reimagining-America” according to Obama’s own words which are:
“Fundamentally Transform America”!
Why I’m saying this now? Two reasons. 1. Trump will not speak truthfully about OWS and these well documented “Bioweapon Injections” and 2. Recently Trump said he would support “Government Higher Education” paid for by the government! AYKM? Why?
This last statement speaks directly to a “Socialist-Influenced-Government”! The next step will be “Government-Clothing”? Who knows why Trump would say and embrace such “Socialistic” ideas?
We’re living in the Twilight Zone! Something is drastically wrong and I do believe the American people are being manipulated by both sides!
I pray I’m wrong Martha, honestly I pray diligently about the fate and the consequences ahead!
Thank you Martha, you’ve inspired my thoughts and my replies expressions!