Wounderful! Here's a summary and 2 links to support the last one:
1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:
2 - Freedom of anonymous cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):
3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.
4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming").
5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of false or mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction by the editor.
6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)
7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies:
I will post the slides from my talk tomorrow (after I give it) and you will see I mention several of your ideas.
Wounderful! Here's a summary and 2 links to support the last one:
1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:
2 - Freedom of anonymous cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):
3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.
4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming").
5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of false or mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction by the editor.
6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)
7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies:
More here:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!