We need a war chest. You can see how drawn out this crazy case has been so there has to be money up front to go forward, because you can't run out in the middle of a case. Luckily, we already have some. Which may be why the board is dragging this out. They might fear what happens when it's over. Malfeasance, anyone? I included the donation page for CHD in another comment.

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And they may want to exhaust our funds. These are typical lawyer behaviors. Especially when the government can use its staff of in-house lawyers so their costs are minimal.

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Meryl, Their costs are not minimal. They just bill them to you in higher taxes and, like sheep, we pay them. The legal extortion of everyone is the foundation of all of the problems.

We need civil and CRIMINAL penalties (like they give to corporate execs who cheat) for all bureaucrats (elected or appointed) when they engage in malfeasance. That would instantly end most of this abuse.

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We need to assert political malpractice by the feral bureaucrats. They need to be politically neutered so they can't continue to multiply into every greater numbers of 3-letter agencies.

(King George) "has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance." US Declaration of Independence. Sound familiar?

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Key word…”Malfeasance”. Ed

Ain’t rich, ain’t poor; but, this is beyond wrong…will help. (Kid Rock language left out).

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So true 🎯

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Dr. Nass, are you in contact with Jeff Childers? Perhaps he can do a “multiplier” via GiveSendGo. Also, your story needs large reach...Rogan? Russell Brand? Scott Adams? (yes THAT Scott Adams). If i can be of help, please let me know. Drs. Marik & Kory have my #, although Paul won’t recognize my “handle” Pierre will. This is an incredibly important subject.

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I am okay for now but will call for help when I need it. THANKS!

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Yes!! Jeff Childers in FL of Coffee & Covid Substack - he’ll do a “multiplier” to cultivate immediate donations. ** Also he is compiling a database with medical AND legal information empowering similar cases resulting from the plandemic and the egregious actions against patients and Doctors. This is a legit way to flood donations

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omg please sue the pants off them! Donations forthcoming. I'm in.

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Best defence is an offense. IV & HQ are safe to try - the primary question, not whether they work.

Stopping safe treatments - safer than Remdesivir and ventilators - and fear mongering and no treatment, is a crime.

They are guilty of murder - is a criminal private prosecution possible?

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Faust DOES resemble Borat a bit...


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I can't find your donation link in other comments. Can you attach it to this thread? Thank you for your service

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Jun 1, 2023
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Yeah, that only applies to getting heard the first time, there is no right or expectation to a short trial unforturnately.

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I just can't stop laughing over the fact that his name is literally FAUST. Although I'm sure this whole ordeal is anything but a laughing matter for you, Dr. Nass. Stay strong and keep up the fight.

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The fight is useless unless we understand the root of the problem and the solutions:

Yet, all our efforts will be in vain if they are not turned into REAL POLITICAL change.

Could you please include this in the book? It's important! and it seems nobody spoke about all of it (ask me for the latest version):

All freedom fighters in all countries should be focusing in few urgent 7 goals/laws (to understand the context, please read my substack ( https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/the-plan-revealed ):

1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:

2 - Freedom of cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):


3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.

4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming".

5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction.

6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)

7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies

Who are “the powers that be”?

In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!

There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?

In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?

Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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I will post the slides from my talk tomorrow (after I give it) and you will see I mention several of your ideas.

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Wounderful! Here's a summary and 2 links to support the last one:

1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:

2 - Freedom of anonymous cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):


3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.

4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming").

5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of false or mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction by the editor.

6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)

7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies:



More here:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Very good points. The Satanic yearly convention in Scottsdale, AZ never missed a beat, it went strong each year without derogatory mention by the media. The media (CNN,MSNBC) especially loved to laugh at the "super spreader events" at church or Thanksgiving dinner. That is if you don't wear your mask and get your clot shots..


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I thought it was a sarcastic joke based on his name at first. I laughed too and then continued to giggle when it was clear that indeed the man's name is Faust 🤣

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An incredible story and true bravery and strength from you. I pray for you and know that the truth is what matters. No matter what, your inner history is validated. You have not let them defeat you! I applaud you in the highest.

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There's a section in Dr. Nass's article about the mortality risk Covid poses to children. The section deals with children being exposed to possible Covid death by unmasked airline passengers.

I still say the mortality risk for "healthy" children is/was 0.000 percent. This was documented by a major UK study that was basically ignored ... but I didn't ignore it. I used a few extrapolations to show that only six "healthy" children in the entire UK died "from" Covid in the first 12 months of the official pandemic.

A random healthy 17-year-old child has a much greater chance of being struck by lightning in a 12-month period than he does dying from Covid.

And how many studies have been commissioned that document the harm done to children from wearing masks at least 8 hours a day, every day for years? I'm not aware of one such study.


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Dr. Nass.....Thank you so much for your bravery. They are trying to make an example out of you to deter other Healthcare providers from doing what is right. They want all Healthcare providers to march in lockstep and just follow some "one size fits all" approach to medicine instead of using critical thinking, knowledge, and experience to determine what is best for each individual patient.

You are doing the right thing and you are exposing their vindictiveness and incompetence. Please stay the course.

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I only wish more had stood with you. Christana Norstrop was one I first heard, Dr Merritt another and of course Dr Malone. They all have been vocal.

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May God bless you for having to deal with all this. The world is lucky to have you as a fighter for doctors who are going through this. I know you will win and I do hope you sue them to oblivion. It is unbelievable how much evil and corruption has come to light in the last 3 years. We all knew of corruption but probably couldn't have imagined it was this bad. They aren't even hiding it anymore.

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"Why are we still going forward with these hearings?" -- To run out the clock and your legal funding. Esp. since they appear to be under no time pressure to produce a conclusion and just keep calling more "expert witnesses".

My question to your legal team: Can you sue the living sh*t out of the AMA, the Board members and their bogus witnesses for wrongfully taking your license, depriving you of your livelihood and besmirching your good reputation?

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If we get the funds to do so, I surely will.

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Dr. Nass, cannot the issue of the massive delays be brought before a judge to speed things up? It’s obvious that you are prepared. Why is the medical board not prepared to resolve the issue? Anyone can see that the constant delays are simply a tactic. The board should be made to justify the delays to a judicial authority. When it is shown that they violated the law and your rights they should be forced to admit their errors and reinstate you retroactively also purging any records of your suspension.

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Along with the reinstatement, Dr. Nass should sue the Maine board of examiners for every penny of lost income over the years that her license has been in suspension.

(edit:) …and it should go without saying that every penny spent on the good doctor’s legal defense of this frivolous case must be recovered.

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Please be sure to let us all know how to contribute when the time comes.

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See children’s health defense

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start a givesendgo, which can't be frozen as the breathy clone "disingenuous Ken Doll" (Brett Weinstein's name for Trudeau) did to the truckers, and go have some umbrella drinks and loll in the briny waters. You deserve a rest from fighting so hard for all of us and the future of the world!

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Is there a Give, Send, Go set up? Not sute how to do it, but would be a good idea. At 75, have barely any knowledge left that is useful 🤣

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I would like to contribute.

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Most doctors are not practicing medicine. They are administrating AMA and big pharma non-cures with the express purpose of keeping patients sick and chained to the medical system. The purpose of any physician or medical staff should be to cure the patient so that they become free of further need for medical interventions. Keeping the patient on a life long schedule of drugs and other medical necessities is a crime of the most dastardly sort.

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It was interesting to see that your counsel, despite the masses of information he had to learn and have at his fingertips, was unable to retain in his mind the correct pronunciation of Dr. Risch's name. We saw him learn it, and then promptly forget...

My friend, the author of the Substack CoronaWise, made the fascinating observation yesterday that prosecution--the ultimate weapon in the suppression of early treatment information--has resulted in putting these medications on trial--ironically the exact thing that honest docs had wanted from the start. I think the fed's plan had been to scare the medical community into submission. Their totalitarian strategy failed to comprehend that anyone with the guts and the support network to fight back when prosecuted for "misinformation" would get a public hearing. The defendant can then put into evidence the very information that was so heavily suppressed. Extremely high stakes, but brilliant!

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What will they mandate or do next??

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Just love your work and your writing style is clear and elegant.

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The original Dr. Faustus signs a covenant with the devil, who demanded Faustus sign it with his own blood. But Faustus' blood clotted and he couldn’t sign the deal with Mephistopheles. Looks like the clot shots were available in Elizabethan England, too, lol!

Now in a delicious redux of irony, our little Dr. Faust - like his namesake in the Marlowe play - got his memory clotted on the ‘expert’ witness chair! Bring on the soulful violins!

As to your question, Meryl (“Why are we still going forward with these hearings?”), 1, it is designed to impoverish you with 1000 pinpricks; and 2, it’s a money pot for ‘expert witnesses’ and medical board members to get paid by Maine’s taxpayers to exhibit practiced boredom while delaying the assured vote to remove your license to practice medicine.

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You are a beautiful soul. With a warrior spirit.

Keep up the good fight.

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I just retired. After spending over $350,000 having gone through a half dozen incompetent attorneys and all the lies of the DEA and Texas Medical Board I figured I could make more of a difference as an advocate and writer! Really sad as in Texas we took away patients rights to sue doctors. We gave the power to the medical board! I know many a patient abused the old system. However if you talk to any doctor, especially pain doctor who has been target by the board they would gladly go back to the old system.

There is a huge paradigm shift coming. Pharmaceutical companies have picked all the low hanging fruit. God made an amazing machine with the human body. What we feed it is way more important than trying to swoop in later to fix it. Vitamin D3 and magnesium in particular. Www.vitamindblog.com. Cutting out seed oils and high fructose corn syrup for example are critical.

Do not believe me. Try it for yourself. I am not giving medical advice just my personal opinions. Vitamin D3 at what I call optimal doses to reach optimal blood plasma levels along with magnesium and omega 3(krill oil) resulted in me going from one of three largest prescribers(depending on month as some months largest other second or third largest) antidepressants in five state region to prescribing two prescriptions over next approximately six years.

None of my patients again contracted a respiratory tract infection (influenza kills tens of thousands a year). This was before the big C. Even with it this made a huge difference. Fifty percent had osteoarthritis resolve. If I had added boron and vitamin K2 the MK4 type I believe all would have resolved.

Most lost weight. Almost all had their deep restorative sleep return. My and many others cancer resolved. Mine was skin cancer. One patients wife who started taking what I recommended her husband take had her terminal ovarian cancer (was given less than six months to live by MD Anderson hospital doctors) is disease free and healthy now almost 13 years later. So much more.

Do your own research. Your health-physical and mental health-is key to your freedom! If not mistaken 9 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were physicians! So now I is my pen(ok keyboard) as it truly is mightier than the sword! Oh I am not suicidal-just saying as it seems outspoken critics suddenly become “suicidal“! Dangerous world we live in. We need to reclaim our rights!

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High quality flax oil, I think, is okay and I add it to yogurt almost daily. But yes, we need to stop the attack on wholesome food equally as much as to stop the attack on the doctor-patient relationship. And take the right supplements when needed (I need them) perhaps due to eating food from depleted soils.

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Med page is just an unethical arm of Big Pharma and is used to pump expensive proprietary drugs and discredit those that are cheap including nutrients like D and NAC which are key to good health!

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Bravo as usual Dr Nass on all fronts. Words fail. Unending thanks.

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Pardon my semi-impertinence.


As I read this update I couldn't help but think of a clip from the Antiques Roadshow that I happened across this past weekend dodging wind and raindrops with my family at Bedrock Beach. Up for appraisal is a medicine cabinet for medical students. Lo and behold, before pharma's capture of western medicine, it would appear that medical students needed to know a lot more about nature's herbal offerings and their relationship with human well being, as evidenced by the contents of the time-capsule-like treasure seen in the clip.

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I believe the issue can be attributed to Rockefeller funded medical education. He arranged to not educate or licence homeopaths and others, only those who pushed petrochemical derived drugs were to be licenced.

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Agreed I considered adding a Rockerfeller reference to my post.

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Pardon me once again. A striking aspect of the Forest plots of treatments includes a lot of alternative hypothetical treatments to include things like fomatidine and fluvoxamine, and povidine iodine nasal irrigation, etc. The striking aspect is if you dig you can find Forest plots that indicated an entire slew of those things on the positive side from pre-June 2020, yet none have, even yet to this day, been encouraged by public health et al. It was never about health.

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You are right, the Board must be publicly slammed, the regulatory body and the individuals involved in your case. As well, there must be financial consequences not only to recover actual costs but to deter future hunting of doctors.

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