1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:
2 - Freedom of cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):
3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.
4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming".
5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction.
6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)
7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies
Who are “the powers that be”?
In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!
There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?
In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?
Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Wounderful! Here's a summary and 2 links to support the last one:
1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:
2 - Freedom of anonymous cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):
3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.
4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming").
5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of false or mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction by the editor.
6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)
7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies:
Very good points. The Satanic yearly convention in Scottsdale, AZ never missed a beat, it went strong each year without derogatory mention by the media. The media (CNN,MSNBC) especially loved to laugh at the "super spreader events" at church or Thanksgiving dinner. That is if you don't wear your mask and get your clot shots..
The fight is useless unless we understand the root of the problem and the solutions:
Yet, all our efforts will be in vain if they are not turned into REAL POLITICAL change.
Could you please include this in the book? It's important! and it seems nobody spoke about all of it (ask me for the latest version):
All freedom fighters in all countries should be focusing in few urgent 7 goals/laws (to understand the context, please read my substack ( https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/the-plan-revealed ):
1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:
2 - Freedom of cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):
3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.
4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming".
5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction.
6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)
7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies
Who are “the powers that be”?
In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!
There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?
In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?
Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
I will post the slides from my talk tomorrow (after I give it) and you will see I mention several of your ideas.
Wounderful! Here's a summary and 2 links to support the last one:
1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:
2 - Freedom of anonymous cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):
3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.
4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming").
5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of false or mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction by the editor.
6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)
7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies:
More here:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Very good points. The Satanic yearly convention in Scottsdale, AZ never missed a beat, it went strong each year without derogatory mention by the media. The media (CNN,MSNBC) especially loved to laugh at the "super spreader events" at church or Thanksgiving dinner. That is if you don't wear your mask and get your clot shots..