Thanks for the great recap of the rhodesian civil war, and our military's long history of experimenting on soldiers. I am grateful for your heroic efforts to hold accountable the many perpetrators of the terrible criminal frauds which have comprised the PREP act and the murderous policies related to it. Those noble efforts do seem hamstrung by acceptance of a 2020 pandemic as fact rather than a staged theatrical event. Perhaps to some extent it was both. However, having worked as a GP throughout the event (as I know you did), I can not dispel the conviction that doctors, and the public were methodically manipulated, propagandized and terrorized into submitting to harmful draconian policy because of an exaggerated 'emergency'. Alas this has been a very effective ploy to frighten and divide people who are the victims of the fraud. It is also the perp's get out of jail card isn't it? They will, I fear, use it again. And walk away free. Again. Unless we recognize and thwart the obvious use of terror induced fear for which the pandemic concept is so well suited. Thanks also for your decisive contribution to the foiling (for a time) of the sinister WHO IHR plot. We know they'll be back but the world is better prepared to resist thanks to your work.

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Your, " experimenting on soldiers" reminds me of the 500 million kill Fort Riley Kansas soldier who got jabbed with a "Rushed into production" vaccine, then won the patient zero for the misnamed, Spanish Flu! Thank Satan our 50 billion in conspiratorial fraud fines, that cause harm & death are never prosecuted & jailed!

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I haven't listened yet-but wow-this looks like a great site! Lots of excellent people on this podcast. I had never heard of this before, so I am thankful you shared it, and I am now headed there to listen to your interview.

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One small step for humankind.

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This was a very good interview - highly recommended.

One thing I would add is that we absolutely must stop the digitization of mankind. today I read that Greece is going digitalID. Here are 50 more countries that have digitalIDs - the people in these countries are either ignorant or gullible, since digital IDs are the first step in dehumanizing humans and total control of not only every aspect of their lives, but every movement and word. If this takes force to stop, so be it. https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/digital-ids-study/

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Soon the Godless cogs & sheeple [in Godless nations] will be chipped with RFID so we can be tracked, like dogs! Satan woulden't have it any other way!

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I could be wrong, but the embedded chips might be just insurance in case someone loses their mobile phone, which will be just one of the many devices used to track each person, or the chips will be used to replace smart phones.

The total control formula that I see now being implemented is

1. A DigitalID for each person

2. Add the behavioral scoring system

3. Link 1. and 2. to the programmable centrally controlled currency (aka CBDC, which the WEF/UN/World Bank plan to turn into a single world currency with one world government.

4. Ban all cash and other forms of exchange.

5. Continue the deployment of billions of surveillance devices (including our smartphones) to spy on every individual 24/7, and report constantly or by exception.

Every human in the system will then automatically become a slave. At this point the chips would be implanted.

Anyone who escapes the net will be tracked down, caught, and punished. Survivalists will stand no chance of remaining free for very long, since these days just about everything is barcoded and trackable. If no chips are used and you lose your phone or are able to somehow opt out of the system, you will be, in the words of the globalists, "excluded from society", a euphemism for put out in the cold to die.

There is a bill in the Senate, HR 5403/118th Congress) that passed the house and will need to be reintroduced again in the 119th Congress that will ban any kind of central bank from offering CBDCs to individuals. The Democrat controlled Senate would not vote on it (most of them are in cahoots with the globalists). This and other similar bills need to be passed in the 119th congress.

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Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" comes to mind, where a dystopian society called the "World State" where human beings live in a pleasure-seeking culture, effectively eliminating individuality and critical thinking! Well the future is here [if not sood.]

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So do "1984" (total control), "Logan's Run" (top toeing through the tulips) and "Soylent Green" (insect casseroles) LOL but coming too fast to be really funny.

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Beautiful! I am a member of F4F and I’ve been following your work closely for several years. Thank you for being one of my heroes.

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^^Awesome interview.

"classes on how to spot the propaganda, on how to think for ourselves"

what a concept! what are schools doing?

Criminal penalties for CEOs! Yeah!!

International Agreements (Part I): Overview and Agreement-Making Process


"Councils of Government" sounds like a brand new vector of evil. Somehow we have to have a way to trace all these vectors back to their source.

I hope your faith in Trump is justified.

Usury has consolidated everything, so the rulers need technocracy to maintain control. That much is clear. They've known and planned that for decades, maybe generations.

The three letter agencies are the undertakers. The censored press, the bought legislators and the criminal corporations are the symptoms. Usury is the disease.

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