My interview with Mark Kulacz on Housatonic Live
1.5 hours, lots of Biowarfare history, and in the last 20 minutes I offer thoughts for getting out of the Great Reset
Youtube : It will be interesting to see how long it lasts at this site. But the interview should remain up on Odysee and Rumble, below.
Odysee :
And here is the early start of an archive page :
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By Meryl Nass · Thousands of paid subscribers
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Dr. Nass I recently subscribed after following you for a few months. I appreciate your integrity and grit. Your fight against the medical board is inspiring. Your composure, critical thinking, logic and tenacity in the face of powerful malevolent forces is to be admired. Your case is a blueprint for how to fight. No Panic. You used their forum, the hearing to expose the fraudsters. Thanks for sharing the blueprint. We are building a community of people who are willing to fight the lies. I have shared your story with many who are vaccine believers, and it has helped expose the corruption to a few. It is the community we are building that will be the undoing of the nefarious corporatists. I can't read everything, but i do check in and I want you to know you are making a huge difference along with other honest brokers
Excellent interview, Dr Nass!