Dearest Dr. Nass ~ sending you much love, prayer and gratitude for all that you do ~ from 8,000 in a Costa Rican cloud forest.

ps: where Ivermectin is sold over the counter. : ) *

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Wouldn't it be something if everything was accelerated because of Ivermectin?

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How do you define "everything?"

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Because the question is rhetorical and provocative, it is for the reader to ponder and define in as restricted a manner, or as expansively, as they choose. My question is an invitation to search for patterns, employ imagination and to articulate hypotheses.

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This made me laugh, and I certainly mean no disrespect, but it struck me as “This person needs to get a life”. Dr. Naas is in the fight of her life to defend her career and reputation, and THIS is your question? Please forgive me, in advance, but you must admit it’s a SMH posit.

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Maybe the good doctor means that by ridiculously putting the clamp down on ivermectin the big Pharma complex has exposed itself as fraud and unleashed the anger of the masses

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Dear Miss Bush, your comment baffles me and disappoints me. First of all, I completely empathize with Dr. Nass -- no, I sympathize with her. I admire her courage and her fight. I wish there were manifold like her in every aspect of modern society -- you know, like there once were. I went through this already in the early phase of the tyranny. My career and my life was destroyed. I have been blackballed. My life was threatened at knife point to "help me understand." Last Fall I was debanked. The tyranny is huge beyond most people's understanding, apparently even yours. In the name of God, in what imaginable sense do you find my question to be trivializing? Ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-winning drug, is already in use freely in many third- and second-world places greatly altering mortality, morbidity, social wellness and economic potential. This drug has also had a tremendous impact on population with implication for mobility (read mass migration). And, now, The whole System, with its medical organ, is arrayed against the use of Ivermectin just as its real potential seems to be unfolding. Hunh.

By the way, Miss Bush, did you read my other comment? I started writing it when there were only three others, so it should not be difficult to find if you select the "chronological" setting for comments.

I do not want you to take this personally, because my comment is about a much broader phenomenon that is apparent even in these political spaces. People in groups are wont to be follow-the-leader types and celebrity [worshipers]. With nothing better to add (again, this is not directed at you), they gain a "place" in the gang by defending the leader against any person whom they suspect is not saluting the leader appropriately. Often, these people do not understand the real issues at stake and cannot understand who is a threat to the leader -- or the cause -- and who supports the same cause of the leader or person in focus at the moment. Thus, there is much faux sympathy, shallow sympathy and the so-called "virtue signalling" online.

(Minor note, please do not use unnecessary abbreviations such as "SMH" post. If I can take the time to write you a polite and respectful reply without a lot of mind-numbing "GKW, BJHJKS and NGHUS because of QDJII," please return the courtesy. It is generally a good writing habit to spell things out, especially in a non-technical setting. The use of all this texting and F---book lingo in situations like this reinforces the suspicion that this practice signifies shallow, sentimental affiliations wherein the user assumes that everyone shares their current and group-based surges to and fro of mood ).

Try reading and thinking, not reacting.

Lastly, you are forgiven as requested --- more than forgiven. I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Nobody knows the troubles you've seen,

Nobody knows your sorrows......

Please accept my groveling, it was all I could muster.

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Vague statements on a serious topic are irksome. Would you really have risked anything further by adding a few more words on what you talking about?

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I misspelled her name.

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Illegal? Sure, you bet. As if they give a shit about legalities and other such trivial matters. They make a mockery of the law. These people will stop at nothing to discredit anyone not supporting the narrative, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. So sorry you're having to endure this wagonload of BS.

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The decision will have international dimensions. If they decide against you it will be further proof of the breakdown of the rule of law in the U.S.

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Prayers going out for you Dr Nass May God pour out blessings upon you for the integrity and courage you have shown I’ll be praying that God makes this judge see the truth of the matter and he rules in your favor. Forever grateful to you and all the doctors who are fighting for patients rights to choose and the doctors right to treat each patient according to their health needs. The last three years have been insane. Praying justice will prevail ! Thank you! I sure wish you were my doctor 💜💜

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I am sure you don't have any of those issues - but from watching some of the hearings - I firmly believe that many if not all of the members of that board do. So glad you chose to slap them with a lawsuit. This crap cannot continue.

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We can only hope that the expensive 'lawsuit' is a deterrent.

Once a county employee...upstate NY..told..."See all those boxes.

All lawsuits. Go ahead. To us it's just a cost of doing business.

To you it's your time wasted."

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I once heard a great response to "You can't fight city hall" - Don't you know that is exactly what they want you to believe.

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good Luck with this. September 19th--I hope to listen in. what a painful process you and Dr Tenpenny and countless other doctors have been subjected to! At some point the tide must turn. i am praying for you.

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We’re with you Dr Nass !!! Thank you for all you did and do ! As my dad would say “You’re a keeper ! “ 😊

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Under the canons of consensus-based medicine, disobedience--a condition that the Board wisely recognized by itself when you complained to them about the pharmacist interfering with your Ivermectin prescription--on its face constitutes "interfering with the competent practice of medicine.” Let's see how much moral courage and integrity the judge has.

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ALL government licensing needs to be eliminated. Licensing is when the government steals one of your rights, and then rents it back to you with strings attached.

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And, it is a TAX.

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Oh dang, you got Levy for your case too? Is he the only judge that the state of Maine has to hear medical freedom cases? I hope his conscious finally was found.

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I just read this profound essay by Dr.Naomi Wolf on her perceptions of changed human behavior since 2020. Well worth your time.


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Prayers for you Dr. Nass - you are deeply appreciated. The Truth shall set us FREE & you Dr. Nass are a courageous Medical TRUTH Warrior. Thank you for ALL you do to help inform humankind ...

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a treasure you are Dr Meryl Nass! a bright light!

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You should win.

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It's implied the last reason is: "...or who thinks for herself."

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I, as well as many others, sincerely wish, hope and pray that justice prevails in your fight for what is right. You are a true hero who scares the whits out of the evildoers. I am so pleased and proud of you and your difficult stand for truth, fairness and freedom. God bless you in your plight! I'm sure that you will be rewarded in the end in one way or another!

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