But seriously (maybe) as an Independent. Lots of us would be enthusiastic supporters! A covidian physician just won the governor's election in Hawai'i November.
You obviously have not heard of the Catherine Austin Fitts "Red Button" story where people claiming to be concerned about crime would not push the button if it would affect their social security, 401K plans and investments.
With suggestions like these, you are likely to be drafted to run for governor of Maine, Meryl! What a joy that would be for you! (LOL)
But seriously (maybe) as an Independent. Lots of us would be enthusiastic supporters! A covidian physician just won the governor's election in Hawai'i November.
You obviously have not heard of the Catherine Austin Fitts "Red Button" story where people claiming to be concerned about crime would not push the button if it would affect their social security, 401K plans and investments.
i definitely know of C.A.F, and just saw a great interview with her by Kim Iversen, but this particular red button scenario, not.