While I have shown that bird flu is a psy-op, it is still important to closely observe what the federal agencies are doing so we can protect our food supply and call them out on bad policies
In Jan Karon's, "Mitford Series", the character Uncle Billy Watson is known for his colorful and humorous sayings, and he frequently uses the phrase "No rest for the wicked—and the righteous don’t need none!"
I think that that might apply, here, too!
Unfortunately, if that is correct, then I must count myself among the wicked!
If people took 10000iiVitamin D/day and 100ug Vitamin K the incidence of any URT inffection would be close to zilch that would be more than enough to get their immune system optimized without any toxic issues
I have been taking Vitamin D for 50 years, as of 2020 ramped up the dose from 6000iu to 10000iu. I have not had so much as a cold the past 20 years. Believe the crap you want 80% of the stuff we are fed IS crap. The studies show the efficacy. Bottom line you wang a blood level of 51ng. Minecruns from 67 to 90 depending on the time of the year and outdoor sun exposure. Those who get severe COVID have low levels of Vitamin D, around 40% of the population. Keep being a cash cow for big Pharma
I take 180 ug of K2 and go out in the sun for my vitamin D (since I live in Florida), as the supplement is really a hormone that I choose not to take. I also take astaxanthin which allows the sun and D3 to get into your body and filters out the sun's harmful UV rays and it's also so very good for your eyes (along with bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin). The D3 info is from Shane Ellison, thepeopleschemist.com.
Well, I went to look at the bottles, D3 is Soybean oil, the A is Olive oil. I'm Hypothyroid, Type 2, Gastroparesis from a Menieres Vertigo fall. Soy isn't good. I'm scared to look at the rest. These are things I read labels to avoid. Sun on lilly white Celtic skin is a no-no. Never tanned in my life, always had sunburn from deep red to blisters.
I dropped 40+lbs in the last 13 months. At 5', 129 is good. Humalog use is half what I started on. AND THE USDA SETS THE UI OR MG, MCG ACCORDING TO WHOSE PEDDLING WHAT GREASES CONGRESS' HANDS. The same goes for what is obese...that was Obama. Now the Surgeons who do the stomach bypasses are upset over lost 'sheep' because of Wegovy. That is why we now see this pre-diabetic crap. Wegovy and evil twin is pure poison. In a few years the Thyroid cancer and tumors will show up, The GI crap they have is Gastroparesis, along with vision issues.
Glad you took the time to look at the contents. I take a dry form D3 Bronson Basics on Amazon. I can't send a photo in the comments butbdo an Amazon search Vitamin D3 dry...10000iu should be able to find it and find the ingredient details
My E and A are oils, D3 is dry, my first time trying it. But I take quite a few supplements. I don't buy combos either. Cinnamon, Folate, B6, Selinium, Horsetail (clean break of the wrist), Luetin, Probiotics, Mag Citrate, Coral Cal. Quercetin, Quinine Bark, Zinc, and a Stone Buster...gallstones, but not a bad gallbladder.
Have you tried the dry form? Is it the D or the vehicle? At least 30 minutes diurect sunlight. The actual amount you get depends on skin pigmentation, where you live ( latitude) and time of year. Would seeiously like to explore the allergic issue...Cod liver oil etc cause an allergic reaction?
Hi Gary, Thank you for responding. Yes I have tried the dry form from The vitamin Shop. The reaction was the same. I don’t know if cod liver oil would affect me as I have never tried it. I try to stay away from oily preparations because of acid reflux. I do try to get sun exposure but my levels are still subpar.
I have been taking 15,000iu of vitamin D3, every day, along with 600ug of K2, for more than 10 years. I have taken as much as 50,000iu of vitamin D3, each day, along with additional K2, for more than a month at time. At NO time have I experienced any ill effects.
So, let's get to science: for lighter-skinned Individuals, approximately 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D can be produced, within the body, in 30 MINUTES of midday sun exposure with most of the skin exposed (e.g., wearing a swimsuit).
I used to farm, frequently not wearing shirts during the midday sun, and NO sunblock, which I consider to be an evil thing, so my body would have created, during the FIVE HOURS of the high point of sunshine, from 10AM through 3PM, 100,000iu to 200,000iu of vitamin D3, most days throughout the summer months -- PLUS the creation of vitamin D3 during the remaining hours of the day, during which I probably wore a shirt, PLUS the supplements that I take, every day.
Interestingly, I am not saying that you are wrong: Vitamin D3 IS used as a rat poison. Looking at the idea from a slightly different angle: In addition to vitamin D3, which we agree can kill rodents, I also consume chocolate, which contains theobromine, and suffer no ill effects, while, at the same time, too much theobromine can kill a dog, when a dog ingests it. Is it correct, then, for me to consider chocolate as a potential toxin, to myself, just because sufficient quantities of it can kill dogs?
And, again: There is a toxic component in onions (and other members of the Allium family, such as garlic, leeks, and chives) that can harm and potentially kill dogs -- N-propyl disulfide. This compound damages the red blood cells in dogs, leading to a condition called hemolytic anemia. But I consume onions, in great quantity, almost every day with NO ill effects. So, again, I ask, "Is it correct, then, for me to consider onions as a potential toxin, to myself, just because sufficient quantities of them can kill dogs?"
Having said all of that, I agree with the thought you (indirectly) raise: How can we, the average person, be sure that the people, groups, and organizations that we used to trust (such as those mentioned within the article, above, as well as others, including almost all "research scientists") still provide us with reliable information, such as what should, and should not, be taken for good health? How can we trust the recommendations, regarding concepts such as nutritional supplements (as only one example), of the same people, groups, and organizations that told us that the vaxx was/is "safe and effective", when it is, so obviously, not?
Despite my seeming disagreement, here, "I feel you", as the saying goes....
Someone has not a clue. Been folliwing and taking this dose since 2020. Mc Cullough is on board so is anyone rlsecwith half a brain and no financial interest in selling poison to inject into your arms/forced sterilization
Man I don’t claim to know anything or answers but I’m looking for answers trying to find my way through the bullshit but bird flu is bullshit you gotta admit that how do you know of a bird has bird flu does he have a sniffly nose
It's the old PCR Test again. Inspectors arrive to swab and if any are positive, the whole flock in sheds get gassed to death. I'm sure in olden times a sickly or injured bird would simply be removed from the flock and the rest left to carry on with watchful eye of the farmer.
(I apologize for the length of this, but I think [hope] you will find it interesting, given your comments.)
I maintain that an "asymptomatic" bird is NOT ILL, even if a PCR test (that is NOT a test) "determines" that the bird is infected.
An infected bird can exhibit a wide range of symptoms, depending on the strain of the virus and the bird's susceptibility. Common symptoms include:
Difficulty breathing
Nasal discharge
Coughing or sneezing
Lethargy or weakness
Decreased activity or unresponsiveness
Loss of appetite
Swelling of the head, face, combs, wattles, and hocks
Purple discoloration of wattles, combs, and legs (due to lack of oxygen)
Ruffled feathers
Diarrhea or greenish feces
Drop in egg production
Tremors or convulsions
Twisting of the neck (torticollis)
Incoordination or difficulty walking
Back, during my years of farming, I never saw a case of bird flu, but I did the research, at the time.
The key to remember is that those that survive, just like the cows mentioned in the article, above, go back to "normal", including egg production levels, and are, thereafter, immune to the illness -- no vaxx needed.
Just like hoof-and-mouth disease in cattle, which has been used as an excuse by many governments to cull MILLIONS of animals, including cows, sheep, goats, and hogs, over the years, despite its being a disease that causes only a TEMPORARY drop in milk production, in the case of dairy cattle, and a SLIGHT reduction in end-weight in beef cattle. Almost no animals die from it and ALL animals are immune, after the disease runs its course. So, why not just weather the one-time loss in production and have an immune herd, afterwards?
A specific example: Back in 2001, there was a hoof-and-mouth scare, created by the British agricultural health service, that resulted in the "policy" of the total destruction of ALL herds of animals, even those showing NO signs of infection, located within 3 KM/1.86 MILES of any herd determined to be infected. In addition, regardless of distance, ALL animals located on contiguous farms were destroyed, regardless of signs of infection. That distance was necessary, they said, because the disease was SO very infectious and was spread by the wind, as well as physical contact. In total, SIX MILLION animals, including cows, sheep, goats, and hogs were destroyed, most located within the so-called "Protection Zones".
Interesting anecdote: Hoof-and-mouth disease is nothing new: It was a major concern, even as far back as the 1800s. Between 1905 and 1924, a man named Sir Albert Howard served as the head of British agriculture in India during his tenure as the Imperial Economic Botanist at the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute in Pusa, India. During that time, he conducted research into traditional Indian farming methods and organic agriculture that, eventually, resulted in his book on sustainable and organic farming principles,"An Agricultural Testament". (I highly recommend.) He was the "Father of Organic Agriculture", whose methods were adapted and made famous by J.I. Rodale, in the U.S., years later.
Sir Albert Howard maintained a herd of 75 beef cattle that was part of his efforts to demonstrate the effectiveness of organic, compost-based farming systems. At the time of this story, all but one of his cattle, a new herd bull that he imported into the herd, as is necessary, from time to time, to avoid in-breeding, had been maintained by him, for several years, on pasture grass that he fertilized only with his own compost, made from the manure of those cattle.
As a experiment, he put several infected cattle, complete with the foaming-at-the-mouth symptom that obviously-infected cattle have (hence the name), into an adjoining pasture. Both herds drank from the same watering tanks and the cattle rubbed noses over the fences. If any cattle should ever have become infected by that disease, it was his compost-raised herd -- except, they did NOT. Only ONE animal became infected: the new herd bull. It had only been maintained on his pastures for six months before the experiment. It had been acquired from a non-organic herd. His main herd of beef cows (the females) had ALL been on his organic grass pastures for several years.
His INESCAPABLE conclusion: Proper health, from proper (organic) nutrition, PREVENTED the well-nourished animals from becoming infected.
I leave it to you to decide whether he was correct.
How soon can the 'officials' in the CDC and other so-called health agencies be replaced? 21st January? Can't be soon enough, after the weirdos the Democrats have recruited. And they think that Trump's picks are off the wall !!
Thank you Meryl for calling out Peter McCullough on a few errors. I believe Robert Malone has done the same. I would rather see McCullough admit the mistake than another war start between various individuals in the medical freedom space. I like what Jack Kruse did for El Salvador- he added a robust medical freedom statement to their constitution. Hopefully we can do that here in the US. Then of course we need to dismantle the Vaccine I jury Act as well as the Prep Act and a few others as suggested by Katherine Watt, so that we can truly avoid medical tyranny and also begin to have real accountability for all pharmaceuticals. We have a long road ahead since the financial capture of government is so entrenched and pervasive.
the 'in fighting' is getting really annoying, isn't it? debate is fine; snarky in fighting is not.
but yeah, fighting medical tyranny (thanks for reminding us of what's probably the best term for it) IS the bottom line goal. normies don't realize that this fight is for THEM too
I started studying information about and using Norwegian Cod liver oil since the early to mid 1970s. Dr. Linus Pauling, famous for his research about cancer and the efficacy of vitamin C. His work was shut down when it was proven that cancer can be successfully resolved with the use of Vitamin C in the anti cancer therapies. This is history. Easy to find. He was also successful studying Vitamins A and D. His research showed that up to one tablespoon of Norwegian Cod liver oil can be taken daily for up to 6 months. 100,000 IU. He found that Vit D is stored in the liver. The daily doses recommended only provide the minimum of what the body needs daily. To be really fully healthy, the liver must have enough stored beyond the daily dose.The minimum dose.
Before I started this experiment, I was almost always sick with some respiratory illness. After 6 months of one tablespoon a day of Norwegian Cod liver oil, I did NOT get sick with anything for 5 full years. Now, I take it once a month all winter. I need to start earlier in the cold season or before it starts. COD LIVER OIL is complete. NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL is the most complete unadulterated source of both Vitamins A and D. It works as claims say. Taking processed Vitamin D alone, at the levels I used can be hard on the kidneys. It must be used with Vitamin KS and minerals like magnesium. I believe everyone should do the research they need to use what they have to do to be safe.
My wife and I listened to a radio recording of Doctor in the house, a doctor turned author's fictional desciption of medical training. First broadcast in 1968. Based on book published in early 1950's.
Reference was made to IV vit C for oxidising alcohol in someone. It suggest how powerful it is.
TAS, Norwegian Cod liver oil is naturally occurring Vitamins A and D in the right balance, with all of the naturally existing ingredients that make it a whole food. It is best taken as an unadulterated liquid rather than an emulsified, encapsulated version. Yes, you can get it, in a brown glass bottle online. It may take some searching. It's there. It's safe. It's natural.Best of all, it really works.
Working backwards - this has halted the sale of raw milk in CA grocery stores, going on 2 months. Is this a way to cripple the commercial raw milk industry?
Its interesting in the UK - they have begun to add ‘Bovaer’ a dangerous additive to cow feed, ostensibly to reduce methane emissions. There's been a shift to raw milk and we are wondering how that is going to pan out.
Bovaer has only been added to Arla milk in certain supermarkets like Morrisons in the UK, and it's amazing how those shelves remain full and don't need to be restocked. People are waking up to the harms - and if it ain't selling, it ain't a product Big Pharma will pursue.
Bird flu was created in a lab in Atlanta, GA..This is what I read today...and the vax makers are busy getting vaxes ready for it...business as usual! Something, I just don't understand ...How senile Biden at this point can send Ukraine $3.5 billion without being stopped?...Aren't there any in our government who can end this fiscal insanity?
Yes it's the old, Create a "gain of function" disease, then sell/ force the remedy! [that causes side effects needing more drugs! Then with the profits buy mass advertising P.R. & politicians! Satan wouldn't have it any other way!
"The Gs/GD lineage of H5 has a broad One Health impact as it continues to cause infections, disease, and death in poultry, wild birds, and humans. Furthermore, the Gs/GD lineage outbreak has affected more poultry and countries than the other 41 HPAI outbreaks combined."
Good damned question and I could see it coming a mile away! Thought she Birx would crawl back in the woodwork and join Fauci out of sight out of mind and forever off the National stage. But there she was on my tv peddling the same old poison! Hurry up RFK! Get in there and save the farms and save the animals! This WEF agenda has got to get out of our country!
A CIA whistleblower has said that Americans should be 'terrified' of alleged government gaslighting of former intelligence employees who believe they have been struck down by 'Havana Syndrome'.
Bird flu outbreak expands, more Michigan poultry facilities exposed to virus
IS THERE any scientific documentation of isolation of COVID virus? I've been searching for "it" for more than 4 years and Google has not provided any satisfactory results?!?!
Go to Christine Massey's Substack. There apparently are no isolates for ANY viruses for which she has submitted FOIA's. Also, searching Google gets you nowhere. Try Yandex. Many of us have been searching for proof of viruses, and unless it's very hidden, there appears to be no evidence of their existence.
Isn't it wonderful when they redefined virus from 'poison, slime, venom' to something only so-called experts with access to electron microscopes could see.
He's the one who got me going down the rabbit hole! I tell the skeptics to do a simple search: go to Google, and look at microscope images of fungi and bacteria. Then do the same with viruses, and ask why they're CGI?
I've seen nice, pretty, computer-generated version of what a Co-V 19 virus would look like, if we could see one! It's just like computer-generated climate doom models! I wonder what a computer-generated model of a God-fearing, One Nation under God, land of Liberty & Freedom would look like [If we could have one?]
For heaven's sake, is there no rest? ... Thank you, Dr. Nass.
In Jan Karon's, "Mitford Series", the character Uncle Billy Watson is known for his colorful and humorous sayings, and he frequently uses the phrase "No rest for the wicked—and the righteous don’t need none!"
I think that that might apply, here, too!
Unfortunately, if that is correct, then I must count myself among the wicked!
CDC, CNN, any three letter nonprofits or government officials is bullshit all lies
I drop the three and just call them lettered nonprofits, etc. and don't forget the UN.
The double whammy of McCullough’s then Malone’s articles today threw me for a loop. Thanks for giving us some perspective!
If people took 10000iiVitamin D/day and 100ug Vitamin K the incidence of any URT inffection would be close to zilch that would be more than enough to get their immune system optimized without any toxic issues
I have been taking Vitamin D for 50 years, as of 2020 ramped up the dose from 6000iu to 10000iu. I have not had so much as a cold the past 20 years. Believe the crap you want 80% of the stuff we are fed IS crap. The studies show the efficacy. Bottom line you wang a blood level of 51ng. Minecruns from 67 to 90 depending on the time of the year and outdoor sun exposure. Those who get severe COVID have low levels of Vitamin D, around 40% of the population. Keep being a cash cow for big Pharma
I take 180 ug of K2 and go out in the sun for my vitamin D (since I live in Florida), as the supplement is really a hormone that I choose not to take. I also take astaxanthin which allows the sun and D3 to get into your body and filters out the sun's harmful UV rays and it's also so very good for your eyes (along with bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin). The D3 info is from Shane Ellison, thepeopleschemist.com.
Well, I went to look at the bottles, D3 is Soybean oil, the A is Olive oil. I'm Hypothyroid, Type 2, Gastroparesis from a Menieres Vertigo fall. Soy isn't good. I'm scared to look at the rest. These are things I read labels to avoid. Sun on lilly white Celtic skin is a no-no. Never tanned in my life, always had sunburn from deep red to blisters.
I dropped 40+lbs in the last 13 months. At 5', 129 is good. Humalog use is half what I started on. AND THE USDA SETS THE UI OR MG, MCG ACCORDING TO WHOSE PEDDLING WHAT GREASES CONGRESS' HANDS. The same goes for what is obese...that was Obama. Now the Surgeons who do the stomach bypasses are upset over lost 'sheep' because of Wegovy. That is why we now see this pre-diabetic crap. Wegovy and evil twin is pure poison. In a few years the Thyroid cancer and tumors will show up, The GI crap they have is Gastroparesis, along with vision issues.
Glad you took the time to look at the contents. I take a dry form D3 Bronson Basics on Amazon. I can't send a photo in the comments butbdo an Amazon search Vitamin D3 dry...10000iu should be able to find it and find the ingredient details
My E and A are oils, D3 is dry, my first time trying it. But I take quite a few supplements. I don't buy combos either. Cinnamon, Folate, B6, Selinium, Horsetail (clean break of the wrist), Luetin, Probiotics, Mag Citrate, Coral Cal. Quercetin, Quinine Bark, Zinc, and a Stone Buster...gallstones, but not a bad gallbladder.
Just Grab the link URL and paste.
What does someone like me who has a reaction to vitamin D3 in pill form regardless of what brand do to get to those higher blood levels?
Agree with Garry, could be the excipients and not the D3. You can also get D2 (ergocalciferol) by prescription. Try different brands.
Thank you for your reply Dr Nass. Unfortunately I have tried many brands and my reaction is the same. I will look into D2.
Have you tried the dry form? Is it the D or the vehicle? At least 30 minutes diurect sunlight. The actual amount you get depends on skin pigmentation, where you live ( latitude) and time of year. Would seeiously like to explore the allergic issue...Cod liver oil etc cause an allergic reaction?
Hi Gary, Thank you for responding. Yes I have tried the dry form from The vitamin Shop. The reaction was the same. I don’t know if cod liver oil would affect me as I have never tried it. I try to stay away from oily preparations because of acid reflux. I do try to get sun exposure but my levels are still subpar.
I have been taking 15,000iu of vitamin D3, every day, along with 600ug of K2, for more than 10 years. I have taken as much as 50,000iu of vitamin D3, each day, along with additional K2, for more than a month at time. At NO time have I experienced any ill effects.
So, let's get to science: for lighter-skinned Individuals, approximately 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D can be produced, within the body, in 30 MINUTES of midday sun exposure with most of the skin exposed (e.g., wearing a swimsuit).
I used to farm, frequently not wearing shirts during the midday sun, and NO sunblock, which I consider to be an evil thing, so my body would have created, during the FIVE HOURS of the high point of sunshine, from 10AM through 3PM, 100,000iu to 200,000iu of vitamin D3, most days throughout the summer months -- PLUS the creation of vitamin D3 during the remaining hours of the day, during which I probably wore a shirt, PLUS the supplements that I take, every day.
Interestingly, I am not saying that you are wrong: Vitamin D3 IS used as a rat poison. Looking at the idea from a slightly different angle: In addition to vitamin D3, which we agree can kill rodents, I also consume chocolate, which contains theobromine, and suffer no ill effects, while, at the same time, too much theobromine can kill a dog, when a dog ingests it. Is it correct, then, for me to consider chocolate as a potential toxin, to myself, just because sufficient quantities of it can kill dogs?
And, again: There is a toxic component in onions (and other members of the Allium family, such as garlic, leeks, and chives) that can harm and potentially kill dogs -- N-propyl disulfide. This compound damages the red blood cells in dogs, leading to a condition called hemolytic anemia. But I consume onions, in great quantity, almost every day with NO ill effects. So, again, I ask, "Is it correct, then, for me to consider onions as a potential toxin, to myself, just because sufficient quantities of them can kill dogs?"
Having said all of that, I agree with the thought you (indirectly) raise: How can we, the average person, be sure that the people, groups, and organizations that we used to trust (such as those mentioned within the article, above, as well as others, including almost all "research scientists") still provide us with reliable information, such as what should, and should not, be taken for good health? How can we trust the recommendations, regarding concepts such as nutritional supplements (as only one example), of the same people, groups, and organizations that told us that the vaxx was/is "safe and effective", when it is, so obviously, not?
Despite my seeming disagreement, here, "I feel you", as the saying goes....
Someone has not a clue. Been folliwing and taking this dose since 2020. Mc Cullough is on board so is anyone rlsecwith half a brain and no financial interest in selling poison to inject into your arms/forced sterilization
Man I don’t claim to know anything or answers but I’m looking for answers trying to find my way through the bullshit but bird flu is bullshit you gotta admit that how do you know of a bird has bird flu does he have a sniffly nose
It's the old PCR Test again. Inspectors arrive to swab and if any are positive, the whole flock in sheds get gassed to death. I'm sure in olden times a sickly or injured bird would simply be removed from the flock and the rest left to carry on with watchful eye of the farmer.
Actually, they do.
(I apologize for the length of this, but I think [hope] you will find it interesting, given your comments.)
I maintain that an "asymptomatic" bird is NOT ILL, even if a PCR test (that is NOT a test) "determines" that the bird is infected.
An infected bird can exhibit a wide range of symptoms, depending on the strain of the virus and the bird's susceptibility. Common symptoms include:
Difficulty breathing
Nasal discharge
Coughing or sneezing
Lethargy or weakness
Decreased activity or unresponsiveness
Loss of appetite
Swelling of the head, face, combs, wattles, and hocks
Purple discoloration of wattles, combs, and legs (due to lack of oxygen)
Ruffled feathers
Diarrhea or greenish feces
Drop in egg production
Tremors or convulsions
Twisting of the neck (torticollis)
Incoordination or difficulty walking
Back, during my years of farming, I never saw a case of bird flu, but I did the research, at the time.
The key to remember is that those that survive, just like the cows mentioned in the article, above, go back to "normal", including egg production levels, and are, thereafter, immune to the illness -- no vaxx needed.
Just like hoof-and-mouth disease in cattle, which has been used as an excuse by many governments to cull MILLIONS of animals, including cows, sheep, goats, and hogs, over the years, despite its being a disease that causes only a TEMPORARY drop in milk production, in the case of dairy cattle, and a SLIGHT reduction in end-weight in beef cattle. Almost no animals die from it and ALL animals are immune, after the disease runs its course. So, why not just weather the one-time loss in production and have an immune herd, afterwards?
A specific example: Back in 2001, there was a hoof-and-mouth scare, created by the British agricultural health service, that resulted in the "policy" of the total destruction of ALL herds of animals, even those showing NO signs of infection, located within 3 KM/1.86 MILES of any herd determined to be infected. In addition, regardless of distance, ALL animals located on contiguous farms were destroyed, regardless of signs of infection. That distance was necessary, they said, because the disease was SO very infectious and was spread by the wind, as well as physical contact. In total, SIX MILLION animals, including cows, sheep, goats, and hogs were destroyed, most located within the so-called "Protection Zones".
Interesting anecdote: Hoof-and-mouth disease is nothing new: It was a major concern, even as far back as the 1800s. Between 1905 and 1924, a man named Sir Albert Howard served as the head of British agriculture in India during his tenure as the Imperial Economic Botanist at the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute in Pusa, India. During that time, he conducted research into traditional Indian farming methods and organic agriculture that, eventually, resulted in his book on sustainable and organic farming principles,"An Agricultural Testament". (I highly recommend.) He was the "Father of Organic Agriculture", whose methods were adapted and made famous by J.I. Rodale, in the U.S., years later.
Sir Albert Howard maintained a herd of 75 beef cattle that was part of his efforts to demonstrate the effectiveness of organic, compost-based farming systems. At the time of this story, all but one of his cattle, a new herd bull that he imported into the herd, as is necessary, from time to time, to avoid in-breeding, had been maintained by him, for several years, on pasture grass that he fertilized only with his own compost, made from the manure of those cattle.
As a experiment, he put several infected cattle, complete with the foaming-at-the-mouth symptom that obviously-infected cattle have (hence the name), into an adjoining pasture. Both herds drank from the same watering tanks and the cattle rubbed noses over the fences. If any cattle should ever have become infected by that disease, it was his compost-raised herd -- except, they did NOT. Only ONE animal became infected: the new herd bull. It had only been maintained on his pastures for six months before the experiment. It had been acquired from a non-organic herd. His main herd of beef cows (the females) had ALL been on his organic grass pastures for several years.
His INESCAPABLE conclusion: Proper health, from proper (organic) nutrition, PREVENTED the well-nourished animals from becoming infected.
I leave it to you to decide whether he was correct.
If it works for you thats great keep taking it..
How soon can the 'officials' in the CDC and other so-called health agencies be replaced? 21st January? Can't be soon enough, after the weirdos the Democrats have recruited. And they think that Trump's picks are off the wall !!
Yes, one should read Robert 'Fourth' Reich's substack to see how insane Democrat supporters can be.
Thank you Meryl for calling out Peter McCullough on a few errors. I believe Robert Malone has done the same. I would rather see McCullough admit the mistake than another war start between various individuals in the medical freedom space. I like what Jack Kruse did for El Salvador- he added a robust medical freedom statement to their constitution. Hopefully we can do that here in the US. Then of course we need to dismantle the Vaccine I jury Act as well as the Prep Act and a few others as suggested by Katherine Watt, so that we can truly avoid medical tyranny and also begin to have real accountability for all pharmaceuticals. We have a long road ahead since the financial capture of government is so entrenched and pervasive.
the 'in fighting' is getting really annoying, isn't it? debate is fine; snarky in fighting is not.
but yeah, fighting medical tyranny (thanks for reminding us of what's probably the best term for it) IS the bottom line goal. normies don't realize that this fight is for THEM too
Sadly Peter McCullough is part of the Wellness Company and that is ultimately a scam.
And I don't trust Robert Malone.
Never let a crisis go to waste -- especially a made-up one ! Now that's killing 2 (million) birds with one stone !! https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/12/31/h5n1-bird-flu.aspx
I started studying information about and using Norwegian Cod liver oil since the early to mid 1970s. Dr. Linus Pauling, famous for his research about cancer and the efficacy of vitamin C. His work was shut down when it was proven that cancer can be successfully resolved with the use of Vitamin C in the anti cancer therapies. This is history. Easy to find. He was also successful studying Vitamins A and D. His research showed that up to one tablespoon of Norwegian Cod liver oil can be taken daily for up to 6 months. 100,000 IU. He found that Vit D is stored in the liver. The daily doses recommended only provide the minimum of what the body needs daily. To be really fully healthy, the liver must have enough stored beyond the daily dose.The minimum dose.
Before I started this experiment, I was almost always sick with some respiratory illness. After 6 months of one tablespoon a day of Norwegian Cod liver oil, I did NOT get sick with anything for 5 full years. Now, I take it once a month all winter. I need to start earlier in the cold season or before it starts. COD LIVER OIL is complete. NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL is the most complete unadulterated source of both Vitamins A and D. It works as claims say. Taking processed Vitamin D alone, at the levels I used can be hard on the kidneys. It must be used with Vitamin KS and minerals like magnesium. I believe everyone should do the research they need to use what they have to do to be safe.
My wife and I listened to a radio recording of Doctor in the house, a doctor turned author's fictional desciption of medical training. First broadcast in 1968. Based on book published in early 1950's.
Reference was made to IV vit C for oxidising alcohol in someone. It suggest how powerful it is.
Shirley, are you saying you dont need to take vit d if you use cod liver oil?
TAS, Norwegian Cod liver oil is naturally occurring Vitamins A and D in the right balance, with all of the naturally existing ingredients that make it a whole food. It is best taken as an unadulterated liquid rather than an emulsified, encapsulated version. Yes, you can get it, in a brown glass bottle online. It may take some searching. It's there. It's safe. It's natural.Best of all, it really works.
Thank you for your response.
Working backwards - this has halted the sale of raw milk in CA grocery stores, going on 2 months. Is this a way to cripple the commercial raw milk industry?
I think it is being used for that purpose. Which is why a pro-raw milk HHS Secretary will be so interesting.
Its interesting in the UK - they have begun to add ‘Bovaer’ a dangerous additive to cow feed, ostensibly to reduce methane emissions. There's been a shift to raw milk and we are wondering how that is going to pan out.
Bovaer has only been added to Arla milk in certain supermarkets like Morrisons in the UK, and it's amazing how those shelves remain full and don't need to be restocked. People are waking up to the harms - and if it ain't selling, it ain't a product Big Pharma will pursue.
Bird flu was created in a lab in Atlanta, GA..This is what I read today...and the vax makers are busy getting vaxes ready for it...business as usual! Something, I just don't understand ...How senile Biden at this point can send Ukraine $3.5 billion without being stopped?...Aren't there any in our government who can end this fiscal insanity?
Most, I suspect get kickbacks, of some kind, for all that ‘aid’ horror. Infuriating!
Yes it's the old, Create a "gain of function" disease, then sell/ force the remedy! [that causes side effects needing more drugs! Then with the profits buy mass advertising P.R. & politicians! Satan wouldn't have it any other way!
"The Gs/GD lineage of H5 has a broad One Health impact as it continues to cause infections, disease, and death in poultry, wild birds, and humans. Furthermore, the Gs/GD lineage outbreak has affected more poultry and countries than the other 41 HPAI outbreaks combined."
Ah. There it is. One Health.
They are hypnotized by One Health, which has been the goose that laid the golden egg for public health and veterinary public health
Good damned question and I could see it coming a mile away! Thought she Birx would crawl back in the woodwork and join Fauci out of sight out of mind and forever off the National stage. But there she was on my tv peddling the same old poison! Hurry up RFK! Get in there and save the farms and save the animals! This WEF agenda has got to get out of our country!
In my opinion, Malone and Mccullough are controlled opposition.
Thanks Meryl!!
New CDC Study Confirms Current H5N1 Bird Flu Strain is Very Mild; Mass Culling Results in Mass Human Infection
100% of poultry-linked human cases traced to reckless mass depopulation efforts.
FEAR MONGERING RAMPS UP. Since they are going after Raw Milk/Cheese.
How America lost control of the bird flu and raised the risk of another pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/how-america-lost-control-of-the-bird-flu-and-raised-the-risk-of-another-pandemic
The COVID Coverup Showed How a Treasonous Shadow Gov Controlled Biden | Frontpage Mag
The Biden administration came out of a Chinese biolab. https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-covid-coverup-showed-how-a-treasonous-shadow-gov-controlled-biden/
TUCKER: Thank You Dr. Fauci
Silence of the Labs: How a Censorship Campaign Failed to Kill a COVID Origin Theory. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/12/30/silence-of-the-labs-how-a-censorship-campaign-failed-to-kill-a-covid-origin-theory/
CDC Can't Substantiate COVID Vaccine Ingredient Claims.
DDT From Industrial Dumping Found in 93 Percent of Southern California Fish.
How the Death of 6,000 Sheep Spurred the American Debate on Chemical Weapons https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/how-death-6000-sheep-spurred-american-debate-chemical-weapons-cold-war-180968717/ The Dugway sheep incident of March 1968 made visible the military’s covert attempts to test and stockpile millions of dollars worth of chemical weapons
PLANDEMIC ALERT: Preparing for the next pandemic: Lessons about viral transmission
FDA begins testing raw cheese for bird flu
More than 70 percent of California’s dairy cow herds are infected with bird flu. Here’s what to know.
DDT From Industrial Dumping Found in 93 Percent of Southern California Fish.
Los Angeles officials warn against raw pet food as H5N1 bird flu infection in cat confirmed.
Cases of Tularemia, Highly Infectious Disease Spread by Rodents, Rabbits, and Bugs That Bite Them, Climb.
This 1, is more Diva Drops area. CIA covering up foreign link to ‘Havana Syndrome’: Whistleblower
Light-activated molecules kill cancer cells with precision
A CIA whistleblower has said that Americans should be 'terrified' of alleged government gaslighting of former intelligence employees who believe they have been struck down by 'Havana Syndrome'.
Bird flu outbreak expands, more Michigan poultry facilities exposed to virus
20 day commentory period.
Biden Regime Declares War on Energy Independence: Bans Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Development in Nevada's Ruby Mountain for 20 Years — Mining Exempted. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/biden-regime-declares-war-energy-independence-bans-oil/
Report from Canada reveals hundreds of assisted suicides should not have been approved. https://www.liveaction.org/news/report-canada-hundreds-assisted-suicides-approved/
IS THERE any scientific documentation of isolation of COVID virus? I've been searching for "it" for more than 4 years and Google has not provided any satisfactory results?!?!
Go to Christine Massey's Substack. There apparently are no isolates for ANY viruses for which she has submitted FOIA's. Also, searching Google gets you nowhere. Try Yandex. Many of us have been searching for proof of viruses, and unless it's very hidden, there appears to be no evidence of their existence.
Isn't it wonderful when they redefined virus from 'poison, slime, venom' to something only so-called experts with access to electron microscopes could see.
Dr. Tom Cowan talks about this also.
He's the one who got me going down the rabbit hole! I tell the skeptics to do a simple search: go to Google, and look at microscope images of fungi and bacteria. Then do the same with viruses, and ask why they're CGI?
I've seen nice, pretty, computer-generated version of what a Co-V 19 virus would look like, if we could see one! It's just like computer-generated climate doom models! I wonder what a computer-generated model of a God-fearing, One Nation under God, land of Liberty & Freedom would look like [If we could have one?]